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Anet must give us an explanation about these terrible releases

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I know most people would find an explenation themselves, like it's because the restructuring, it's because Covid etc but that is not enough to keep the community in the game I think.
I read a lot online about how badly this Saga was received not just by me and how insulted and let down most of the people where with the finale.
I need the devs to just spill the beans, make a proper stream or blog post explaining if not apologizing to the Gw2 players for this HUGE messup.
It was terrible, like watching a trainwreck!
Who thought it was in any way a good idea to rush this plot like this??
It was such a good idea and it could have been so good so why? Was it because they didn't have enough people? Still who took the decision to just push it out of the door?
I feel betrayed and I know for sure many other people feel the same.
If this is the dedication that I should expect from Anet for EoD then I'm not hyped and I'm not interested! I need Anet to just get their stuff together and give us a reason why we should give them another chance, and maybe be interested in the new expansion.
And if this is all about the fact that Anet is ending Gw2 with the expansion then why should I give a kitten about any other game they are going to produce?
Anet you got us confused and disappointed about content that was promised as Expansion Level and the we only get a random line in a stream from a dev saying that they were moved from the saga to the expansion....that is not enough! This is worse than you imagine for the Gw2 and Anet image don't underestimate it please! I want this game to be great!
It's visible that someone is taking wrong decisions that are costing the studio, with rushing releases, announcing announcements and other messed up situations.
So please if you care about the community give us at least a bigger picture of what is happening and why it did happen and why we should still be excited.

Rant mode off

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I liked the last episode and I also like the fight. 
people like you are a bit overreacting in my opinion, maybe your expectations are unrealistic. 
i don’t see why Anet has to give us an explanation. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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The explanation is simple:

They don't want to have to deal with primordus or jormag in EoD, and they didn't have any money for champions, so all they had the budget for was a 8 second cutscene for the 2 killing each other.

Is it an affront on the story of the game, good taste, and even IBS? 

Yes of course it is, the finale was awful. 

At least for me I take solace in knowing that EoD has a greater chance of being great now.

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I mean sure, I would have enjoyed more content in the Champions releases. Who wouldn't? I'm of the train of thought that they are doing what they need to do with what they have right now. I enjoyed the content they put out and am looking forward to the expansion. Considering I had to pay a grand total of $0 for the Icebrood Saga, I got well over my investment returned. Anet MUST give us nothing. Get your perspective in line!

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Do you remember the hype to fight Primordius and Jormag at the beginning of the game? Well, see how they treated both of them at the end with their decisions. 

I'm pretty sure they will keep their utterly awful story telling in the future.

Maybe they just want the game to die asap.

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They probably had a nice long thing planned out and that got ripped apart on with the expansion announcement (like you know, Bangar still is alive?). Because of the expansion announcement, they now had to shorten Icebrood Saga by compacting and cutting parts out so they can start work on the pre-events leading to the expansion. Every other expansion had lead up events and we all know that some people will be all whiny fart farts if that doesn't happen with the third one.

Overall, I don't really feel like they have to apologize?  I think the people working on Icebrood Saga knew they were screwed when the expansion got pushed so tried to do their best to wrap things up the best they could. Like, people praise indy games like Stardew Valley, Undertale, Cuphead, Hades, Valheim and a myriad of others. And why do they look good? They didn't have investors and players screaming at them to about deadlines, lack of content, etc. I've watched people get angry at the devs of one game because the guy's wife kittening died and he took time off. They were demanding apologies of a grieving man because how dare he think of his own mental well being and family. What about the game? With the combination of everything that hit as much as polished content would have been appreciated, I have no problem with what we were given that we got for free by simply logging in.

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On 5/1/2021 at 7:59 AM, Trigarta.3841 said:

I would like an apology too, but it would probably consist of a lot of corporate speech and covid excuses. 

 ok for corporate speech but covid excuse  ? well it's kinda covid fault combined with others troubles that happend at the same time (layoff and others kitten).

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People like me got really invested into the dragon story line and to get them both trashed like that was not something that was expected and was a total let down.
If they at least explain the situation in better terms than just letting us figure out what could have happened then I know some people would be more well versed to invest in the game once more but from my perspective the Covid situation is not an excuse, they made bad decisions one after the other, it feels like the Anet team has no real direction on the project. If they are willing to trash such an important part of the lore just because the timeline changed how can we expect something better for EoD? Who says that now they are taking their time and giving us a good fulfilling and polished experienced with the expansion?

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1 hour ago, miraude.2107 said:

They probably had a nice long thing planned out and that got ripped apart on with the expansion announcement (like you know, Bangar still is alive?). Because of the expansion announcement, they now had to shorten Icebrood Saga by compacting and cutting parts out so they can start work on the pre-events leading to the expansion. Every other expansion had lead up events and we all know that some people will be all whiny fart farts if that doesn't happen with the third one.

Overall, I don't really feel like they have to apologize?  I think the people working on Icebrood Saga knew they were screwed when the expansion got pushed so tried to do their best to wrap things up the best they could. Like, people praise indy games like Stardew Valley, Undertale, Cuphead, Hades, Valheim and a myriad of others. And why do they look good? They didn't have investors and players screaming at them to about deadlines, lack of content, etc. I've watched people get angry at the devs of one game because the guy's wife kittening died and he took time off. They were demanding apologies of a grieving man because how dare he think of his own mental well being and family. What about the game? With the combination of everything that hit as much as polished content would have been appreciated, I have no problem with what we were given that we got for free by simply logging in.

Exactly. You can pretty accurately track the EoD announcement with how it affected IBS and one of the narrative leads talked in a stream about how he and his team had to scrap their plan for the IBS story halfway through and both write EoD quickly and rewrite the second half of IBS to lead into it.


It's also been mentioned that most of the teams were pulled off of IBS to focus solely on EoD so odds are less than a dozen people were left working on IBS full-time with a fraction of the resources they expected to have.


I have no love for the grind, DRMs, and general lack of foresight with Champions but the people who should be blamed for what happened is upper management, not devs who had no say about scrapping half of a release or whether or not to make a whole new expansion. From what I've heard and conferred, a good number of devs were also frustrated and upset at the sudden change and having to toss what they spent months on in the garbage.


Pretty much the only people who weren't negatively impacted would be upper management and investors who, coincidentally, also call the shots so any ire should go towards them. Devs may have more influence and power than players but they have no control over something like this if they're told to do it or lose their job so the least we, as players, can do is recognize that. It doesn't mean you can't be upset about what happened but it would be like demanding an apology from a retail worker for a store no longer stocking an item rather than being mad at corporate for deciding not to continue stocking said item—ineffectual and putting the blame on the wrong person.

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If there was proper comunication for the period of over a year now, i would have had respect for the situation. But the fact is that there was only silence on that front. Is there even a gamedirector now? In the past there was transparancy and communication from earlier mentioned when there was larger scale dissapointment with certain content/constructive crtitism/worries about the future etc. I am worried there still is none, i have not seen a leading creative vision for the future/manifest for a very long time. Just like a tv show without a director/showrunner.

Edited by particlepinata.9865
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Don't hold your breath.  It would be VERY BAD marketing.


Accept the free goodies along with the game many of us have ENJOYED for 8 years.  No sub fees, no nagging required DLC fees.  They GIVE the DLC for free to active players.


Having worked in software, life happens and you are FORCED to deliver sub-par things because management said "DO IT"

Edited by keenedge.9675
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There's not much point in talking about it.  They should have hit the ground running on EoD years ago.  They didn't.  There's nothing that can change that now.


I am very frustrated with ANet's constant mismanagement of this product.  GW2 has never come close to meeting its potential as a result.  This embarrassing story is just more fallout from previous bad decisions.  Still, I'd rather they make EoD the spectacular win this game needs than worry about the Icebrood Saga.  In a perfect world, we would have had both.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen.


I don't expect them to apologize for it.  I expect them to deliver on EoD...and, if it's not too much to ask, maybe avoid any major blunders like this in the future?  That'd be great!

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This kind of consistent overreaction does no one any favours, least of all you and your desires.

Demanding apologies, doomsaying, pretending to speak for the untold masses, and using overblown language  does nothing to advance your goals of forcing the developers hand.

All it does is make a complete meme of your viewpoint.

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No explanation is necessary ... Anet can't ensure every content release makes every player happy. How about you people start with having some more realistic expectations like understanding the game isn't designed around what you want or think should be.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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frankly what they did with primordius is an insult to the work done by their predecessor
All the people who worked on gw1 especially eyes of the north and the dwarves...
with such a level of incoherence and ridicule, i don't think the story of this game can be saved, all the lore is totally destroyed.
And i am still stunned that some players find excuses for them, luckily they are now very much in the minority.
nothing can explain what we saw in this saga, if the covid and the expansion slowed them down, they juste have to adapt primordius for later. And totally change the EOD story.
It was far more important to respect the story of their game in my opinion. Because a lot of current developers haven't been aroud for long but they have to take into account all the work that has been done during 16 years.
Edited by radda.8920
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11 minutes ago, radda.8920 said:
frankly what they did with primordius is an insult to the work done by their predecessor
All the people who worked on gw1 especially eyes of the north and the dwarves...
with such a level of incoherence and ridicule, i don't think the story of this game can be saved, all the lore is totally destroyed.
And i am still stunned that some players find excuses for them, luckily they are now very much in the minority.

it cant but they can still make dsd and cantha cool especially gameplay-wise

a good way to end the series and start gw 3 or a new game

u should never be stunned or surprised by the players that will eat up anything they are served

they could make the story entirely about quaggans and the same players would still say its just as good

yoni will attest to this

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12 minutes ago, ScyeRynn.4218 said:



12 minutes ago, ScyeRynn.4218 said:

it cant but they can still make dsd and cantha cool especially gameplay-wise

a good way to end the series and start gw 3 or a new game

u should never be stunned or surprised by the players that will eat up anything they are served

they could make the story entirely about quaggans and the same players would still say its just as good

yoni will attest to this


gw faction has been by far my favorite game, this continent was a wonder.

So i admit that i am a little afraid of what they will do with it, after the destiny of primordius and the dwarves.


I think i 'd rather keep the image of a perfect cantha than a new disappointment. I really don't have any confidence anymore.


and it is obvious that it is the negative reviews that move a game forward.

gw2 will never have evolved positively if the players had not constantly criticized LS1


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55 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Quality personal attack there.

But you know not everyone say this patch as the end of the world. The majority of people I've talked to across a couple of pretty big guilds mainly said "short but ok". Discounting someone who was happy enough with the content to avoid losing their minds on the developers as being responsible for the downfall of the game is exactly the type of false rhetoric these discussions do not need.


the thousands of posts on reedit and almost hundred on this forum saying it's a disaster are more likely to give us a community opinion than you guild friends, i think...

Precisely since the start of ''champions'', this is the first time that the community is so hunanimous to say that it is a massacre apart, maybe 5/10 % of the players who are ready to swallow everything we give to them^^

Edited by radda.8920
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