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Oh no...it's a choya stampede! - [Merged]

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:In case anyone frets over the achievements, you don't really have to complete them for the rewards.But, it's fun to do them as a Choya.

You can wear Halo and Representation Button and all manner of other things with the tonic.You can use Novelties, as well.

If you dance, there are different dance animations.

It's a lot of fun; thanks Devs, job well done.

Also, the cats from the contest offered at the last Extra Life event are in Eye of the North, as well as a new Giant Cat (seen with the Chatoyant Elixir or the new Chatoyant Lens).

I didn't know about the Extra Life cats, thanks for mentioning this. I hope they give us a chance to donate for this again! :)

Also, I love being a Choya! What a fun idea!

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@"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:whats an honor "SYSTEM"? does it mean if you dont do cm fractals and do some other fractals with choya tonic and speak to the choya sage, the system tracks internally you're dishonorable? and that might be used in future content somewhere and this is some kinda another new version of the shadowstone "anomalous appearances" achi?

That's the April Fool's joke.You don't have to do any of these to get the achievement, just talk to the Choya Sage in LA to get all of them for free.How many people will get pranked into unnecessarily running Fractal CM, capture SMC or what else?If anyone did get pranked and ran those for the achievements, I just hope they at least had fun.

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Because I'm honest I did fractal 100 , capped things in WVW (including keeps + T3 structures) , did DRMs. However, the choya tonic doesn't work in Twilight Oasis which is one of the daily T4s today along with Cliffside which has Frailty (the shrink is considered a transform).

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@Fire Attunement.9835 said:

The post is inaccurate regarding Novelties...unless they have changed it since last night.All of us 'Choya' were using kites last night; not sure which other Novelties might work.

The chaotic energy is too strong.

Not sure what that means.

That the chaotic energy caused a misspeak in the post?That the chaotic energy caused other Novelties to not work?That the chaotic energy caused, or did not cause, a change from last night in regards to some Novelties working?

Please clarify, if you so desire.

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Any chance this can be added to the wardrobe later?More combat tonics are always welcome but I don't want them hogging up space in my bank or inventory.. i'm already struggling with space limits on a maxed out bank and a close to maxed out main..There's so much stuff in this game lol

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I'd really love to see a choya raid actually but sadly there's no achievement tied to it and also the tonic isn't available in raids please make it permanent because it would be so funny seeing a bunch of choyas kill bosses like Dhuum, Quadim or Gorseval

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