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The real reason people spam auto-attack

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Rotations aren't 2-3 buttons. They're not even 5 buttons. There's 20-button openers to memorize, and then 20 button regular rotations. They give off the feeling of being complete accidents, 'discovered' by min-maxers who know math. The devs then balance these 'discoveries'.


Being a raid elitist is like being elitist about whose essay on the Powerpuff Girls is better.

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6 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Rotations aren't 2-3 buttons. They're not even 5 buttons. There's 20-button openers to memorize, and then 20 button regular rotations. They give off the feeling of being complete accidents, 'discovered' by min-maxers who know math. The devs then balance these 'discoveries'.


Being a raid elitist is like being elitist about whose essay on the Powerpuff Girls is better.

Your inferiority complex is showing.

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I spam auto attack it make fingers boken

I spam auto attack because people expect me to use skills like a normal person

I spam auto attack because I want to rage quit on a pvp match but my allies might yell at me and report me with the 99.99% (exaggeration) ineffective report afk player button

I spam auto attack to make posts about me spamming auto attack.

I spam auto attack on a weapon I can't use because I forgot to change my build.

I spam auto attack because it shows intellectual superiority.

I spam auto attack because it makes me feel better

I spam auto attack because I can.

I spam auto attack because I don't like moas

I spam auto attack because 2 button rotations are too complicated
I spam auto attack because it procs all my signets and traits

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Rotations do often seem to be "hit a few buttons in a priority system or play one of beethoven's classics" with little inbetween. Best I can figure is it's because it wasn't made like a straightforward rotation-based game in core design, so figuring out optimal uses is more counterintuitive than in trinity games. Examples include stuff like stow weapon and turning off auto attack to manage the spaces inbetween abilities more finely. The "one button spam" elitism talking point is kinda funny tho because in this game, sometimes auto attack is a really strong part of the rotation and not something you want to casually interrupt with just any ability.

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OP: Play scourge , condi single shortbow soulbeast, condi specter/power daredevil, power upkeep herald (condi double shortbow renegade requires more effort), condi chaos virtuoso, or power mechanist then. There's only "skill priority" and no "rotations". If you want to spam something F1 on axe berserker isn't too bad either.

Also check Mukluk's low intensity guide. Guild Wars 2 Builds — Mukluk Labs

and the entire meme channel of Mr Mystic whos specializes in "easy builds"

Edited by Infusion.7149
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Imagine playing Ranger, picking up your trusty ranger bow, then getting singled out and flamed for using one of your abilities off cooldown (Longbow 4). Get flamed enough times, and you'll begin to think 1 is the only safe button to press xD


Tbh, I like that effective low-intensity builds are beginning to pop up. Bearbow and Winionmancer used to be the gold standard, but it's really hard to stay polite when one joins your dungeon/fractal/strike/raid party.

Edited by Westenev.5289
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10 hours ago, Infinity.2876 said:

I spam auto attack it make fingers boken

I spam auto attack because people expect me to use skills like a normal person

I spam auto attack because I want to rage quit on a pvp match but my allies might yell at me and report me with the 99.99% (exaggeration) ineffective report afk player button

I spam auto attack to make posts about me spamming auto attack.

I spam auto attack on a weapon I can't use because I forgot to change my build.

I spam auto attack because it shows intellectual superiority.

I spam auto attack because it makes me feel better

I spam auto attack because I can.

I spam auto attack because I don't like moas

I spam auto attack because 2 button rotations are too complicated
I spam auto attack because it procs all my signets and traits

You forgot one:

I spam auto-attack because I'm watching Netflix on my second screen.

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11 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Rotations aren't 2-3 buttons. They're not even 5 buttons. There's 20-button openers to memorize, and then 20 button regular rotations. They give off the feeling of being complete accidents, 'discovered' by min-maxers who know math. The devs then balance these 'discoveries'.


Being a raid elitist is like being elitist about whose essay on the Powerpuff Girls is better.

Scourge pumps out up to 35k DPS with a rotation that requires less than 10 skills to be pressed.
Condi DD used to be above 40k(now ~39k) with a rotation that has 10 steps with the dodges included.
Staff Mirage is around 30k DPS with a rotation that can be summed up as "Ambush off cooldown".
Mechanist and Vindicator are around 30k DPS with their rotation mostly being the game auto attacking for you.

People don't play builds that are piano, people play builds that are simple and effective. Why would I play Condi Weaver for the same DPS as a Condi DD?

People spam auto attacks because it takes no effort, you set your first skill on auto cast and the game attacks for you while the enemy is alive. People don't mind auto attacks, since Vindicator and Mechanist can reach ~30k through auto attacks and maybe 5 extra skills every minute. Every profession can do 10-15k DPS just by auto attacking.
People scoff at auto attacks when people deal absolutely no damage. 

There are many low intensity builds, which are literally created by "min-maxers who know math"(knowing math is now something people insult you about apparently) for those who are unable - or more like unwilling - to press more than a few buttons each minute.

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How about you gt gud instead of complaining ?


As an elitist raider its not like I woke one morning and broke the keyboard due to some rotation, I learned from experience and had the mindset to improve my own game style instead of role playing as a carpet and begging for a res or getting carried by skillful people...

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How are rotations even remotely considerable as a reason an excuse for spamming auto-attacks?

If you don't like rotations, just press whatever you feel like pressing, whenever you feel like pressing it (unless it's on cooldown).

Edited by Fueki.4753
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2 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:

Imagine playing Ranger, picking up your trusty ranger bow, then getting singled out and flamed for using one of your abilities off cooldown (Longbow 4). Get flamed enough times, and you'll begin to think 1 is the only safe button to press xD



As a ranger main, this irks me.  Players ought to have a basic knowledge of their attack skills and understand how they can impact other players.  Knocking an enemy away from a pack of melee fighters, especially when that enemy isn't even threatening the ranger, is just ignorance (and I don't mean ignorance as an insult; rather ignorance as lack of knowledge).

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I am definitely enjoying the options provided by some of the "easy" build (Power Mech), because the things I enjoy in a fight are things like positioning/dodging/mechanics/blocking/watching other people etc.  Memorising a rotation just to keep dps up just isn't something I enjoy.  If ANet want to make fights more challenging, I'd much rather they add more mechanics/make timings more difficult than just nerf the less rotation heavy builds.


I think we're currently getting to a decent balance where players who enjoy rotations can get maybe a few kdps extra for their effort, but without making that the core focus of the gameplay for everyone.

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I feel the issue is more people don't understand what the rotation means. I raid a fair amount, I literally never remember the exact rotation of any build. You don't look at the 20 steps in snowcrow and think "I got to remember to press these in the exact order". Instead the most important thing is understand why the rotation is done that way. Vast majority of the time the rotation is a priority system, you just press the button that's more important than the other ones when is up. That's really it. I highly doubt that many people try to exactly memorize the steps, because even if you do what happens if you drop it due to dodging? Mechanics? Stuns? etc. If you don't understand the logic behind the rotation, then remembering the exact steps is fairly pointless as you won't even be able to pick it up back should it ever be interrupted.

Edited by Warscythes.9307
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46 minutes ago, Warscythes.9307 said:

I feel the issue is more people don't understand what the rotation means. I raid a fair amount, I literally never remember the exact rotation of any build. You don't look at the 20 steps in snowcrow and think "I got to remember to press these in the exact order". Instead the most important thing is understand why the rotation is done that way. Vast majority of the time the rotation is a priority system, you just press the button that's more important than the other ones when is up. That's really it. I highly doubt that many people try to exactly memorize the steps, because even if you do what happens if you drop it due to dodging? Mechanics? Stuns? etc. If you don't understand the logic behind the rotation, then remembering the exact steps is fairly pointless as you won't even be able to pick it up back should it ever be interrupted.

^This.  The purpose of the benchmark rotation is 1) As a frame of reference for comparison and 2) So that you understand how to optimize performance.  There is no expectation that you can belt out a perfect rotation for 4 million damage like they do in the benchmarks.  That simply isn't a thing in actual gameplay.  So, it goes without saying that you will always need to adapt this knowledge not just to gameplay in general but to the specifics of each encounter.

People like the OP want to pretend that players who practice rotations are zombies, incapable of breaking from the script.  While it's true that being able to perform a perfect benchmark doesn't necessarily guarantee the player is able to adapt that effectively to actual gameplay, it's even less likely that a person who can't perform a passable rotation under static benchmark conditions is going to be effective at it.

The salt suggests that the player knows perfectly well the reality.  But it's easier to toss insults and suggest that there's something wrong with the game or players that would play it in such a way that they perform better than you do.  Beats admitting that you suck, right?  Truth hurts.

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I made a joke to a guildmate in another MMO once that it was a good thing that I was a guitar player, or I wouldn't be able to keep up with my rotations.  Even here, where I no longer care about even trying to run group content, I have rotations that I use, even for map clearing all by myself.  Comes in handy when I find myself running map events with others, but I don't do it for them, I do it because I spent years doing progression raiding, and it's just the way I play, even in SP games, where such things are possible.

I didn't do "benchmarks", because I was too busy actually running the content that other players were trying to make "benchmarks" for.  I had a cleric in DDO, for example, that started crying as soon as I joined the group because my artificer only had 297 HP, instead of the 300 HP she insisted were required for running the quest we were forming up for.  After about 10 minutes of listening to her cry, I dropped group, and proceeded to solo the same quest, at the same difficulty.  I finished before that group did, I know this because I had a guildmate in that group, and that cleric that was crying about my HP?  She was the first one to die.

I'm not going to try to pretend that every single raid player is somehow detrimental to the games they play, but there are some that actually are.  They're so busy worrying about what everyone else is doing, or not doing, as the case may be, that they suck all the fun out of it for others.  swtor:  You must have the NM achievement to run the Story Mode version of a FP/Op, or "you must have X HP".  I've seen it in swtor, and DDO off the top of my head.  I'm sure it probably happened a lot in Aion too, but, again, I was too busy actually running the content with my guild/legions to worry about what Joe Elitist thought I should be doing.

There's a myriad of reasons a player may not use rotations, ranging from they suck to they can't due to physical limitations, or worse, social anxiety, and the first time someone starts riding their kitten about it, they turtle up and quit trying.  Before anyone starts trying to play the "it doesn't happen here" card, there are examples of it in this very thread.  But even this isn't the reason I no longer care about group content, I just got tired of it, after years of doing it.  It didn't drastically change the way I play, I just don't have to worry that Joe Elitist will be riding my kitten about not having something specific that they expect me to have, rightly so or otherwise.

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