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So Why Do Players Do World Bosses? [POLL]


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As newbie, just get someting worth of little bit money. They never dropped me anyting good. I do collect materials, but all enemies drop someting, not just some world bosses. Fun only last a few times, then it's just doing it because it's there and notting else to do at the moment. Maybe because everyone else is doing them.

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I'll go with option 5) Because I can.

That's really it for me. If I happen to be in a zone where a world boss is up (And I'm not busy doing something else like using a booster), or if it's part of a daily, or if it's for a collection I'm working on. I'll do it.

I'm not going to specifically aim for WB's otherwise. Just use them as something different to do.

Since, I know I'm just going to get some trash loot from them. Which, if I wanted a bunch of trash loot, I'd actually bother taking all my characters for an Icebound Chest run in Bitterfrost Frontier.

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Don't as much. I think because there is no real challenge in it and there is not that much of interest in rewards. I think to make them more interesting they would need to drastically cut the map caps for populations and bring the player count in line with AI's challenge and make the loot of more interest that players would be welcoming of the increased challenge. Now I have seen plenty of the older arguments about other players on map eating into the map population but that could either be handled via instanced boss fights or other calculations or map calculations/mechanics. That said WB were fun in the past but are less so now when you can't even see due to the visual noise of players stack on each other triggering strobe affects every half second.

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None of the reasons. The only time I actually had done a world boss (not counting map meta events like Auric Basin) was when I happened to be in the zone leveling and had decided to join in. But I haven't touched most of them to begin with.

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Reason not mentioned in the poll: for training. The world bosses are good targets for testing new builds and practicing rotations under fire, because individual players can be less than perfect and the event usually will still succeed by sheer numbers. Other forms of group PVE are much less forgiving.

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I chose 'for fun', simply because, for me at least, there's no real incentive for these world bosses.

You get a few blues, greens, and a couple rares that aren't really worth anything special, maybe an exotic if you're truly lucky, and for the majority of the player base, you'll be waiting your whole lifetime for that super rare 10,000+ gold value item/drop from the chak boss (and other bosses that can drop valuable items worth 10,000 gold or more). The chances are pathetic. 1 in a million basically. The chances are truly abysmal, if you ask me. Not worth it at all.

So that's why I chose 'for fun', because PvE bosses just aren't worth the time. Maybe if PvE bosses had a chance, or had a system in place, of dropping unique skins (like the animated Voltaic Spear, Bone Dragon Staff, etc.) like the dungeon bosses did in GW1, would we see a great revival in PvE boss kills. It would make bosses great again, and that's what we need. Until then, to me, the PvE bosses are just killed for fun.

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Because there's nothing else to do in the game when you speedcleared all raid wings every week at reset and waiting for the next big content update that you can play through in less than a hour to 2 hours (including all achievements and yes story metas as well) takes too long. ;P

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@Cynder.2509 said:Because there's nothing else to do in the game when you speedcleared all raid wings every week at reset and waiting for the next big content update that you can play through in less than a hour to 2 hours (including all achievements and yes story metas as well) takes too long. ;P

Then may I humbly suggest SLOWING DOWN and stop treating the game like it's a race, or even worse, a job. Because even the biggest and best companies are limited in how fast they can make new content.

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For Fun. I just wish some be updated.Taidha Covington gate has too much health.Karka Queen is not enough a threat.Tequatl should stand up automatically after dropping to 65%, 40%, and 15% HP, while the first 25% HP are made quicker (make it lose 10% HP from a starting canon shot).

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@Dainank.1308 said:I always see so many players contributing to world bosses even though the rewards are very lacklustre. Am I missing something here or?

Edit: I forgot to include the option for Achievements & Legendary Gear Either way, thanks for all the feedback guys! Gives me some good insight :)

Not sure why people do. You need another option like, I dont do them cause they are boring scripted content with crappy rewards compared to allot of other content.I would love to see the poll results but I dont have a valid thing to choose so I can see =)

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