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House System and Wedding.

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Housing, I'd be fine with tbh as long as it's not the only main expac feature (on a similar level to fishing and skiffs, which I only occasionally use, but are not the only two main expac features and are supplemented by other more useful ones i.e. Jade Bots). I think it would be a good addition, especially to players who don't have access to specific Guild Halls, if any at all or just want a personal space just for themselves to go and customize. Personal housing also already has much of the technical aspects/assets that could be directly ported from Guild Halls and would thus require less dev resources/time than starting from scratch like with mounts or gliding.

Weddings, on the other hand, I don't really see as being expac level and would definitely not want any kind of large-scale focus on, as they would only probably be for a small niche of players. As others have mentioned, you can already RP in-game weddings in places like that isle in LA. I would be fine with them adding a few NPCs and/or designing a few free outfits for that location, but anything more involved with that seems like a waste of resources.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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10 hours ago, Lucas.4216 said:

We need villages with houses for players to buy in all major cities and even some villages in some fields to have a peasant life hahaha. We need a system that allows us to place furniture, move it around, make it really iterative (Only some chairs are sitable in Guild Wars 2, this is really so 2010). We need a marriage system that makes a real ceremony so that the couple feels special to have spent a moment as magical as this one here in Guild Wars 2 I know there are many things, but these additions and changes are really necessary for the game to reach a long life and be able to compete with current MMOs.

10 hours ago, Lucas.4216 said:

It's because of people like you who are content with little that the game continues with the same backward vision of 10 years ago. But I understand, convenience is better than change for most people 🙂

First off, passive-aggressively insulting others who happen to have an opinion that differs from yours isn't going to help having a civil discussion about any topic.

Secondly, GW2 isn't a classic MMORPG. It differs from other online RPGs in many ways -- and while there are people who miss some ascpects in GW2 that other MMOs offer (and I certainly am one of them), the past has proven that the devs are rather unpredictable in regard of which requests they take into account and which ones they will ignore. (We have been pleasantly surprised on several occasions.)

And last but not least: personally, I find marriage in an RPG creepy. There are so many cool aspects about role-playing an adventurer, but in my book, playing out a virtual wedding isn't one of them. So what you consider "we need" might not be what others find desireable.

P.S. I recommend you check out guild halls. I have one all to myself, and just this weekend I added a tropical bar, a second library, staircases and a cozy "deluxe" camping spot.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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5 minutes ago, Aridon.8362 said:

Lol I wouldn't get married even in a video game in today's age. And housing? Why not just get one in real life.

I don’t know where you live but where I live the Housing Market is crazy. A house in a video game will probably be the only house I’ll ever own. 

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23 minutes ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

Hey! if they add fishing, they might go for Housing someday

Don't really care for both but no doubt im give it a try

Though i expect we will get "rEmOvE hOuSiNg" complaints like i've seen with fishing

Or, more likely, whatever housing Anet implements will not be what people really wanted.   Like fishing.

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22 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Or, more likely, whatever housing Anet implements will not be what people really wanted.   Like fishing.

They implemented the fishing I didn't know I wanted, but do.

Best fishing I've encountered in an RPG.

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3 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

They implemented the fishing I didn't know I wanted, but do.

Best fishing I've encountered in an RPG.

Wow...unless you are being sarcastic

Seeing positive about EoD is a surprise on gw2 forum. I'm not being sarcastic btw

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27 minutes ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

Wow...unless you are being sarcastic

Seeing positive about EoD is a surprise on gw2 forum. I'm not being sarcastic btw

Not being sarcastic. For years people have been asking for fishing, and I responded, “no, thanks”. It’s always seemed pointless.

But I’ve found myself enjoying it in GW2!

I have several other positive things to say about EOD, but I do have a long list of criticisms, too.

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I'd settle for more decorations that allow us to create houses in guild halls (that'd require an increase to the limit of decorations close together, or complete house decorations (where we add furniture inside it). It's possible, but at that point that might require a lot more work than flat out designing an instance that we can put existing decorations in. The jury's out on that one.

I quite like Randulf's remark that items should be acquired during events or collections. The game does need more reasons for people to populate maps, not less.

As far as Marriage goes... I'm not sure it would add much of anything really. You can do pretty much everything that can be done in other MMos save for couple emotes, and most MMos do not have those even. I'm fairly certain they're going to explore double chair items similar to the tea party chair, and that could give them an opportunity to make couple based ones if they want to, which I'm fairly certain is a likely outcome. 

I cant even think of a marriage "system" as it were... What would it entail even ? A special friend list ? If so, why limit it to marriage, allow players to create categories in their friendlist, and let them sort friends based on the relationship/activity together. Would it be like a buff where the couple is stronger when together (similar to that boss in the Ascalonian catacombs) ? It would likely have to be very small, or the balance would be more out of whack than it is, and most players tend to think that if it's not noticeable, it might as well not be there. I honestly cant think of how to picture it in a game like Guild wars 2.

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23 hours ago, Lucas.4216 said:

Are you satisfied with just that?

What is FF14's "marriage system?" It's a little quest that unlocks a wedding simulator and you get some special outfits (that you pay to upgrade), plus a cool two-seater mount.

That might be a fun activity but it's also, like, highly structured. A lot of roleplayers don't really want highly structured; they're more into using the game as a canvas to do their own thing. (And, on the flip side, a lot of the folks getting married in FF14 may not be everyday "roleplayers" per se. Roleplayers aren't the only people who organize various little social events in games.)

(Also, did FF14 ever fix the thing where if you get divorced but your former partner still has a Ring of Stalking in their inventory? That seems like a huge problem.)

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On 5/22/2022 at 5:10 PM, Lucas.4216 said:


Are you satisfied with just that?

Heck, I'd be satisfied with watching a wedding being roleplayed. So yes. What we need to make it happen is people willing to invite everyone to the party.


I once wish I could buy those bouquets of flowers to someone I care, but sadly barely have friends in GW2, nevermind any crushes.

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House system? I don't feel it's necessary. We have home instances, which, while not customizable in the same way one would want for a house, sort of fill in that niche, not to mention other instances like the guild halls (though again, these are lacking.)


Wedding? Eh, as another post(s) have said, you can just RP that if you care enough, and there's even an outfit for it. It doesn't need an in-game system for it.

Edited by Nilkemia.8507
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23 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I'd rather devs develop real content, to be honest. 

You'll never get real content in a video game.

Jokes aside, real content means different things to different people. I'm sure a lot of people won't agree with your definition...whatever it is.

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I would only accept an in-game marriage system if it was devised as part of a tax collection system.  This way, marriage would have monetary benefits with deductions from the Tyrian IRS.  However, a tax collection system for GW2 is going to get extremely complicated with the sheer number of character deaths....

Conclusion: players would constantly die during events, etc. "for tax reasons" causing all content to be impossible to complete


Next, a housing system would only work if there was also an in-game mortgage system.  And to have that, we need an in-game fractional reserve banking system.  With an in-game fractional reserve banking system comes an in-game financial instruments market system (you should see where this is going).  With these new systems comes the ability to buy and sell accounts receivables from long-term notes payable of mortgage holders.  Because the players can buy and sell mortgage loans, we can recreate the 2008 financial crisis.  

Conclusion: in-game housing would only crash the economy.


/jk (in case you think any of this is serious)


Edited by Rogue.8235
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On 5/22/2022 at 9:57 AM, Lottie.5370 said:


Mate, if enough people thought like you (spoiler: they do not) and the game actually was losing players over it, they would've done something about it by now.





Why are you so invested in marriage in a game? And why do you think it actually adds a benefit to GW2?


I'm pretty sure that the majority of players really could not give a kitten about it, and it really isn't adding anything except RP (which you can just do yourself...).


About player housing - just go get a guild hall. You can decorate it to your heart's content and map there whenever you want.

I've seen in-game marriage in another mmo before, Mabinogi, I think it has some benefits. It makes the game world more of a living world and more sandboxy, creates stronger bonds between players to keep them playing, and attracts and keeps an RP community.

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22 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

I would only accept an in-game marriage system if it was devised as part of a tax collection system.  This way, marriage would have monetary benefits with deductions from the Tyrian IRS.  However, a tax collection system for GW2 is going to get extremely complicated with the sheer number of character deaths....

Conclusion: players would constantly die during events, etc. "for tax reasons" causing all content to be impossible to complete

I'd marry my cousi- eh, alt account.

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You do know that this is a fantastic idea but it's all part of a larger system for the game.  See one of the problems this game has is that it is missing key pieces of economies that in the real world make economies function.  So there needs to be a DIVORCE system in place too as well as CHILD SUPPORT.  So, if split without buying the 50k gem prenup you are going to lose half of your gold and half of your guild.  Then you got to pay 2k gold a month for each player under 18 years old that remains on the roster.  Not to mention people wanted professions so lawyers, family counselors, etc etc great place to begin.


Remember the magical word in any relationship... HALF.

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10 hours ago, Voltage.8027 said:

I've seen in-game marriage in another mmo before, Mabinogi, I think it has some benefits. It makes the game world more of a living world and more sandboxy, creates stronger bonds between players to keep them playing, and attracts and keeps an RP community.

Using a game system to simulate what players can already do for themselves is the oposite of a sandbox. You can already get married in GW2, so what the OP is asking for is exclusive mechanical benefits for his RP.

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Sounds like a 2d Korean mmo would better suit your needs. They're usually hot trash gameplay wise, and you generally have to buy weddings from RTX, but the community these sorts of games attract is SAUCY and 100% worth the experience if you're looking for drama, intrigue and a bit of harmless flirting on the side.


Playing devil's advocate here, responses here like "Just go RP where nobody can see you" doesn't really work, because games with a marriage system tends to turn a fringe RP thing nobody's interested in into a gamebreaking "wtf you're not married? You're missing 30% of your dps buffs bruh" thing - so naturally, you're kinda peer pressured into marrying egirls/ebois, real girls and boys, alts or emotionless marriages where you're only there for the benefits (potentially widowed, if your husband/wife never logs in again). While some people call it creepy, and some people DO get creepy, it really does add a new social dimension into the game for people who feel otherwise unloved/depressed in their kitten 9 to 5 shiftwork.


That being said, I don't think I've ever seen a western game that has a marriage mechanic - nor do I see a need for it. It needs a trashier sort of playerbase to work, the kind that asks for "phr33 st00f pl0x".

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7 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I'd marry my cousi- eh, alt account.

*banjo twanging intensifies*

On subject: I can see the appeal, but at the same time I feel they need to focus on some QoL changes(i.e. visual clutter, sputters with the DX11 thing, and that weird freaking character tilt) before they put in something that could break things worse. Although technically they could scale down Guild Halls, a fair counterpoint would be how they'd implement the allocation of land and space: would there be lots that lead to individual instances? Would it be a communal instance stemming to a smaller instance?

As for the marriage thing, I have mixed feelings: I used to play Perfect World and my real-life husband and I got married in game, shortly following, my friend and his then girlfriend got married. Long story short, they broke up, things went to absolute kitten, and they both had to pay 100 gold fee for divorce. Then again, Perfect World is...not a good game to compare Guild Wars 2 to, it was the only parallel I could draw though.

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8 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Using a game system to simulate what players can already do for themselves is the oposite of a sandbox. You can already get married in GW2, so what the OP is asking for is exclusive mechanical benefits for his RP.

It's not "the opposite of sandbox", it's providing a feature that you can choose to use or not. It's the difference between calling a group of players on each other's friendlist a guild, compared to there being an actual guild to join in-game. By sandboxy, I mean a game that has less of a straight path for players to follow and has more things for players to do besides killing monsters. Like how the game Second Life, which also has the a marriage/partner mechanic, is a sandbox game.

Edited by Voltage.8027
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