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Did You Buy End of Dragons Expansion

Did You Buy End of Dragons Expansion ?  

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you buy End of Dragons Expansion ?

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A person on other thread said "Hardly Anybody Bought The Game" . I make this poll to see how many people HERE bought the game i know its not alot but saying hardly anybody bought the game without any proof and source is spreading misinformation. The biggest misconception of Guild Wars 2 from other MMO community is the game is "dead game" which is not true and saying anybody hardly bought the expansion is the same thing.

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9 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

I'd vote "no," but more accurately it'd be "not yet." Reason being that money's pretty tight right now, and I'm still waiting for some bug fixes/QoL changes. If not for those two things, I'd have bought the expansion already.

Same boat as you but that didn't stop me from standing out like a sore thumb 30 minutes in the life of this poll.

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I wish for a option : No, but i planing too when this dumb moving-fest is over and hopefully not another stressfactor seines on the horizon xx ...

Beside this, i would had bought is pre-release and enjoyed the heck out of the maps, but i sit here since a year and even 30€ is a lot at the moment.


But all my friends bought it, one even the 90€ Version with the gems. And we read here in the forum that a lot bought the gem-version.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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I'm pretty sure a fair number of GW2 players bought the expansion, then again the number of GW2 players as a whole is a completely different thing. The game does have a small hardcore community who probably bought the expansion however in the grand scale of things GW2 community is probably not all that numerous when compared to the likes of WoW, FF14 and our later newcomers like Lost Ark. So in a sense of MMO players buying the End of Dragons expansion the numbers are probably not all that impressive.

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This kind of discontent is present in every single release. There is always someone who dislikes what most people like. People who hate the new Maguuma maps because "they are too hard", people who hate the mounts because "they trivialize the map exploration", people who hate the Skyscale collection because "it's too hard".

Anet has to see this with every release so I really doubt they care anymore about comments like "I won't buy", because unlike us, they can see how the sales are going; but we can see how NCSOFT's income through Guild Wars 2 has been raising since 2020 without counting the expansion pre-order sales.

Haters gonna hate, lots of people here hating not having Guild Wars 3, or not having Tengu race, or housing system, or more WvW/PvP work, or their desired elite specialization. Don't mind those critics that have no sense (like "nobody bought the expansion" 🤣).

If you play GW2 regularly, the only reason to NOT buy an expansion is having money issues. If you don't buy EoD to avoid supporting GW2/Anet, honestly I don't know what are you doing here.

Edited by Telgum.6071
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Prepurchased the moment it was available.


Cooped the story with a friend while trying to stay away from any spoilers.


Tried out all new elite specs while bringing my main squad of 9 through the first mission.


Almost everyone I know bought it, not everyone though, some are waiting to see how much the game holds them.


Loving it so far and am surprised that I am enjoying some of the new elites  more than expected (but not all). The minor hickups are nothing compared to regular expansion releases in the industry (the voice acting being buggy in the first cutscene did annoy, given it is the first thing you see. Not sure it is fixed yet).

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Not yet, but I'll eventually. (Money is not problem, free time is, and I just never preorder.)


> I'm pretty sure a fair number of GW2 players bought the expansion


Let's crunch some numbers.

First, I assume the registered accounts of gw2eff represent the more active playerbase than the usual "logged at least once in a month" presumptions. Second, Anet is still hiding the EoD info from the API and the Player Stats page doesn't shows it (yet).

But there's a way to estimate the actual percentage of the EoD players: the achievements! To reach Cantha, finishing the first chapter of Act 1, Old Friends is required. Checking the Unlock Statistics of this achievement shows... 25% (at the time of writing). To be generous, I rounded up this to ~30% including the silent accounts, teleport to friends (if it is possible), and other methods (I don't know if there's any). It's still a lot less than I thought...

(P.S.: Interestingly, the turtle achi shows only 1.78%.)

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Pre-ordered it even. It's very easy and comfortable this way. You only have to wait for the expansion to officially release and play in the first minute. Also a return to Cantha made me do it because I love Cantha. 

Edited by Cynder.2509
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14 hours ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

saying hardly anybody bought the game without any proof and source is spreading misinformation.


I mean you ran off from that thread without explaining yourself, which makes me believe you didn't have an argument and just wanted to "win" and prove that EoD is popular, which isn't.

Anywho, what part of it was "spreading misinformation" again? I've never seen an mmo launch which had empty maps from the get go, low lfg activity an overall low satisfaction from those who bought it. Many players have expressed they have uninstalled after finishing the EoD story so technically their answer to this poll is a "yes" but is it really? 



The biggest misconception of Guild Wars 2 from other MMO community is the game is "dead game" which is not true and saying anybody hardly bought the expansion is the same thing.


It's pretty much dead as far as delivering quality content. Outside of the tiny GW2 bubble you guys are living in, majority of mmo gamers, let alone regular gamers, even know GW2 is still going. It's not more relevant to them than Rift, Terra, Lotro, Eve Online etc. Twitch presence of GW2 is humiliating. Other mmos are doing just fine before you use the "mmo games don't get livestream viewers" excuse again.

Edited by choon.6308
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I did not buy it.  I'm not interested in fishing.   Don't care about skiffs because I'm not interested in fishing so skimmer works for me traversing water.  I didn't care about the turtle either.  When I saw it I felt it was a gimmicky mount I'd probably never use.   I never played GW1 so have no attachment to Cantha.  During the betas the elite specs didn't interest me either.    I've never liked the GW2 story and just rushed through it when I had to to get to new maps or for achievements.   So all that kind of left for me was new maps and events in those maps.    So I decided I'd pass on this one because it didn't appeal to me.  I might buy it when it goes on sale later on but for now I'm just not interested enough to buy it.

I'm happy for the people that bought it and enjoy it.  So this isn't me saying, "Don't buy the expansion because I say so."  I think it is great Anet has made a new expansion after so many years.  It's good for the game and keeping players that it appeals to engaged.   I imagine it probably attracted some new customers as well.  Having new players and more players playing more often is good for the game as a whole.   I still like GW2 very much so I support anything that improves the game and is fun for a lot of people even though the additions did not appeal to me. 

Edited by JustTrogdor.7892
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Yes, I pre-purchased it the same day they opened it for that. I actually think I bought mine within the first hour - I originally got the regular version but once I saw the Raptor skin I upgraded so I could get it; thus spending even more money than planned, but I knew I wanted this expansion when they announced it.

I purchased EoD specifically for the continuation of the story from Icebrood Saga - as it's my favorite part of Guild Wars 2. I raced through the story ONLY to avoid any and all spoilers. I turned off chat completely and ignored any in-game messages that came while I was playing the story lol, dedication to no spoilers.

Overall I really enjoy this expansion, the maps are gorgeous, the jade bots are cute and will come in handy over time I'm sure - especially if they add new things to do with them. The story itself is satisfying (to me) and I was happy with the finale.

My only gripe is the dreaded meta walling off the Turtle mount. While it's not a mount I would ever use often at all as I solo 95% of the game's content and don't have many friends at all to play with, so the Turtle is essentially a collection piece to complete the set of Mounts available in the game - as well as a giant trinket for me to plaster skins onto and show off. I am debating giving up entirely on the turtle, as it doesn't look like I'll be one of those lucky people who manages to get into a well organized group and manages to beat the meta event - oh well, cut my losses I suppose.

Edited by Caitybee.3614
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I pre-purchased it then got a refund, so I won't check either option.  The refund was for technical issues, not the game experience.  I can't even install it.  (No suggestions please, that's been covered.)  I'm counting on them fixing things eventually, but there is no guarantee on that with a problem that still isn't fully acknowledged.

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Yes I got it. I pre-ordered a few days before release and I've been really enjoying it.

I'm still working my way through the story because my free time is limited and I tend to play slowly, for example when going through Kaineng I avoided using the griffon, skyscale and gliding most of the time, only doing it for things like jumping down lots of stairs without dying. It meant some evenings I'd spend most of my time getting from one story step to another, but I found a lot of interesting stuff along the way.

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Yes. Pre-puchased and happy about it.


A lot of class tuning needed and at least 2 specs are not an improvement on anything at all, tuning or not, none of the armor for heavy or light has anything remotely resembling pants and the last meta which is critical for story and the turtle mount is the worst piece of content to ever be added to the game and a festering plague sore and I've been here for every release. The first map meta event is also reportedly very buggy but I myself had no issues outside of it failing terribly on launch day.

Two "hidden area" achievements don't spawn properly or at all making 2 achievements super clunky or impossible is not yet fixed.

Research notes was a good idea but not thought through and no-patch notes adjustments to these things are always very cringeworthy.

Jade slivers is another sore spot.

Story is great. Some of the writing has been criticized as too "modern tone" which is blatantly obvious in some cases tbh but despite some weird single lines (and one that is absent, huge spoiler on Joon below) it agrees with me. Hearing Rytlock swear just works for the character and there are many little things added to flesh out Cantha and its isolationist culture.


Joon pretends she has nothing to apologize for after trying to kill the commander by making up things she actually doesn't have to apologize for (being brilliant e.g.) and the player character doesn't respond to it when such behavior would be a huge target in any actual conversation. Her aggressiveness and hubris is what she has to apologize for but it's glossed over.

From the start of the meeting with the queen I was relatively certain that Joon was set up to be the villain behind the villain, the way she talks and her single mindedness on progressing Xunlai Jades agenda. She is after all the worlds least self-made woman, extremely arrogant and toying with powers beyond her control - a real villain recipe tbh.

 A bit of a downer was also finding out that Aurene weapons can't be attuned yet which is why I got the sword already but that seems to be partially on me.


But there are many really cool and some actually good elite specs, the two new stat combinations are a form of content on their own, fishing minigame can be obnoxious but it started to be quite fun with all masteries unlocked, there are many collections to unlock in pretty maps. I complete maps and story with one character of every class so that's a chunk of content for me personally. The new strike missions are good but I'm weary about how restrictive the new 10 man meta is with 5 man boons.

There is a lot of fun to be had and things to be farmed. So Anet has work to do on a few fronts, some more short term than others but I believe that they will even though the communication on critical points has a lot of room to improve (this is really the most euphemistic I can possibly be).

The bad is very visible but the good of the expansion is more significant for me. If you like GW2 and can force yourself to not care about the currently bugged things (which they've tackled rapidly but slowed down) and treat the turtle mount as if it doesn't exist yet instead of running a 2 hour failing meta for zero rewards 30 you will enjoy EoD.

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