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Is anyone really looking forward to...more Aurene?


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What I looked forward to is the Pact. But they destroyed the pact for a small guild. I'm being denied of my armies for a guild and a dragon... 


The pact armies did OK with no dragon against the threat of 2 elder dragons, the most dangerous entities in the cosmos for Tyria. But ig Aurene had to be shoehorned for those sweet merch pieces. 


Give me back my title, my troops, my armies and a lot of big battles. Exactly what I loved in core and HoT. The Orrian campaign and its scale, as well as the Invasion of Maguuma. 


Now... Bleh. I did enjoy Drizzlewood from IBS tho so that's something. Could have used more Pact elements to it but eh. 


Now I want to kick butts with my soldiers. Might makes right! Let's subjugate Cantha! 

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I find it rich people complaining about story quality, when you only need to look afield and witness another gaming titles' spectacular and consecutive storytelling failure.


Be thankful and humble you have a title you still enjoy playing, otherwise why would you be here skanking up the forum?


... Seems to be the common trope between edgelords and authors of unwritten bestsellers who like to bandwagon not only the story overall, but work backwards from the disappointment of Dragonstorm.


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1 hour ago, Zavijah.2695 said:



Be thankful and humble you have a title you still enjoy playing, otherwise why would you be here skanking up the forum?

Some people prefer to be aware consumers, and not just eat up whatever they are served.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I guess she's OK, but I really don't like the voice they gave her. Makes me cringe. 

Her dialogues with Jormag were awfull in IBS too. We went from "The Elder Dragons are a part of Nature, they are beyond our comprehension" to "Grandaughter/father" stuff when reffering to Aurene, and other human-centric way of thinking. 
They anthropomorphized the Elder Dragons, Aurene included, and to me that was the big mistake that drove me away from the plot. 

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Now that Aurene is an Elder Dragon the time is right to bring more NPCs to the table. Her scions for example.

I still feel bad I couldn't save Vlast and he had to sacrifice himself in order to save the commander and I can't live with that grief.

I always enjoy to hear a good well developed character story

Edited by Touchme.1097
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I don't mind more Aurene since this maybe the end of the Elder Dragon Saga and beginning of a new storyline either after EoD or the Living World after EoD.

We have seen the journey from the beginning and now it is time to see the journey to its end. 

Hopefully they don't go killing off people as their solution to retire the characters in the finale of the Elder Dragon Saga because that is rather lazy and unnecessary way to retire a character from a storyline. Characters can retire without dying and just move on with their life while the commander, our character, goes on a new journey after the Elder Dragon Saga finale for the new storyline meeting new friends and adventuring into new lands. 

Maybe return to our homeland once in a while for the commander to introduce their new friends to the old ones and giving them a chance to see what kind of life the commander went through before his/her new journey. 

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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read here somewhere that dragons can only be killed when there is someone or something that absorbs its essence/soul...


this is the essential hook that Aurene won't be murdered/killed/backstabbed to end the cycle of the dragons but she will encounter the peoples/creatures that she's meant to be with..


Likely a female leader of a tribe or a young female they are prepping to lead a tribe all with concurring Signs from all the races' Prophecies which connect them and became manifest and will attune to her through a sacred ritual of transference from the dragon to the human..


and look at the myths of almost all East Asians. you will hear the Japanese that their first emperor "descended" from a dragon or some mythical entity.. etc.


so it connects..

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On 8/18/2021 at 11:31 AM, EdwinLi.1284 said:

Hopefully they don't go killing off people as their solution to retire the characters in the finale of the Elder Dragon Saga because that is rather lazy and unnecessary way to retire a character from a storyline. Characters can retire without dying and just move on with their life while the commander, our character, goes on a new journey after the Elder Dragon Saga finale for the new storyline meeting new friends and adventuring into new lands. 

 Yes, this is precisely what I am worried about. Even though I am now completely indifferent to Aurene as a character, it annoys me that I can imagine ANet killing her (again) because it's somehow against The Rules of Cheap Storytelling to allow more characters to take the Rox path out.


At this point I enjoy reading about lore discussed by fellow players, rather than experiencing it in the game itself. Probably not a good sign, both for me and for the game.

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You all talk like this is new, and hasn't been happening since the start of the franchise.


Players said it about Kormir.

Players said it about Trahearne.

Players said it about Destiny's Edge, especially when they act like your B-team but never even do anything in instances.

Players said it about Taimi.

Players said it about Braham, of all people.

Players said it about Aurene.


There's others I forget about, even. Each era has had its own proposed Mary Sue or anti-Mary Sue.


If you go back and look, I mean calm down and really play the story more slowly, paying attention to detail, etc. you'll find that almost none of these are a problem, they just seem like it when looking back.


I replayed most of the Living World seasons during the events recently, along with some Personal Story, HoT and PoF inbetween, and I noticed for example that Trahearne behaves the way he does because we're basically a newbie, still a nothing. I realised that Destiny's Edge barely even has a presence outside of dungeons, even in HoT. I realised that Taimi's deus ex machina was limited to a few episodes in LSW2 and LSW3, and barely shows up outside of those instances, nowhere near the "Taimi solves everything" that players keep claiming happened (infact, she solved very little of our problems, as most of it went wrong).


Even Braham's angsty teenager phase is just a few lines of dialog spread over a few chapters. That's it.


Do you ever think that maybe its just your own, personal bias? Years of frustrations? That maybe the writers aren't that bad? That maybe you should stop playing through $60-70 USD AAA games with only eight hours of gameplay and comparing it to a $30 USD game with 8,000+ hours of gameplay?


The only two moments in the story that made me cringe on my playthroughs was Aurene coming back to life so easily without any intervention, and the end of IceBrood Saga with the..whatever that was.


And to everyone on these forums, please stop listening to what others say, it influences you, corrupts you away from optimism towards negativity and pessimism. Make sure your voice--I mean feelings are your own. The devs have repeatedly stated the majority of the player base seems happy with the story, which is why they keep doing it.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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12 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

You all talk like this is new, and hasn't been happening since the start of the franchise.


Players said it about Kormir.

Players said it about Trahearne.

Players said it about Destiny's Edge, especially when they act like your B-team but never even do anything in instances.

Players said it about Taimi.

Players said it about Braham, of all people.

Players said it about Aurene.


There's others I forget about, even. Each era has had its own proposed Mary Sue or anti-Mary Sue.


If you go back and look, I mean calm down and really play the story more slowly, paying attention to detail, etc. you'll find that almost none of these are a problem, they just seem like it when looking back.


I replayed most of the Living World seasons during the events recently, along with some Personal Story, HoT and PoF inbetween, and I noticed for example that Trahearne behaves the way he does because we're basically a newbie, still a nothing. I realised that Destiny's Edge barely even has a presence outside of dungeons, even in HoT. I realised that Taimi's deus ex machina was limited to a few episodes in LSW2 and LSW3, and barely shows up outside of those instances, nowhere near the "Taimi solves everything" that players keep claiming happened (infact, she solved very little of our problems, as most of it went wrong).


Even Braham's angsty teenager phase is just a few lines of dialog spread over a few chapters. That's it.


Do you ever think that maybe its just your own, personal bias? Years of frustrations? That maybe the writers aren't that bad? That maybe you should stop playing through $60-70 USD AAA games with only eight hours of gameplay and comparing it to a $30 USD game with 8,000+ hours of gameplay?


The only two moments in the story that made me cringe on my playthroughs was Aurene coming back to life so easily without any intervention, and the end of IceBrood Saga with the..whatever that was.

While I never got the hate against Traearne ( I think the vanilla story a s a whole was just meh anyway),  criticism against Braham is not that he is a mary Sue. Taimi got nerfed after she was accused of being a Mary Sue. And Aurene IS a Mary Sue.

Arenanet has severe problems in storytelling, and them continously showing it MIGHT be the problem for people noticing it.


12 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

And to everyone on these forums, please stop listening to what others say, it influences you, corrupts you away from optimism towards negativity and pessimism. Make sure your voice--I mean feelings are your own. The devs have repeatedly stated the majority of the player base seems happy with the story, which is why they keep doing it.

I get what you are trying to say here, but I think it's counter productive. Closing your ears towards criticism is never a good thing. Additionally, just because a big part of the playerbase does not complain proves nothing. I mean, a big part of the player base of WoW di not complain either for years. Triple-A title still sell well despite sometimes being heavily flawed.

A product selling well and a product being good are two very different things.

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19 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

While I never got the hate against Traearne ( I think the vanilla story a s a whole was just meh anyway),  criticism against Braham is not that he is a mary Sue. Taimi got nerfed after she was accused of being a Mary Sue. And Aurene IS a Mary Sue.

Arenanet has severe problems in storytelling, and them continously showing it MIGHT be the problem for people noticing it.


I get what you are trying to say here, but I think it's counter productive. Closing your ears towards criticism is never a good thing. Additionally, just because a big part of the playerbase does not complain proves nothing. I mean, a big part of the player base of WoW di not complain either for years. Triple-A title still sell well despite sometimes being heavily flawed.

A product selling well and a product being good are two very different things.

Braham is an anti-Mary Sue, going in the opposite direction, which alot of people seem to find just as bad. That's what I meant to say, so I'm sorry if my point was confusing somehow.

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If it really is End of Dragons, there is a chance we get rid of Aurene in the end. Imagine we remove the remaining Elder Dragons in Tyria, Aurene will be the only one left. We may end up removing the cycle as a whole and see what happens with Tyria when there is no ED at all. But that means no Aurene as well. 

My guess: We remove the last, which is probably Aurene in a heart-breaking 3-6 hours chore of tears, memories and love - but for the greater good. Then Kormir returns, asking us if we had completely lost our mind - a totally reasonable question at that point. Probably calling the other four, they get really angry and decide to destroy Tyria as a punishment. And our fate is sealed for the upcoming few LW seasons + expansions, make the six/five, the zero. Saving Tyria from the now-evil-threat. Then Abaddon will rise (suprise), revealing that EVERYTHING including the Centaur Attack on Shaemor was completely his plan, we kill him then. Around 2035, we can decide if we continue with GW3.

As with all of my funny predictions, I hope NONE of this is correct XD. 

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47 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

Honestly, the ideal ending would be having Aurene go wild/crazy from all the energy and we have to finish her off.

How would this be "ideal" in any way?


"Hey guys! You know all that stuff you were working toward from LWS2 all the way through EoD? Well we are just going to take it all and make it worthless by having you kill Aurene!"


That's the exact opposite of an ideal ending. Not to mention, how exactly would we kill her when she absorbed Joko's immortality magic, and is thus, immortal herself? The only thing that could take it from her is another dragon like her, which means when Aurene dies that dragon would take all the magic/her place, but if aurene went crazy from it so should this other dragon, so we are just stuck in a loop.

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On 8/26/2021 at 9:40 PM, Hannelore.8153 said:

Players said it about Kormir.

Players said it about Trahearne.

Players said it about Destiny's Edge, especially when they act like your B-team but never even do anything in instances.

Players said it about Taimi.

Players said it about Braham, of all people.

Players said it about Aurene.


There's others I forget about, even. Each era has had its own proposed Mary Sue or anti-Mary Sue.

The difference between aurene and the rest is that aurene draws ever closer to omnipotence and omniscience the more the commander feeds it(what a tool). If aurene doesn't die, everyone and everything will be under its thumb until the entropic end of the universe.


If the only way to be free from slavery to one creature or another is the destruction of Tyria, i'm willing to take the plunge. Should just use aurene to kill the human gods before you kill aurene. Maybe some other planet can live without immortal super beings ruling over them.

Edited by Yggranya.5201
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16 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

How would this be "ideal" in any way?


"Hey guys! You know all that stuff you were working toward from LWS2 all the way through EoD? Well we are just going to take it all and make it worthless by having you kill Aurene!"

Joko. Lazarus.

Also, expecting everyone to live happily until ever after is not really my ideal way of ending a story.

16 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:


That's the exact opposite of an ideal ending. Not to mention, how exactly would we kill her when she absorbed Joko's immortality magic, and is thus, immortal herself? The only thing that could take it from her is another dragon like her, which means when Aurene dies that dragon would take all the magic/her place, but if aurene went crazy from it so should this other dragon, so we are just stuck in a loop.

And there you have the problem with Aurene as a character and Anet writing.

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