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Skiffs are an embarrassment

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On 3/17/2022 at 1:37 PM, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

Skiffs got advertised as one of the main features of the new expansion. Not the biggest fish in the sea, that's right, but apparently big enough to make it in the first gameplay showcase. The truth, however, is: They suck.


We got embarrassing physics (I'm not joking and I can't highlight this enough: I would be embarrassed as a game designer. And I WILL make fun of it whenever I stream, that's for sure).


"Ich habe fertig!" - Giovanni Trapattoni

1. Agreed. They are indeed only useful for the purpose of fishing. I like them for that, though.
2. For the record: I find this to be a lot more embarrassing.💩
3. LOL! I thought I was the only one using that quote. 😄

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I like Skiffs but two things would improve them a lot for me. The "need to be on surface" or whatever message when I'm like 1 inch from it... would be nice if there was some range on summoning it from underwater and I could just swim to it. The other is not being able to anchor while moving~ could at least work as an emergency break when I try to anchor and make it come to a stop for me. Most of the time I just end up dismissing or resummoning it while driving to avoid it.

(Oh and almost forgot. The Skiff needs it's own hotkey, and so does the fishing rod.)

Edited by Doggie.3184
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On 3/17/2022 at 8:37 AM, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

If you want to advertise these things, than make them actually usefull. People had hopes to use canons or stuff to actually fight, maybe even fight like real big ships (wouldn't that be great?). What we got: Depth Charges. People hoped for a useful vessel to travel and do activities: We got embarrassing physics (I'm not joking and I can't highlight this enough: I would be embarrassed as a game designer. And I WILL make fun of it whenever I stream, that's for sure). People hoped for nice Masterys: We got Fishing AND SKiffs. Two masterys instead of one. Skiffs are a gimmick we were used to see in the Living Story: Use it once or twice to progress through the story/map and that's it. And that's what we got for the EoD story: We used it to travel to Kaineng (because reasons) and we used it in Kaineng for the eavesdropping devices in the late story.



Have you ever been on a boat? Unsure how the Skiff's physics are anywhere near 'embarrassing' when they'll even start to skip on water if you put the throttle high enough.  If you think turning is 'bad', then go try doing 360 no-scopes on a boat IRL and let me know how that goes.  

Also, unless you average like 1-2k+ viewers at a time then not sure how much weight the stream threat holds.  

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On 3/17/2022 at 5:26 PM, kenny.7236 said:

Just let me anchor even when it is in motion

Probably impossible due to engine limitation. Spawning a new solid collision hitbox, wich is  choosen by the player, can be very challenging and easly breakable specially for a mmo. Im already suprise that ot work that well.

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Bringing out the skiffs for guild hangouts has been some of the most fun we've had in ages. Not because other content wasn't already fun, but because skiffs themselves are just a blast. We chill out and fish, we split into two boats and mess with collision because why not, we scream while the captain goes max speed and tries to land drift around a bridge that's blocking the way, we fill a boat with norns and chant NORN NORN NORN while missing fishing holes bc we're too busy being dumb. Skiffs are casual, they're goofy, they're fun, and I adore them.

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2 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Probably impossible due to engine limitation. Spawning a new solid collision hitbox, wich is  choosen by the player, can be very challenging and easly breakable specially for a mmo. Im already suprise that ot work that well.

maybe a two step anchoring, then, the first step being dropping the anchor which makes the boat slow down significantly (more than just pressing the s key), and the second being getting up from your seat when your boat is at an halt, spawning the collision hitbox then. I think people mostly want slowing down the skiff to be less bothersome, not necessarily being able to stop it instantly.

But if they ever do a change like that I hope they make it possible aswell to use the anchor to negociate a sharp turn (like in sea of thieves) instead of only being able to use it to stop. It would make skiff races something possible and fun to do (especially with the skiff speed boost jade chip)

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On 3/18/2022 at 9:45 AM, Sindust.7059 said:

I honestly would use it more often if I could set a unique keybind for it. Clicking with the mouse through that menu is annoying, especially when fishing, and I can only choose to either set the skiff to J or fishing, not both to their respective keybinds. So I'm always forced to click through that crap.


This! Somebody save us and give us a separate keybind. 😅

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4 hours ago, Gryxis.6950 said:

maybe a two step anchoring, then, the first step being dropping the anchor which makes the boat slow down significantly (more than just pressing the s key), and the second being getting up from your seat when your boat is at an halt, spawning the collision hitbox then. I think people mostly want slowing down the skiff to be less bothersome, not necessarily being able to stop it instantly.

But if they ever do a change like that I hope they make it possible aswell to use the anchor to negociate a sharp turn (like in sea of thieves) instead of only being able to use it to stop. It would make skiff races something possible and fun to do (especially with the skiff speed boost jade chip)

Something like this so don't have to press 2 keys.


Same goes for pressing a key to dismount and fish

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I think they have potential, but are currently not relevant enough.

Depths charge is Only used for Leviathan. It should be usable against other mobs underwater, and be given atleast a decent damage.

Similarly, players shooting with their weapons from the boat should be able to hit enemies underwater, -they- can hit the boat and us. It's odd we have to jump from the boat completely in order to attack.

Speed wise, it is okay, it functions as a roller beetle, and one might wonder where are the boat races ? Hopefully in the works.

Similarly, for an expansion with an emphasis on water, there is still a Lot of land mass. I hope the coming living story seasons gives us proper water map. I saw the name of Old Kaineng on the map and it looks like it could be the kind of map where the skiff becomes truly useful. A lot of potential can be created from it : Give it a harpoon, or cannon and give us a water map fight. The harpoon/cannon becomes a seat, and instead of cheering, you get to shoot it. Similar to the turtle, you get a driver and shooter interraction, reinforcing teamwork. You could also use the harpoon to create a zip line when it is anchored for exemple, to quickly go from water level to a hill. I dont know how feasible this is, but it's an interesting thought. With all of that, you can create a meta where you fight a sea monster, and where being underwater is a part of the fight (Divers and Siege turtle) and being on skiffs is the other part, creating a meta where you need to split the squads efficiently. You only need 1 half of the players participating to have the masteries giving access to the turtle and the skiff harpoon to get other players to participate. 
If you want to make that meta really interesting, you make it take place within a whirlpool of sort, so anchoring your ship is important and provides safety for all the other players.


Again, potential. I'm hoping they build on it.

Edited by Naxos.2503
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4 hours ago, Naxos.2503 said:

Similarly, players shooting with their weapons from the boat should be able to hit enemies underwater, -they- can hit the boat and us. It's odd we have to jump from the boat completely in order to attack.


Have you seen how bullets travel through water when shot from above?  Not how Hollywood shows it, but how they actually travel?

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imo skiff is underwhelming. It's only useful for fishing.

Skimmer is so much better. Much easier to control, you can "fly" over most obstacles in your way instead of moving around to avoid them. Not to mention you can also dive into the water. 

Also, base skiff skin is so ugly. I know they want to sell their skins but this is simply too much. Try to dye it and you will see. Those uneven patches of paint all over the skiff... what the heck. Base mount skins are plain and ordinary but never ugly.   

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