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High Elves

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

Guild wars is not the kind of game where you call "but game X has it, so why not Gw2?"
  • microtransactions
  • raiding
  • mounts
  • trinity
  • dungeons

But still no build templates. Yes, GW2 is bastion of originality /s

You forgot Weapons, Skills, Levels, XP, Crafting, Humans, Towns, Skins, Nodes, Bosses, Walking with WASD, Jumping with Spacebar etc.Your list (also mine) is just basic stuff for an MMO and/or fantasy game.Except for trinity, this is only a thing in raids in GW2.

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@Karaha.3290 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

Guild wars is not the kind of game where you call "but game X has it, so why not Gw2?"
  • microtransactions
  • raiding
  • mounts
  • trinity
  • dungeons

But still no build templates. Yes, GW2 is bastion of originality /s

You forgot Weapons, Skills, Levels, XP, Crafting, Humans, Towns, Skins, Nodes, Bosses, Walking with WASD, Jumping with Spacebar etc.Your list (also mine) is just basic stuff for an MMO and/or fantasy game.Except for trinity, this is only a thing in raids in GW2.

That's because game has no consistent / working tanking mechanic anywhere else. So outside of raids you still have somewhat dps+support coefficiency. It really shows during Serpent's Ire when people are spread properly.

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@Mortymes.7139 said:So Ion said we wouldn't get HIgh Elves in WoW, so how about High Elves introduced in Guild Wars? Most games have elves in their fantasy, but GW has no elves at all.

If I understand this correctly, your entire argument about Anet introducing high elves is because a separate game studio didn't put high elves into their own game?

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:

@Mortymes.7139 said:So Ion said we wouldn't get HIgh Elves in WoW, so how about High Elves introduced in Guild Wars? Most games have elves in their fantasy, but GW has no elves at all.

I know it's offtopic, but his reasoning was stupid. High Elves deserve to be playable in WoW.

I don't know. I don't think WoW really needs yet another playable elf race or allied race. Between races and allied races, we now have Blood Elves, Night Elves, Void Elves, and The Nightborne. So, while adding High Elves would satisfy some people (including myself, from a lore standpoint), it would just be yet another elf race and would be nearly indistinguishable from the already-playable Blood Elves.

As for the main topic at hand: GW2 definitely doesn't need high elves or any other kind of elves. We have the Sylvari, and I like them as our version of elves.

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@Last Crysis.1934 said:

@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:I say bring high elves in. Bring midgets, gremlins, orcs, goblins, ghouls, zoras and fat people as well. The 6 can travel worlds, why can't these races. I dont see why anyone would be angry for bringing in new content. Who cares what it is.

This is not that garbage game WoW. Our community likes the unique races GW's has given us.

Ok give us a manicorn. Half man half unicorn.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:I say bring high elves in. Bring midgets, gremlins, orcs, goblins, ghouls, zoras and fat people as well. The 6 can travel worlds, why can't these races. I dont see why anyone would be angry for bringing in new content. Who cares what it is.

Yea.. why stop there, though?Open the gates to Tamriel.Let the beings of Azaeroth and Middle Earth storm in as well.And we’ll all have dinner with Captain Hook in Howl’s Moving Castle

Now your being silly with the gates. We all know we need the doors to tamreil. Pft gates.

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The lack of high elves is what originally put me off WoW. I'd spent so long imagining how great it would be if there was a Warcraft RPG where I could play a high elf ranger in Quel'Thalas. Then I played Warcraft 3 and they destroyed Quel'Thalas (worse, they made me destroy it, and there wasn't even an option to not play that campaign), destroyed the high elves and then announced an RPG.

You know what's weird though? I actually like that GW2 doesn't have them.

After losing interest in WoW (there are a lot more reasons, that was just the first) I discovered Guild Wars 1 and one of the things that drew me in was the originality of the world. Specifically it was the charr who caught my interest - they weren't easily identifiable as anything I already knew, either from real life or fantasy/mythology. No they're not so completely original that they bear no resemblance to anything ever seen before either, before someone says that, but it was enough to suggest that this game wasn't your generic LOTR copy fantasy world.

I still like elves, and I still play them in most games which offer them (except the Elder Scrolls for some reason) but I also like having a game with more original races and the sylvari are probably the most interesting of the lot for me, especially after Season 2/HoT.

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@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:Anyone else find it interesting that there's a whole page full of nothing but people saying "no" to the OP? Apparently it was such a touchy subject that every active forumer needs to voice their shared opinion on it.

Thats typical of any game community that sees a suggestion to copy something else, but not give sufficient justification as to why it actively improves the game. Using WoW as an example rarely works, because WoW set the standard for "generic fantasy MMO". Warcraft itself is kind of funny as an IP, because its an off shoot of the Warhammer IP, which itself took the fantasy tropes popularized by Lord of the Rings to a comical extreme. So its kind of unfortunate that WoW tried to shed some of its parody of a parody roots on its way to becoming what it is now.

Anyway.... Vets were apprehensive about Mounts when they were announced. They were also unsure about gliding when it was first announced. But to their well deserved credit, Anet tried to do something original with each, and make them an integral part of how the map operated. Even when they don't quite work right, they're still miles ahead of other games that just use it as a gimmick, and not do much with it in practice. "Joy of movement" is a philosophy thats worked well for Anet thus far.... so I suspect this is how they plan on doing expansions moving forward, so the Especs can operate independently and be fully compatible in any expansion.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Eekasqueak.7850" said:Elves are the Mary Sue of fantasy races, no thanks.

You never have read classic fantasy novels, have you? Nor played classic (a.k.a. "high") fantasy RPGs, I assume? Because if you had you wouldn't make such a statement.

Discounting things like Lord of the Rings, and DND tabletop and having grown up on fantasy novels and games(again not tabletop), and depending on what you mean by classic fantasy RPGs i..would actually say yes to that.

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