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Stop using Discord for your GW2 comms

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The increased reliance on Discord in Gw2 for sever comms, wvw, guilds, events etc sort of forced me into setting up a Discord now i am back playing regularly. Except i can't, why? because Discord 'claim' i flagged their security system and that i am using a proxy or VPN ( i am not) now they refuse verification even though i am clearly human as i am chatting with their customer service! They want a phone number, which honestly for some third party chat company is way to much data to pass on, also many like me have a phone number linked to a job and cannot give it out, or use VOIP etc ( which Discord said i cannot use)


So now i cannot use my Server group, join Dragons End groups or other events, do WvW effectively, or with one Guild pick up updates as they have moved everything to Discord while i have been away. I thought maybe this was a one off, but the internet if full of people saying they have had this problem and worse, where  Discord won't even recognise their number when they give it. Obviously if anyon knows how to get around this please let me know , but in the meantime, can we try and consider alternatives to Discord?

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I can't remember the last time I used Discord for GW2. I have it, and I know at least 1 of my guilds does have a server or channel or whatever, but I never use it. I usually can't use voice chat even if I wanted to and since I just have the one screen even having it open for text isn't practical most of the time.

The only time it's an issue for me is when I'm looking for a new guild to join. I'll always ask if they use in-game chat and only join ones who say they do, but sometimes I find the recruiter wasn't entirely accurate and while some people do occasionally use in-game chat I'm missing 90% of what's being said. But finding a guild is always trial and error in one way or another.

I do see groups and WvW commanders who insist on voice chat, but that just means I don't join them and find another one instead.

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This is... unlikely to happen. The difference between a group with voice comms and a group without is too large. The fact that it's free is also a big boon.


This is coming from a person who can't use discord because there's too much background noise irl for my mic to pick up anything. That said, it hasn't affected my ability to do strikes, fractals, dragons end, wvw or pvp. 

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People use it because it's a great way to communicate with others outside of the game... It's convenient, you can use voice, you can use text, you can send images/videos.


I don't think you can expect people to not use it just because it doesn't work for you.

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Never had to give a phone number Discord and still haven't. Maybe they've updated their account creation requirements. The issue(?) with TS/vent/mumble back when we were using it was that someone had to be paying for it or running the server for it and dealing with updates and stuff. Not a huge deal to do but I am not surprised that people prefer not having to do that.

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I paid for vent back in the day lol, can't deny it was useful for raids in WoW.  I also would type out the explanations in chat for those who could not use it or had hearing issues, I didn't exclude anyone because they couldn't use it 

I agree that the over reliance on having to use a voice chat is annoying.  I do not use discord, not interested in hearing little voices chattering and I enjoy the quiet in GW2.  If that excludes me from some guilds or events, that's fine, there are other groups or guilds that don't care.  

I prefer they do not make games so lazy that you NEED to talk directly to people.  Complex and intricate boss dances, sure.  But also something I can watch a video for, few instructions, good to go.  I don't want to talk or text people outside of the game I'm playing about the game I'm playing lol.  

Agree asking for a phone number is too much info.  Hopefully OP can get hold of someone further along in customer service and get it resolved.

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I dont see gamers and games becoming more reliant on voice chat. If anything, with games' audience becoming more widespread and casual it seems games are becoming less reliant.

We've been using team speak and similar since they have been available and the internet connections alowed it. But I come from an era of lan parties when we all brought our PCs to one place, connected them to LAN and played together. And offcourse communicated by just talking to each other over the shoulder. If anything typing for anything but the most basic communication always seemed so ackward.

Besides how do you work nowadays? I mean it depends on your job but teleconferences are the norm, probably to much because its actually to easy to accomodate them which means people organise them too often and for too wide audiences. Can't imagine not being used to talking to other people over the net in today's times. 

Or did you mean Discord app specifically?

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Thanks for the replies. I am fine with third party comms in theory, i used to use Teamspeak - the problem with Discord is once you are flagged you seem to get caught in a loop of bot replies and even giving a number at that point its not accepted, probably because you have a flagged account. More Discord groups also seem to be asking for phone numbers to join even if you previously did not have one on your account.


Shouldnt email verification and various 'i am human' tests be enough? I am sure as suggested there will be wvw guilds etc that do not require it, i found a Dragons End group today organised in chat that went fine, but honestly Discords verification seems borked/overly complicated and the fact it wont accept VoIP is rubbish and finding groups that don't require Discord seems to be much harder than a while back.

As others have said, it's the over reliance on it, its better to not have to go outside of the game to communicate, i wish GW2 had something in house for raids/complex world metas and wvw..

Edited by Shangri La.6237
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2 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Agreed i will not use Discord, way to easy to get malware in that and i already have multiple times.. Stay away.




Stay away from that app.

Did you read any of those links yourself? 🤨


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Yes, guilds should totally stop talking to each other on voice chat just to suit you. Like they owe you anything? Of course not.

I mean yes, Discord is kinda crap and I would love there to be a better alternative.  But I don't need to  join Discord most of the time pugging in WvW either. It just takes some awareness.

Most events... lol I wouldn't even waste my time.

Though you wonder if the game would come up with its own voice chat, though we may be past that point.



Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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And that's why TeamSpeak is still superior, even when it doesn't have a "fancy" user interface for the kids or all those "super special" extras (which might be nice to organize stuff, but isn't required for the main feature, namely chatting live with people).

TeamSpeak is the least intrusive voice chat tool to date, plus its sound quality is so much better than Discord's.

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21 hours ago, cyberzombie.7348 said:

Like teamspeak back in 2012-2015?

Or you could use https://www.guilded.gg

On 4/3/2022 at 3:27 AM, Dante.1508 said:

Agreed i will not use Discord, way to easy to get malware in that and i already have multiple times.. Stay away.




Stay away from that app.

Well maybe you should stop pressing random links in discord chats.

Better yet adapt the same for email any any web page your on to avoid malewares.

Edited by Linken.6345
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If I couldn't use discord, I'd disband my guild and give up the game. The game is too active for me to organize stuff while typing. You can't use discord because you won't provide your phone number. That's a choice.  Telling other people not to use it because you choose not to? That's silly.

Before discord I used mumble, before mumble I used vent. I've always used a voice chat to play games. Discord is simply the most convenient one for me now. 

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On 4/3/2022 at 5:22 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

I can't remember the last time I used Discord for GW2. I have it, and I know at least 1 of my guilds does have a server or channel or whatever, but I never use it. I usually can't use voice chat even if I wanted to and since I just have the one screen even having it open for text isn't practical most of the time.

The only time it's an issue for me is when I'm looking for a new guild to join. I'll always ask if they use in-game chat and only join ones who say they do, but sometimes I find the recruiter wasn't entirely accurate and while some people do occasionally use in-game chat I'm missing 90% of what's being said. But finding a guild is always trial and error in one way or another.

I do see groups and WvW commanders who insist on voice chat, but that just means I don't join them and find another one instead.

This is my guild too.  Discord is not required, but you miss a ton of stuff if you're not there in voice.

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