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So how you all like the Templates after actually trying them out?

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The fact that you're bottlenecked so hard without paying quite a bit of money already turns me off them. I'm looking at what I have to work with, and I'm literally left with the only option to pay $60+ dollars to fill out my builds or be forever inconvenienced.

Templates as they are now are a joke, and the monitization (price especially) is absurd.

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None of the poll choices fit me so I didn’t vote.

Favorable for function but feel they are waaaayyyy too expensive for me to buy for character only upgrades when I have so many chars I regularly play. Otherwise, It’s ok for my use which is very casual. I can use the equipment templates as an alternate out of combat weapon swap, which will be useful instead of digging around in my inventory and equiping.

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Each of the three pieces are separate in purchase, and each cost the same amount. Very cash grabby in the taste it gives~ (They do have a pack you can buy, but I mean... if you're looking for affordable its hardly there unless you have cash to burn.)

They invalidate legendaries and can't even utilize a lot of the features they come with, character slots and characters built around different builds offers much more value. (Clearing maps for mats, Black lion keys ...ect)

The only thing they do right is make it so gear is stored in the equipment slots, but once again seperate characters fix this issue anyhow.

Most of this is to "Lazily" change traits, which isn't even that hard nor does it take time to do.

It hasn't changed anything, hasn't done much if not open a new and probably lucrative monetization scheme. (Raiders and "Elite" players will shove money at it, I already know people trying to unlock all they can across 20 of their chars. Its for the whales.) But all and all I feel like Its wasted development time Id of preferred to be spent elsewhere, because this to me won't change or offer much... but since it will and probably has made money it will be worth-while for A-net.

Its character based, so its EXTREMELY cash grabby on that front.

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Roll it back - I preferred the pre-patch system where you auto switched builds between PvE and WvW. It has also deleted the WvW builds for most of my characters (a few retained their WvW builds in slot 3).Not properly thought out, not properly tested, save me nothing but creates extra work for me to play.

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@"Thornwolf.9721" said:

  1. Each of the three pieces are separate in purchase, and each cost the same amount. Very cash grabby in the taste it gives~ (They do have a pack you can buy, but I mean... if you're looking for affordable its hardly there unless you have cash to burn.)
  2. They invalidate legendaries and can't even utilize a lot of the features they come with, character slots and characters built around different builds offers much more value. (Clearing maps for mats, Black lion keys ...ect)
  3. The only thing they do right is make it so gear is stored in the equipment slots, but once again seperate characters fix this issue anyhow.
  4. Most of this is to "Lazily" change traits, which isn't even that hard nor does it take time to do.
  5. It hasn't changed anything, hasn't done much if not open a new and probably lucrative monetization scheme. (Raiders and "Elite" players will shove money at it, I already know people trying to unlock all they can across 20 of their chars. Its for the whales.) But all and all I feel like Its wasted development time Id of preferred to be spent elsewhere, because this to me won't change or offer much... but since it will and probably has made money it will be worth-while for A-net.
  6. Its character based, so its EXTREMELY cash grabby on that front.There are two negative things:
    • that 3 build templates but only 2 equipment templates strategy which forces you to invest 500 gems right from the start smells fishy (nevertheless: you can ignore that if you ignore the templates)
    • changing the game mode does not automatically change your build like before (that's something everyone suffers now, but it will get fixed maybe)

Everything else is a huge QoL improvement. What took about 50 mouseclicks before now takes exactly 4 mouseclicks.

I invested that 200g (500 gems) and now have 3 templates (each: build and equipment) and saved a PvE, a WvW and an sPvP build and for me that's such a big QoL improvement that I can live with that 4 mouse clicks.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:
  1. Each of the three pieces are separate in purchase, and each cost the same amount. Very cash grabby in the taste it gives~ (They do have a pack you can buy, but I mean... if you're looking for affordable its hardly there unless you have cash to burn.)
  2. They invalidate legendaries and can't even utilize a lot of the features they come with, character slots and characters built around different builds offers much more value. (Clearing maps for mats, Black lion keys ...ect)
  3. The only thing they do right is make it so gear is stored in the equipment slots, but once again seperate characters fix this issue anyhow.
  4. Most of this is to "Lazily" change traits, which isn't even that hard nor does it take time to do.
  5. It hasn't changed anything, hasn't done much if not open a new and probably lucrative monetization scheme. (Raiders and "Elite" players will shove money at it, I already know people trying to unlock all they can across 20 of their chars. Its for the whales.) But all and all I feel like Its wasted development time Id of preferred to be spent elsewhere, because this to me won't change or offer much... but since it will and probably has made money it will be worth-while for A-net.
  6. Its character based, so its EXTREMELY cash grabby on that front.There are two negative things:
    • that 3 build templates but only 2 equipment templates strategy that makes you invest 500 gems right smells fishy (you can ignore that if you ignore the templates)
    • changing the game mode does not automatically change your build like before (that's something everyone suffers now, but it will get fixed maybe)

Everything else is a huge QoL improvement. What took about 50 mouseclicks before now takes exactly 4 mouseclicks.

I invested that 200g (500 gems) and now have 3 templates (each: build and equipment) and saved a PvE, a WvW and an sPvP build and for me that's such a big QoL improvement that I can live with that 4 mouse clicks.

To me it still isn't worth the development time and resources it took to do this. Again I'd of preferred it be used elsewhere and it doesn't take fifty clicks and even if it did, it doesn't require any physically taxing or mentally taxing effort. Its no brainer stuff~ This is was made for people who wish to throw money at a problem that only existed for them, guild wars 2 is not like guild wars 1 where builds could be all over the place and you could make anything you want. This game plays much more like a moba where each class has things it excels at and things it fails at. Your build is defined by one of the two~ But everyone pretty much runs the same stats now-a-days and its mostly burst dps because the game has been built around that play style.

I for one won't use them, Id rather get the value of a new character who can make use of all they bring and get free key's and mats for just roaming the world.

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@Mea.5491 said:I use one build on every character so I will never need this feature. But they merged it with the traits panel which is annoying, it should have a separate panel. Whatever, it's just a minor annoyance. The fact that it's not free is stupid (it was free in GW1), I'd rather pay for player housing. :tongue:

you get a free one in the gem store

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Can't complain. Would have wanted 3 equipment templates, but satisfied with 2.

I can now weapon swap as engie woohoo. No more "ok. I'm hammer scrapper, can only cc... hard to farm lab or fire elem ..."BOOM RIFLE scrapper :D

Bored of my sword weaver WOOP continue exploring with tempest!

BUT IT'S CLUNKYI NEED 2 KEYS to switch build then switch weapons.

Please allow us to link a equipment template with a build template, that way, 1 key needed. Currently I face the errors like: that build doesn't support that weapon!

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You missed the 'indifferent' or 'no opinion' option. Honestly as a casual player who is unlikely to get much use from them my immediate reaction is relief that everything is still where I left it and everything looks familiar. I was half-expecting to spend tonight setting up a few characters to get them back to where they were so I could play, then gradually working through all my others over the next several days, a process I was not looking forward to.

As it is I've realised I don't even need to log into all of them. I've logged into my two elementalists and two engineers to put their builds into storage (since those are the only professions I have duplicates of so they're the only ones I really need in there) and at some point I'll figure out saving copies of all my builds to my PC in case I need them in future, but it looks like mostly I can carry on playing as I was before.

I'm looking forward to some of the benefits of it, like out-of-combat weapon swap for my engineers and elementalists (yes I really do want more skills on both!) and being able to experiment with a new build without having to write down or try to remember what I had before, but I don't think it will make a huge difference to how I play.

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Its complete crap regarding to everyone that wasted their time and gold for crappy legendary gear.I should have stayed with my multiple ascended gears.

Gear-Templates = badAccount-Wide build templates = complete garbageCharacter build templates = would be ok if PvP-Templates would be seperate and wouldnt waste a slot

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Build templates were proposed long time ago, by PvP players mostly, so they can switch builds fast (with 1 click), in the waiting time before match started. Back then, build templates would have helped in player's comfort and team dynamics.

Now, all this is useless, because PvP is just a dead SoloQ without teamwork and free from friendship. This is just my opinion... too little, too late.

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Not impressed so far. Now I even have to do more clicking when changing game modes. And without paying gems, we are stuck with three options as before, if we use one character for all game modes. No improvement except a little more bag space. That's... underwhelming.So in the end we still pay either for character slots or for more templates.

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The gear slots are useful.

The build slots are useless to me.

Also, funny how SWTOR gave me five free slote for fashion and what not, but Anet only gave me two and I have to spend up to 20+ bucks.

I only had to pay 5 or so bucks in SWTOR. Anet just make the stupid things 100 gems a pop, that 500 gem tag will never be worth it. This is coming from an RPer that does most of the content in this game.

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I like the fashion wars aspect to it.

I hardly have the need to change armor for since my look was pretty good and didn't want use inventory space for an alternate style. I mostly PvP so the build aspect for me doesn't matter much. Maybe things will change I haven't messed with it that much

They should let us mix, light-med-heavy armors because armor choices feel a bit too limited and take out the potential fun that could be had if we could mix and match armors

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The idea is nice, but I don't like the execution. I wish that build and gear was one thing and I hate that PvP build is now part of that system so you have to spend a slot on it. I preferred when I had a separate PvP one that automatically switched when I entered PvP.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:The gear slots are useful.

The build slots are useless to me.

Also, funny how SWTOR gave me five free slote for fashion and what not, but Anet only gave me two and I have to spend up to 20+ bucks.

I only had to pay 5 or so bucks in SWTOR. Anet just make the stupid things 100 gems a pop, that 500 gem tag will never be worth it. This is coming from an RPer that does most of the content in this game.

Yeah, also funny how you pay a monthly sub in SWTOR.

Hey, if we are going to make comparisons ... do it right and do it honest.

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Legendary armor doesnt really feel legendary anymore. While the tec itself is quite good, the concept and monetization destroy that effect, sorry.So, the last feature thats keeping me hoping and from uninstalling the game, is wvw alliances. Lets hope anet management doesnt butcher that as well.

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@borgs.6103 said:I gained 3 whole bank tabs from the gear templates. This is good.I'm a simple man with 1 WvW build and 1 PvE build on most of my characters save for a couple, so I'm fine with the free extras.I could also free up more space by using stacks of ascended weapon boxes and give all my characters both PvE and WvW underwater weapons without fear of taking up precious bank space.Can store more junk in my bank.Fun times.

to me the same lol, i had extra complete full ascended gear for specific characters. also i dont like throw up ascended gear. i had throwed up lots of exotics gear in the past due to bank space annoys me than the gold to buy a new exotic when need.

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