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Please make more content like Chalice of Tears

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This puzzle is undeniably one of the greatest examples of well designed, non-combat content for a mmo. Everything about its design from the hidden entrance to the not immediately obvious path through the puzzle makes for incredibly interesting and rewarding exploration. It makes the world scale feel bigger because you actually have to think about the terrain, think about where it is possible to go, and explore different potential paths to your goal. And most importantly there are in game tools that let players help each other. If you really do hate jumping puzzles you can avoid any frustration by joining a group and being social, which is exactly the kind of player interaction and community building people always want from mmos.

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I kinda like the look and the concept of this puzzle a lot, but this time around I also gave up on it after 30min and got my lazy behind ported through the darn thing. Maybe if there were a few more checkpoints along the way...who knows

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Just now, Teratus.2859 said:

In concept maybe but no more slippy screw you jumps.

CoT was full of dodgy terrain that just pushed you off and screwed you over.
I enjoy a good JP but that one was hellishly frustrating because of that issue.

Id have to agree that slippy terrain is kind of annoying and doesnt really add anything positive to this JP. However the ice like in SAB w2z3 can be fun in certain instances.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

True, good job, even moreso because there are checkpoints you're getting respawned at upon failing, so it's not like you're starting from the bottom just because you failed a harder jump.

Actually, there are places (especially at the final ascent) where if you fall, you end up outside JP area and thus get your checkpoints cleared.

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29 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Actually, there are places (especially at the final ascent) where if you fall, you end up outside JP area and thus get your checkpoints cleared.

Didn't have that pleasure once, so meh -fall better or something 😄 

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I sincerely hope you're joking, or trolling (in which case i'd give you 1/10). If you're serious however, you probably do not have too much experience with actually good designs, i'm afraid.

Maybe you are  just part of the noisy minority and in fact, a lot of people like this jumping puzzle

i can't wait to try again the next one in draconis mons(in addition it is my favorite map) 😍


I hope arena will not give in and leave these mandatory jumping puzzles for the amulet,  fingers crossed

Edited by radda.8920
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The concept is decent. The implementation is atrocious.


1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Actually, there are places (especially at the final ascent) where if you fall, you end up outside JP area and thus get your checkpoints cleared.

alternatively ... any random DC and you have to restart

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4 minutes ago, kenny.7236 said:

Just don't make it a requirement for any achievements

Agreed. If it's desired? Fine. But don't make it any kind of requirement for anything. While some may love Chalice of Tears, it also has a well-earned reputation for being a kitten.


Again, thank you, but no thank you.

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No we should hand out the precursor and the legendary amulet by harvest only 1 tree on every map. Oh scratch that. Make it a log-in reward. 


I agree with OP. This is good content. GW2 open world is hardly a challenge. With just spamming autoattack you can complete most events and world completion. Having a hard jp is refreshing. And yes it should be tied to an achievement. If anything, they should nerf the mesmer portals on it.


But the portals are there. GW2 taco exists. The prototype position rewinder. Hell people could play mesmer themselves and make a port at every jump in case they fall. You can group up with some friends or guildies and help each other through. So many tools and yet so many people whine over the slightest challenge. 

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I think the whole point of it being pain in the kitten is to make people help each other to the top, a community effort(hate using the word cause it feels ugh marketing buzz word these days) , which is the point of MMOs, so by making it bad on purpose in the level design with the annoying unreasonable jumps it is creating cooperation between players which is good gameplay design for MMO.

I think allot of the Jank created player interactions in MMOs and after going for the streamlined approach interactions got lost in the process. 

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