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How can people enjoy WvW?


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ive been playing GW2 since may this year, and so far i have over 1500 hours of pve and some pvp

but recently ive been forced to play wvw for gift of battle, and to my surprise, its horribleby far my worst experience in GW2, and aside from the massive chaos that you get as a new wvw player, the mode is just depressingi was expecting to be able to jump from camp to camp to get some action, like in drizzle, but no, you have to walki was expecting to see players on the map to know where the action is, but no, i have no idea where everybody is, people dont talk, and NO ONE is ever answering anythingi was expecting to fight some players for camps and so on, but no, we form a group, we capture a camp while the other team is waiting close by and they retake it seconds lateri was expecting to see some commanders, but no, it took me a long and painful 1 week to get that gift of battle and ive only seen a commander ONCE

i know wvw is not for everyone and especially for me, but my god its horrible, i would never recommend this to anyone unless i want them to quit the game

how can people even enjoy this?

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I enjoy the game mode but yeah I get the frustration, often there's not enough people playing to fill all maps so depending on the map your on it can seem pretty dead.Hopping between locations wouldn't be exactly fair since it'd benefit big groups even more. I'd suggest trying to get Warclaw, It makes traversing the maps a lot better.As for camps, they're out in the open so they are made to flip often It's towers and keeps you need to worry about unless the camp is tiered up and the towers/keep nearby need supply.

There's potential in the game mode to be amazing but I agree with most of what you said as being some of the problems that sadly don't/wont get addressed.

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Well first you need a basic understanding of it so you know what to do and how to find action on your own if no tag around. Saying things like we take a camp and seconds later the other team takes the camp is impossible because there's a 5 m CD. If your playtime is when your particular server is not active you can have issues finding a commander. Scroll down to Why gift of battle and at the beginning there are plenty of tips for you to avoid this "nightmare" in the future. You could of worked on warclaw so you didn't have to walk but yeah I don't see you going back

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Well, you have over 1500 hours of PvE.

Was that great the first couple of hours? Where you able to jump from map to map and find some dragon boss killing action? Was people tagged up for level 80 metas in the starter zones? Did you know where every heart, waypoint and event was or did you have to run and find them? Did you know how to build your character for open world performance?

Come back when you have over 1500 hours in WvW and we can discuss the more detailed experience.

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Sorry for your horrible experience.Maybe mentioning which server you play on might help giving a more specific answer as to what went wrong in your case.

In general, most servers will use voice com (either teamspeak or discord) for the biggest part of their communication. Additional to that, some people will call enemy movement in either map chat (only visible on the map that you're currently on) or team chat (visible over all borderlands + ebg + obsi + edge of the mists) but especially if a squad is running around, it's better to call important things on voice as you can add information if needed and react faster. Some commanders will make use of invisible tags and only invite people who are on voice, so maybe there are squads running around that you just aren't aware of.A lot of servers also have community guilds that you can just join without having to do anything in return, which might also be useful for communication and seeing how many people are online/ playing WvW at the moment.

A major factor that affects your WvW experience can be the time that you choose to play this game mode. While linked servers and a lot of people spending more time at home due to the pandemic have resulted in a lot of servers being active throughout most of the day, the major action will still be going on during "prime time" which can differ according to whichever server you are on (e.g. for most german servers prime time will start in the evening but one hour earlier than international servers and spanish might "wake up" even another hour later). Usually, evenings are better if you are looking for large scale zerg fights, whereas you might have a hard time finding a decent squad between noon and early evening. So another reason you aren't seeing any tags might be because you simply are playing at the wrong time.

If all you're looking for is completing the reward track as fast as possible, your best bet will be to join a tag and stay close. Additionally to that you might want to complete as many WvW dailies as possible and use the potions that you get out of them. Once you have completed the reward track, maybe drop back into WvW once in a while and stock up some of those daily potions and keep them for later uses ;-)

I personally love playing WvW, not because of the game mode itself (it has become rather stale after all those years), but because of the community. So I really hope you will give it another chance and find people that you enjoy playing with - even if it's only for the occasional visit.

@Lenti.3189 said:i was expecting to fight some players for camps and so on, but no, we form a group, we capture a camp while the other team is waiting close by and they retake it seconds later

Every objective is buffed for 5 minutes after being taken (lord/supervisor becomes invulnerable and the objective can't be captured meanwhile) so you might be exaggerating a bit ;)

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Well, you have over 1500 hours of PvE.

Was that great the first couple of hours? Where you able to jump from map to map and find some dragon boss killing action? Was people tagged up for level 80 metas in the starter zones? Did you know where every heart, waypoint and event was or did you have to run and find them? Did you know how to build your character for open world performance?

Come back when you have over 1500 hours in WvW and we can discuss the more detailed experience.

I mean, in my first 10 hours of PvE, I was exploring the shiverpeaks mining for silver. Was I playing the game wrong? yes, but at least I was having fun.

In WvW, most players first 10 hours probably consist of getting run over by zergs, encountering cheese pvp builds, general confusion of where the commander is doing, PvD, and dying to tier 1 camps. It creates a situation so toxic that players often feel they don't want to come back.

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@Westenev.5289 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Well, you have over 1500 hours of PvE.

Was that great the first couple of hours? Where you able to jump from map to map and find some dragon boss killing action? Was people tagged up for level 80 metas in the starter zones? Did you know where every heart, waypoint and event was or did you have to run and find them? Did you know how to build your character for open world performance?

Come back when you have over 1500 hours in WvW and we can discuss the more detailed experience.

I mean, in my first 10 hours of PvE, I was exploring the shiverpeaks mining for silver. Was I playing the game wrong? yes, but at least I was having fun.

In WvW, most players first 10 hours probably consist of getting run over by zergs, encountering cheese pvp builds, general confusion of where the commander is doing, PvD, and dying to tier 1 camps. It creates a situation so toxic that players often feel they don't want to come back.

I wouldn't expect new players attempting to solo roam in WvW would have a good experience. Most players don't enjoy repeatedly losing fights they can't win. Realistically, that's your best case scenario. The only way you don't just get destroyed repeatedly is if you don't encounter anyone at all!

The alternative to that is to find a squad, which isn't always easy. However, once you're in a squad you at least have the opportunity to make some progress without just getting your face stomped on repeatedly.

Having said that, the game mode is obviously suffering. While I enjoy roaming and have spent a lot of time at it, the fact is the moments that make it great are generally few and far between. You can spend hours running around capturing camps and stealing towers without any notable fights. That's how solo roaming is. The chances of finding a fight that isn't a massive skill or numbers mismatch one way or the other are pretty slim. It's the same if you run with friends. Most of the time you're either running from bigger groups or steamrolling solos and small groups that never had a chance.

It's probably why it's so common that you meet a worthy opponent, have some great fights, and end up chatting with them. Your opponent hasn't fought anyone else worth fighting in the past hour either! It's a miracle! Let's talk about it!

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@"Lenti.3189" said:how can people even enjoy this?

Lmao, i could ask the very same about PvE, how can ppl play it for more than 10 minutes without vomiting. Honestly idk, gw2 lore, 'living' world and almost whole pve content is just so boring that Id rather sit and observe wall standing still for couple of hours than play gw2 pve.


There, enjoy some leftovers that I made few years ago.

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I agree with the OP

It pains me to see posts like this...when the WvW game mode could be the most lucrative cash cow for ANet & actually within the entire game industry...imho

Told you so...https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1311428/#Comment_1311428

Our window of opportunity to make it into a lucrative cash cow, however, is sluggishly & excruciatingly closing with each passing year...that we don't have a well thought out Road Map for the future of this game mode.

Example Road Map:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89449/wvg-world-vs-globes/p1

Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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Yeah the game mode is pretty bad mostly because of player attitude/mentality. You have to be ignorant to enjoy it and if not ignorant you have to learn how to make your fun. Since you don't seem willing to put too much effort into creating the fun my advice would be to just turn off the "I'm the commander" mentality from LS and go crazy and have fun. You can literally do anything and go anywhere in wvw. Play the map like you own it.

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When I tried WvW first at launch, I was kind of the same opinion, albeit for slightly different reasons. I think the difference is that WvW is a much steeper learning and understanding curve, which in a way makes sense as it is end game content.

I don't WvW as often now, but I don't harbour the same issues against it. I mostly enjoy the odd foray into the mode, although I pretty much still suck at it. Several rounds of GoB reward tracks have helped me better understand the mode along with following groups and guilds in how they play it

Pve in comparison is a lot more straightforward and open world a lot less skill based and taxing. WvW is a lot more reliant on being a part of guilds and communities and trying to play solo when inexperienced is going to be a poorer experience

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I sympathize with OP. I've been playing GW2 since pre-launch with a few breaks here and there. I just started WvW in the last week or so, mainly to get the Warclaw. That empty slot in my mounts panel finally got to me.

Where I differ is that I enjoy WvW when I can link up with either a small group or a zerg. Soloing is just no fun. The problem is finding others as a new player with a lot to learn. I started a thread on it and got a lot of good info and this thread also has been helpful. For instance, I could not figure out why some NPCs were invulnerable. Now I know.

Randulf is right on, along with others. WvW has a seep learning curve and it's going to be frustrating for new players. However, as I've played more (I'm at a whopping level 11!) I learn more and it gets less frustrating.

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I actually leveled to 80 in WvW years ago when it was much more active. First thing is don't be afraid to let your character die unlike in PVE.Secondly if you're already level 80 you probably want to get exotic armor at the least and ascended weapon + trinkets with vitality on them (Marauder) and run a proper competitive build.If you're in an offhours time zone you probably want to coordinate with your server and join a commander or work the map as the commander is hitting something as it will be pretty imbalanced otherwise. If there's no commanders at all you might be on a "dead" server.

P.S. with warclaw and waypoints no "walking" is required

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I have somewhat of an opposite experience. I recently started working for my first legendary set. Since I do not want to invest time and find a static for raids, I have decided to go for a pvp legendary gear (I already have back item anyway since I used to play pvp a ton). OMG how quickly I realized/remembered that pvp was and still is just Depression - the game mode. So I decided to try out WvW. At first it was a bit confusing, but after several videos I have found out that you can do SO much more in WvW even solo. You can not do anything solo in pvp as an average player. In WvW you can suck but still do at least decent be it solo roaming and/or sticking with a group. I quickly crafted and geared up a few characters (engi for solo roam and group healing and a firebrand, spellbreaker and an elementalist for group play depending on what the group needs or I want to play). And MAN it feels nice! I just put some nice music on and just enjoy the game mode the way I want to. And no matter what I choose to do in WvW I get rewarded for taking camps, keeps, just finding people to fight. So much freedom it's awesome! I heard that the game mode used to be better, but I don't know man, I still see people play this awesome game mode.

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@"Jski.6180" said:Simple by playing meta classes and meta builds OR by not caring.

Not caring is the easiest option...

I'd recommend that you take your time & mix it all up. Remember don't go straight to 7.

Friends: Seven, Seven, Seven! (Clip) | TBS

Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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What I like to do is have a WvW salesman. It's a toon that I designate my salesman of the day. I have them run around tagging camps and trebuchet-ing walls until they get maximum participation. Then, I get all of the loot I've gathered from doing PVE dailies that day, and just run around in circles selling stuff while also taking camps.

See, you get WvWexp for doing stuff, but you get the chests and the reward track experience just by sitting in WvW and not losing participation. So long as you contribute minimally, you still get rewards. Once you have a dedicated salesman toon, you can use your birthday boosters and celebration boosters to increase the rate of reward track gain on that toon. The participation on that toon doesn't decrease if you change characters or log off, so you can keep that toon in reserve while you do other stuff.

It takes a surprising amount of time to sell an entire inventory of loot, or to work the TP for capital gains. You can do all of that while getting reward track experience, so long as you occasionally take a camp, kill mercenaries, or even catapult an unoccupied tower. I've gotten multiple gifts of battle by doing this.

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I don't know I find it a load of fun but am in mostly PPK Guild. and when I am in not Raiding with them am going all out solo roaming or in my small roaming Squads.Its not the most welcoming game mode definitely a steep learning curve and I think got more steep over time with the adding of skill points and warclaw in the department keeping up with other people. and if your on a low pop sever and a losing world your pretty much done for in way content.But you can get a lot done if your 3 plus man group but having Friend's with you I kind of lucky in that department as I got all my friend's to join me we all have a blast on it its our game for past 8 years.Only thing I recommend doing if you know your going need more gifts of battles is change sever look at https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu/wvw and pick a more active sever. but first 10 hours are Quite painfull I had the chance to learn the game mode day one where we all just working stuff out.You also need to take into account active hours some severs have little coverage at night to in the day or the other way around this changes the dynamics of the match up a lot and you see this Quite a lot in EU.

There's defo some good advice out there people willing to help. also don't treat Drizzle pve map like Wvw its nothing like it only thing that's same is the siege.

Some useful linkshandy for learning the call out and what tags mean:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_versus_WorldHandy for knowing placements and more active severs.https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu/wvwWVW builds leaderboards matchups GVG Guideshttps://gw2mists.com/

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@Lenti.3189 said:ive been playing GW2 since may this year, and so far i have over 1500 hours of pve and some pvp

but recently ive been forced to play wvw for gift of battle, and to my surprise, its horribleby far my worst experience in GW2, and aside from the massive chaos that you get as a new wvw player, the mode is just depressingi was expecting to be able to jump from camp to camp to get some action, like in drizzle, but no, you have to walki was expecting to see players on the map to know where the action is, but no, i have no idea where everybody is, people dont talk, and NO ONE is ever answering anythingi was expecting to fight some players for camps and so on, but no, we form a group, we capture a camp while the other team is waiting close by and they retake it seconds lateri was expecting to see some commanders, but no, it took me a long and painful 1 week to get that gift of battle and ive only seen a commander ONCE

i know wvw is not for everyone and especially for me, but my god its horrible, i would never recommend this to anyone unless i want them to quit the game

how can people even enjoy this?

so you tell me you are enjoying killing mindless/predictable worldboss and npc to get Highend gear and then continue killing them again for years? okay

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WvW is awesome, imo. If you go on at that right time; on the right server (no idea what country you are in, either); can also utilise Discord chat (should you wish).

I get you may have had a rather underwhelming experience but, it just is not like that for very many.

Go in. Learn the ropes.

How is your server doing in the Mists? Are they getting beasted? It may mean you are simply playing on a mainly-PvE-centric server so, few WvW players and even fewer Commanders...

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