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The Strongest Roaming Guilds in the History of NA


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Throughout the history of WvW, there have been many roaming guilds that have struck both fear and admiration in friends and foes alike. Some are made up of individual brilliance while others are composed of cohesive teamwork.Today, we come together to celebrate and vote for the number 1 WvW roaming guild out of these 10 brilliant and infamous guilds.

This is a top 10 list for NA.Someone could do a separate poll for EU since I'm not familiar with their roaming scene.

A short description of each guild in no particular order:

  • I Will Make You [QQ]

Little needs to be said about this notorious guild. Widely recognised by many as one of the best roaming guilds in NA, QQ is filled with skilled individuals in every department from Hadi to Beepbob. Any time you see one of them, you wish you had a tower nearby to hide in. They give no quarters and expect none.

  • Trillmatic [tM]

I do not know much about them but everyone around me is saying they are one of, if not, the best. So here they are.

  • Happy Children Meal [HCM]

If you think this is a funny guild name, you won't be laughing for long when you fight them. Led by the enigmatic Kiritsugu who has reached the heights of Legendary Tier in PvP, you know you're in for a beating even if you bring your best game. They are also the only guild to boast a Legendary Ranked PvP player in this list.

  • Violent Tendency [vT]

This guild lives up to its name. Violently brilliant at individual roaming as well as comped plays, NA's strongest Scourge Hobo resides in this guild. You would be foolish to think that you can take them on with only twice their numbers. If they have 5, make sure you engage with at least 15. And even then, be prepared to lose.

  • Ferocious Arsenal of Resolve [FEAR]

If there was any one guild that had an amazingly high pool of individual talent, that title would fall to FEAR. Every single member is gifted beyond words. Chances are high that many experienced roamers would never ever beat them in a one on one in this life time.

  • Leg Day Everyday [tRex]

I do not know much about them but people tell me they are the forefathers of small group comp plays. Their name shines bright even in the dusk of WvW roaming. Surely they deserve a spot in the top 10.

  • Love Ya [XOXO]

Said to be the birthing ground of many up and coming roaming starlets, XOXO has the largest collection of skilled roamers. While many of their members have gone on to create their own guilds, XOXO still remains in their hearts as the father of many top roaming guilds.

  • Over Powered People [OPP]

OPP at the height of its powers was a roaming force of nature. With Gladomer as the popular member, they have fans from the north of the globe to the south of the globe. Overpowered? You bet.

  • Killing As Organised Sport [KAOS]

This guild has flown under the radar for much of history because their members are mostly very humble. Small but united, this guild boasts one of the most fearsome Guards in the lands of roaming. Mess with the best, and die like the rest.

  • Tha Rubberduckies [QUAK]

Funny name? They will have you quacking from your waypoint in no time. Brilliant individually and collected, they were the benchmark of the deadly lower tier servers back in the days when most roamers worth their salt gathered there to avoid the higher tier blob servers. Beat them and your roaming guild enters the pantheons of roaming greatness. But how many can say they have done the impossible?

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All besides [QUAK] and [OPP] I would agree with being generally very skillful groups. [QQ] may be notoriously hated but they do have quite a few decent players, they're just salt farmers.

I'd also like to add Extra Basic [eB], Lookin Like A [snac], Redrum X Murder [RDRM] and Heretic Transcendence [HT] as guilds that I've found to be consistently challenging and have been around for quite some time.

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Most people wont know who most of these guilds are because they are dead guilds from a long time ago. if you are going to bring up dead guild names from history that are famous in your opinion than you probably left a lot of names off your list because it is so long ago its hard to remember who was good.

I am not too sure what classifies as roaming, but if you are going to name some of these BG guilds than that opens up the table to add a whole lot of other guilds because a few of those BG guilds roamed with no less than 10 players most of the time. It's not just the inclusion of some of the BG guilds I know trillmatic would run around with 10 as well.

10 man groups that were good are so many more than this. I don't see reason to spit out names because A. you won't add them and B. my point already invalidates your thread if were going to consider 10 to be roaming.

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I consider a few of the guilds on your list to be very good roaming guilds and I enjoy fighting with them, even if I lose. Fighting better players just helps me improve and get better myself.

Some are just gank groups that run if they don't outnumber or can't get the easy kill. We all know who's who...

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There is a strong recency bias to this list. Meaning that the list is compiled mostly of guilds from the last four years, instead of the last eight years. Many of the best roamers the NA servers ever saw had left the game before many of the guilds listed here were even formed.

Covenant's AoN(I think that was the tag) 6-8 man roaming group for example were the best roamers I ever saw in the game. But very few people here can remember the first couple years of the game.

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@Warlord.9074 said:Most people wont know who most of these guilds are because they are dead guilds from a long time ago. if you are going to bring up dead guild names from history that are famous in your opinion than you probably left a lot of names off your list because it is so long ago its hard to remember who was good.

@Caliburn.1845 said:There is a strong recency bias to this list. Meaning that the list is compiled mostly of guilds from the last four years, instead of the last eight years. Many of the best roamers the NA servers ever saw had left the game before many of the guilds listed here were even formed.

I enjoy that both of these posts exist.

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Honestly, I don't know how accurate my opinion can be as I've only been roaming off and on for about a year (before that I couldn't stand WvW and avoided it like the plague!). But I can say that vT players are consistently strong fighters and especially dangerous in a group! I have also dueled more of their players than the other guilds. Having said that, I have fought against amazing players from QQ and Hcm and I know I am in for a fight against players with those tags as well. The other tags I don't know so well.

I fought Hobo on his herald recently with my fire weaver. He won and I was having a hard time consistently pressuring him. Even when I'd hurt him and have him on the defensive, he was too good at drawing it out, recovering, and counter-pressuring. We went back and forth like that for almost 8 minutes, but eventually, I made one too many mistakes and he finished the fight. The fact that I was using the tankier build and still felt like the one being pressured much of the time suggests that he's probably quite a bit better than I am! I've also dueled Xan, Yumi, and Agriope before. All great fighters.

So, yeah, FWIW I'll vote vT.

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@Warlord.9074 said:Most people wont know who most of these guilds are because they are dead guilds from a long time ago. if you are going to bring up dead guild names from history that are famous in your opinion than you probably left a lot of names off your list because it is so long ago its hard to remember who was good.

I am not too sure what classifies as roaming, but if you are going to name some of these BG guilds than that opens up the table to add a whole lot of other guilds because a few of those BG guilds roamed with no less than 10 players most of the time. It's not just the inclusion of some of the BG guilds I know trillmatic would run around with 10 as well.

10 man groups that were good are so many more than this. I don't see reason to spit out names because A. you won't add them and B. my point already invalidates your thread if were going to consider 10 to be roaming.

Shhh this isn't about logic. OP has to get his daily poll in.


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Roamings pretty dead, all the recent changes in past 4.5 years have gutted roaming quite hard, Let me list some:

  • Mounts, makes ganking much harder
  • Gliding (can't kill anything inside/near enemy keep/tower)
  • Claim buffs (equally skilled defender wins 80% of the time even at camps). Also stops birth of "best roamer" because somewhere he has 800 stats, somewhere enemy has.
  • Watchtower
  • Faster upgrade times
  • Sturdier Keep/Tower lords
  • Supply doesn't really matter (no one defs dollies/camps once objectives are T3)
  • Damage nerfs (ganking is all about burst)
  • Bandvagoning: People don't spend nearly as many hours online because too many strangers and they don't care about fun of their server mates
  • T3 SM camping
  • Reveal buff after flipping keep
  • Emergency waypoints and Invulnerable walls
  • Increased mobility (roamers cant catch each other)
  • Feeling of entitlement to higher winrate after so many years ingame (roamers stack on same server)
  • PvP ATs and Leaderboards making other gamemode more attractive
  • People stay in dead guilds.
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All I see in the comments here are salty people that think skill is defined by their own personal rules and values. Imagine seeing the fastest long distance runner in the world and going "nah, they wear Nike and have someone pass them water during the marathon, that's not skill!"

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roaming guilds? pepeHands intensifies. what exactly is that, "best ganker award" or a "most thief minimal size asura" compilation?

roaming originally has been done alone if possible... for me a guild that camps camps are plainly some ganky bagfarmers. no honor in that. 1 player shoulda normally be enough to flip any camp. if a group of even just 5-6 people roams around camps (no matter on which map) to catch lonely players trying to really "roam", where's the roaming part in this?

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