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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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8 hours ago, Silencer.7614 said:

Most Anniversary gifts come with an account bound dye kit.  While this is a great reward for most people, if a player is an alt-aholic like myself and has 55 characters or more characters then they quickly use up all choices of dyes and can do nothing with the kits but throw them away or hold them in storage hoping that they may get changes made to them down the road.

You can throw four of your account bound dyes into the mystic forge and get one tradeable dye in return. Don't know if there is a better solution, but that's what I do with birthday dyes.

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Hi there, I'm super grateful to be able to revisit old lion's arch, such a great blast from the past. But I'm unable to enjoy it properly as it's quite isolated from the rest of the world. I can live without gliding and mounts, especially as there's no fall damage. But I'd like to suggest two things that would enable me and hopefully others to get the use out of this map that they want.

1) Enable "Tyria Surface" as a layer when viewing the world map so that we can use waypoints to leave OLA. A significant factor for me in not using OLA is that there is usually an extra loading screen if you want to go anywhere else. To New LA then where ever your destination is unless you're using tomes.

2) Enable the popup to join your party in Fractals of the Mists to happen in Old LA if your party has entered from New LA anywhere on the map. Currently you can join your party in fractals from Old LA but you have to walk up to the entrance which requires using the key to load into north LA< waypointing down to fractals and then running in. No one would do this if their party is already waiting inside for them - just goto New LA.

I really want to use Old LA more but these two factors prevent me from using Old LA in the common ways I use LA. I hope these changes can be straight forwards to implement if considered! Many thanks for Old LA nostalgia anyway!

Edited by Unicorn Luna.5204
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I fully agree. I've been in the old LA exactly twice since I got the key and these changes would make it more interesting. I have the fractal gate portal scroll but if I hadn't, the second point would be great for fractals.

On the other hand I really wish you could port to pve instances from anywhere in the world. I dont really see the point why this isnt in the game. And if the waypoint gold sink is the problem (which it really shouldnt be because you have scrolls for most of the hubs) just add a little transportation fee if you are outside the hub.

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This may already be a thing that I dont know about... If so, please tell me...


When you go to the Wardrobe and choose an item EG: chest... it costs 1 Transmutation Charge to change it to what you desire.


I would like that Transmutation to be permanent until you decide otherwise to transmute again... (EG: If you get another armor piece you can keep the prior transmutation).


I have transmuted a few times, only to find a better armor piece the next day. This means my Transmutation is lost when I use the new (better) armor.  I then have to buy another transmutation to transmog this new armor piece.

Sooooooooo frustrating and soooooooo expensive.


I HATE my toons wearing a random item that messes up their fashion sense...


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16 hours ago, Lanfear De Noir.9127 said:

This may already be a thing that I dont know about... If so, please tell me...


When you go to the Wardrobe and choose an item EG: chest... it costs 1 Transmutation Charge to change it to what you desire.


I would like that Transmutation to be permanent until you decide otherwise to transmute again... (EG: If you get another armor piece you can keep the prior transmutation).


I have transmuted a few times, only to find a better armor piece the next day. This means my Transmutation is lost when I use the new (better) armor.  I then have to buy another transmutation to transmog this new armor piece.

Sooooooooo frustrating and soooooooo expensive.


I HATE my toons wearing a random item that messes up their fashion sense...


As someone who seems to love playing fashion wars I would highly recommend working on getting legendary armor.  In the short term it will not solve your issue, but long term Legendary gear can be transmuted to any unlocked look that you own for free as often as you want to make changes.

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7 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

which is it?

Likely it's the first one - to be able to obtain more than one per account.

I'd say the same should be done with Koda's Warmth Enrichment too. I have multiple toons/layouts I'd love to use these with. And I've seen this suggested earlier - to add the option to buy more from the Laurel Merchants (once you've done the related achievement), so same what they did with the Birthday Enrichment.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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It would be kind of cool if Anet add these "can-only-get-once-and-never-again" infusions to the legendary wardrobe, then we'd be able to have one for each toon on the account. (The ones that drop rarely from bosses and such should of course not be in there since it would devalue them too much...)

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I deleted my dungeon mails a while back trying to get within my mail limit (as I didn't yet understand which items do or do not impact the mail limit), and I'd like an option to resend system mail (obviously this couldn't trigger birthday parcels, but if we could get all quest related mail resent in case we made a mistake).

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Also, speaking of birthday parcels, as a new player I didn't know that birthday gifts and some other game items were tied to characters and not the account. I started out by making characters and deleting them, to try various options. Is there a way to set one character's age to the age of the account?

Also it would be nice if oldest character were flagged in the character select screen.



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Hello! Here is my suggestion regarding Gift of Battle.


Gift of Battle: QoL Suggestion
- Keep the Gift of Battle Reward track in WvW
- Add Repeatable achievement (like Drizzlewood Coast) for Gift of Battle, where the currency is gathered from PvE METAs: including:

  1. All World Bosses (lower level World bosses would give less currency)
  2. Big META Events across all core + expansion maps: HoT, PoF, EoD METAs: such as Nightbosses, Octovine, Dragon's Stand, Dragon's End.
  3. I wouldn't include the LWS maps, as they are required for the trinkets and not the weapons.


That is all.

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As someone who doesn’t enjoy pvp, i can understand where you’re coming from. But I don’t think they should add gift of battle in pve.  

It is a way to help players who doesn’t really find the game mode tempting to at least try it. I know some players who didn’t find the game mode attractive, but went there for a gift of battle or the warclaw. They play it occasionally now because the game mode grew on them and they had fun. 

And if they added what you’re requesting, the WvW players would definitely complain that they have to do pve for various items and legendaries they want. And it would remove quite an amount of players from a game mode that needs players to go there. Including us pve scrubs who doesn’t really want to be there. How else would they get their free loot bags 👀

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As soon as I saw this topic I knew the suggestion was going to be making it available in PvE.

This comes up every so often and never goes over well. There is definitely a minority who want it, and I'm sure Anet are aware of that and if they had any intention of removing the requirement to play WvW to make a legendary they would have done it years ago. As @Freya.9075 said it can often be the thing which gets people to try WvW and then they find they actually like it (that happened to me, but with the mini dolyak), and if not at least they've tried.

There are also ways to get it without having to fight other players or actually play WvW, they're just slow.

Also if Anet ever did add a way to get the Gift of Battle in PvE I doubt they'd include all the expansions, because gen 1 legendaries are part of the base game.

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Apologies in advance, as I wasn't able to find a game suggestion area on the forums and submitted a ticket to support to clarify.


I think this one might strike home with a lot of players but here goes nothing.. Since I've returned, I can't find anywhere to Inspect a player's gear or outfit.


  1. Can we look into adding an inspect feature to inspect other players gear?
  2. Additionally, add the option to enable/disable this feature to allow players to disallow viewing of said gear for privacy reasons.


This would be greatly appreciated and I think this would be a awesome MMO addition to the updates that have been happening lately.


Thank you,
Logan aka nag0L

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Brace yourself. You will not get much support for this as gw2 does not encourage bad behavior like inspecting gear can do. This topic comes up from time to time, but it is only a few players who support it. This has been discussed many times already in the forums already and it becomes very heated.

Edited by Freya.9075
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It would really help (with any suggestion) if you tell us why you think it would be a good idea.

You said you think it would be an awesome addition and greatly appreciated, but nothing about why you think that. If someone has never played a game with an inspect feature and never felt like they were missing anything by not having one what would you say to persuade them it's a good idea?

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