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Mechanist Feedback Thread

Fire Attunement.9835

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one possible solution for mechanist


give us:

f4 = "mech return to me immediately"

f5 = switch mech battle aggro range (after that he'd stop chasing and just return to players side)

part this in 3 ranges, ~200, ~500, ~1700 (or sth similar to these)

f6 = summon/desummon button, as u won't use that one anyways not thaaat much

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2 hours ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

one possible solution for mechanist


give us:

f4 = "mech return to me immediately"

f5 = switch mech battle aggro range (after that he'd stop chasing and just return to players side)

part this in 3 ranges, ~200, ~500, ~1700 (or sth similar to these)

f6 = summon/desummon button, as u won't use that one anyways not thaaat much

F6 is a bit of a stretch. Both literally and figuratively.

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I made a feedback post where I suggested that hitting things with the made should lower the cooldown of the summon of the mech to create some kind of interaction and upon closer reflection such a solution would be grossly unfair to anything other than the Power builds.


After some deliberating I would suggest that each of the first minor traits gives a conditional cooldown reduction based on the nature the Mech, So Power would be hitting with the mace. Condi would be each Condition damage tick, and support could be for each tick of healing done to others.


This would create a differentation between the gameplay styles that would support each build. It could also have a differentiated effect. Inflicting a hit with a mace is more difficult than having a Condition tick and should offer a larger reduction as a result.

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Look at these two things:

The first is a trait, that allows mech to help you when it is dead.

The second is an ability, which replaces per when you are underwarter, because there per is unavailable.

What does it mean? It means that thematically pet is never dead: it either active on battlefield or flies "somewhere" repairing itself.
What if Mechanist would be slightly redesigned around this idea? What if pet commands would be replaced with another set of different commands when pet is inactive, like aerial support or something like that? Of course they should be less powerful than regular pet commands, and pet is unable to do its auto attacks and skills, but it would provide Engineer with at least something useful when pet is dead or dismissed.

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After delving more into the Mechanist, I noticed some major issues. These issues revolve around other specs and traits that don't have good synergy with the Elite Specs and have been a problem. For example: Firearms is universal and can not only be used on any Spec, but it can also be fun to build around power, condition damage, or hybrid. I do think that "Modified Ammunition" and "Juggernaut" need to be fixed or moved into the Tools or Invention Spec. Me writing this, because Mechanist Spec could have introduced a new and improved version of Inventions and Tools. 

The only thing I see that is worth using in the Invention Spec is "Experimental Turrets". Sadly, we have stationary turrets that do bad damage and can get one shot by a rabbit. On top of that, is has a long cooldown, like the mech. At least the Mech can do enough damage, survive longer, and can move around, but the mech still needs work. The Invention Spec could have been an opportunity to improve Engineer Kits, and build synergy with other specs. I mentioned this before in one of my post that turrets should be mounted on the engineer shoulder or float around like the "Function Gyro" and be used similar to Revenant's Herald Elite Spec abilities. The Engineers talent  "Experimental Turrets" in Inventions Spec could have similar usage to how the boons work on the Revenant's abilities in Herald Spec. All Turrets can be placed into the ability slot, and when used they have a couple of seconds to do what the ability does while losing the boon on that ability. 

Tools could have been used to improve tool belt while providing synergy with kits and elite specs.

Explosives have a good meta, but it's nothing compared to the flexibility of Firearms Spec.

Mechanist Elite Spec doesn't have much synergy with other specs and the Mech cooldown causes concerns. Also, there are problems with AI movement and commands. Signets need a boost as well as the mace.

I hope Devs take a look at Core Engineer Specs and take them into consideration, mainly Tools and Inventions. If we can summon a Mech and still have weak stationary turrets, then we have a major problem. 

Edited by Mardomus.6984
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What i liked:

1. Out if all the elite specs, I felt this one was the most realized as far as a theme and functionality was concerned.

2. I appreciate that you gave engi access to alacrity.  

3. It was really easy to upkeep perma alacrity. You don't even need concentration if you go mace and use the middle trait lines. Maybe you need to bring the barrier signet. 


What I had issues with:

1. Mace: In pve, I tried to test ways to do decent dps using the mace since it had a lot of condi. Unfortunately I felt that using skill 2 and 3 was a dps loss and you did more dps just auto attacking. Using mace Unfortunately also conflicts with pistol 2 which means if you wana go condi, you're still better off using pistol over mace. Now the problem i see is that you probably don't want mace to do too much. It does barrier, condi and cc, so I presume you toned the condi down to offset. Unfortunately it just feels like mace suffers from this? If you want to go condi, you can just use pistols and if you want to give alacrity you could always relegate it to your mecha and still go pistol. I honestly feel like you should just get rid of the condi on the mace and just add more barrier application, cc or even better, condi removal. In pvp I had issues with condi bombs if you don't take kits for light fields. 


2. Signets: I actually really liked the signets, they look good and they even work if your mecha is gone. You also fortunately added a trait that enhances signets, so thank you. Now the problem isn't really mechanist's fault. The problem is kits are just so good that it makes it hard to justify going signets for anything other than barrier and elite signet. It's hard to compete with what is essentially a firebrand tome with no charges and no cds on re-entering. 


3. Condi removal in pvp: i enjoyed playing sidenoder or bunker in pvp. Even if the mecha goes down a lot. My problem was that the mechanist essentially had no condi clear on its own. I'm not 100% sure the trait that lets your mecha condi cleanse also applies to you. I think it didn't.  Why not? Also why not give signets a condi removals? Or mace? The teleportation signet seemed like the least useful in pvp since the cast time is long and the range isn't very far. If you gave it 2-3 removal of condis it might be worth considering. 


4. I like how the mecha looks and the animations are great. But in pvp it either stomps newbies because it's auto attack does a lot of damage, particularly the ranged one, or it gets absolutely destroyed and it's basically on respawn all match. It's a conundrum because you don't want a pet build that is so good it plays itself but you don't want the engi to feel like half a class because the mecha is always down. One option is to make it so the engi is self sufficient enough that it doesn't need the mecha except for clutch plays but you run the risk of making it so in pve not using the mecha at all is optimal. Perhaps you should do something similar with the other two grandmaster traits like you did with J-drive: an effect that occurs when the mecha is gone. You just gotta make it so the off cooldown effect is something that would only be useful in pvp and not pve. 

5. Alacrity: so this isn't really a problem with mechanist itself. It's more so that it does 5 target alacrity but renegade and mirage can do 10 man alacrity. I dont see why you would take mechanist to sub in for the role of mirage and renegade as alacrity suppliers unless you plan to raise mechanist alacrity application to 10 man or plan to nerf mirage/renegade down to 5.



1. Add more sustain on mace in the form of condi removals and maybe more active defenses that also benefit allies similar to what guardian mace 3 does. Feel free to remove the condi on mace to balance out the enhanced defensive elements.


2. Give the teleportation signet condi cleanse. Can't really suggest much else since kits are just too good and somehow making signets match that to compensate for the loss of tool kits is impossible short of making signets overpowered. I guess you could make it so the signet passive also modified the mech's f abilities in a way reminiscent of the tool belt kit?


3. Do something similar to the other two grandmaster traits like you did for j-drive that adds some complexity to not having the mecha around. Also while you're at it, make the orbital strikes leave a damaging field that is an electric combo field. For middle grand Master maybe maybe make it so engi auto cleanses conditions on a set interval when the mecha is gone and/or make it drop water fields on top of your current location on set intervals)?  For top grand master maybe make it so when the mecha dies, instead of flying away, it explodes like a bomb launching nearby enemies and makes it so the engi strips boons around himself on a set interval. Maybe make it so a fire/poison field triggers on interval at the engi' location when the mecha is gone to keep the theme bottom/electric, middle/water and upper/fire or poisonin but I think the Boon strip/launch is more important as it keeps what I'm aiming for in making it so the mecha dying can be useful on pvp but not in pve. Also, lower the damage on the golem in pvp to compensate for these changes. 

4. Raise alacrity target cap to 10? I dunno you haven't said if you intend to reduce mirage and renegade target cap to 5 or not.


Thank you for this spec btw! This, spectre and bladesworn have been the funnest to date!

Edited by Kuya.6495
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7 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

2. Signets: I actually really liked the signets, they look good and they even work if your mecha is gone. You also fortunately added a trait that enhances signets, so thank you. Now the problem isn't really mechanist's fault. The problem is kits are just so good that it makes it hard to justify going signets for anything other than barrier and elite signet. It's hard to compete with what is essentially a firebrand tome with no charges and no cds on re-entering. 

The problem is and has never been 'kits being too good.' The problem is everything else, with the exception of grenades, is really bad. You only ever use like two buttons on Bomb and Flamethrower. Mortar is actually better than the other options at that spot, which says a lot about supply drop and tornado elixir. And you only ever use Mortar for one button. Elixir gun is bad. Med kit is more of meme than anything at this point. Even Pistol and Rifle are bad. 

And the kits themselves, except grenades, aren't even good or rewarding to use. This isn't Elementalist where you get rewarded with Weaver attacks or Tempest overloads. Engineer is just chock full of niche-to-useless junk to the point where the only things that do enough damage to be worth pressing are these random one-of abilities tucked away in kits. They could fix this. They could clearly identify each kit to a distinct combat role if they wanted, where you'd only ever use X and Y kit for Power, A and B kit for condi, and so on. They could make Pistol 1 worth using, to eliminate the absolute need to use a weaker kit. They could do literally anything. But it's been like ten years and they haven't.

Edited by nucklepuckk.1805
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The mechanist is a very well executed profession: It is unique and it finally replaces the toolbelt skills, with the trait options of the mech, making the profession more versatile, by allowing us to choose utility skills, that are not coupled to the toolbelt skills.


DPS and survivability remind me of Anarchy Onlines engineer pets. Which is very positive - the ranger does the bulk of his damage with his bow and the pet is more a utility, while the mechanist as one would expect sends his mech to do the dirty work! That was an awesome concept 20 years ago in AO, and today doubly so 🙂 I will really enjoy this "vintage" playstyle as MMO-Veteran that you've just (re)invented.


I also wanna mention a negative aspect(Otherwise I would sound like a fanboy... wouldn't I? ^^) - which is true for some new specs - the mace as weapon doesnt really make sense. It is more of "let us take something that somehow fits" like a hammer for a Ranger and Ele... It would've been smarter to place the main hand weapon with a toolbelt choice, similar to the warriors gunsabre, to provide something truly fitting as profession equipment. I mean a mace? Why not a remote control, 😉  of scifi/jade tech tool?


Keep up the great work! This spec is in contrast to the Elementalist unique and fun to play.

And I can imagine that the green fits in the new style of jade tech, but some people that wrote here are right: it might not fit their character as the green is very very limited in matching colors. It would be nice to have at least a choice, that could also be determined by traits the mech is using.


I know you're working hard on the game, and that out feedback might bring holidays full of work, but keep up this good work the expansion will be a success.

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Had a thought: mechanist's mech replaces toolbelt skills, so naturally the mech compensates, correct? Damage skills on toolbelt are replaced by mech passive skills and commands, some boon upkeep skills are replaced by the support options from the mech, and the mech more than adequately replaces CC capabilities from toolbelt skills.


There comes two problems from this notion: mech doesn't offer team stability like previous toolbelt skills could (particularly throw elixir B) and mech doesn't offer stunbreaks (personal or team) like toolbelt could (throw elixir U, rumble, healing mist, superspeed (slick shoes toolbelt skill)).


I won't bring up the stealth, revive, or cleanse toolbelt skills because medkit and traits can adequately cover cleanses on mechanist alone and stealth/revives can safely remain a scrapper gimmick, but mechanist definitely needs stability and/or stunbreaks tied to command skills and MAYBE some passive personal healing to make up for support mechanist losing self bandage from medkit's toolbelt. 

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On 11/4/2021 at 3:41 PM, Exatherion.3075 said:

The mechanist is a very well executed profession: It is unique and it finally replaces the toolbelt skills, with the trait options of the mech, making the profession more versatile, by allowing us to choose utility skills, that are not coupled to the toolbelt skills.


DPS and survivability remind me of Anarchy Onlines engineer pets. Which is very positive - the ranger does the bulk of his damage with his bow and the pet is more a utility, while the mechanist as one would expect sends his mech to do the dirty work! That was an awesome concept 20 years ago in AO, and today doubly so 🙂 I will really enjoy this "vintage" playstyle as MMO-Veteran that you've just (re)invented.


I also wanna mention a negative aspect(Otherwise I would sound like a fanboy... wouldn't I? ^^) - which is true for some new specs - the mace as weapon doesnt really make sense. It is more of "let us take something that somehow fits" like a hammer for a Ranger and Ele... It would've been smarter to place the main hand weapon with a toolbelt choice, similar to the warriors gunsabre, to provide something truly fitting as profession equipment. I mean a mace? Why not a remote control, 😉  of scifi/jade tech tool?


Keep up the great work! This spec is in contrast to the Elementalist unique and fun to play.

And I can imagine that the green fits in the new style of jade tech, but some people that wrote here are right: it might not fit their character as the green is very very limited in matching colors. It would be nice to have at least a choice, that could also be determined by traits the mech is using.


I know you're working hard on the game, and that out feedback might bring holidays full of work, but keep up this good work the expansion will be a success.

Honestly the mech's survivability wasn't that great. It was good for small scale, but in large scale it dies, and then hits you HARD with that 100 second cooldown... probably needs incoming healing mods, DEFINITELY a cooldown reduction of 60+ seconds, and smarter environmental damage reductions (it winds up dying FAST in some raids due to mechanics, some of which aren't supposed to kill pets/AIs). 

The mace works in my opinion, it just needs to be toned up. It's far more sensible than hammers on those two specs: engineers already have a "mainhand mace" notion with tool kit, and all the skills on the new mace seem within the suspension of disbelief for engineer. Have no idea what you're going for with the "profession mechanic" for a mainhand weapon, but that sounds very convoluted and unnecessary. Mace is fine as is, so long as they pump up the damage numbers and maybe give it some better cast times. I personally like it as a barrier/cc weapon.

As for the color, I feel like people are being too picky about that. It's nowhere near as bad as soulbeast's green aura or revenant's hand auras, it's not even on your player. It's not like the mech itself can really CLASH with your character's design, it's just people being obsessive or dare I say querulous, like the people who want dyeable weapons.

I do agree that the design is great so far, seems to be one of the most solidly and still uniquely designed specs of all (and got some wicked visuals). Definitely needs a lot of polish that needn't be mentioned since the fixes are either incredibly numerous and small (mostly common sense fixes to mech pathing/behavior/skill priority) or need a LOAD of balance explaining to make sense of, but it's nonetheless a very solid design. 

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There are many letters ahead. I express my opinion, I hope for constructive criticism : )
I would be glad if this post gets enough attention to make players think about the current state of the engineer and the mechanic of the game in general.
Engineers have got third melee weapon – mace. As we all know engineers have not decent options for ranged damage. Moreover, engineers forced to play melee because of several skills and traits. Let’s see which traits affect such gameplay style. Core traits which highly increase power damage: High Caliber, No Scope (all they work in melee combat only). Skills on riffle make damage only when your position is close to the target (Blunderbuss, Jump Shot), pistol skills have this “feature” too (Blowtorch). Kit skills even ranged forced us to be in melee combat. Grenade kit have more chance to reach target when you stay near your enemy, mortar kill also share the same “feature” (this kits have low projectile velocity). In general engineer is more melee oriented than other classes such as guardian and warrior (they have decent ranged options) just because of the class design. Engineers core weapons are used for several skills outside of this weapons is just stat points holders for engineering kits. Okay. Kits have very strange design by this I mean that you use only 1 or 2 skills in each kit, some skills in kits underperforming. I think that engineering kits should be divided by their role (condi damage, power damage, support etc.). Nowadays we have mix of all-in-one kits.
Let’s talk about mechanist. 
Playing as a mechanist feels boring. Why? Because all the job has done by your mech. You can use your auto attack and drink tea. I know that community wanted golemancer (I really doubt that It was players which play engineer as a  main class). Mechanist doesn’t fit for high end PvE and PvP content, current state of this spec is just for roleplay and open world purposes with lazy gameplay. Artificial intellegence has terrible realization in guild wars 2, we all know about that. The worst part of it that engineer heavily rely on his mech because without it engineer becomes core spec with no strength. Engineers have lost their access to toolbelt skills and that reduced their build variety (decent skills was removed). As we know engineers lucks of variety in their builds. And I really like the idea of other player which says we don’t need an AI pet let us enter mech suit 😉
New weapon – mace feels so boring and underpowered not only cause it’s a third melee option but it doesn’t have decent skills, furthermore you will stuck with the same offhand options for several years more.


I really hope that on release mechanist will have  different play


PS/ With EoD we will get a lot of shadowsteps and projectile hate skills. I really care that it will affect bad on some game modes such as PvP and WvW. In WvW projectiles in large scale fight is useless, It seems to me that a good solution to this problem would be to remove the full block of damage and leave 40-50% of the damage of projectiles when using projectile block skills

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On 11/7/2021 at 5:58 PM, Sea Wolf.7368 said:

And I really like the idea of other player which says we don’t need an AI pet let us enter mech suit 😉


If they did that, it would be a direct competition to Holosmith which function more or less like a shroud/tweaked berserk mode.


Now you could argue that to make it different, you would simply need to allow the mech to have its own stats just like it does during the beta and when entering in the mech, the engineer will simply be using the mech stats (so by that logic it means if the Mech HP goes down to 0 your mech dies and the engineer is ejected). And to that I actually agree and support this idea. 


Personnally I think the ideal scenario would be to both have the mech fight at our side and being able to merge with it and manually control it but I highly doubt it will be implemented into the game

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Engi suffers from the same problem, that is the core engi is probably the worst out of all professions even core revenant. The profession design of not having weapon swap is a technical debt that the engi mains had to suffer every expansion. Not only that, having super limited options on both power and condi dps. 

I also do not understand people complaining about Engi getting their toolbelt removed as a major drawback. You want the same thing for mechanist (toolbelts), and yet complain because it plays too similarly like core engi. Make up your minds.

Anet, just make the mechanist play out differently than current core engi. If you want the same dps gameplay, there's still holosmith and that spec will never get removed from the game. You don't have to force yourself to like Mechanist. Besides, all these specialization will lose it's "new arrival" magic and people will go back to their old builds like Deadeye, but people who like it will stay playing the new spec. I don't want another "shroud" with piloting golem mode, you already have holosmith. I don't want another "mech attached to my body and do stuff" like a scrapper. Go play those instead.

What I will ask however, make signets with pulsing aura or barrier, to be an AOE instead so the mech knows where to pulse the barrier.

Edited by keramatzmode.1906
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32 minutes ago, keramatzmode.1906 said:

I also do not understand people complaining about Engi getting their toolbelt removed as a major drawback. You want the same thing for mechanist (toolbelts), and yet complain because it plays too similarly like core engi. Make up your minds.

The problem for me is not the removal of toolbelt per se, the problem is that it was done in a not appropriate way.

The toolbelt holds many important functions for engineer, so you have to be careful if you want to flat out remove it. And to be frank, this was not done in the case of mechanist here. Some examples of problems Anet didn't think through properly in my opinion:

  • Med kit has the healing skill located on F1, this function got not relocated for mechanist. Therefore, we are disabled from activating on-healing-skill-effects while using med kit with mechanist and engineer has quite some effects of these in traits.
  • Removing the toolbelt removes 3 stun breaks from engineer (thumper turret toolbelt 'rumble', elixir gun toolbelt 'healing mist' and slick shoes toolbelt 'superspeed'). Stun breaks are an important and pretty limited effect, yet we didn't get properly compensated for these losses. They could have given one of the mech skills you chose for traits an option to be a stunbreak, but they didn't.
  • The mech is not usable under water, yet the toolbelt is still replaced... with one single skill that does nothing but unreliable damage on a 25 seconds cooldown. Which means that mechanist literally is just a very very bad core engineer underwater, since we don't get the toolbelt replacement there, the mechanist traits are disabled, our toolbelt traits are basically disabled, etc. If you replace the toolbelt entirely, you should make sure that this replacement works properly in all environments, including under water.

The idea to remove the toolbelt entirely is interesting. But it needs to be done properly and in this case here, it has been a sloppy job so far... might turn out better when they make major changes to the stuff I mentioned, tho.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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Most of the mechanist design made sense, with a few odd points in the trait department:

  • Minor master / grandmaster traits - beyond "your mech gains a baseline skill" the minor master trait does nothing, as the 50% vitality / toughness your mech gains is overridden by the 100% vitality / toughness of the grandmaster minor trait. Perhaps this is intentional but it is saddening to see a trait which has no impact on the game.
  • Grandmaster top trait: The grandmaster trait which was stated as the "condition" trait gives a 1/3 chance on hit to trigger an Explosion and gain the on-hit effects of Explosives. To my knowledge, these are: Gain fury on hit; Gain ferocity on hit; Launch a missile when hitting with a minimum range; 1/3 chance to deal bleed and cripple on hit; heal on hit. Of these, one of these is entirely useless when at our condition melee range, and the one which is applicable to conditions is pretty underwhelming. That is, 1/3 of the mech's hits will cause an explosion, of which 1/3 will cause a bleeding; or, one of nine hits the mech deals will cause a base 6 second bleed. Since the mech does not hit very fast, this means that this trait gives your mech very little additional condition damage. This makes more sense to me on a power build than a condition build, where you can get your guaranteed ferocity / bonus ranged damage on hit, while keeping itself healthier or occasionally crippling its target.
  • Grandmaster bottom trait: This one is stated as the "power" trait. This one allows your signets to grant their passive while on cooldown, as well as buffing your signet cooldowns. This one can go either way except for that Force Signet, which grants power, has a stunbreak and CC as its active. So, if you are a Mechanist taking the Power Traitline, you get a panic button in Force Signet that has no drawbacks because you continue to gain your passive. Meanwhile, Superconducting Signet which grants Condition Damage deals some nice confusion stacks when used. This is something that a Mechanist wants to use frequently, which means that in the "condition" selection of traits, you will experience your signet passive very infrequently. So, between these two traits, it seems that it would make more sense to move the Explosives bonus to the power trait line, and the Signets bonus to the condition trait line.
  • Regarding the associated skills, Jade Mortar is 1500 range in a line with nothing but melee range skills and Sky Circus is 900 range in a line with 1200 range skills. From 1200 range it is easy enough to move in to 900 range to deal a bunch of damage, but I'm not sure when in a melee build you would ever be in a situation to use the 1500 range. However, the 900 range skill that targets "each foe in an arc" would be useful for being in the thick of things. As such, Jade Mortar would see better synergy as a strike-focused skill in the power traitline, and Sky Circus would see better synergy as a condition-focused or hybrid skill in the condition traitline.

Unrelated, but as I believe others have pointed out, it's pretty rough that the jade mech does not inherit flat condition / boon duration bonuses, particularly the 33% bleed and burn bonuses from the Firearms trait line.


Overall I found Mechanist to be a blast to play. I look forward to seeing its Final Form with End of Dragons!

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Uff... sry i am late... and this will be a long post because i care about this class and i want it to reach it's potential (be warned, english is not my native language so there could be some mistakes here and there).... Im kinda in between feelings, because I LOVE THIS!!!!....and at the same time I HATE THIS!!! .... so ill try to go point by point, since there are good and bad and meeeh stuff in here. 😁


First, we will start with the GOOD: 🥰😍

1- The best, by far here is the work done by the sound team for the mechs habilities, and the visual particles for his moves... is freaking awesome listening to those blast, love it love it love it.

2- The signets, i like them a lot. there is room for some small improvements, but for the most part they are varied, and good...... so, what improvements could i list here??.. lets see

           - Force signet: (this could be a bug, not sure), is suposed to be a stun break, but has a cast time, and in pvp i found myself    multiple times using it and geting interrupted (so my stun break is interrupted...cool), so i could not break out of the stun.

          - Shift signet: this personaly think has a way too long of a cast time... usualy in game shadowsteps or blinks are instant, no cast, teleport in a blink of an eye, but here is 3/4 of a second, wich is huge...now, i DO understand this is diferent since you are teleporting with your mech (bringing the backup with you), so it cant be instant cast, but i would suggest to lower the cast time to 1/2 of a second, or extend the range a little.

           - Superconducting signet and Barrier signet: here i have the same issue with both, and this could be done or not, it changes little, but i personaly think this will be an improvement... the descriptions says "when your mech is not the deployed is centered in you, but when he is, is centered in him" (something like that) first of all, that is a huge lie, it will always be deployed, we gain absolutely nothing by not having it down with us, so no, i dont buy that ....instead i would make it that is centered in both (when deployed) but for a smaller value, and getting close to the mech fuses the effect giving it a full value (or even bigger?), giving you in incentive to play arround your mech, to stack up those bubbles.



Now, the meeh stuff, this is not good, not bad, not sure if anything at all: 🥴

1- The mace: i actually liked the idea of another main hand weapon (altough i was betting on staff to make it like a lightning rod, i lost that bet), and it has some good potential, but im not sure im on board with it as it is now. First we need  to ask ourself, what role is this new spec suposed to have?? if the answer is full dps (mech alone has that covered) i would much likely pick pistol.... now, it could be tanking?? but the little barrier we got at the 3° strike of mace is not enough for me to consider it a tank, Scrapper would still be a better pick for that (and on that note, how will tanking work now with this mechs that has x2 your toughness?).....

so i was thinking, not tank, not dps, not healer (scrapper has that too covered), so i would take it as utility,  wich is something that i do like, giving buff and tools to help team, while mech cleans enemies. But in the case that does not sell enough, i would still make some minor changes for the moves on the mace (at it's current state):

     - The numer 3 is great, a ranged tool to impair enemies while you close the gap to fight at a closer range, i would make it tough that if you hit an enemy you gain swiftness to get in melee range, since mace needs close range and engi has not a ton of gap closers.

      - The numer 1 and 2 are super weird, specialy in PVP.... you will most likely never hit the 3° strike on the chain to gain that tiny barrier, i would move the barrier part to be in the number 2, so you jump, hit and gain barrier (to you and allies in the blast), and i would change the vigor buff to a resolution one, and as for the numer 1, the damage has to be increased a lot, and since we are removing the final strike barrier, make the 3° hit ... i dont know, bonus explotion damage? more conditions? You pick here, i have no idea, options there are many.



Now, we come to the BAD: 😡

1- The mech's apearance: i will elavotare, is not that everything here is garbage, for the most part i like the desing, but as someone who has been consuming mech fantasy content for more than 20 years, the proportions look awfull, first, the shoulders are too wide, even wider if you count those jade thingies floating to the sides, compared to the core of the bodie, second, this thing is massive, yet is suported by some tiny tiny feet.... that makes no sence, if it magical, just remove legs and make it float, but if it follows some form of physics, the feet (and legs) should be way bigger and sturdier. And finaly..... you CAN'T and here im dead serius, you CAN'T have the mech drags is arms touching the floor, wtf kind of desing is that!!??? (insipred in some new shity anime must be)... take the design of the Timber Wolf from the Battletech universe  https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/a/a7/Timber_Wolf_RGilClan_v05.png?timestamp=20210420220557  now, this is a diferent concept where humans go inside and actually pilot it, but even if you make it smaller, the proportions are the issue here, not the size.

2 - .... this should not be here since it is not bad or good, is not even part of the concept but i had some issues while in pvp, where all mechs looked the same, and their names were the same....  some way to make it diferent would be helpfull, like some small dye options, could even be a part of a collection to actually "pimp your mech", or at the very least, have the option to rename it.


3- The build: I will from here on talk about the "skill tree" or "skill tree branch", since personaly "BUILD" means for me way more than just what nodes had you selected. This is by far the WORST part of the new spec... and im 100% sure that the same people who worked here were the ones that worked on the Vindicator's, it feels the same, the entire vindicator skill tree branch was "THIS IS JUMP", in here, instead is "THIS IS MECH" and it changes very little, since the numbers are so insanely high on the mech, you could randomize all the nodes on the skill tree and still come on top. All other specs we have seens have skill trees that makes us chose from their new weapons, to their new moves (elixirs, stance, etc) , to their new F1 -F5, or minor mechanics here and there but here every single one is centered in mech, and now, of course it has to take some... but all? what about the mace? what aboud the sigils? the idea of a skill tree is to make your decisions mean something, and in here, they meant 0, as i said before, the numbers are so insanly high it matters very little.... we are even willing to completely lose one skill branch and the entire utility belt just to have this killing machine, BUT, at one point those numbers will be nerfed down, balanced, and in that moment, we will have a problem. Now i understant that we want to pick what our mech can do, lets say, his F1- F2- F3, but why not just add as small arrow on top of those F1-3 to select a small selection of moves provided for you (warning, this is good idea but would take a ton of work:......OR, if you are feeling even more sassy than i do, adressing the point above numer 2, we could chose diferent mechs made for difernt combat scenarios, like a mellee tankier one, or a range nimble one, that would also give us the option to see something diferent so not everyone has the same green golem by their side), and on the skill tree make it tune those up, or improve moves or actions.



Now.... some small stuff that i forgot to put before and dont know where to put them:

- ....compared to the ranger's pet wich has F1 as direct "attack" comand, the mech needs that, move the current F1-2-3 to F2-3-4 and make F1 order to attack, is very anoying to see the mech chase down a thief and has all his moves on cooldown, so now you cant order it to attack new target.

- the deploy or recall animation takes super long to finish, i love it, and sounds super sexy,, but is weird that you are walking, make a small jump to fight some enemies below, glide to negate follow damage, and that activates the recall animation wich is 4 seconds long, followed for the deploy one, wich is faster but still, you are losing near to 7 seconds without your primary source of damage and tanking in that sceneario (wich i faced maaaany times trying it out).

- the concept of having the mech deployed or no is weird... some habilities refer to this (like barrier signet), but you are gaining nothing at all by not having it with you.....  could it be that for the most part, you do have the utility belt, but once you deploy your mech you lose it ?? i dont know, sounds like there should be diferences between having it and not, and so far, i dont see why anyone would not wanna have it down.


That is it. I over all like it, but has a lot of work to be done, so hopefully we can see the next improved version all shinny and ready to kick kitten. 

Peace ✌️


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I've no idea how the Mechanist performs in WvW or PvP, since I don't participate in those game modes (though some friends of mine complained that a single Mechanist made the opposing team unbeatable), but in open world, it was awesome!... Though perhaps too awesome.  The damage output is extreme with the Jade Mech on the field, though I suppose the compensation might be how long it takes to get the Mech back if it's killed.  All in all, I'd say this is awesome as all get out, but needs a slight nerf.  For the love of whatever power you may believe in, please, though, do NOT nerf this into the ground like you did with literally every other engineer build that worked.

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2 hours ago, DarkLancer.1902 said:

I've no idea how the Mechanist performs in WvW or PvP, since I don't participate in those game modes (though some friends of mine complained that a single Mechanist made the opposing team unbeatable), but in open world, it was awesome!... Though perhaps too awesome.  The damage output is extreme with the Jade Mech on the field, though I suppose the compensation might be how long it takes to get the Mech back if it's killed.  All in all, I'd say this is awesome as all get out, but needs a slight nerf.  For the love of whatever power you may believe in, please, though, do NOT nerf this into the ground like you did with literally every other engineer build that worked.

I don't think it needs nerfs in PvE at all, tbh. It doesn't really overperform in damage anywhere.

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2 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I don't think it needs nerfs in PvE at all, tbh. It doesn't really overperform in damage anywhere.


People should just say numbers instead of "the mech does so much dmg in open world" or whatever.
People have different views of whats op since every player...does...its job different? (I dont want to say bad players/good players)
A small example: Someone told me that mechanist seems to be op when he saw my dmg on power mechanist (Did the heropoint under tarir in 1 min and 30 second). So he found that strong, what he didnt know is that i did the same hp in 45 seconds with condi mechanist and in 34 seconds with my condi holo.

However imo 3-6k dps on mech is not good at all for an e spec that completely focuses on buffing the mech.
For open world i tried trailblazers mechanist and there it deals like 3-4k dps if u r veeeeery lucky. Yea pretty op ikik.

We need to nerf it down to the damage of ccs in pvp/wvw (This is a joke, "Ha Ha").

Edited by SeTect.5918
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16 hours ago, Darkgaiden.3791 said:

2 - .... this should not be here since it is not bad or good, is not even part of the concept but i had some issues while in pvp, where all mechs looked the same, and their names were the same....  some way to make it diferent would be helpfull, like some small dye options, could even be a part of a collection to actually "pimp your mech", or at the very least, have the option to rename it.



You can rename the mech actually.... the name change is just currently bugged and doesn't stick when the mech is unsummoned/you mount up... which im sure will be fixed before launch

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Well that's annoying. The Echovald map reveal showed different Jade golems that looked vastly superior aethetically to the mechanist's. Always fun when your classes ugly, flat overly wide uncustomizable new pet mechanic, which the elite is built entirely around, is a second rate knock off to other versions which are available.

I despair.

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1 hour ago, wolfyrik.2017 said:

Well that's annoying. The Echovald map reveal showed different Jade golems that looked vastly superior aethetically to the mechanist's. Always fun when your classes ugly, flat overly wide uncustomizable new pet mechanic, which the elite is built entirely around, is a second rate knock off to other versions which are available.

I despair.

welcome to engineer...

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5 hours ago, wolfyrik.2017 said:

Well that's annoying. The Echovald map reveal showed different Jade golems that looked vastly superior aethetically to the mechanist's. Always fun when your classes ugly, flat overly wide uncustomizable new pet mechanic, which the elite is built entirely around, is a second rate knock off to other versions which are available.

I despair.

to be fair... your character isn't canthan... so if you had a better mech than theirs it wouldn't make any sense since this is their tech... and your just sorta copying it...

Edited by Adrianna.3092
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