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Very Off-Topic but How Many of You Are From Ancient MMOs?

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Started with wow.  Age of conan was fun but did not last long for me.  Warhammer online was fun, really enjoyed greenskin Shaman till game shut down.  Rift and aion were decent but I end up going back to wow.   Cant forget secret world and tabula rasa. 

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My dad got me into Space Cowboy Online (later rebranded as ACE Online). It was a faction war MMO where you flew sci fi jet fighters for control over an alien planet. Was fun. Then a literal P2W slot machine was added and the playerbase died. My next big MMO was Star Trek Online, which I pre-ordered. The launch was pretty horrendous. Then I moved on to World of Warcraft (I played the free trial during Cata but didn't sub until MoP). Loved it. MoP was the best. Loved the huge RP events on Moon Guard. But then the WoD content drought began, the RP community began to shrink, and I left. Pre-ordered HoT and played through S3, except for the last episode before losing interest. Didn't play MMOs for a few years. Checked WoW out again when BFA was coming out, then unsubbed. Then checked out FFXIV. Had fun there for a couple years, but I've grown dissatisfied with FFXIV during the ShB patches and Endwalker. Came back to GW2 a couple months ago. Having fun doing the PvP.

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3 hours ago, BearChow.7284 said:

Started with wow.  Age of conan was fun but did not last long for me.  Warhammer online was fun, really enjoyed greenskin Shaman till game shut down.  Rift and aion were decent but I end up going back to wow.   Cant forget secret world and tabula rasa. 

Wow was the beginning of the end. 

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The first multi-player RPG I touched was D&D back in the early 90s as a grade schooler. My friends and I were all just so bad at the game, and often rules lawyering just devolved into shouting matches that resulted in one of our moms shouting even louder at us to go outside.

I didn't touch any MMOs for about 20 years after that, until SWTOR came out. Played that religiously for a number of years, then found GW2. I've tried a number of other games in the genre since starting GW2, but GW2 is the champ for me and nothing else has come close. Just too much baseline QoL, lack of gear treadmill, and some of the best map designs... hard to walk away from this.

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A couple of MUDs (I recall that Discworld was one of them).  Then friends coaxed me into Dark Age of Camelot.  Around the time that Trials of Atlantis made the game unplayable for me (also didn't help that one missed in-game payment and my decorated house near my guildies was gone) I found Horizons.  Played that a few years until a month or two after vanilla WoW launch.  Stuck with WoW until the day GW2 launched, at which point I found WoW deeply unfun, with forays into CoH, LotRO, Rift, Aion, etc.  GW2 has been proven to be my forever MMO, though I have also done a lot of ESO and tested the waters in various other offerings over the years.

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On 5/14/2022 at 3:07 PM, lezbefriends.7516 said:

I came from TBC WoW, which is ancient enough to have a classic version of now.


Vanilla WoW here (albeit fairly late on), finishing on Pandas.  Did play on a private server for a while (thankfully they saw sense and made official classic servers eventually), before moving towns and getting into Real-Life(tm) instead. 

GW2 came a bit later, thanks to the same friend that got me into WoW.

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3 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

Yep first MMO was EverQuest, then FFXI. I enjoy modern mmos but nothing will compare to playing the originals during their hay day. So many great memories!

My first MMO was also Everquest, personally, I prefer Everquest II because of well.. it's less clunky and less overwelming. It's still clunky, but not as clunky. And yeah, Modern MMOs are fun, but will never perfectly simulate what it was like to play EQ1/EQ2, Ultima, Runescape and so on.

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Runescape was the only other MMO I'd played before I preordered GW2 on a whim in 2012 😄 I'd played some other multiplayer sandbox-y social games before then ('Impressive Title' kind of games that were super popular in 2008, haha) and things like Neopets/Habbo/Club Penguin, though I'm not sure they'd count as typical MMORPG's.


I have tried a lot of MMO's mentioned in this thread now, only afterwards! I picked up Guild Wars 1 in 2014 because I wanted to know more of the lore. I also tried out WoW, Neverwinter and ESO at some point too. Got super hooked on a reallyyyy obscure MMO called Otherland Next last year, which got sunset recently, it was a really buggy sci-fi MMO based on the novels by Tad Williams. A very unusual, visually striking and interesting game! 


About a year ago I took my first steps into Everquest 2, which is the only MMO other than GW2 that's made me want to keep coming back to it, it's definitely my second favourite now, though I only log in occasionally for the live or seasonal events atm. I definitely feel like its slept on and would have loved to have seen it back when it launched 🙂

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I've played a lot of MMOs over the years, but the ones I have spent a substantial amount of time on have been Planetside 1, WoW, City of Heroes, ESO, and GW2. I guess you could say Runescape was technically my first MMO I played but I never really considered it such because it was mostly a game I'd play with all of my elementary school friends at the time. Planetside felt like the true introduction to MMOs for me. God I loved that game so much. Sneaking around as a cloaker and hacking and blowing up everything was the best. I played WoW from Classic through TBC but quit a bit before WotLK launched. City of Heroes was somewhere in there...I can't even remember which years I played it and CoV, but I remember adoring the game and its class system despite my dislike of the whole superhero theme.


Kinda crazy to think how long I've been playing the genre. Though I did take about a 5 year break from them while in university (after which is when I finally allowed myself to play GW2). One of the things I found out on my first date with my now-husband is that he was also a GW2 player, so that is when I really started to get into the game, and when I also knew he was a keeper 😆

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Everquest 1 was my first mmo for five years.

Planetside 1

Dark age of camelot

City of heroes

World of Warcraft, from day one, off and on many times to day 30 in bfa, never again.

Lord of the rings online

Warhammer online


Star trek online

Star wars the old republic

Plus many more.

GW2 from day one, and my most play time in mmo's due to WvW, unfortunately....

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Ah Warhammer ... I totally forgot it. Sad that it died - the official servers. Do not like "private" servers - afaik those exist. The RvR was nice. And I liked the priest (with the heavier armor - a bit similar to clerics in Dungeons and Dragons-like stuff).

I wish there was something with the item philosophy of GW2 (no grind at the end and capped at Acended stats that do not give much more than exotics) ... a system with maybe dedicated healers ... and factions fighting with a lore like in Warhammer - and where it is in the regular world (not in some mists) and where you a reason to fight ... for your faction/realm. When I joined back then it was already dead though - people only playing humans (on the order side) for the PvE stuff and the other starter areas dead.

Crafting was best in Vanguard imo. Vanguard + GW2 + Warhammer mix ... would be great.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 5/14/2022 at 5:04 AM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I'm from Phantasy Star Universe and City of Heroes.  Though I did play Runescape for awhile as well.

I loved city of heroes surprised they haven't tried to create another superhero mmo with all the superhero films flooding cinema over the past few years. You can still play city of heroes there's still alot of people playing!


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4 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Everquest 1 was my first mmo for five years.

Planetside 1

Dark age of camelot

City of heroes

World of Warcraft, from day one, off and on many times to day 30 in bfa, never again.

Lord of the rings online

Warhammer online


Star trek online

Star wars the old republic

Plus many more.

GW2 from day one, and my most play time in mmo's due to WvW, unfortunately....

Plantside 1 was amazing. Planetside 2 not so much. The game is 90 percent microtransactions.

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