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PSA No Down State Week Starting This Friday Reset June 18th


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3 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

Nice, time to start some 1v3 (and win them).

You want to know the funny part? No downstate will literally prove how stupid OP stealth is as usual but the same thieves that fail 1v3 before (because thief is the worst of course) and win 1v3 now will still completely deny it has anything to do with stealth mechanics, oh no it's solely going to be because of no downstate and bad players.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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18 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You want to know the funny part? No downstate will literally prove how stupid OP stealth is as usual but the same thieves that fail 1v3 before (because thief is the worst of course) and win 1v3 now will still completely deny it has anything to do with stealth mechanics, oh no it's solely going to be because of no downstate and bad players.

That will be a fun before and after video if you know any such thieves on your server. 

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23 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Yeah sure, that core skill event that was broken where you could abuse skills with 30s or 60s cooldowns to 3s cooldowns instead.

At least it was different. No Down-state is just lazy and already controversial among the player base.

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2 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

At least it was different. No Down-state is just lazy and already controversial among the player base.


It was still broken. Like the golem event. Neither should return until they bother to fix them to work properly.

At least the no down state event does.

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7 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

I'm not familiar with that event. What did that entail?

Well, you could infinitely dupe golems, you had golems buffs outside golems and if I dont remember wrong you could also use summoned weapons in golems, take your pick on what's the most broken.

Imagine 50 man zergs, except 30 of the players are in golems. We hit the siege cap so fast, lol.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Honestly, that sounds a lot more fun than the typical no-downstate stuff. When there's no tournaments, no incentive to win the war, etc., why not have a week from time to time to just make it go crazy?

E.g. some ideas:

* All mounts available in WvW.

* Allow gliding in enemy territory (but only for the enemy).

* Ability to use enemy seige.

* Tactics can be pulled 2x per cooldown.



Will some of these be absolutely broken? Of course, but again -- there's no incentive to try and win, so why not just have fun with it?

Edited by Bristingr.5034
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4 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

I'm not familiar with that event. What did that entail?




Sometimes you could be bugged out of the golems with the buff still on you which had 100% movement speed and 100% damage to players. Duping problems. It was a ktrain for about two days until players started really abusing the bug because anet said nothing and did nothing for it and rest of the week less people were on.


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Yeah let's get ready for all the tears from engis/necro boyz who will miss their usual facetanking week....all rangers reading this message should avoid the wvw forum like the plague this week, it will be full to the brink with salt, boon/condi tanks getting oneshotted without chance of ressing from their FB buddy, will surely bring all sort of toxicity on the forum..get ready or even better don't bother even showing up for the whole week

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2 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Yeah let's get ready for all the tears from engis/necro boyz who will miss their usual facetanking week....all rangers reading this message should avoid the wvw forum like the plague this week, it will be full to the brink with salt, boon/condi tanks getting oneshotted without chance of ressing from their FB buddy, will surely bring all sort of toxicity on the forum..get ready or even better don't bother even showing up for the whole week

Or they can all take Earth Runes and laugh as 95% of the Ranger player base spike themselves.

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On 6/17/2021 at 2:30 PM, kash.9213 said:

II think Down State is good for team work and for the games combat in general but I think other tools should replace the class specific Downed skills and not allow Rallying and maybe once full down we should have to waypoint. 





Edit: My comments got rolled into your quite, sorry for any confusion, edit below:


Agree. These change I would love to be able to test in a week long event. I think a number of people who call for no downstate do so since they don't think incremental changes like these could be implemented. Again not saying a larger force shouldn't have an advantage since they were able to draw the numbers but I think more balancing in downstate would help the differences or at least feel more impactful which might encourage more to stand and fight versus just run when odds do not favor them. If we didn't have rally and forced dead to respawn I think that too would add more strategy into the game play. Do I get my ally up and risk myself or let them drop knowing they are out of the fight till they come back from spawn. 

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
correction for mis-quote
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18 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You want to know the funny part? No downstate will literally prove how stupid OP stealth is as usual but the same thieves that fail 1v3 before (because thief is the worst of course) and win 1v3 now will still completely deny it has anything to do with stealth mechanics, oh no it's solely going to be because of no downstate and bad players.

It won't prove anything but how op downstate is, especially in (numerical) uneven fights, as this mechanic can single-handedly prevent better players from killing much weaker ones - regardless of classes/builds involved. Also there is nothing that broken, that it would allow winning 1vs3 without significant differences in player skill, with or without downstate.

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no downstate, yet its a blob vs smaller group :)  as usual.


@HappyHubris.1096 u must be on the zergling side?? Anet made ktrain easier right? :P




note: no downstate event or mechanics arround that would be really cool if servers and population within their timezones were somewhat balanced or similiar.

Even the links system  feel it avoids that kinda  of balance  to happen  lol...

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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First 10minutes after reset in roaming:
- S/D evade Daredevil that was stuck in gliding animation
- D/P stealth Daredevil that was camping stealth
- Soulbeasts that pewpew from 1.5k range
- Trap Dragonhunters, cause stealth and pewpew from 1.2k range
On top of that, none of the above run ALONE(minimum 5 people groups), my my who could have guessed?
Ah, let's not forget about most important, the moment they started losing they were running away asap.
Fun week, gonna pewpew from walls on my Soulbeast as well...

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2 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

First 10minutes after reset in roaming:
- S/D evade Daredevil that was stuck in gliding animation
- D/P stealth Daredevil that was camping stealth
- Soulbeasts that pewpew from 1.5k range
- Trap Dragonhunters, cause stealth and pewpew from 1.2k range
On top of that, none of the above run ALONE(minimum 5 people groups), my my who could have guessed?
Ah, let's not forget about most important, the moment they started losing they were running away asap.
Fun week, gonna pewpew from walls on my Soulbeast as well...


So just another usual day in wvw? 😁

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6 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:


So just another usual day in wvw? 😁

Nah, I have a feeling it'll be 10x worse than usual.
In roaming you will probably never meet a solo player that doesn't abuse stealth in whatever manner. In zerg fights it'll be even worse pirate ship.
It'll be "300% cheese with 10 ppl frands or I won't step out of spawn solo" attitude.
Still gonna enjoy 1shotting ppl from walls on Soulbeast since it's ez af to do so even if enemy is on mount.

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21 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You want to know the funny part? No downstate will literally prove how stupid OP stealth is as usual but the same thieves that fail 1v3 before (because thief is the worst of course) and win 1v3 now will still completely deny it has anything to do with stealth mechanics, oh no it's solely going to be because of no downstate and bad players.


We had a few no downstate weeks already and thieves suddenly becoming apex predator never happened - at least not when I have been around. 


If the only thing that downstate achieves is that 3 players can stand a thief, then this is just another proof for what a dumb carry mechanic the downstate is.


If you die in a 3v1 then you or your 2 team mates suck at the game because either you are bad at defending yourself for 2 seconds (until your team engaged the target to an extent it has to backup) or your team does not support you with counter pressure. In both cases you deserve the loss.


A lonely thief is a freekill for 3 competent players if he is stupid enough to enter the fight. The moment he engages he is basically dead (or in case of condi bunker, can't apply any noticeable damage before having to disengage).


Edited by KrHome.1920
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7 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Yeah let's get ready for all the tears from engis/necro boyz who will miss their usual facetanking week....all rangers reading this message should avoid the wvw forum like the plague this week, it will be full to the brink with salt, boon/condi tanks getting oneshotted without chance of ressing from their FB buddy, will surely bring all sort of toxicity on the forum..get ready or even better don't bother even showing up for the whole week

That already happens.


But honestly, I never saw that much of a difference. Why are people so afraid of dying that they'll skip it lol? You don't even have to repair anymore

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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