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Top 3 hardest jumping puzzles?


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@aspirine.6852 said:The one in ember bay and draconis monis look extremely unfun to do. I thought the purpose of a game was to have some fun doing it.

What you have to remember is that the game needs to be fun for a variety of players. Some will be turned off by content that is 'too hard', but others will be turned off if everything is easy. The challenge is for the game to be designed in such a way as to make it clear to players that everyone isn't meant to do everything, but players should instead gravitate towards the content they enjoy and accept that the other content will continue to exist without them . . .

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  • 7 months later...

I have now finished the 3 JPs from season 3. And yeah: The Chalice of Tears and the one in Draconis Mons are very bad designed.

Chalice of Tears is super hard and i bet not many people can do it without mesmer: Either having a mesmer porting you or using a own mesmer to save some time while using portals to get back when making a wrong jump. I did it with a video guide and using my own mesmer. Took me hours of training. (I can understand that some people might be able to do it on their own non-mesmer-char without help but I guess they would need a lot of training and doing it regularly.)

The bad thing is: Even if you know where to jump it is hard to make it out (some people use "TACO marker" tool but I don't want to use such tools). Finding the way itself is hard at first but once you know it ... not that much of a problem anymore.

As for the one in Draconis Mons: Easier jumps(except at the beginning)/glides. But I did it once while already having the collection for Aurora unlocked and I used a vid. Not doing it again anymore. Hard to remember the way and where to use the oakheart essence. You might lose lots of progress even with the checkpoints.

Compared to that the one in Siren's Landing (Abbadon's Ascent) was pretty fun and easy. Lots of easy jumps. Some medium hard jumps. No really hard stuff. Only a few times where the way was not too obvious. (Gliding around a corner for example. Vid helped there.) That is great content!

Stuff like clocktower and skipping stones is easier and more fun compared to the first two from season 3 since there the way at least is obvious. (Not having to use a vid guide as help if you to it only once every few months and don't remember. There you just know it.) I like if you can do it quickly. Clocktower also has not really hard jumps. The thing is that you need to be fast. (Which still makes it hard. But not unfun ... once trained it goes smoothly. while in volcany it is just random hit and miss with getting the right spot to jump towards.)

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1) Ember Bay2) Draconis Mons3) Not so secret

Basically the long Jp's I never have to return to, where much of the puzzle consists of trial and error since the next step isn't obvious.

Short jumping puzzles you do often (like clocktower) seem hard, but once you do it once, it becomes easy.

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I hate any and all jumping puzzles in GW2, in fair part because jumping in GW2 doesn't work like real life or most other games. But my top most hated...

  1. Mad King's Clock Tower.
  2. Chalice of Tears (Ember Bay).
  3. Draconis Mons.

Honorable Mention: Skipping Stones, Grothmar, and the catmanders.

The first two, I have never managed to beat on my own. I've beaten the others listed on my own only once or twice.

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SAB W2Z3 in Tribulation Mode (the whole sliding on slippery ground and the wind gusts make it the most difficult)

SAB W2Z2 in Tribulation Mode (the owls are super annoying and the jumping pads at the end are frustrating due to server lags)

SAB W1Z1 in Tribulation Mode (the dodge-jumps are tricky in at least two spots)

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1) SAB Tribulation Mode World 2:Zone3 because it's extremely long with some tricky corner jumps but most of all the Ice+spikes+wind room took me forever the first time. That room alone I consider the hardest JP.

2) SAB Tribulation Mode World 2:Zone2 because of the spike trap PTSD it caused. I started seeing them everywhere, even outside of SAB, by the time I finished it.

3) SAB Tribulation Mode World 2:Zone1 not really too hard but fulla spikes and can't think of anything else that would take 3rd place. The rapids were intensely rediculous before they nerfed them though.

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Hearts and Minds was pretty tough when released. Try as I might, I couldn't jump properly, and debris kept flying at me. I don't think any activity that's success relies on your ability to press the space key has frustrated me more...

But seriously, ya draconis, chalice of tears, and that puzzle by the waterfalls in Orr, where you have to gather all the keys, bleh. So tedious.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:1) Silverwastes Gold Crest achievement without gliding/mounts

Ha ha finally in my scrolling through some one said Gold Crest achievement without gliding/mounts. That's a whole bunch of seperate jumping puzzles in one although techincally not an official jumping puzzle. I love jumping puzzles and have done all the ones in core tyria over and over again. Unfortunately I haven't been able to do chalice and draconis because that would mean having to get my glider :s . I don't want my glider because i've seen people try to do some of the custom jumping challenges I hand out with it, and it messes them up so much. For the love of god anet, please allow me to either disable or alter glider key binding.

Back on topic (official jumping puzzles I've had the please of doing):1) Not So Secret (diving goggles)... Purely because of the spinning platforms and my australian ping meaning I still haven't been able to get them to consistently cooperate. It's number 1 simply because I still die on it due to those platforms.2) Troll's Revenge (no mount or glider or items or mesmers or skips)... It's very long, there are decently difficult jumps throughout, if you fall in the wrong spot, you start from the begining. When i first did it after coming back to the game it took a while, but now I usually don't have any trouble so it gets number 2.3) Clocktower?.... It's seasonal so I'am hesitant to put it because then SAB tribulation modes should dominate the top 3, although I don't know if they count as JPs. However, aside from griffon rook run, it's the only one i can think of where you are forced to go fast which always adds challenge. Of the 2 I'd say Clocktower is harder.

If you look outside official JPs there are quite a few hard jumping challenges. I'll give you 3 that I think are pretty good which won't require any map breaking or joining a guild to access and are actually part of official JPs. Also in about the order of difficulty and obviously no glider or mounts or mesmer/thief portals or items for any of these:

1) Do this shortcut for pigiron quarry:Link To GIFRoute involves what a certain speed runner i've watched call a "pixel jump" (not allowed to skip it with leap skill). If this doesn't take you 100s of trys to pull off, or even more amazingly if you are able to do it consistently, /bow @ you.

2) Climb this scaffolding near the chest at the end of Tribulation Rift Scaffolding JP in Dredgehaunt Cliffs :9rL0K2v.jpgNot posting a GIF of the solution here because part of the challenge is finding what beams to jump on to be able to climb up.

3) Do the Branded Mine JP in feilds of ruin under the conditions of the Keanu Reeves Speed challenge:The conditions are:

  • Use a class that can easily achieve a long and maintained duration of swiftness like mesmer and keep swiftness on throughout the run.
  • NO using wasd; turn on autowalk and use camera control + jumping only, to complete the JP.

Based on the movie Speed staring Keanu Reeves, but you play the role of the bus. If you stop moving or go slower than a centaur you blow up.

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Tough choice, different difficulties - some mechanically challenging (Clocktower), some just tedious (eg Silverwastes), and some ridiculous without a guide (eg Draconia Mons).

Skipping stones used to be annoying a long time ago, but now it doesn't feel so had. Same with Troll's Revenge without mounts.

Clocktower is something I still find difficult.

Not So Secret - Diving goggles only. Main puzzle is fine, but those stupid discs to the goggles...

Chalice is tedious, but has checkpoints so not horrendous.

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I haven't finished all of them yet, so far Not So Secret diving goggles was the hardest but that's because it seems bugged. The gears than push you, push you too far.This is actually the problem with most of the jumping puzzles I've encountered so far, they are always either bugged or feel like you need to find a way to cheat the game

Like Goemm's Lab - it's impossible to do as intended because they pushed one of the platforms in the second level too far so you can't make the jump. You need to jump down to some shelf sticking out and then make a suicide jump on the branch and hope you have enough hp. A few jumps later they moved one of the branches too far and it's impossible to do now without speed boost. But you can make a suicide jump at the start of the level to fall down to the last branch.

Troll's Revenge is not that hard but you have to repeat too much after falling down, what a time waster. And again feels like you are exploiting the game because you are walking on things that you would never thought they are solid objects. Hell sometimes your character floats in the air, like when walking on those 10cm wide platforms next to walls, but your hitbox is wide enough so you don't fall. Without a guide I would have never thought it would work.

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