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In-Game Housing [Merged]

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44 minutes ago, Eraden.8740 said:

Next best thing is to hop aboard the travelling airship at Dragonfall. You can take a tour around the island. I've done this several times during brief periods of boredom/rest and I've never ever seen anyone else make the trip to the airship.

Yes, i's awesome. I do it pretty much every time I'm in Dragonfall. 🙂

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I will be honest: I think introducing housing to Guild Wars 2 would be a very bad idea.


This game already suffers from having too many dead maps. The last thing we need is for the more populated maps to become less populated because players would rather spend hours inside of their houses decorating than playing in the open world.

Edited by Tainted Outcome.7481
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  • 4 months later...
30 minutes ago, Ausar.9542 said:

Will we ever get Player Housing in Guild Wars 2?


They gave us the home instance and guild halls, the latter can be decorated, so they will not add player housing ever, I'm certain. Where would they place those housings anyway?

ANet wants to be different, so we can't have unnecessary fun stuff that other MMORPGs have. 😉 But hey, they gave us fishing after all, so be grateful! 😂

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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The problem is everyone else has already done it better and ArenaNet always has to do things in their own unique way. Outside of something unique like personal airships with customizable cabins, where the housing aspect isn't the main focus, it's unlikely the game will ever get housing, at least not until they need money.

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Ignore anyone that tells you they can't [won't] add player housing.

These are the same ignorant words that were spoken about mounts for literal YEARS.

Then the developers went off to make the gold standard of mounts in any current MMO. 

Keep asking for it, and let it be known it's a much wanted feature. Guild halls is NOT player housing. This is the same BS they try to say in WoW claiming garrisons were player housing. 


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2 hours ago, Ausar.9542 said:

Is there some kind of limitations in the code to prevent it?

No, there aren't. They've made home instances with nodes added to them semi-regularly (as well as NPCs and cats), guild halls with extensive decoration capabilities, and several hub mabs where visual upgrades can be made (EotN, Sun's Refuge, Arborstone - maybe). Right now, the only barrier is them wanting to do it (or not). Adding another series of smaller instances where you could arrange things should be well within their ability.

That said, there are lots of threads around here with different takes on how housing could be added or what features it could have or how those things could be monetized, but as far as I'm aware ArenaNet themselves haven't said yes or no about it. I'd like to see housing as instanced places you can decorate on a per-character basis with areas for displaying your account accomplishments (Guild Wars 1 had something called the Hall of Monuments that did this, and it might be a good 1-2 punch to combine the features as you'd hit both the 'show off my stuff' and 'arrange my stuff' parts of the playerbase).

The home instance seems like it would be the right spot to add this kind of thing, but I think an interactable door within the home instance taking you to a separate area would be best so they wouldn't have to worry about messing up the home instance with any of the new code or systems the actual housing portion might present. I hope they pursue housing in this capacity one day; I'd really enjoy it.

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26 minutes ago, Marikus.1875 said:

These are the same ignorant words that were spoken about mounts for literal YEARS.

Then the developers went off to make the gold standard of mounts in any current MMO.

...five years into the game. Now we are almost ten years into the game, and they just added fishing of all things. I am quite certain the devs have no interest to add housing. I could be wrong, of course.

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Reasons for housing I could see:

- The obvious monetization

- something to do and pursue in the game

- a gold sink


Reasons against housing:

- Player housing is often used for extra storage which we have covered fine by the bank.

- Player housing is often used to showcase achievements, but being able to buy pretty much anything in GW2 makes this meaningless. Nothing is impressive.

- Anet wants to sell you special area passes, a house that provides a lot of utility would cut into that

- People seem to believe home instances are enough despite them being glorified node farms with zero customization or personal attachment.

- People seem to believe guild halls are enough despite them not being personal and guild content being more dead than Zhaitan.

It could happen, but it would have to address some of the reasons against first.

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4 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

What’s the goal of it? I’ve only played a few games with player housing, and didn’t use it much. I don’t really understand the appeal.

The only game I have housing done right was Ultima Online.  In the open world you could place a house pretty much anywhere it would fit. There were small one room shacks, up to castles.  You could decorate them as you wished, later they added in a tool to build your own design on your lot.  Some were very creative... some were eyesores.  It was a place to host your guild, store tons more stuff than the bank (bank limit was 125 items).  The main use was probably placing your own vendor.  Anything you crafted, found, or looted could be put on a vendor for any price you set.  There were vendors for high end gear, but I made millions selling rune books, spell books, potions etc. Just daily need stuff. 

Back in the day UO was the best!  The housing system would not work in GW2 because the servers come & go.  In UO there were set servers, your character was basically locked to the server it was created on. Each server was a duplicate (for the most part), there are still 27 servers on a 25 year old game... 😎

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9 hours ago, Ausar.9542 said:

Will we ever get Player Housing in Guild Wars 2?


Is there some kind of limitations in the code to prevent it?


Whats the developer's outlook on this feature? Do they dislike it?

Please use the forums search feature.  This topic has been discussed already.


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Well we got 2 terrible adds in Capes and fishing, let's go for 3!!! Instanced player housing for all!! Let's all rent different instances of the exact same address!


There is literally only 1 game that ever did player housing the correct way, that was star wars galaxies an empire divided. Look it up if you wanna see their system. Hell you could build your own player run towns and cities. Unfortunately for them, Smedlock and his SoE kroones ran what should have been a slam dunk into early retirement.

It's known as the Tragedy of Star wars galaxies, it's a Sith legend.

Pre-cu 4ever.  

Edited by patton the great.7126
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11 hours ago, Ausar.9542 said:

Will we ever get Player Housing in Guild Wars 2?


Is there some kind of limitations in the code to prevent it?


Whats the developer's outlook on this feature? Do they dislike it?

I am wondering if the forum search feature wasn't working when the op started this topic.

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1 hour ago, patton the great.7126 said:

Well we got 2 terrible adds in Capes and fishing, let's go for 3!!! Instanced player housing for all!! Let's all rent different instances of the exact same address!


There is literally only 1 game that ever did player housing the correct way, that was star wars galaxies an empire divided. Look it up if you wanna see their system. Hell you could build your own player run towns and cities. Unfortunately for them, Smedlock and his SoE kroones ran what should have been a slam dunk into early retirement.

It's known as the Tragedy of Star wars galaxies, it's a Sith legend.

Pre-cu 4ever.  

Capes were oft-requested.  Not sure what the problem is with them.  😕

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I'm sure they could do it, it's just not something they want to do, at least not yet. I suspect part of the problem is that, as this thread shows, housing in games means very different things to different people, some of those ideas are contradictory and even trying to impliment all the ones which aren't would be difficult and end up with a jumbled mess of systems.

I've seen people in Elder Scrolls Online argue that GW2 has a better housing system, because even though our home instances don't include actual houses and you can't place furnishings you can add nodes to harvest and apparently some people consider that a fundamental part of a housing system. Others think ESO has a perfect housing system even though that's just an instanced area to decorate - you buy a space, drop down decorations and then...that's it. You can invite people to see what you've done, maybe hack away at a target dummy or buy a banker or merchant from the cash shop to have a little bit of functionality, but it's pretty much just a space to decorate. For some that's enough, for others it's not even a start, just irrelevant fluff wasting what could have been a good system.

I think if Anet want to add housing, especially if they're doing it in response to topics like this asking for it, then the first step is going to have to be trying to work out some sort of consensus on what that actually means and which aspects or versions of the idea are actually wanted.


7 hours ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

The only game I have housing done right was Ultima Online.  In the open world you could place a house pretty much anywhere it would fit. There were small one room shacks, up to castles.  You could decorate them as you wished, later they added in a tool to build your own design on your lot.  Some were very creative... some were eyesores.  It was a place to host your guild, store tons more stuff than the bank (bank limit was 125 items).  The main use was probably placing your own vendor.  Anything you crafted, found, or looted could be put on a vendor for any price you set.  There were vendors for high end gear, but I made millions selling rune books, spell books, potions etc. Just daily need stuff. 

Back in the day UO was the best!  The housing system would not work in GW2 because the servers come & go.  In UO there were set servers, your character was basically locked to the server it was created on. Each server was a duplicate (for the most part), there are still 27 servers on a 25 year old game... 😎

That was my least favourite of all the MMO housing systems I've seen.

Sure you might occasionally see some cool furnishings in a house, but it ruined any sense of wilderness areas. Anywhere with enough space got a house stuck on it so a lot of areas which were supposed to be open for exploration turned into endless suburbs. Not to mention people deliberately using houses to close off rare or valuable spawns so they could farm it exclusively. It's not worth ruining large parts of the actual game for the small chance you might see someone bothering to do something interesting with the space, especially when there's ways for players to show off a decorated home without planting it in the middle of a map.

It was impractical too, the fact that there was a finite amount of space on each server meant the majority of players couldn't get a house and placed houses sold for stupid amounts.

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11 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Housing: The next expansion's big thing!  :classic_tongue:

I certainly hope not! 🙂 I am definitely in the camp that does not want player housing in GW2. Other games already have that and there is no need for Anet to carbon copy other game's features. Clearly, like everyone else, I haven't played EoD yet but fishing was another requested "feature" that to me personally looks like a worthless addition. Having two back-to-back low value "big thing" additions is unappealing and disappointing to say the least. 

IF, and that is a huge IF, Anet were going to do something of the sort, I would recommend it be released as a gemstore item, accessible via a gizmo much like the zone passes so that people who are dying for some sort of player housing get their fix and the rest of us that hope to never see it in game are equally satisfied.  

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