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What do people think of a decaying currency.

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In games if something new is added as an item to motivate people to play the game for more time, it usually is bought with a new currency because there are players who have farmed and hoarded the existing currencies.

But in games I've seen decaying currency. It has a half-life mechanic where half of it dissipates every day so it can't be hoarded and slept on. That way the game can release new items and still use that currency as it means people still need to get that new currency once the new items are revealed and released.

I play warframe and it uses argon crystals as a material for old and new items alike and players still regularly do missions to acquire argon even after playing for years, because they can't farm it and sit on it. It has to be gotten around when it's needed.

I really like the mechanic of a decaying currency because it cuts down on currency bloat in games and can get people to go back and do something later on.

Each land region could have a spirit of 'region name' currency. And new consumable items could be released that use these currencies. So if someone wants to get the items they'll do stuff in that region to get the 'spirit currency' because it has to be acquired when it is needed. I think it would be a nice way to make all the zones valuable without relying on a resource subject to inflation.

edit: Just needed to point out it's to get people to earn a resource as it is needed and used once it is earned. Designed specifically to not reward people who overindulge and hoard, because that type of behaviour devalues the resource. I can't argue with people who don't like it. It's interesting to know everyone vehemently hates it. 😂

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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I understand your interest in this but do not share it.  This game is pretty good at avoiding FOMO.  Currency in the wallet doesn't use up any precious inventory space, so I like being able to buy a thing when I feel like it without being pressured to buy it now now now now now.  I don't have a problem with being able to instantly get a new thing.  I'll still play the game, there's lots of longer term projects available.  GW2 promotes itself as a game you can go away from for a while and return without having lost anything; it's core to its design.  If you only have an hour to play a day, or every other day, you can still slowly accrue those things you desire.  What you suggest means that someone has to spend an hour or two farming up currency to get a new thing, and if they don't have enough time and have to go handle other matters, they just wasted all their play time because they didn't get enough of the time limited currency.

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Argon is more of a crafting resource than a currency, though I suppose that's just semantics.  Regardless I actually really dislike how they 'decay' and I've really never understood why Digital Extremes went this route with them and as such I really don't want to see more of this sort of thing in either Warframe or Guild Wars 2.

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This would be a pretty terrible system for me, and I think it would go against one of the core design principles of GW2, which is that you can play it at your own pace, doing what you're interested in and you won't be peanalised for taking a break or playing the 'wrong' thing by falling behind on progression.

My free time is limited and erratic. I'm often away from home and unable to log in for entire weeks, so even if I wanted to I can't keep up with games that set their own schedule and demand players meet it or fall behind. As a result any system which means I'm chasing a constantly moving target is pretty unappealing and means I'm more likely to decide that goal is not intended for people like me and give up on it. If it's a core part of the game that means the entire game is not for me and it's time to stop playing and find something which does respect my time.

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Grinding the maps for their currency and all this is already no fun in most cases and everything you farm in this game is farmed by spending your limited lifetime which noone can give you back after.

Having this lifetime completely vanish in form of decreasing virtual online currency would make it obsolete to play for me at all and I would declare it finally as massive waste of life to even attend to such mmo game.

GW2 is generally already hard on the border with its tiny lootsystem and ingame items cause of gemstore existence.

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Gonna have to echo the others saying 'no' to this idea. Decaying currency would just be a source of irritation/stress/demotivation and I really wouldn't like it. The best examples I can think of that're in the game right now would be the cold potion in bitterfrost and the repeatable renown hearts for vendors that sell something you can only buy once a day. Sure, it gets people doing renown hearts in the area to get access to the vendor/cold half of the map, but it's tedious and overall has not gotten good feedback.

I just don't like repeatedly pushing the rock up the hill, you know? I'd much rather push the rock where it's supposed to be and then move on to the next one.

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I would have to agree with "NO" first the issue is with currency would cause too many issues and as for your example of warframe argon its a mat not a currency, and such argon is at its actual chemical breakdown rate which is something warframe did to make it not hording mat so its similar to a time-gated mat that you have to use within a period of time which usually people do use when they are farming it to make something. also its not hard to farm that you can get like 10 in one mission if you know where to look. a better example of a timed currency would be Star gems from phantasy star online 2 New genesis because of recent changes which after couple weeks they decay and that they are a 2ndary pay currency that can be earned like water they are used by people get them on stuff like SG scratch tickets/gold mission pass/boosters or whatever in SG shop and stack those in bank so they are used as they are gotten. so again I state this probably be a big NO and would be a waste of time because we already have things that take long to get so having something that has to be used in a time period be pointless and kind of stupid. 

Edited by ZerotheFang.5890
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4 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

In games if something new is added as an item to motivate people to play the game for more time, it usually is bought with a new currency because there are players who have farmed and hoarded the existing currencies.

But in games I've seen decaying currency. It has a half-life mechanic where half of it dissipates every day so it can't be hoarded and slept on. That way the game can release new items and still use that currency as it means people still need to get that new currency once the new items are revealed and released.

I play warframe and it uses argon crystals as a material for old and new items alike and players still regularly do missions to acquire argon even after playing for years, because they can't farm it and sit on it. It has to be gotten around when it's needed.

I really like the mechanic of a decaying currency because it cuts down on currency bloat in games and can get people to go back and do something later on.

Each land region could have a spirit of 'region name' currency. And new consumable items could be released that use these currencies. So if someone wants to get the items they'll do stuff in that region to get the 'spirit currency' because it has to be acquired when it is needed. I think it would be a nice way to make all the zones valuable without relying on a resource subject to inflation.

This game is made very casual friendly. Your idea is not. This is a system that punishes those that can't play all of the time, and discourages people from coming back.

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13 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

I guess we will leave decaying currency alone. But it has a thoughtful purpose. It is meant to keep human nature in check. To preserve the health of systems.

I prefer to keep the health of the system in check. To preserve the human nature.

Edited by Raizel.1839
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I have to disagree as well. This would go against what gw2 is all about. Being casual friendly. The map currencies already do make ppl come back if they want something for collections or other items bought with those currencies. And you can play to get those currencies at your own pace. 

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Definitely no to a decaying currency. All that does is punish people who can't dedicate consistent, frequent playtime while encouraging unhealthy play (and design). With the current system, even if you can only spend 15 minutes playing here and there, you can slowly work toward something. If a resource needed for it were to disappear, now it's impossible for some to get because they'll never accrue enough before some of it disappears despite their time investment.


GW2 was designed specifically so people who take a break—even years off—can jump back in with the biggest hurdles being getting used to the controls again and figuring out content patches that hit since they last played (which can be intimidating on their own). Currency decay is worse than a gear treadmill because instead of starting at some percentage of the way there, they're starting at zero. It doesn't matter if they had put in hundreds of hours in the past to have a stockpile, it would all be gone because they dared have a life. That's the opposite of what GW2 was meant to be and would discourage people from picking the game back up.


"Use it or lose it" is an unhealthy, predatory design choice. Just because it works doesn't mean it's good for players or for the long-term health of the game.

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If I knew that the resources I obtained in game were just going to delete themselves over time then I would never bother with them and it would really hurt my desire to play the game and go after rewards that required those currencies.

There certainly are a lot of currencies in the game but I don't really think it's that big of a problem overall.
It's all nicely arranged in your wallet so it's easy to find without having to rummage through banks and inventory looking for it which you often have to do in other MMO's.

If anything I'd like to see more items become currencies, such as Black Lion Chest Keys, Fractal Encryption Keys and Ornate Rusted Keys.
This would cut down on some inventory/bank space, allow you to stockpile them neatly in your wallet and most of all, allow you to access and use them on any character at any time.

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55 minutes ago, Teratus.2859 said:

If anything I'd like to see more items become currencies, such as Black Lion Chest Keys, Fractal Encryption Keys and Ornate Rusted Keys.
This would cut down on some inventory/bank space, allow you to stockpile them neatly in your wallet and most of all, allow you to access and use them on any character at any time.

I suspect Anet don't want to make it easy to stockpile black lion keys because they want you to use them up, so when something you really want appears in the chest you have an incentive to buy more.

But with the other keys it would be nice if they could go into your wallet. Especially the ornate rusted keys. I often find myself passing one of those chests only to realise I don't have a key, then realise the keys are building up in my bank and have to make time to go and use them. It would be nice if I always had them available without having to use up a shared inventory slot for them.

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heh, I will do you one better.  Ankama a French game company who runs Wakfu and Dofus mmos has decaying premium currency "Ogarines".  Imagine buying gems with your hard earned money and then having them expire thirty days from the purchase date.  Of course they don't allow you to buy custom amounts of Ogarines, you have to buy them in packages and the amount in each package is  just enough so that you always have some ogarines left over after a purchase.  They don't even tell you that ogarines expire, you have to look it up. I don't play those games anymore. 


I mean the whole point of premium currency is that I give real money, and the gems or whatever, become store credit that I can't spend on other games.  It's like I am giving the game a cash advance for cosmetics they haven't even created yet.  If Gw2 ever made gems into a decaying currency I would never buy gems on a whim, and I would only buy exactly enough to cover the price of a specific skin.

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