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Every new mount makes the raptor even more useless.

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chuckle There are several things that seem clear to me in this thread. For one, contrary to the op's assertion, there are a number of people who don't think the raptor is useless. For another, as already mentioned, there is no general consensus at all on the mounts. People can argue the merits back and forth but in the end it seems to come down to personal preference. Finally, it's also clear that even though there have been several similar threads, people still like talking about their mounts. As do I, so I'll toss in my two coppers worth.

To date I haven't bothered to get the roller beetle, the griffon, or the skyscale. Personally I think the beetle looks ugly and handles even worse so I don't know if I will ever get it. Eventually I figure I'll get around to the griffon but I'm in no rush and so far I haven't decided if I want to bother with the skyscale or not. The warclaw I never use outside of WvW though I wish it had better capabilities within that mode. The jackal is my primary mount as it feels more nimble to me than the raptor and I love the barrier it throws up with it's enhanced pounce. My next most used mount is the skimmer, for water, broken terrain, and for swooping down from higher places. When needed I'll call out my reliable old bunny to jump to the places it is best for getting to. With those three I am able to do pretty much whatever I want to do except for the few griffon required spots like that mastery point in the Desert Highlands. The only time I use my raptor is when there are longer jumps than the jackal can readily handle, like some of the plateau to plateau leaps in the Desert Highlands. Your mileage will probably vary on all this but that's fine. I don't need to convince you or be convinced by you. Personal preference, remember?

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@Aodlop.1907 said:You guys actually prefer the raptor to the jackal? The latter is much easier to manoeuvre around, I found.

The jackal's gimmick was that you could turn in midair ... but with the way the game's movement system works you can do that with a raptor too.

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Really? I find it my most used. It’s certainly more useful to me than the jackal which is deliberately niche

What niche? The jackal is the most versatile mount on ground. It evades while being fast, it has precise movement, it doesn't care about angles (whether you go up or down), and you take zero fall damage regardless of the height, unlike the raptor. That's not niche, that's all super practical.

With maxed jackal mastery everything evades. Skimmer could probably get close to infinite dodges while staying on the move.

@Opopanax.1803 said:Jackal is superior at getting through packs of mobs, not taking fall damage, and going uphill and past obstacles, all of which pose major problems for the raptor. You can even get farther off of a mountain/cliff with jackal simply because you can keep dashing.

Well some of us are not in the habit of jumping off cliffs and when we do it is with a a glider/griffon and there is Bond of Faith for screwups.

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@Aodlop.1907 said:You guys actually prefer the raptor to the jackal? The latter is much easier to manoeuvre around, I found.

I somehow get the jackal teleport stuck on tiny ledges, so yeah, I prefer raptor, which I still use for getting around fast.

I use my skyscale the most, I absolutely love flying around, and I haven't bothered with the Springer (except for CC) since unlocking thw skyscale.

And of course I use skimmer for over water.

I don't bother with the beetle, It's too difficult to manevoure.I only use jackal for portals.I dont have griffon.

But each mount has their unique uses.

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I never use my raptor or jackal anymore - the skyscale moves almost as fast and can fly over cliffs without dismounting (rendering most sand portals useless).

The Beetle and Griffon are still my main mounts if I want to go somewhere without detours, and the skimmer is still used for obvious reasons.

So I can certainly see where the OP is coming from.

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@"Aodlop.1907" said:It's sad that one of the best looking mounts in the game is also the least useful.

And yet my Raptor gets used all the time? It's even the mount bound to my "Mount" key - all the other mounts require me to press a separate button to summon them.

The Beetle may be faster in some places, but I find for most of my time, the Raptor gets me where I want to go fast, is useful to start a fight against something that lacks a defiance bar, and generally gets the job done.

My least used mount is a tie between Roller Beetle and Jackal, only because I use the Roller Beetle 1 time per week to zoom my key toon across Kryta, and my Jackal occasionally blinks through sand portals. If both were deleted from the game I wouldn't notice (except for those swirling sandy holes I couldn't interact with :) )

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Chiming in to say that raptor was my most used mount and now tied with the skyscale for that position. Even though the jackal is slightly faster on everything but flat ground, spamming the teleport bothers me. I don't get motion sickness, but I still prefer the smoothness of the raptor's leap because of it. Before the leap distance nerf, I even used the warclaw more than the jackal.

Jackal is a fine mount, but I'd rather enjoy mounts than min-max them.

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@Aodlop.1907 said:You guys actually prefer the raptor to the jackal? The latter is much easier to manoeuvre around, I found.

Jackal for uphills, and avoiding obstacles

Raptor on a flat or to cross large gaps.

Down hill they both have their own unique design since one can keep its axis and teleport a bunch of times, and the other gets a long leap.

Even if jackal was somehow a strait upgrade to the raptor, that is all core PoF.You asserted:”Every new mount makes raptor even more useless.” Then made an aesthetic based claim which is subjective.

If you mean “new mount” in terms of progression:Bunny isn’t faster.Skimmer is only useful over water and avoid touching the ground.Griff is only gets its speed with altitude.That is the core pack.

If you new mount as in releases:Warclaw is inferior in almost every way.Beetle is even worse up hills and has its own control method, and doesn’t cross gaps for free.Skyscale is a helicopter.

Your claim lacks critical thought.

Ps. I have all my mounts easily bound and I switch between them as needed, griff and skyscsle are my most used only because I like things that fly.

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Personally use Jackal the most. I like to have a bit more turning control, I dont get these problems people have with the jumping. Its indeed a bit more spammy, but if youre on a less straight route, which is pretty much anywhere these days, then i feel Jackal wins. Plus Rereading about the leaps stopping your momentum, I guess that always annoyed me on raptor when that happens. Might need a fix, imo, if thats possible anyway.

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raptor for short sprints and attack to gather mobs up.jackal for uphill movement and portals.griffon for high up places to glide across distancesbeetle for long range land travel.skimmer water and hoverspringer for fast vertical climbing and a strong break bar ccsky scale for hovering and some tricky travel and climbing and run through volitale magic to stay in air longerwarclaw just use in wvw

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Raptor is still really good in places you can't ramp up a lot of speed on the roller beetle. If anything, Jackal needs some tuning. It is such a cool looking mount, but its advantages are few and far between.

I find myself staying on the raptor mount a lot more where as I tend to only use jackal for a few seconds (mostly for the ports) then switch to something else.

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