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HOTS had gliding. POF had mounts. What can EOD bring?

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to add on to the house thing, usually my characters live in specific places, like a central city or something. it would be nice to 'have a house' in a specific town, but impossible, lol.  That said if they did implement housing i hope they have all different 'styles' furniture per the different towns cultures available too, as well as canthan style.  Divinity's reach, lion's arch, the grove, rata sum style , etc. 


(i really appreciate the detail and the little houses and places in all of the cities >U<)

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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7 hours ago, cloudsareyum.8120 said:

to add on to the house thing, usually my characters live in specific places, like a central city or something. it would be nice to 'have a house' in a specific town, but impossible, lol. 

I think they have done this in a satisfactory way in Everquest 2. Needless to say that any housing in GW2 will be instanced and that's fine. In Everquest 2 you could pick from various entrances that led to your house instance. These entrances were always doors in existing buildings that you clicked. They also varied in price. For instance a very common door behind the bar in an Inn would lead to a pretty cheap housing instance. And the Grand double bronze doors of a large mansion in town would lead to a much more expensive house.  You could rightclick the door to see which players all used this particular door/entrance as their housing instance. If you were on their friends list you could enter their house too. 


I would love to have an obscure door in Wizards Fief in Kessex Hill be the entrance to my instance. I love that place.  If and when Anet does do Housing this would be a cool way to spread housing across the world, give people personal options as to where their house resides, while not impacting the landscape in any way. Also, you would see players in the Open World enter their house sometimes.


The way NOT to do housing is corral all housing into instanced neighbourhoods that has some obscure entrance somewhere. Not only the neighbourhood is instanced but often the housing too. Even if the housing in such an instanced neighbourhood is not instanced (seriously limiting the possibilities btw), my experience is that these neighbourhoods are still always devoid of people, real ghost towns. Lord of the Rings online comes to mind. I think Anet is still doing a pretty good job of keeping most areas in the game populated (through collections and Achievements) and seeing people slip into their house in some place in the world is a real possibility.


But mostly the option for people to pick from a very large amount of places in the world where they can reside with their instance.  Having said this, undoubtedly you will be able to buy an item that directly ports you to your house.

Edited by Tyncale.1629
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Honest things I would like to see in the new expac.


New races (Tengu/Largos)


Some form of Alliance Battles , with real time map push back ( vendors you buy/sell stuff from will have a % discount based on how well your alliance side is doing with resets.


Mercenaries (Heros) You get one follower whom you can deck out with armour/ Weapons with skills. They will act like pets in which if there are too many people in an area they can be disabled to prevent even more lag than before, but nice to have for people who like to explore/ do things solo or in small groups. They would be limited to skills for whatever weapon you put on them. 


Legendary Mercenary could be a bunch of things you would need to do quest wise to obtain. (similar to the skyscale). Major difference is that you can change the class they are at any time and they have the ability to use an elite skill.



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It would be neat to get a mercenary or hero to follow you around for squishier builds to take on tougher content, but I don't think that's a hard requirement. 

Alliances would just be great, and is frankly long overdue. It's been put on the backburner long enough and even shoved under the rug. But as it is, guilds are forced to recruit for specifically their own server which is awkward since that distinction ONLY matters in WvW so you practically have to recruit there since server matters in literally zero other places. It's just awkward implementation currently and leads to people server-hopping to join high-end severs if/when they can which leaves other servers just desolate. I just don't think the whole "server" thing to make the distinction was a great idea, even though I understand why it's the case.

As for housing... I don't care about housing. To me, we've seen how they've treated Guild Halls. Why would I believe they'd treat player housing any better? Though even in games where the housing is treated just fine and given a nice amount of stuff to work with I still don't care about them, so I'm just not in the MMO housing demographic.

A new race would be pretty cool, though.

Edited by Caitir.6947
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On 5/29/2021 at 9:14 PM, cloudsareyum.8120 said:


I would like player housing and am one of those dedicated minority who love guild halls (and wish they'd fix the bugs!), but I doubt that would make sense with Cantha.  Right now tho, character 'housing' seems to be just the poh and the guild hall, would it really work, would it be like, another house in cantha too?   (i hope they add cherry blossom trees as guild hall decor).  It's fun to decorate the guild hall.  (i wish we had more guild slots/it was less painless to switch.)

This is one of the problems that I have with housing.  Why would Anet incorporate housing into an expansion which, as you note, has a dedicated minority of players?  I would think that such a decision would hurt their sales.  It would be better, in my opinion, to release an expansion that targets a majority of players.  Now, what that might entail I can't say -- I don't have their data.  Maybe it is housing?  Maybe not.  For me, I hope not.

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Housing in Cantha might be nice actually. Everyone's starter home can be a cartboard box in the Kaineng slums. If you do well, you can upgrade to a driftwood lean-to. The really affluent can add a scruffy old tarp to fight off the black mold that comes with the rainy season. Of course there'll be weekly payments to the Am Fah for fire insurance. It'll be great fun!

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My recent thoughts on what EoD will bring:

I think it will continue what we've seen in LS3, LS4 and IBS. Map specific masteries. Another mount, maybe 2.


I suspect parts of EoD to be HEAVILY underwater (we are going to fight DSD after all), so I suspect a 100% underwater mount, like a dolphin or shark. I also expect to see underwater masteries that are like ley-line gliding, something like Ride the Current. 

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

My recent thoughts on what EoD will bring:

I think it will continue what we've seen in LS3, LS4 and IBS. Map specific masteries. Another mount, maybe 2.


I suspect parts of EoD to be HEAVILY underwater (we are going to fight DSD after all), so I suspect a 100% underwater mount, like a dolphin or shark. I also expect to see underwater masteries that are like ley-line gliding, something like Ride the Current. 

You do realize we have an underwater mount already? The skimmer can dive with the extra mastery.

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16 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Skimmer is amphibious. I said a 100% underwater mount. As in only underwater, and faster than the skimmer.

Which will leave the skimmer's underwater diving pointless. So no, I dont see that happening.

It have to be something not mountrelated. Mounts is a pof feature, and we have enough mounts already.

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5 minutes ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

Which will leave the skimmer's underwater diving pointless. So no, I dont see that happening.

It have to be something not mountrelated. Mounts is a pof feature, and we have enough mounts already.

No it won't. Skimmer is Amphibious and can go onto land. Like I said, I suspect some very heavy underwater maps, and having more than one mount for underwater travel would be a smart thing, particularly a faster one than the skimmer.

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4 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

No it won't. Skimmer is Amphibious and can go onto land. Like I said, I suspect some very heavy underwater maps, and having more than one mount for underwater travel would be a smart thing, particularly a faster one than the skimmer.

Still makes it pointless to have a full out diving mount when the skimmer already does it. Its clear that they had the future in mind when giving it the diving mastery.  Plus as I already said, I cannot in the slightest way imagine more mounts to come.

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As others have said a hero like system would be nice.


One thing I also like to see is a mini dungeon (on average 5-10 min per run) system aimed at the average casual player. Story content lacks replayability and the closest thing we got thus far to "average casual friendly instanced multiplayer content" is Forging Steel which drags on for quite a bit.

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Proper clothes: Mix-n-match; moar fun; wen hop. 


Configurable passive emotes: 

1. Enable/disable any passive emotes you want to see while your character is standing around, including variants (weapons sheathed, not, etc)

2. Sell 'moar' passive emotes to add to our pool of emotes to enable/disable (monetized!)

3. Bring back OG stretch 🙂

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3 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

As others have said a hero like system would be nice.


One thing I also like to see is a mini dungeon (on average 5-10 min per run) system aimed at the average casual player. Story content lacks replayability and the closest thing we got thus far to "average casual friendly instanced multiplayer content" is Forging Steel which drags on for quite a bit.

You did not play dragon response missions right?

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14 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

You did not play dragon response missions right?


Haven't played all of them but those I did were on the same level as FS in that they felt more like OW events with limited participation than actual "mini dungeons".

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No housing, no fishing. Its something I'd never touch JUST LIKE IN EVERY OTHER MMO WHO HAS IT. If they want housing then they need to make it guild base, and rework the guild hall system and make THAT a collective housing instance you can log in and out at. Which was in the first game. 

Im hoping honestly for strictly gameplay, class stuff. Id love a full new class, new race, new weapons and I think the movement thing is done and dusted. Mounts finished it and adding more would be lame as they'd overlap a ton with what we have now; So this expansion Im hoping they focus on the competitive PvP and WvW scene with better systems and maybe a few maps? Like a Canthan themed map to replace one of the alpines, which would be a welcome edition as it would be fresh and new.

I also want the E-specs to get a ton of focus, and hopefully be made to be cool because the only good thing to come of PoF were the mounts for the most part. Everything else was trash, an opinion I know but it failed me in so many ways and so few of my characters will ever likely go to those zones.

So the list for me of things Id like to see goes in a matter of likelyhood.

  1. Good E-specs
  2. Guild updates, guild focus in some form.
  3. Solid maps, with no hearts and tons of exploration and events.
  4. New map for WvW (Please by the spirits.)
  5. Character customization options for EVERYONE not just the stinky humans.
  6. Tons of FUN content.
  7. Maybe a new race, maybe the birbs as they would be most likely given the hunger for them it seems.
  8. MAYBE a new class to start a trend of a core class being added, not needing an E-spec each expansion so we can have more niches filled by a whole class. (E-specs can only do so much.)
  9. PvP toys, new maps, consolidation and fixes for the mode to make it somewhat fun again.
  10. WvW focus and the restructuring, so we can finally have the vision they wanted.
  11. A good story (Kek, like that'd happen.)

The first five would need at least three of those options for me, specifically to even consider buying it. If not then I likely will end my journey where it began which is a tad Ironic. Cantha got me into the game, and cantha might end my love affair with the franchise. Time will tell.

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So you mean some sort of transportation?

How about a jetpack?

Just joking.

We could get windsurfing boards, hover boards, paragliding boards.

I'm bored. Just kidding about that too.


I wouldn't mind riding a Jade Dragon to glide over the Jade Sea... and a Kirin for the Echovald Forest.

... and I'm not joking about this one.

The skimmer could be modified for underwater use only, and the jade dragon would replace it as a glider/hover.

The Kirin could be used to go through Poisonous areas. Not to fast but loads of armour, and you could finally fight while on it.


Alternatively, we finally get mercenaries.


Last but not least, we get Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quary too.


Revs get master togo as legend and a MH Axe.

Warriors get Luxons and Kurzicks banners.

They get a staff (Poleaxe) weapon.

Guardians get a spear and chants.

Necros get a scythe and the avatars of the gods.

Elementalists get a GS and their current weapon spawns are replaced with powerful spells including a homing meteor and a lighting sphere.

Mesmers inherit ritualist spirit summons.

They get a MH pistol and a offhand dagger.

Rangers get more pets. They get spirits of the wild USs too... and they get a sniper rifle.

Engineers get to deploy robot helpers as USs.

They get a girlfriend. .. err, I mean, they get a offhand dagger.

Thieves get Assassin as ES, get a GS and USs are ninja magic. Like shadowstorm.


Wishful thinking.


We could get to climb walls as far as we know.


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