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WvW Core Swap - Revenants?


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How is revenant skills going to work? Energy system? Which legend would we pick up?

Revs are constrained by energy for the skills that have an upkeep but other classes' weapon skills don't cost energy so won't they be able to maintain the high upkeep energy skills indefinitely at no cost (super broken) regardless of what legend is picked?

Or is this going be even more 'core' where revs will be treated as warriors since they weren't a thing until later on?

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I feel like picking up rev skills is will be far more beneficial than any other profession, considering the skillsets are unchanging per pickup. Rev skills are definitely going to be more useful than other professions, if their preview of Thief pickups is any indication of how the other profession skills are going to be...

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@Dawdler.8521 said:I'm thinking the rev isnt even included since its an expansion class...

That would be silly since it would mean killing a rev does nothing. Even though its a expansion class, it still has core (or base) skills, then HoT and PoF elite specs...

I assume its going to be a mix of Shiro/mallyx/dwarf skills, Not sure how they would add tablet skills without the heal. And I'd guess they won't be upkeep skills so they can share a CD with your skills.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We thought about this, Revs will drop orbs like any other profession and you'll be able to inherit slightly modified versions of Revenant skills and use them on any profession (including Revenant). Yes, you can pick up your own profession's orb :open_mouth:

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@"Chris Cleary.8017" said:We thought about this, Revs will drop orbs like any other profession and you'll be able to inherit slightly modified versions of Revenant skills and use them on any profession (including Revenant). Yes, you can pick up your own profession's orb :open_mouth:

Chris "Cleary" doesn't understand wvw... you should stick with pve events.

So far the polls are not liking this...

Currently - 49 people are for it. And 94 people aren't in favor of it.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/80638/wvw-core-swap-special-event#latest

Does that not mean anything?

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@Xenji.4907 said:

@"Chris Cleary.8017" said:We thought about this, Revs will drop orbs like any other profession and you'll be able to inherit slightly modified versions of Revenant skills and use them on any profession (including Revenant). Yes, you can pick up your own profession's orb :open_mouth:

Chris "Cleary" doesn't understand wvw... you should stick with pve events.

So far the polls are not liking this...

Currently - 49 people are for it. And 94 people aren't in favor of it.

Does that not mean anything?

It would only mean something if Anet made the poll and what the responses actually meant. Player driven polls are just comment fodder.

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@"Xenji.4907" said:So far the polls are not liking this...

Currently - 49 people are for it. And 94 people aren't in favor of it.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/80638/wvw-core-swap-special-event#latest

Does that not mean anything?

I'll third what others have said. Player-driven polls are meaningless. I wish Anet didn't even have that option to create polls on this forum.

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@Chaba.5410 said:

@"Xenji.4907" said:So far the polls are not liking this...

Currently - 49 people are for it. And 94 people aren't in favor of it.

Does that not mean anything?

I'll third what others have said. Player-driven polls are meaningless. I wish Anet didn't even have that option to create polls on this forum.

I agree but it seems like they are throwing poo to a wall and hopes it sticks. So far not a lot of people are liking it because that's how you know it will stick if a big majority of the people like it. wvw is like pvp in a sense where they should be equal enough balance that people will compete with one another. Fun gimmicks don't really work in competitive games to the majority.

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Well this will be worth the further delay to any meaningful progress on alliances, won't it? Won't it?I mean, all the dev time this must have taken up when they could have been working on real progress on wvw.This is just a gimmick. Or a bad joke on the wvw players. What a waste of dev time...Oh well, back to something else. Let me know when they release alliances..my original guess looks wildly optimistic, I reckon summer 2020 at the earliest now.

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@Baldrick.8967 said:Well this will be worth the further delay to any meaningful progress on alliances, won't it? Won't it?I mean, all the dev time this must have taken up when they could have been working on real progress on wvw.This is just a gimmick. Or a bad joke on the wvw players. What a waste of dev time...Oh well, back to something else. Let me know when they release alliances..my original guess looks wildly optimistic, I reckon summer 2020 at the earliest now.

It will bring hundreds of players to the game mode, which is something everybody should want. Doesn't matter if it's just temporary. It's an event. Do you call festivals also bad and a waste of dev time? Because they fill pretty much the same purpose. Bridge the time in which nothing happens & bring SOME change of pace.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@"Baldrick.8967" said:Well this will be worth the further delay to any meaningful progress on alliances, won't it? Won't it?I mean, all the dev time this must have taken up when they could have been working on real progress on wvw.This is just a gimmick. Or a bad joke on the wvw players. What a waste of dev time...Oh well, back to something else. Let me know when they release alliances..my original guess looks wildly optimistic, I reckon summer 2020 at the earliest now.

It will bring hundreds of players to the game mode, which is something everybody should want. Doesn't matter if it's just temporary. It's an event. Do you call festivals also bad and a waste of dev time? Because they fill pretty much the same purpose. Bridge the time in which nothing happens & bring SOME change of pace.

I doubt it's the "core swap event" that will bring the hundreds of players (even doubtful with that number), but the other bonuses - Magic Find, WXP boost, reward track boost. Removing the event and just leaving the bonuses would probably have the same result.

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