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Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Discussion Thread: Gameplay and Elite Specializations [MERGED]

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8 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Yeah they should totally incorporate that into the lore...


Like a necromancer who's sister is lost to the mordrem and takes up the greatsword that her sister's spirit flows into and becomes a reaper.

Or a guardian who's ranger mother dies so her takes up her long bow to hunt dragons?

Maybe they could have one of the established characters chase his sword into a portal that leads to the Mists and have him come back as a Revenant.


Shame they never thought of it.


Yes that was all cool .... but still no explanation why my characters can suddenly do all of that ...... and most newer players will properly never see this is hidden in various living story chapters (OK except dragon hunter)


Also when the Dragon Hunters e.g. were introduced it sounded like this was a whole new order that was formed in consequence of the other catastrophy of the pact fleet in the jungle -yet there nowwhere to be seen (as NPCs).

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5 hours ago, Rognik.2579 said:

You do know that Scourge and Harbinger are two different elite specs and, as such, they can't both be used? Equipping three elite specializations would totally break the character, even without conflicting mechanics change.

His point was probably more like why call something "harbinger shroud" in the scourge traitline when there is a harbinger traitline because obviously, thats kind of stupid.


Well, unless the harbinger can trait "scourge shroud".


Then it makes perfect sense.


I think.

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If it were a meme, it'd be:

Expectations - Epic Artist Visualization & Style

Reality - Dull animations & mechanics


So far, I'm not impressed, at all. It feels like the concepts outweigh whats presented. I understand they want everything to have an Eastern feel to it, but that doesnt mean martial arts and back flips for everyone.

Edited by IchbinVol.5407
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I think the elite specs so far seem super interesting and fun to play, even though I don't play Mesmer or Necromancer. I'm super excited to play Willbender, and I can't wait to know what elite specs the other professions will get - especially Ranger. I have high hopes for all of them 🙂 

Edited by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148
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9 hours ago, Rognik.2579 said:

You do know that Scourge and Harbinger are two different elite specs and, as such, they can't both be used? Equipping three elite specializations would totally break the character, even without conflicting mechanics change.

I do believe you missed my point.


It's not a big point or a big deal, just kinda sloppy naming.

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26 minutes ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

Did the beta start already? I mean how does the op know what it plays like yet?

This is the internet! Opinions must be formed and forcefully expressed based on as little information as possible!

Edited by Gibson.4036
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I personally think they look awesome. Can't wait to try them out in the beta event (though I'm already leaning towards switching my Firebrand to a Willbender based on the trailer alone...it's that cool).


That said, I do hope they won't be too flashy. The amount of big bright eye-searing animations and effects in this game reached absurd levels somewhere back around PoF, and they're only getting worse. I'd like to actually see some of what my character is doing, not have them be visually drowned out by a big POOF of light.

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4 hours ago, IchbinVol.5407 said:

If it were a meme, it'd be:

Expectations - Epic Artist Visualization & Style

Reality - Dull animations & mechanics


So far, I'm not impressed, at all. It feels like the concepts outweigh whats presented. I understand they want everything to have an Eastern feel to it, but that doesnt mean martial arts and back flips for everyone.

So, the Virtuoso reveal didn't look terribly backflippy. Could it be possible that Necro and Guardian were fairly static professions and needed an option for more movement, rather than "Asia, martial arts!"?


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4 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

I personally think they look awesome. Can't wait to try them out in the beta event (though I'm already leaning towards switching my Firebrand to a Willbender based on the trailer alone...it's that cool).


That said, I do hope they won't be too flashy. The amount of big bright eye-searing animations and effects in this game reached absurd levels somewhere back around PoF, and they're only getting worse. I'd like to actually see some of what my character is doing, not have them be visually drowned out by a big POOF of light.

Oh hallelujah ! please anet im begging for a slider to tone down player spells! its one of the worst things in this game. Too much visual vomit on the screen cant even see my character or the boss spells.

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22 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

I personally think they look awesome. Can't wait to try them out in the beta event (though I'm already leaning towards switching my Firebrand to a Willbender based on the trailer alone...it's that cool).


yeah going of the trailer alone I am hoping to switch my general build from firebrand to willbender, and I am very likely to try to make wvw roaming build for it as well. And that should be taken as testament to AN marketing in here beceuse before the tease I was not interested in "whatever they will make for guard because it obviously will never be as cool on thematic level as muh firebrand".


I suppose within next hour or so I will either be reinforced in that or rethink my stance on the subject xD

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There's a dozen memes about water on Reddit already and I didn't understand before I started watching. The poor guy sounded really knowledgeable but he was clearly extremely nervous. I feel like it was a bit jumbled and was kind of hard to follow. 

The first look of the pre-recorded video was extremely well done. Can we just do that for the whole elite spec previews from now on instead of forcing some poor guy to do an awkward livestream where he's perpetually coughing and drinking water because he's nervous from being in front a camera? I can't even imagine what he felt like doing that and I know you're trying to create content to keep players hyped, but personally, and I may be alone in this, but it was really difficult to feel engaged or excited when I feel like I'm too worried about how much anxiety someone else is feeling than what traits a profession is getting.

I still honestly don't even know how harbinger shroud works on necro or what the blight effect actually does. The beta event will obviously clear things up a bit but the virtuoso preview was much more concise with information. 

There were a couple times he didn't even know what the names of the skills were and it's not a big deal, because who does, but I think a pre-recorded and edited format would honestly be better. Just my take on things.

Excited about the beta non-the-less.

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Kinda conked out yesterday and missed it but I saw WP's video on it.

I feel bad for people who are uncomfortable in front of a camera, and can relate with them a lot lol
So I have to agree with you on that it might be better to instead pre-record these kinds of things rather than do them live.

I couldn't do the livestream thing, hell I don't even like verbally communicating with other people XD
Give me a text box and a keyboard any day lmao

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51 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't think Cal is camera-shy.  It's not like his first time.

There is a major heat wave happening there, maybe it's just hot.  /shrug


I'm happy to see they are back in the studio. 

Yeah, it's far from his first time. Guy just had to deal with a dry throat and no humidity while talking for hours on end and having his throat compensate for the lack of humidity by forming as much phlegm as possible.

Can't fault the chap for bodily functions.


I don't think he's camera-shy, but I don't think he's entirely comfortable being in front of the camera. Someone that'll do the job if they have to do it and get through everything, but not do it with needless flair.. which he still managed to get me to laugh a good couple of times.


A perfectly human host.

Can't wait to see more of him for the next reveal!

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During Friday 13th livestream we were shown three new elite specs for Mesmer, Necro and Guardian - Virtuoso, Harbinger and Willbender, along with their respective skills and traitlines.


What struck me immediately is how out of place the new skills and tratline background look! GW@ artstyle has always been this amazing watercolor style painting and it was prominent everywhere - personal story cutscenes, menu's, skill, traitline artstyles. For a very long time we have also had this cool painting like, splashed screen borders that were removed at some point. Now back to skills.


As I said GW2 artstyle is very specific. For two expansions - Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire - all skills and traitlines were made according to that style. However, during yesterday's livestream we saw new skills with icons that look completely out of place. They look like they are made in some cheap 3d digital art that do not resemble paintings at all. In addition they look plain and simple and completely DO NOT match the existing icons - it is prominent when old skills are matched with the new ones and it goes for every new elite spec. It is especially visible with Harbingers elixirs that look very cheap and with Willbender skills - they just look like they were made on a budget.


The same goes for traitline background. Previously they were lush, full of style and colors - now they look plain and again - CHEAP!


I really hope it's a work in progress...


Oh, and why the Necro Elite Spec is called Harbinger instead of ALCHEMIST and Guardian Elite Spec is called Willbender instead of, I don't know, ZEALOT, as was in Ministry of Purity?

Edited by eMKay.4028
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Back in GW1 times dofferent expansions had different art style for Skill icons.

Like compare Prophecies and Eye of the North skill icons - completely different style.

probably they just don’t care that much and use the art they have at hand atm

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after the lifestream yesterday, we really need a Weapon Skin. Maybe a mace? Maybe a Focus? Maybe a warhorn? Give us water. (This is not serious)

Remember to stay hydrated and praise Aquaman!

Good job presenting all 3 specs yesterday! Super hyped for Harbinger. Seems too glassy tbh...more than ele actually. But we ll see.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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