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The rift trailer makes rifts look extremely boring

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One enemy that poses no threat?

Four second cast time to close the rift?

It looks like everything bad people are complaining about in Diablo4..

What's with the ugly gigantic monster hunter armor, too?


Edited by Kozumi.5816
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I think it did a really good job at showing how straight-forward and on-demand the rifts will be. Follow the magic stream to the rift, poke it with the heart of the obscure, beat up the baddies, grab loot, then use the heart of the obscure to locate another nearby rift and repeat the process. On launch it might be pure chaos, but longterm this looks like a great way to spend some time, assuming there's decent enough combat variance between different rifts and rewards worth grinding them for.

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These trailers deliberately cut things out to avoid showing spoilers or other details too early. I think it’s more a poor trailer rather than indicative of the content itself. We need to avoid reviewing content before it’s released based on a few seconds of clipped content.

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this is exactly what players asked for: no jade tech and a return to classical high fantasy. that also means its going to seem more generic, as literally the entire point of the expansion is to be generic and appealing to the masses who love this kind of thing.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

These trailers deliberately cut things out to avoid showing spoilers or other details too early. I think it’s more a poor trailer rather than indicative of the content itself. We need to avoid reviewing content before it’s released based on a few seconds of clipped content.

I agree. Obviously no one knows what rift hunting is actually like yet, but even so it's clear a lot was cut out of that trailer, including most of the fight against the bosses, and probably a lot of the travel time between areas.

It reminds me of before GW2 was released when they did little videos showcasing different skills on each profession. They were all obviously staged with just 1 enemy or a small group of weak ones that barely attacked (sometimes just stood still) and always died from the one attack or a couple of auto-attacks if they were showing off something like mesmer portals. Some people thought that was representative of actual combat and kept complaining that every profession was over-powered and would one-shot everything.

GW2's combat tends to be quite busy, even with just a few players and enemies and I assume they wanted us to be able to get a good look at the kryptids and the rifts.

Having said that I also agree with the people saying this looks like it's supposed to be something you can do whenever you feel like it, solo or with a group, in between other activities so individual rifts probably aren't supposed to take a lot of time.

9 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

What's with the ugly gigantic monster hunter armor, too?

If you mean the player character's armour that's the Arcane Spellweaver's Hat (the SotO pre-order one), Luminous top, Spearmarshal's leggings with Elegy shoulders and boots. I think the gloves are either Triumphant or Mist Shard but I'm not sure. They're also using the Etherbound Greatsword. So the only new part is the hat, otherwise it's been possible for players to dress like that for years (and there's been similar hats too.)

(And if you mean the kryptids...well, they are ugly gigantic monsters.)

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The real problem is that people seem to expect cinematic quality, while GW2 never did actual cinematic trailers, it's always literal game content, with the fanciest thing maybe being free camera. Is that what is truły bothering OP?

Edited by Szymon.5369
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18 minutes ago, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

They should make another trailer in which other 9 people join in so people can compare.

Doing a demo stream with a few arenanet guys could make it look a lot more fun. If they "accidentally" leaked something in the demo like if one of the characters was wearing the new armor set or using the new skyscale mount then that could cause some hype.

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I must agree that the trailer is composed in a way that makes whole thing look bad. I could see what they could be trying to go for with it, but the execution is still... not good.

The whole make-up of the trailer is the spinny animation (subjective opinion: I think the way the hand moves during this animation looks weird), a wide shot of skyscale travel, the rift visual very similar to the ones we've already seen previously, another spinny animation, one mob being killed, eye of sauron pops up from the rift, another spinny animation, eye of sauron dies, spinny animation, and off we go.

all to display system that was described as:

track down a rift, expose a rift, fight waves of enemies, kill the boss that spawns afterwards, rip rewards, rinse and repeat for as long as you like.

So the trailer already failed to show rift mechanics of fighting through waves of enemies properly, failed to showcase any boss encounter, and consists of alot of repetition of same animation.

Now about arguments trying to defend this trailer:
1. If this trailer is representative of t1 rifts, than the bar for "needs to be soloable" is somehow ridiculously low in devs minds, it would also make me avoid t1 rifts myself.

2. cutting out most of the fight to avoid spoilers - outside of the good old "what the heck is there to spoil in a rift fights?" - if for some reason your trailer cannot show the meat of your new feature in a way that encourages players to actually engage with that new feature, then you should not do that trailer in the first place.


And yeah I guess it does showcase decently the on-demand and straight forward nature of the feature, but it undermines that "success" with making the feature look very bad in the process 😕

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6 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

I think it did a really good job at showing how straight-forward and on-demand the rifts will be. Follow the magic stream to the rift, poke it with the heart of the obscure, beat up the baddies, grab loot, then use the heart of the obscure to locate another nearby rift and repeat the process. On launch it might be pure chaos, but longterm this looks like a great way to spend some time, assuming there's decent enough combat variance between different rifts and rewards worth grinding them for.

They better not re-use those stupid unstable magic mechanics from bounties again...

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7 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

I think it did a really good job at showing how straight-forward and on-demand the rifts will be. Follow the magic stream to the rift, poke it with the heart of the obscure, beat up the baddies, grab loot, then use the heart of the obscure to locate another nearby rift and repeat the process. On launch it might be pure chaos, but longterm this looks like a great way to spend some time, assuming there's decent enough combat variance between different rifts and rewards worth grinding them for.

What it most reminded me of was Istan meteor farming.

Probably not the impression they were going for.


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Does no one else see the Eye of Sauron in that trailer? Is LOTR going to sue Anet?

8 hours ago, Pirana.2601 said:

Just 'borrow' RIFT's entire system, it was one of the best things about that game. This way, it puts the final nail in the coffin for that game. lol 

Man i'd completely forgotten about Rifts.. such a great mmorpg.

1 hour ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I must agree that the trailer is composed in a way that makes whole thing look bad. I could see what they could be trying to go for with it, but the execution is still... not good.

The whole make-up of the trailer is the spinny animation (subjective opinion: I think the way the hand moves during this animation looks weird), a wide shot of skyscale travel, the rift visual very similar to the ones we've already seen previously, another spinny animation, one mob being killed, eye of sauron pops up from the rift, another spinny animation, eye of sauron dies, spinny animation, and off we go.

all to display system that was described as:

track down a rift, expose a rift, fight waves of enemies, kill the boss that spawns afterwards, rip rewards, rinse and repeat for as long as you like.

So the trailer already failed to show rift mechanics of fighting through waves of enemies properly, failed to showcase any boss encounter, and consists of alot of repetition of same animation.

Now about arguments trying to defend this trailer:
1. If this trailer is representative of t1 rifts, than the bar for "needs to be soloable" is somehow ridiculously low in devs minds, it would also make me avoid t1 rifts myself.

2. cutting out most of the fight to avoid spoilers - outside of the good old "what the heck is there to spoil in a rift fights?" - if for some reason your trailer cannot show the meat of your new feature in a way that encourages players to actually engage with that new feature, then you should not do that trailer in the first place.


And yeah I guess it does showcase decently the on-demand and straight forward nature of the feature, but it undermines that "success" with making the feature look very bad in the process 😕

Sounds just like the old rifts no one bothers with in Tyria already, almost exactly.

Edited by Dante.1508
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23 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Does no one else see the Eye of Sauron in that trailer?

Of course. Everytime.  And it reminds me of something similar in shape to the inside of a glowing orchid that I don't want to elaborate on here. 😇

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34 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Does no one else see the Eye of Sauron in that trailer? Is LOTR going to sue Anet?

An eye ball would one of the lowest thing on the list to sue over then.

Fantasy MMO's are all from the page of Tolkien in the first place.


Edited by jokke.6239
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