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Legendary Trinket Effects Update

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45 minutes ago, Catmander Neko.5643 said:

Hello Tyrians,

When we released the Legendary Armory feature on July 13, one of the top pieces of feedback we heard was for the ability to hide the visual effects of the legendary trinkets Aurora, Vision, and Coalescence. At that time we unfortunately didn’t have the dev bandwidth available to tackle the request. The work that we’d need to do to make the visual effects toggleable was a non-trivial effort. We were (and still are) hard at work on the End of Dragons expansion.

Since then, a member of our engineering team identified a new approach to the stacking buff problem we previously explained that would not add technical or design debt (bookah speak: the idea that doing the seemingly simple solution now, will cost us much more time later than the simple solution saved us to begin with), and after some iteration and refactoring, we landed on a satisfactory implementation. Add a healthy portion of testing, bake for 3-4 weeks in our release pipeline (the average time from the moment something is finished and ok-ed to be released, to actually being in a release) and you end up with a checkbox on more of your legendary trinkets on November 9th.

Once the build is live tomorrow, Aurora, Vision, and Coalescence will each have a new checkbox when equipped. From the player perspective, these checkboxes will add or remove their contribution to the stack that determines which effect will be displayed on your character, or none at all, if that is your thing.

Is there any word if the new Legendary Regalia (that we will be earning soon) is a part of this ball collection tier as well? Or its completely own effect?

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Nice but now can you give other players the ability to shut off the annoying effects that we see from those and everyone using just about every infusion they can find? lol I find too many people in one place with so many infusions turned on one person and times that but 10 or more in one spots my FPS drops and I have a system MORE then capable of handling it but yeah I disliked dropped FPS because of too many effects we can't shut off. 

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@Catmander Neko.5643


I would really like it if the back piece toggle selection was remembered per equipment template. Sometimes I like showing off my back piece and in other templates I prefer to hide them. When I switch templates I have to manually check the box. Would it be a possibility in the future to have these settings tied to the template that they are on? I know with legendary armor I have different looks for different builds so why can't it remember if I have a hidden setting enabled or not? The same goes with my legendary backpack haha... anyhow I hope that you actually see this 😄

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