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New Legendary Runes/Sigils alongside a Community Event

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Meh. It's definitely better than nothing, but I was honestly hoping for something more interesting than "swap out your effects between existing runes/sigils".

I honestly don't feel like being able to just swap stats is a good enough carrot for legendaries, which harms the game by disengaging players from long term goals. They should represent some sort of horizontal growth - like having unique runes/sigils that aren't necessarily power-creeped over exotic/ascended, but that have interesting and unique mechanics.

Still, at least this is a new system that introduces possibilities for expanding on it in the future.

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Wow it's the return of the mystic toilet material vaccum! Still have Noxxi's parody in head x) I have a stack of those will have something cool maybe...

I also understood that that legendary rune can morph into any exo runes? Kinda unclear.

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@"zealex.9410" said:Kind of a let down, i was hoping they would let us costumise their stats and effects.

Effects? No. Stats? Sort of. You can't "customize;" but you can choose.

Once socketed, a legendary upgrade has the power to take on the properties of any other upgrade of its typeIf I understand correctly, you slot 5 legendary runes and one exotic, with the legendary taking the same stats as the exotic. Want to change builds? Just change the one exotic.

Legendary runes provide the same set bonuses as other runes, and you can combine them with exotic superior runes. For example, if you have a Superior Rune of the Adventurer in your helm, and you add a legendary rune to your boots, setting the legendary rune’s suffix to Adventurer will grant the two-piece bonus for that set.That makes it sound clunkier than the way I phrased it above. It's ambiguous tho.

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I understood it to mean you can choose the type of rune. So if I have 5 scholar I can pick scholar. If I want to change, I have to actually change the 5 scholar but can select the legendary to be whatever. Or conversely, if I get 6 legendary runes I can just pick all 6.

Or I could run 1 nightmare, 4 viper and select whatever for the legendary. Marauder, if I so chose. Why I would, I don't know, but I could.Or is that what you meant?

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In fact, those aren't legendaries, it's just mimicking the type you brought with the exotic rune. It's just for economizing 5 other runes. But at this point, it could've been called "sigil/rune replicators".

Don't see the usefulness if sigils since they can't stack effect....

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If https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Upgrades is accurate at all, I'm severely disappointed. Again.

And yet, not at all surprised. Artificial rarity and bludgeoning players with absurd farms is the hallmark of GW2 "design" nowadays, so why should I ever expect the game to respect time and effort by rewarding players with drop rates that matter?

It's this kind of repeated economics-bashing that pushes me away from the game time and again. I can't even be excited about "legendary" anything because it's all designed to push a few items into scarcity while others sit unused at vendor value.

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@trixantea.1230 said:A cheap way to create content.

What? Finally releasing something they announced almost 5 months ago?

And you guys misunderstand. It's not replicating anything, they merely meant that you can mix both types and won't need a full set before it becomes useful.

Your benefit is that you will never have to chase after a new rune set again. That's great. No need to have upgrade extractors handy for valuable ones and switching them between characters to set them up faster will also be cool. Not to mention the use for sigils. I want to use a Staff, but my Ele is a support so I want a support sigil in there at least. No more swapping or having to craft another Staff just for that.

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@"Randulf.7614" said:https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/harness-the-power-of-legendary-upgrades/

I am reading it that the only benefit is the ability to unslot at will?

Unslot and stat swap at will.

@"Rauderi.8706" said:If https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Upgrades is accurate at all, I'm severely disappointed. Again.

In all honesty, it probably isn't, because there's a conflicting 1 of each recipe that makes the 250 of each rng to show up in the forge. So they would have to change something about it. Not necessarily the three charms, but one material has to swap out, and changing numbers would make sense given the TP prices.

Keep in mind that recipe was added in that form when they first introduced the charms and symbols. In other words, they didn't know where the community value/demand would make them fall in cost.

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Is there going to be AP available for participating in the event? Otherwise I think I won’t throw away my materials until the recipes are discovered, and then craft them.

But is there anything beyond being able to unequip them whenever you want? And maybe stat swapping? I know there isn’t much room for these things to offer unique visual effects now, but I would have taken literally anything over nothing.

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@Blocki.4931 said:I want to use a Staff, but my Ele is a support so I want a support sigil in there at least. No more swapping or having to craft another Staff just for that.

Which is great...

...If you have a legendary weapon, so you would be able to change the weapon's stats.

If not, when changing builds you would likely need to change your weapon's stats as well as your sigil. Likewise with changing your armor stats together with their runes.

That's even assuming a high enough number of people would even change their runes and/or sigils often enough for this to be useful.

While legendary runes and sigils aren't likely going to hurt anyone, they feel like a niche addition to the game.

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@Erasculio.2914 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:I want to use a Staff, but my Ele is a support so I want a support sigil in there at least. No more swapping or having to craft another Staff just for that.

Which is great...

...If you have a legendary weapon, so you would be able to change the weapon's stats.

If not, when changing builds you would likely need to change your weapon's stats as well as your sigil. Likewise with changing your armor stats together with their runes.

That's even assuming a high enough number of people would even change their runes and/or sigils often enough for this to be useful.

While legendary runes and sigils aren't likely going to hurt anyone, they feel like a niche addition to the game.

I'm curious what owners of legendary armor will do here. This would save them a bag slot, where they normally keep the various different runes they built, but it also means they have to re-select the stats of 6-7 runes on top of their gear. I mean, build templates sure, but still...

It will come down to what it costs to make them I guess.

EDIT: ill say this much though, it will be worth it to craft at least 1 for your Re-breather, that way even if you have different sets of gear, you'll always be able to get your 6-pc bonus while underwater assuming you keep the same breather :+1:

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@"Turkeyspit.3965" said:I'm curious what owners of legendary armor will do here. This would save them a bag slot, where they normally keep the various different runes they built, but it also means they have to re-select the stats of 6-7 runes on top of their gear. I mean, build templates sure, but still...

I'm guessing this is the final update/change before ANet can deliver build templates/loadouts.

When those arrive, legendary runes/sigils will change to the target stats, without needing anything else in inventory. With "only" exotic/superior, you might have to keep the spares in your inventory. tbd tho.

It will come down to what it costs to make them I guess.

EDIT: ill say this much though, it will be worth it to craft at least 1 for your Re-breather, that way even if you have different sets of gear, you'll always be able to get your 6-pc bonus while underwater assuming you keep the same breather :+1:

Good call on the rebreather. I haven't bothered spending a copper on them because there's no underwater content in which I need the stats and I don't want to spend on a 7th rune either. However, with a legendary rune, I could (theoretically) just keep one of each weight in the bank and slot when needed.

I'm still hoping we can set the legendary runes to auto-match to the "first" slotted upgrade. That's probably wishful thinking tho, as no one else reading the blog seems to see that as possible.

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Tell me anet, for whom is this update? Hardcore players that already have legendary armor and weapons (for cheaper) and can already swap freely? Casuals who don't even get their main stats right and don't have the gold anyways? PvPers who don't need it?

What the actual cat are you trying to do with these prices.

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