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Revenant elite spec for end of dragons

Kay Lyang.3615

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at this point anet probably already finish the elite specs maybe, but it would be great if they launch a elite spec dark knight for revs, with greatsword as a weapon and dark combo fields skills stealing life on attack. a elite spec based on tank role or hibryd tank/dps role. is what i am waiting for, i hope my desires can come true.

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Revenants didnt get greatsword to make them stand out from guardians and warriors.   You are setting yourself up for disappointment if you think it will come now.

Kalla originally used a greatsword with her original statue, but it was altered to a bow. Which caused no end of QQ from all the edgelord wannabes aching for a dark knight with twilight.

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18 hours ago, Kay Lyang.3615 said:

but i like heavy armor classes, reaper is cloth, not my style

Sure, the armor is *technically* cloth, but it's one of the tankiest classes there is and there's a ton of skins/outfits that look like heavy armor which can be used on a "light" armor class like necro.

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16 hours ago, Dahkeus.8243 said:

Sure, the armor is *technically* cloth, but it's one of the tankiest classes there is and there's a ton of skins/outfits that look like heavy armor which can be used on a "light" armor class like necro.

An example from a necro I saw in town.  A little hard to see with the transfusions, but it's the Dhuum skins from raids that all look like heavy armor:






Add in a chest and leg skin of choice and you'll have your death knight-looking necro.

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56 minutes ago, Dahkeus.8243 said:

An example from a necro I saw in town.  A little hard to see with the transfusions, but it's the Dhuum skins from raids that all look like heavy armor:






Add in a chest and leg skin of choice and you'll have your death knight-looking necro.

Yeah too bad theres no plate like chest for light. Besides i dont really feel like the animations give me death knight vibes ngl

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On 6/16/2021 at 5:06 AM, Kay Lyang.3615 said:

but i like heavy armor classes, reaper is cloth, not my style

You can always use one of the Heavy Armour-looking outfits to compensate.


Greatsword should stay off Revenant, unless it ends up with a role and with a range it doesn't have on any other profession.

Which means: no long range Greatsword, no melee Greatsword, no power Greatsword.


If Arenanet wants Revenant to have a two-handed power melee weapon, they ought to redesign Staff instead.

Or maybe they could have a melee Rifle.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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The leak claims its a duel dagger, stealth legend based around a Legendary Naga character. Of which I doubt (perhaps due to there not being any noteworthy snek people that we know of who could fill the role. Unless they McGuffin a character out of thin air and claim it happened between the two games kinda like kalla.) 

Im hoping for a norn, Svanir in particular because while I like Asgeir I feel we have enough heroic characters and we either need some tragic ones or some villains. We are the heroes; And there is nothing quite like taking the power of one enemy to fight another, I think Svanir with his Nornbear Identity and the idea of rather than changing legends you change aspects of the legend and thus change into a super variant of your chosen legend? A shapeshifter whose gimmick is becoming an amped up version of whatever they've focused on (Kinda like how soulbeast merges with their pet, well we are taking it one step further and are "becoming" our legends In some form.)

Kalla only matched the theme of the story at the time, and glint did as well. But they had nothing physically to do with either biome or region and were disassociated (Glint less so, but thats due to tarrir and aurene not due to the biome itself.) So its safe to say it likely wont be a canthan character, as we have shiro. But the norn and Canthans share a great deal of ideals, ancestor worship included. As well... The idea of the emperors power corrupting them, much like svanir was by jormag.

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I've posted about this on here numerous times before, but what I want is an asura-themed elite spec centered around the golemancers, Oola and Zinn.


The Savant, as I call it, would grant you a classic golem that you would have more control over compared to other AI pets and such through their utility skills and wields a scepter

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1 hour ago, Mediahead.3542 said:

I've posted about this on here numerous times before, but what I want is an asura-themed elite spec centered around the golemancers, Oola and Zinn.


The Savant, as I call it, would grant you a classic golem that you would have more control over compared to other AI pets and such through their utility skills and wields a scepter


Scepter 🥰😍😘 

Asura 🤢🤮😱

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Greatsword has to be useful in PvP and have nice animations, this would fit perfectly with Revenant. It should also have a skill like the sword's unrelenting assault.. If it has a Greatsword and only serves as a ranged attack it will be trash like the Hammer.

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Actually I have idea for rev with GS being maybe on midrange with some cleave abilities. He would have skills that deal more damage with addictional effects in a certain area, something like Camille's Tactical Sweep (W skill) or Darius' Decimate (Q skill) from League of Legends. Which makes it important to position yourself to deal more damage. These additional effects could change depending on the current legend. For example, Shiro - life stealing or vulnebarity, Mallyx - applying torment, Ventari - giving boons to yourself and allies on the certain area. I don't know what legend to add to it, I don't know lore that much. Maybe Balthazar and then there could be both power and condi with a focus on damage from fire.

Edited by AintGold.5128
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E-spec: Minister


Legend: Ministry of purity (focus on condition conversion and light field)


F2: Proof of authority: conjure a weapon associated to your current legend. Upkeep: -6, no skill cost. CD 20s.

  1. Shiro -> dual jade sword (Melee, Power)
  2. Ventari -> Wooden Staff (ranged, healing)
  3. Mallyx -> Corrupted Spear (Ranged, condition)
  4. Jalis -> Stone Hammer (Melee, Power)
  5. Ministry of purity -> Light Greatsword (ranged, Power)


Weapon: Greatsword (Melee).


Drawback: Cannot swap weapon while in combat.

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On 6/18/2021 at 7:26 AM, Kay Lyang.3615 said:

guild wars 2 had any profession/weapon skill that interest me at this point, so i hope july 27 reach soon cuz i need to know if i will want to play this game or if i have to look another one.

I'm in a similar boat.


I loved the idea of original revenant. It seemed to be another non-cooldown laden profession like thief, but much more interesting thematically.


But weapon skills have them, and they've since crammed cooldowns into more of the base legend abilities and both elites came full of them.


Very bait and switch. I'm not very hopeful for rev's future.


But maybe, ANet could do something interesting for at least one profession I might find playable this expansion...

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On 6/26/2021 at 8:44 PM, Dadnir.5038 said:

E-spec: Minister


Legend: Ministry of purity (focus on condition conversion and light field)


F2: Proof of authority: conjure a weapon associated to your current legend. Upkeep: -6, no skill cost. CD 20s.

  1. Shiro -> dual jade sword (Melee, Power)
  2. Ventari -> Wooden Staff (ranged, healing)
  3. Mallyx -> Corrupted Spear (Ranged, condition)
  4. Jalis -> Stone Hammer (Melee, Power)
  5. Ministry of purity -> Light Greatsword (ranged, Power)


Weapon: Greatsword (Melee).


Drawback: Cannot swap weapon while in combat.

I think we got enough conjures or whatever on kalla (i hate that personally) but i also think the e spec should do sth based on the legend.

So not a pure power spec and not a pure condi spec. More like the trident skills of revenant. (Without percentages)

Like the weapons skills deal conditions or boons based on your 2 chosen legends or current legend.


I also think weapon change should be possible. 

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4 hours ago, Touchme.1097 said:

Why stopping at 1 Greatsword? Double that, 2 Greatswords one on each hand. It would be perfect for great fashion wars and cosplays

And completely break the game.


We are not getting water weapons or off-hands as main-hands, or any other crazy concept people are thinking of.


As much as I wouldn’t want it, Revenant is probably getting a mid-range greatsword.  My hope is that they will get scepter but wouldn’t be upset if double pistol was a thing.

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