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On a scale of 1 to 10, what's your EOD hype?

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If the elite specs look good = 5.


If not then maybe a 2 or 3. Nothing they announced so far seems interesting or expansion-worthy,  which is crazy because they should've announced the most exciting stuff in the first reveal, but they didn't (it's almost like there's nothing more).


No wvw map, no pvp map or modes, like you don't have to be genius to notice that HoT and even PoF had more content.

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For me it's an 8-9. I recently played Factions again and i'm pretty hyped towards the potential of map design and story telling cantha has to offer. Also i'm not expacting any crazy or game changing things. I'm satisfied to get new especs, a new mount and fishing. 2 more new masterys are still to come. I hope they really nail the new maps with an mix of pof and hot, bringing in some new fun metaevents with high replayability.

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Let's see...

1. Going back to Cantha exploring the world having fun new environments ... worth a +1
2. New elite specialization ... +1 (even if I only play main main Ele and might "go back" to something that I feel comfortable with for everyday play, should the new one not feel right)

3. Turtle Mount ... doesn't really score for me, unless it actually will work in WvW and get some fresh air into the stagnant game mode, which we currently do not know, because of ANet's vague and unclear wording during the live stream.

4. Fishing ... doesn't score at the moment, because I do not know anything about it and I would hate it to be a push buttons in sequence mini game to lure and catch a fish.

5. Revised Strike content ... Currently you spent a long time to find a team for the more challenging strikes and you get kicked if you don't play the meta-build everyone wants you to play (same as with Raids), even if you could play a good build and contribute to success. That will get worse, when they slap challenge motes on top of the Strikes. So, no score from me.

6. No Personal housing / Individual Scribing ... One thing Anet could have done, but did not do. No score ...

7. No Tengu Race ... Using the Dominion of the Winds as a starter area to get you to Lvl 30 perhaps (when you get the Elite and all traits unlocked) and then you move over to Cantha. Could have told lore and made veterans start over as low levels and bond with others while leveling up. Many players hoped for that, not happening ... no score.

8. WvW Alliances ... will not be included as a feature of EoD. WvW reward overhaul (please !) will also not be tied to EoD and will score no points for the expansion.

9. Adding stuff to the Legendary armory ... I am not really a fan of an Aurene style 3rd Gen. line up of weapons and it is unclear, if that will be the only one in the EoD area (each weapon is its own Legendary and all there ever will be, is Aurene weapons), or if they will add more "style sets" (you create a legendary Aurene weapon from an Aurene precursor and can chose what kind of weapon it will be; later they will add a Shiro set and you can craft a Shiro precursor etc.); still a score of +1 from me, because I can try to make my Ele as flexible as possible using new and past content.

10. Moving on ... it is time to break out of things you do on a daily basis. Change is welcome to be checked out. Deserves a +1


That leaves a score of 4/10, but with a look at what EoD could have delivered, that is kind of lower than it could have been.

Edited by Gorani.7205
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7 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

They are worth for me because elite specs are more content the PvE part could ever bring. 


Learning new builds. 

Learning to fight new builds. 

Build crafting. 

Learning matchups. 

New Team Comps. 



Lots of content for PvP/Wvw. 


@Esorono.1039 This question might be rude but is it really that bad where you are from that 30$ is alot of money? 


Because here, that's 2 hours of work for a low paid entry level job. 




It is around the same for me too, but I also have bills, rent, gas money, car upkeep, phone, internet, food, and insurance to also worry about. There will be times where I also have to ration out food as well, as at times that can also be expensive. $30 can be a bit much as a result, I had to really consider whether buying PoF was worth it for quite a while and only just recently purchased it. EoD on the other hand, I am somewhat relieved because unlike PoF I have absolutely no urge at all to purchase it. If they believed fishing was one of the best selling points of EoD, then I feel I am not missing out on anything.

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New lands, new meta's, new Elites but no new features to speak of. Fishing is ok but definately not on same level as previous expansion features. The boats, I can only see them as a gimmick, I just can not see what they would bring extra except that they are mandatory for some group fishing. 





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7. Excited for new elite specs, content and legendaries. Hoping new masteries are all fun in some way (more like PoF/LW4 mounts and HoT gliding, less like IBS...). Greatly anticipating possibility of finally putting significant investment in an alt character (notably thanks to the legendary armory gear sharing), eg if ele gets rifle or bow with elemental ammo - whereas in the past I have always been focused on one character, only dabbling in throwaway alts to learn skills etc.

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the hype for me will be 15 if A.NET puts whales, large bodies of water, islands (which could be guild halls), ships for ship battles as a EoD mid-update/mini expac..


since they already announced boats and fishing..


and A.NET can even make a sort of WvW-like sea battles like capturing islands to claim from another guilds (or capturing Guild Halls) for the PvE guys..


And this is the perfect place for alliances coz likely the PvE guys will call PvPers/WvWers from their own server to Raid from other players..


They could put it in PvE itself or in an exclusive game mode which can be played by travelling through an island portal or something like that..


but i think it would be better if it's put in a persistent PvE instance..


and the requirement is that your raiding team should be only for guild members and alliance guilds. any mercenaries or onlookers who wanna party up will be prohibited to raid..

Edited by alcopaul.2156
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Considering I don't play story, OW, nor hunt legendaries, and skip all the dialog when I do most of the time, the only interesting thing is the elite specs.  Of which I'm concerned about due to the obvious balance problems introduced in the past expansions which have still yet to be addressed directly, with virtually all of my initial concerns proven valid. 


Really, things like the DX11 upgrade and likely a forces balance patch are giving me more hope than the expansion content itself.  Though I think Aliances will be an utter failure and ANet quietly knows it. 


For me, it's about a 3.  I like thinking about the game more than playing it at this point, so I think there's some interesting stuff they're possibly going for in terms of gameplay, but I'm not expecting good delivery, especially in the contexts of PvP/WvW, as par for the course. 

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I'm holding at a 4.

I haven't seen anything too exciting as of yet.

  • Boating doesn't do anything for me (yet)
  • I play solo too much to get excited about siege turtles
  • fishing is just another material to collect (hope they aren't account-bound)

I'm waiting to see my favorite new Elites to raise it past 4.

I haven't been disappointed in the past two expansions, let's not start now. 

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rated 8/10

i really do not want Fishing in this game.. It's boring in every single MMORPG i ever played. SO yeah.. hopefully GW2 does it right but i doubt it. Other than fishing everything else looks great so far. Can't wait to see what else they got planned.

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