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The " Pointed Ears " package is a horror show.

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20 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Significant amounts of elf art for Warhammer Fantasy and 40k dating back into the 80's had the longer ears. To some degree that was so that matching miniatures had exaggerated features for ease of painting. As WH influenced Blizzard, as well as DnD, you might be able to cast some "blame" their way.

Okay, I had completely forgotten about the Warhammer tabletop. You are right, of course.

In any case, I might get those after all for my Elementalist, then I can run across Tyria shouting, "Has anyone seen my noble steed? We were separated after I rode through that portal from Middle Earth!" 😅

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I think they look weird on all races, including humans. I also don't see the appeal of making the character's ears pointier, so I won't be buying them.

But are we sure they're not supposed to look fake? The cat and rabbit ears sold in the gem store have a visible head band like real-life costume pieces, which obviously isn't required to keep them in place so I'm pretty sure it's so the end effect is that your character is dressing up. Are these the same? I've only seen them in the preview window where they're very small (preview really needs some improvements, including different zoom levels) so it's hard to tell but that would explain them looking fake.

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I think these fall in to the same category as wings and unicorn horns. I don't think they're attached to any lore in the game. Cosmetics being somewhat emersion breaking has always been a point of contention for some in the community. It's never been a strong enough argument to stop the addition of new, strange accessories though. 
I myself now have 5 characters wearing elf ears because I really think they're neat. 

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26 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Despite being a big fan of Tolkien and more classical fantasy I had liked that GW had been trying to be a somewhat more unique, the over reliance on Magi-tech notwithstanding, so I'm not really much of a fan of these things. Not terribly put out by them either, though.

Pretty much this.

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5 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

Elves aren't property of Lord of the Rings. Elves even exist IRL naturally as some people actually have pointy ears. 😛

I can't tell if you're serious or not...

4 hours ago, WillowFae.9528 said:


Wait, I was joking earlier -- is it official that ANET is backing Amazon and the Rings of Power?

Well they're not "officially" backing anything, RoP is just talked about everywhere right now so of course Anet is going to cash in on that "media exposure"...


In any case...


BOOOO Anet for shoving in an aesthetic that doesn't fit just for a quick cash grab.



This isn't the first time, it won't be the last, but can we please focus on Tyria's strengths and do the gem store around that for a change?





My god...

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2 hours ago, Mortime.1359 said:

I want plastic looking fake teeth next so my charr can look like this...


Wow. It's like someone actually thought heraldic lions are accurate and what the real animal is supposed to look like. Somehow it's even more disturbing than the drawn ones.

20 minutes ago, Wolfshade.9251 said:

I actually like how they went the extra step to add brand new charr horns complete with metal decorations. Sadly they don't fit any of my current characters. Obviously I'd prefer they added more horn options to makeover kits instead, but I'm always glad to see more charr-specific fashion.

That's the one part of this I liked - the decorations on the horns (I didn't actually notice at first that it changes the horns too). I wish we could get that without the weird ears.

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Considering that humans are immigrants to Tyria, their cultural history didn't simply reset the moment they landed.  People bring traditions and stories with them to new countries.  I am perfectly willing to believe that elves are a human myth.  We already know that myths and mythic figures last for centuries even millennia.  It is also fairly appropriate to dress as a folktale creature for Halloween. 

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16 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

After going and watching a preview video, I don't get this thread at all. They look equally weird on all races.

Yes, they really messed up the auricle. It looks weird, a human ear within an elven ear: https://i.imgur.com/UOw1apm.jpg

10 hours ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

They're not Elf ears, they're VULCAN ears.  For crying out loud, doesn't anyone watch star trek anymore?

Vulcans don't have lengthy, leaf-shaped, outward bend ears, though. 😂

Had ANet designed decent elf ears that are actually shaped like vulcan ears, I could have used them for my vampire-themed necromancer. 😁

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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2 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Considering that humans are immigrants to Tyria, their cultural history didn't simply reset the moment they landed.  People bring traditions and stories with them to new countries.  I am perfectly willing to believe that elves are a human myth.  We already know that myths and mythic figures last for centuries even millennia.  It is also fairly appropriate to dress as a folktale creature for Halloween. 

I'd agree, except that we've never seen or heard any mention of that. The only thing we know about the world the humans came from is that it's not Tyria but can (or could) be reached through the Mists and their gods lead them from there to Tyria. I think Anet could start adding myths and legends from before then which have somehow survived and simply weren't mentioned within our story before now, but to use that as a justification for adding elf ears I think the stories would need to have come first.

However, I think there's an alternative: people in real life don't just make up stories about things that actually exist, or even things which they believe used to exist. I've often thought that one thing which is oddly lacking from a lot of fantasy settings is...fantasy. Or sci-fi or even just drama. Entirely fictional stories made up by people within that world to be entertaining. There are exceptions, Patrick Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles is a prime example - the main character is basically a bard, so the books had to include a lot of references to in-universe songs, plays and other stories, but it's very rare for that to happen.

I think it's entirely possible someone in Tyria could make up stories about elves without anyone needing to believe they actually existed, the same way we don't need to believe charr or sylvari or asura actually existed somewhere in the universe. We already know from various hints, most obviously Snargle Goldclaw and his publisher, that Tyria has a fiction industry. But still, to use that as justification for gem store items we need some evidence that those stories exist.

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13 hours ago, Tanith.5264 said:

My charr would like to register a complaint, he nearly put his eye out on the pointy ears.

And my human engineer has no interest in pointy ears, he wants his fez. Now.



Fezzes are cool.  We wear those now.  

Lol I previewed them on my charr.  Haven't laughed so hard since the high heels 🤣 Flap flap flap ouch!

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