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Stun, Knockback etc etc .. no way i keep playing melee


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I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

Mesmer Elite Mirage could be fun with stability..Necro Elite the same...... and all other classes too.

So all that is left is my GS Mesmer and my Scepter Necromancer......

3-4 weeks have passed and i am already close to quit again.... what a poor sign for a game that should have improved gameplay while i was 3 years off ...

Give melee classes never mind which, more stability and reduce the amount of CC on all and every NPC Enemy in this game....

the $29.99 for PoF + HoT were fair, i had a few nice moments while exploring but thats all positiv i can say...

All the classes are unbalanced and weird to config.

GS Mesmer without any Elite just old skill lines is the best in this game...

Sorry for this Rant but i expected way more fun increasing improvement in 3 years than just expansions but still the same old skills and boring powers....

Not to forget the endless long SkillCooldowns for many powers. A simple power like a Heal or Signet with 30-60 sec cooldown in almost 2020 ?

I keep playing a bit but i lost the motivation to achieve anything. The landscape is nice so i explore the maps then quit again..

(yea no native english sorry)

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@Tuccos.8592 said:I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

You can dodge?

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First thing: there's no such thing as a pure tank profession in GW2. All professions are designed to be able to fill any role. Some might have an easier time fitting certain roles in a group than others, but even then it's not necessarily obvious what those are. For example a common role for warriors in raids is 'banner slave' which is focused on support - providing boons to the whole group through banners and some other skills.

Second thing yes a lot of enemies in GW2 will use CC skills. That's because this game is designed around active combat - moving and using your skills to counter enemies rather than standing skill and letting them hit you, even if you're playing a tank. There are some traits which will either counter CC or give you increased defenses while you're affected by it, but there's also skills you can use to directly counter it by interrupting or CCing the enemy and dodging the attacks most liked to be a problem for you. That does take practice - both knowing what's important to block or counter and knowing how to do it - but that's the idea, you get better at the game as you play more.

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For returners, it is always a little rough start. You are not the first, you will not be the last and to be very honest, we struggled with this as well when it was new. The big keyword to solve this issue is: active defenses. Stability is one facet of this and not a very smart one. Almost every weapon-set and many skills offer access to active defenses nowadays:

  • Dodge, sometimes with traits or food which increase endurance regeneration
  • Evade via leap-skills
  • blocks & reflects
  • barrier, protection and resistance to migitate incoming damage as buffs on yourself
  • blinds & weakness to migitate incoming damage as debuffs on your opponent
  • stealth
  • stunbreakers
  • stability
  • crowd control from your side to interrupt dangerous attacks of your opponent

That is a nice variety of different methods; not every class has access to every method. There exist classes like the Scrapper which can maintain 100 % stability uptimes, but there are also classes like Necromancers which have very little, with certain builds even 0 access to this buff. In addition with Path of Fire, ranged enemies became a real problem.

The common strategy is to check your abilities before you leave the town and keep in mind which skills can be used for active defenses. At first it feels a little awkward not to use every skill within the first second of the fight, but once you have seen the huge impact of your stun-breakers you happily save them for emergencies only. Not many of us play tank in PvE, but you should have a little access to active defenses. Even the Reaper with its enormous damage-output and double HP bar is screwed if he decides to start a fight without a stun-breaker or traits which break stuns for him. This gets better over time. The important part: Do not give up!

A lot of counters and stun-break rotations can be learned via muscle memory. For example I use all my stun-breakers at the same utility-slot for all classes, which is also linked to my mouse. So when I get interrupted, I usually break out in less than 1 second. A lot of these skills include teleports or strong buffs, which make your return even more pleasant (and very unpleasant for your opponent).

There are however bosses and certain NPCs like the Hydras or Djinns in Path of Fire. Those have more than one CC ready and can easily take you down, even with your active defenses. Luckyly those special NPCs have unique attack patterns. Once again, the more you fight them, the more you learn how to counter their devastating attacks. In most cases, all you need is a little patience before throwing all your damage-skills on them.

Note: About the Signet of Resolve of Guardian. That is the most powerful of your heal skills which recovers more than half of your maximum HP. The cooldowns usually depend on how powerful the healing skills are. There are heal-skills with recovery times of 14-20 seconds. But those have to be either traited to be that short or to recover more than 1/4 of your maximum HP. The Signet of Resolve can be empowered via Radiance Grandmaster: Perfect Inscriptions, to reduce the cooldown to 24 seconds.

Litany of Wrath on the other hand can be traited and empowered to heal for almost 6k with a cooldown of 20 seconds. There is always a price to pay, either by picking a certain elite specialization, classes or using certain traits.

I can understand your frustration, but keep in mind you return after a break of three years. Take your time.

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You say same old skills and boring powers. But what is more boring than face tanking mobs with permanent stability?Just picking a few defensive utility skills solves the issue if dodge is not enough for you.But yeah active defense is the name of the game and in open world this usually just means moving out of the big yellow mark on the ground or behind the enemy when he is channeling his cc.There is another solution. CC them first.

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It's called "counterplay". It's not easy to learn from people who play other MMOs.

One more thing:Teamwork.

Remember: you're not "the invincible lone hero". You're a soldier in an army. You alone are strong, but only together are we unstoppable.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:You've been away for three years. It may take time to learn the "tells" of the AI and then know when to dodge/block/evade to prevent knock-back or other hard CC effects.Don't overlook this very good advice. Watching, engaging and learning how an enemy fights (and how to proact/react) is so important, and immensely satisfying once you do.

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"played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability"

What? Jalis has one of the most broken skill that gives stability in the game lol, Inspiring Reinforcement, pulses stability 5 times, on a very low 10 sec CD and costs only 30 energy to use, not to mention the weakeness that makes enemies deal only 50% of their damage and no crit.

Gotta learn a bit more about the game first bro.

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@Tuccos.8592 said:I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

Mesmer Elite Mirage could be fun with stability..Necro Elite the same...... and all other classes too.

So all that is left is my GS Mesmer and my Scepter Necromancer......

3-4 weeks have passed and i am already close to quit again.... what a poor sign for a game that should have improved gameplay while i was 3 years off ...

Give melee classes never mind which, more stability and reduce the amount of CC on all and every NPC Enemy in this game....

the $29.99 for PoF + HoT were fair, i had a few nice moments while exploring but thats all positiv i can say...

All the classes are unbalanced and weird to config.

GS Mesmer without any Elite just old skill lines is the best in this game...

Sorry for this Rant but i expected way more fun increasing improvement in 3 years than just expansions but still the same old skills and boring powers....

Not to forget the endless long SkillCooldowns for many powers. A simple power like a Heal or Signet with 30-60 sec cooldown in almost 2020 ?

I keep playing a bit but i lost the motivation to achieve anything. The landscape is nice so i explore the maps then quit again..

(yea no native english sorry)

On behalf of Revenants: We're not all this bad :P

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I also took about a year and a half hiatus from the game and came back to start playing regularly again a couple of months ago. I did play PoF when it first came out but I didn't complete the story (or the maps, for that matter), however upon returning and finishing up PoF and then diving into the Season 4 maps, I'll admit that I also noticed the increased difficulty of a lot of the areas.

In many ways it feels as though Anet has taken what they've learned from the years of focusing on boss combat in high level fractals and raids and incorporated many of those mechanics into the story fights, and indeed also in the general PoF and S4 PvE maps.

This is a great change of pace in my opinion, and a big leap forward in terms of enjoyment and engaging combat. It's much more fun to have challenging combat than the original core Tyria maps. Core Tyria maps are great, don't get me wrong, but they are much more relaxed and I consider them to be essentially safe zones when compared to the newer maps.

Fights on these newer maps are more difficult in general, but if you're paying attention to enemy telegraphs then you'll have a good idea of what you should be doing to mitigate the incoming damage. Some example of telegraphs include red/orange AoE fields that appear on the ground, or when an enemy ceases normal quick attacks and begins charging up something more powerful. While there are certainly situations where you can be caught off-guard, I feel that Anet has gotten much better about alerting players to incoming attacks especially during boss or miniboss encounters. Generally speaking, any big CC attack that will be coming your way will be preceded by a fairly obvious telegraph. It might be a four-legged monster that hunches down and charges toward you or a hammer-wielding giant that does a slow motion overhead ground smash--regardless of the enemy, big CC moves are usually fairly obvious to see coming.

The only downside, of course, is that with many of these telegraphs you'll need to have experienced a fight with these mobs before you'll know when to recognize it and how to adapt. But that's really part of any game's difficulty. You always learn more through failure than you do through success.

My advice is to stick with it and keep playing. Try to pay closer attention to the enemies you're fighting, always stay on the move, and keep one or two stun-breaks ready for when you need a panic button. If your stun-breaks are on CD, be ready to dodge out of the way before you get hit or withdraw to a safer distance and switch to ranged attacks.

Because yes, to address your thread's title, playing a strictly melee build is going to get you into all sorts of trouble on a very regular basis. You need a ranged weapon (or a set of back-up ranged skills you're comfortable with, depending on your class) for the times when close melee combat is too dangerous. Sometimes it's more important to back off a little, regroup and let your skills refresh before jumping back into full burn mode.

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Dodge, stability, Break Stun skills.There's enough of protection against it. Take one break stun skill. If you're stunned — you're unable to act. Can't dodge, can't attack, can't heal. Some mobs can stun you for 2 or 3 seconds. It's enough to kill every glass cannon character. One stun on you can decide if you fail or not.So stop complaining and take some defense if you have troubles. Seriously, you won't suffer from it. Glass Cannon builds are not called "glass" from no reason. It's sacrificing every defense and survivability for damage, making you vurnerable to attacks. You can kill fast but you can die fast.

Simple experience from AC dungeon. One graveling can knockdown you... for entire 4 seconds. And then literally eat you while you're unable to act. This is why you should have some protection from being disabled and smashed.Fractal experience: 100CM. Last phase in first boss. Rev should use Inspiring Reinforcements to protect party from CC.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:You've been away for three years. It may take time to learn the "tells" of the AI and then know when to dodge/block/evade to prevent knock-back or other hard CC effects.If we could turn off all the flashy stuff, then I could actually see the monster preparing for some big attack. Often the mob is not visible at all under a pile of players with their flashy skills. I haven't had a good look at most of the Bounty mobs in PoF, they get buried in specialfx.

Ground signals are often obscured also by the flashy stuff: if I could turn off everything exept the orange and red ground signals, then I would probably start to pay a lot more attention.

I play on the lowest settings anyway, so players themselves disappear but not their FX. I really find it weird that Anet has no setting for this.

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The thing about GW2 combat is that your only reliable tells are red aoe circles. There are niche animation tells, like on lupi, but most players likely won't understand them or have time to interpret them on their first try (lupi's kick, for example). Even if you do execute a dodge to avoid the initial hit(s), the nature of GW2 combat means you'll probably take damage anyway from after effects like aoe splatter.

It's a farcry from a darksouls-esque game, where you can get a general idea of what is going on by watching the boss and can react in turn, even if you don't know a bosses mechanics.

So... I can certainly understand the frustration.

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I think, that is one of the reason why Berserker gear rules in open world PvE. Kill monster super fast, before it has a chance to start using funky tricks.

Berserker is a solution. The rest is so-so. Yeah, you can dodge. But not perma-dodge and mobs can spam whatever trick they have and/or come in large numbers. You can't dodge everything. Use a hammer. And if it doesn't work, get a bigger one.

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@Melech.4308 said:

@Tuccos.8592 said:I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

You can dodge?

@Tuccos.8592 said:I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

Mesmer Elite Mirage could be fun with stability..Necro Elite the same...... and all other classes too.

So all that is left is my GS Mesmer and my Scepter Necromancer......

3-4 weeks have passed and i am already close to quit again.... what a poor sign for a game that should have improved gameplay while i was 3 years off ...

Give melee classes never mind which, more stability and reduce the amount of CC on all and every NPC Enemy in this game....

the $29.99 for PoF + HoT were fair, i had a few nice moments while exploring but thats all positiv i can say...

All the classes are unbalanced and weird to config.

GS Mesmer without any Elite just old skill lines is the best in this game...

Sorry for this Rant but i expected way more fun increasing improvement in 3 years than just expansions but still the same old skills and boring powers....

Not to forget the endless long SkillCooldowns for many powers. A simple power like a Heal or Signet with 30-60 sec cooldown in almost 2020 ?

I keep playing a bit but i lost the motivation to achieve anything. The landscape is nice so i explore the maps then quit again..

(yea no native english sorry)

See I know you didn't bother to try because Rev, Guardian and a lot of classes have PULSING STABILITY or stunbreak skills.

Learn to play issue.

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Y'know, I could accept the criticisms more if...•The 'tells' were actually tells and not "oh, the enemy is moving in the exact same way as all its other attacks and my character blocks most of the view in melee." GW2 has always lacked conveyance.•The enemy CC cooldowns weren't under 10 seconds. Or having multiple of the same enemy all use it in chain succession. A stun break is useless in those situations because it provides no extra immunity.•Stability had a reasonable uptime/duration. It was obviously changed for PvP purposes, and again PvE has to suffer for it. The cooldowns for it are long, a good number of the skills that grant it have wind up times (so they can't be used in response to an incoming CC), and enemy CC cooldowns burn through player Stability options faster than they can execute them.

Not to get too anecdotal, there's one Awakened with a CC as its literally every other attack. It's so bothersome that I just avoid that chunk of the zone, or anywhere with jacarundas.

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@Melech.4308 said:

@Tuccos.8592 said:I returned after 3 years break and i am shocked that this games combat is still based on annyoing CC on almost every PVE enemy.I bought PoF played Revenant to 80.... its a finger acrobatic Class and has no mentionable stability ....My Guardian has no Auto Stability like Warriors... weird... a pure Tank doesnt get it but a fighter ?

Sorry but all the CC NPC Enemies in this game got ist simply to much....

Never mind what class i play Melee i usually get knocked back a few times per fight...

You can dodge?

Only twice for most classes..

That said yeah op play ranged or melee that can telelport in and out of combat, the mechanics in this game vastly side to ranged characters, every boss needs a ranged option, melee is just a death sentence most times.. The game mechanics have only gotten worse in the last four years, every character i own has a ranged option as a backup because this games mechanics are terrible on melee.

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@"Rauderi.8706" said:Y'know, I could accept the criticisms more if...•The 'tells' were actually tells and not "oh, the enemy is moving in the exact same way as all its other attacks and my character blocks most of the view in melee." GW2 has always lacked conveyance.•The enemy CC cooldowns weren't under 10 seconds. Or having multiple of the same enemy all use it in chain succession. A stun break is useless in those situations because it provides no extra immunity.•Stability had a reasonable uptime/duration. It was obviously changed for PvP purposes, and again PvE has to suffer for it. The cooldowns for it are long, a good number of the skills that grant it have wind up times (so they can't be used in response to an incoming CC), and enemy CC cooldowns burn through player Stability options faster than they can execute them.

Not to get too anecdotal, there's one Awakened with a CC as its literally every other attack. It's so bothersome that I just avoid that chunk of the zone, or anywhere with jacarundas.

The Canid? Annoying jerk. Related to Steve in the Mad King's Labyrinth, I bet. But yeah, it's best to have a ranged option and a melee option handy. Also helps to switch utilities (or in revenant's case, legends) depending on what mobs are around you. Dwarf helps quite a bit with stability.

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