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I'm tired of extremely high level characters tearing through low level zones.

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8 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

They have just as much right to be there as you do.  Unlike other MMOs, in GW2 there are reasons for max level players to be in lower level zones.  I think it would be better if ANet rebalanced the downscaling to make it more appropriate to what max level stats actually are, but don't blame the players for that.


@drachehexe.6425: A broad variety of achievements, starting from map completion to fishing, are bound to those low-level maps. So it's not necessarily "meanies" trying to disrupt new players' experience, though I admit players trolling others can be encountered anywhere.

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At some point you will explore areas for low level with a high level character too , it is needed for some stuff like leggy gen 1 weapons , what your solution is : you hit lvl 35 or higher , well too bad queendale is no more accessible to you ... great idea buddy ... think a bit before ranting about something ! There are way more good solution than yours , like someone said , even going further in the downscale , make dismount skills deal 0 damage and have no effect , especially the raptor , who can pack up a bunch of mobs then reap trough them like butter (i know this one is very annoying for new players)

Removing some stuff is a solution , but think about ppl who are full leggy and have to rechoose and remind the stats they were using (yeah it's mostly berserker ... but you get the point) , or force everyone to play condi in map level below 60 , lol ... no , not a good idea at all.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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Using a couple of auto-attacks and then leave the mobs alive for the other players doing the quests is something so rare these days, that when I do it people around almost always thank me... while it should be normal behaviour.

If you find A LOT of high-level players in your starting area, I recommend to check if the map is the daily map for PvE and play somewhere else for that day. It's really frustrating to compete with people that 1-shot everything when you want to complete your quests. It's not the ideal solution, but until ArenaNet addresses the increased power creep (hopefully not like they did with the Shaman Chief), this is what you can do.

Edited by Urud.4925
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I took my lvl 80 Renegade to Queensdale for map completion (reason to be there, as already mentioned) yesterday.
1. "Raptor down" stuff can be obnoxious for low level players, if you do it a lot, especially for those escort quests that spawn enemies. Seeing others struggling with even tagging an enemy should be an indication for veterans to stop rushing ahead and bomb the spawns with their raptor. Of course that requires empathy for the other player, which is something you can't really influence.
2. Core Tyria event scaling. Take the area where the Behemoth spawns and its heart. Those creatures spawn from the portals for everyone over time and do not scale for the players in the area. Everyone needs to share the Tormented Souls and random portals with Shades. If three or more people are doing that heart at the same time, it takes forever for the mobs to respawn and the veteran player with his mount can rush to them quicker than the new player, kill stealing the mob.
3. Single mob events. In core Tyria, they don't scale up. Often they are Veteran mobs, no matter how many people are there. They should scale up better to Elite or even champion status. Later expansions do that better, but ANet probably does not want to touch old code and they would go back to those Champion farm trains we had e.g. in Queensdale. 

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I would wonder if the OP was sure it was level 80 characters or if they just noticed other players killing things very quickly and assumed they were very high level toons?  The reason I ask is that on Sunday evening through Tues, the beginning areas of the starter zones (especially queensdale) are home to key farmer who need to get their toons to level 10 to start the quest for their key.  I find that my key farming character at level 1-9 actually kills things a bit faster than my level 80s in exotic gear.   Perhaps, since you can only get the first key once a week now anyway, it is time to drop the required level for the first quest back down to 1.  That might clear some of those areas from key farmers trying to level as fast as they can.  Also, for key farmers, if you have more than one account or a buddy, mapping a non-heart map like grothmar gets you between 8 and 10 levels and keeps you out of the starting zones.  And then cooking or jeweling can get the last little bit faster than leveling in zones for very little.

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GoE are the culprits here, not the collections imho.

When I'm there for a collection, it's not for long, it's something specific and being considerate is absolutely not a hindrance to my gameplay.

When it's for map completion.. I'm there aware I'm just indulging the devs in a time-sink that is terribly redundant and absolutely not entertaining (to me - to each its own). So, after a hundred hearts I've already done and not necessarily enjoyed it's becoming more hard to be considerate for other's time value when it feels like it comes at the cost of mine.

Players are not going around starter areas commiting genocides to troll new players. Most times, they're even helpful. But we're also humans with limited game time that we value strongly as well so killing fast to fill up a heart or something can and always will happen too.

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I haven't read all the replies, but I agree with the people saying high level characters often have good reasons to be in low level maps and doing events, map completion etc. and that it can actually be difficult not to kill things quickly in that situation. I'm not the best player and deliberately build my characters with a bit more defence and lower damage and even then I'll find myself killing things in a few hits.

On that basis I think Anet really needs to review downscaling and balance generally in lower level maps. I know it's not simple because I've also seen people (including some with characters above the recommended level) who take much longer to kill even normal enemies. I'm not sure why exactly, so I'm not sure how to fix it, but it would be great if Anet could at least look at the problem.

I've also noticed a weird thing where often if I hold back to try to allow for other people to do more some of those people will copy me and also start holding back. For example if there's a low level player nearby using ranged attacks I'll switch to melee so they can hit it while I'm running over, but then they'll switch to melee too. Or I'll break off before an enemy dies to make sure someone else can hit it, and then they don't attack them either and follow me to whatever I've moved on to. I'm not sure what to do about that, it's not an easy thing to explain in the middle of an event and the one time I tried I got no response from the two people I was trying not to steal kills from and a 3rd person I hadn't even seen sent me several angry whispers accusing me of bragging and showing off.

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7 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

That being said, if you do come across players who are clearing out all the npcs in an area, the best advice I can offer is to move somewhere else for 10-15 minutes and just come back when they're gone. In almost all cases the npcs will have respawned and those players will have moved on.

Probably even faster than that, if it's not a daily event completion zone. If they're running through doing zone completion, they'll likely clear the hearts really fast, and move on.

I do think a design pass on down-scaling would be helpful for the life of the game. Level 80s need to be scaled down even harder given their access to elite specs, synergies, and gear. Though that might make some upset because it'll make their gift of exploration more work.

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54 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I do think a design pass on down-scaling would be helpful for the life of the game. Level 80s need to be scaled down even harder given their access to elite specs, synergies, and gear. Though that might make some upset because it'll make their gift of exploration more work.

It's not even that. I am mowing down mobs on my weekly keyfarming character as easily, and i do not generally bother to equip it up to the fullest. I just know which weapons, traits, and stats from drops to choose, and know the maps well. That's all that is necessary on lower maps to be an engine of death.

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Like pretty much every reply stated, there's a reason many of us maxed level characters go into those zones so please don't try and tell us we should be banned. That's absurd.

As for me, I slay stuff using my real skills if nobody else is around but if I do see others around, I try to first just auto attack, especially if it's an event. I want others to get hits in since I know it can be frustrating to take part in an event and not get credit. 

I also wonder how many of these players are actually newer players and not just vets looking to level up another character. I wish mastery points showed even when you are levelling up. I also agree with those stated even level appropriate characters can mow down enemies with ease so it's not simply us max level folk. Core tyria enemy difficulty should be bumped up a bit. 

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I've struggled with this question as the high level player, but it's so hard to pull your punches that you end up just being a nuisance longer. The best solution I've found is to try to get in and out fast enough that you don't ruin someone's entire play session, which paradoxically means you need to kill things faster.

Also consider that once you get to higher levels, these "arrogant" and "selfish" players may just be the ones you want around to help you complete events or hero points.

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I feel like difficulty in the first 1 - 10 areas needs a bump and skills need some balance.

Some classes right from the start 1 hit kill.  Others have to hit 4 or 5 times.  Balance wise that makes no sense what-so-ever.  Everyone should have to do 4 or 5 hits.  Otherwise the learning experience is very different for each player.

I do personally visit the starter zones often just to chill.  I won't even fight.  Just fly around, maybe save a downed player, or check out the sights.  

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No one here yet mentioned endgame content added to starter areas like the legendary bandits in Queensdale.

It's just a new player vs. vet issue. No amount of scaling is going to solve when an experienced player hops on a new character or alt account and knows how to speed through the content.

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On 5/29/2023 at 4:14 PM, drachehexe.6425 said:

It's not just in this game, almost every MMO I've played in the last couple of years always had high level characters making new character sin that zone struggle to finish quests and special encounters.  I am pretty much a GW2 noob.  I had several 60ish level characters a while back but came back to the game just this last week and decided to start over so I created a new character and deleted all my old ones. 

Now I am going through starting zones and have several times encountered extremely high leveled players just tearing up the zone killing everything in one shot leaving nothing for new character to do, including the special event encounters where there is no time to engage and be a part of the event to get the rewards, not to mention how boring the event is anyways even with rewards because it ends almost instantly with these selfish players just dropping them so quickly.   And they are EVERYWHERE almost all the time.  While I've seen this in other games like WoW, ESO, and others it's the most egregious and disruptive in this game.

It doesn't help that most of these arrogant, selfish players are not in the least apologetic.  Why is this behavior allowed?  Why aren't these super high leveled characters banned from starting areas, or at least unable to interfere with new players?  They're stealing all the fun out of the early stages.

That's just the game's design for ya, anet wants max level players to still have to run around the mapp into lower level zones, disrupting low level players. 

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On 5/29/2023 at 4:47 PM, Lanfear De Noir.9127 said:

I take my high-level characters into low-level areas because I HAVE to. There are things I need to do there like collect hero points (you need those to level up your Specialisations EG: a Necromancers Reaper skill). You need to do this by going to low-level areas you have never been to before (EG: you are a Charr and you go to all other 'non-Charr' low-level areas)...

Other Reasons for high level players in low level areas are...

1... players doing map completion

2... players doing dailies

3... specific events are happening on those maps (a boss)

4... gathering materials

When I do this I have to get at least 1 hit on the npc/mob so I am able to get credit... sadly, 1 hit CAN kill them. I try my hardest NOT to kill them if another low-level player is there...but it can't be helped.

This is 1 reason you see high-level players in low-level areas... So be mindful of this as they NEED to be there too.

PLUS... Their level is downscaled for that area, they may be level 80, but they are playing as a lower level. Maybe Arenanet need to scale the level down a bit more.

wait, what? this doesn't make any sense. there's enough hero points in expansion maps to fully train like 4 or 5 elite specializations, why would you go to core tyria and get them one at a time? that makes no sense, and is the exact opposite of necessary.

and if you don't have any expansions, that still doesn't make sense as you have no use for hero points, hitting 80 gives you the exact number of hero points you need to train every core skill and specialization, even if you never grabbed a single extra hero point.

but still this doesn't make sense, as hero points can basically be activated repeatedly, so doing one isn't taking it away from low level players, which is the whole point of what the OP is complaining about. so if you are just trying to get map completion it's whatever, you aren't getting in anyone's way regardless of your level (not to mention a random lowbie running by simply needs to attack the HP enemies to get credit for it).

your comment is extremely confusing.

Edited by ridespirals.7985
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2 hours ago, ridespirals.7985 said:

wait, what? this doesn't make any sense. there's enough hero points in expansion maps to fully train like 4 or 5 elite specializations, why would you go to core tyria and get them one at a time? that makes no sense, and is the exact opposite of necessary.

and if you don't have any expansions, that still doesn't make sense as you have no use for hero points, hitting 80 gives you the exact number of hero points you need to train every core skill and specialization, even if you never grabbed a single extra hero point.

but still this doesn't make sense, as hero points can basically be activated repeatedly, so doing one isn't taking it away from low level players, which is the whole point of what the OP is complaining about. so if you are just trying to get map completion it's whatever, you aren't getting in anyone's way regardless of your level (not to mention a random lowbie running by simply needs to attack the HP enemies to get credit for it).

your comment is extremely confusing.

Other than that one strange point the rest are pretty common reasons.

Though to be fair OP's complaints are equally out there except for events and when the event daily is up. Might be a good idea to remove that for "high" level accounts. The game already has slightly different sets of dailies for people who have a lv80 and those that do not or at the very least provide an alternative map for lv80s.

It is pretty rare to see much people at an event when it is not the daily map or a world boss.

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3 hours ago, ridespirals.7985 said:

your comment is extremely confusing.

Sorry for the confusion... I am new to the game (5 mths old) and I did not realize that hero points are worth more in high-level areas (from the expansions). I just did them and didn't take notice of the points I received, I just thought all hero points were the same... I spoke to friends in-game about this and they confirmed.

You learn something new every day...

But you still need to go to low-level areas for all the other reasons I stated.

Edited by Lanfear De Noir.9127
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The complaint has little merit. Mobs respawn. There are map instances. There are multiple areas of similar level. Those players do move on from those areas. It's simply not the problem that the OP indicates. The game is designed for people to have reasons for being in all areas, no matter what their level. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I only played GW2 for a few months its first year and just started playing again last week with the Collection Ultimate.  My “main” character is 80 in a mix of exotic and ascended gear but I don’t have a clue what I’m doing yet.

Just finished Living World 1 and it’s had me doing stuff in all the low level zones and out in PvP and in some “public” instances — which I didn’t even know existed.  I’m playing right next to brand new and leveling players but my “effective” level is the same as theirs.  That’s how this game works if I remember correctly.

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7 minutes ago, LeCreaux.3087 said:

I’m playing right next to brand new and leveling players but my “effective” level is the same as theirs.  That’s how this game works if I remember correctly.

Correct... but the gear you are using (your amulets, weapons etc) will kill the mobs quicker than any low-level gear that low-level players would be using...


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This is what happens when Open World is too easy. When I see an enemy from afar and go to engage it for a heart/event/hero point, my thought process is not "Can I handle this enemy?".

It is always "Can I get a hit on the enemy before it dies in 0.5 sec to get participation?" 

This is why I stay away from Open World. It can actually be more stressful having to constantly race other players. If you're on a new account with no mounts and no movement skills/range attacks, GL at having fun.

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