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Your best Guild Wars 2 Gem Store Buy

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Gems ==> gold. I like to buy/craft legendary items but I don't like to farm rare materials all day.Second comes all kinds of upgrades. Bag slots, bank tabs, storage expander, crafting licenses.Third comes some nice cosmetics like the Elonian Elementalist outfit to have a nice summer outfit and the Storm Chaser griffon skin.

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useful things i purchased:account upgrades most of them: character slots, bank tabs, material storage, share inventory slots, unlimited gathering tools, unlimited salvage, lounge pass.

things i regret purchasing:the many hairstyle kits and total-makeover kits i used and spent real on before i got my permanent self-style hair kit.bag slots after the update that made almost every drop an Unidentified Gear.

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Material storage for real is the absolute best purchase you can make; especially if you craft ascended/legendaries.I also love character slots and makeover kits (and occasionally identity repair kits when I want to recycle a character completely.) I want to say Mount Skins but the current system means I end up buying ones I don't want because the rng is cheaper.

I would have added Mist Lock to this list because it used to load faster than Lion's Arch and be incredibly convenient. It now takes longer to load and causes lag. Now I just go to the Grove or Eye of the North.

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@Obfuscate.6430 said:I would have added Mist Lock to this list because it used to load faster than Lion's Arch and be incredibly convenient. It now takes longer to load and causes lag. Now I just go to the Grove or Eye of the North.

other places like Lava Lounge and Noble's Folly have significantly less people compared to other lounges and they load really fast compared to mistlock.... though you'll miss out on fractal features and the permanent passes for these 2 themselves rarely become available for sale.

armstice bastion is decent too and great if you do wvw.

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It's hard to pick just one thing. There's lots of stuff which I find useful but nothing I could point to as a definite 'best purchase'. I would pick living story episodes, but I've only rarely had to buy them so I'm not sure they count.

Character slots are pretty high up my list (I have 11 permanent characters and 3 slots for temporary ones, who might stick around for over a year, or get deleted in less than a day, it depends what they're for) but so are shared inventory slots, that's the one upgrade where I've bought all of them and would buy more if I could. I've bought some additional bank tabs too and definitely find them useful but they're not that exciting and I try to avoid buying too many so I don't just end up hording junk.

I've also got a lot of mount skins and would consider buying more if they're reasonably priced (I won't gamble for them, so I only buy the select licences but only when they're on sale for 800 gems or less because otherwise I think they're too expensive), all the mini pets because I collect them, and various other cosmetics which are nice to have but obviously not essential. I had to stop using mount skins on some of my temporary characters through because I think I was spending longer trying to pick out the perfect skins and dyes than on actually playing them. =)

It might be weird but one thing I like about GW2 is I don't think any gem store purchases are necessary. Lots of things are nice to have but there's nothing I'd tell a new player they need to get as soon as they can, or which will really change the way you play. It manages to hit that balance where lots of things seem worth getting to me, but not to the point where it's annoying because I feel like I can't play without them.

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Armistice Bastion - there's no other way to test WvW builds properly , hands down the best buy

Character slots

Copper-fed salvage in a shared slot

Equipment templates (they should probably have bulk packs but due to playing WvW these are helpful with legendary armor + WvW infusions)

Mistlock Sanctuary - the fastest way to fractals

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The most useful things I ever bought from the gemstore were my deeply discounted set of fire-garthering tools and my Copper Fed Salvag-o-Matic. The salvage kit is in my shared slot and is used for white+blue+green gear. The tools turned gathering into something fun. The fire tools (Molten Alliance Mining Pick, Fused Molten Logging Axe and Fused Molten Sickle) were sold as a bundle for a very cheap price. They had no Glyphs, because Glyphs did not exist back then. The animations are imo pretty cool and fast. You can harvest several plants with the sickle extremely fast, while the animation is still going on. I added a Leatherworking Glyph to the Sickle a while ago (freebie), what turned the most annoying gathering-part into the most exciting. As it works so fast, you get your results quickly.

The salvage kit saves you salvage-kit purchases and storage-space in your inventory. The only kits I still use are the ones for ascended gear (unwanted trinkets), Black Lion (valuable exotics or runes/sigils I want to keep) and the Mystic Salvage Kit (rare and cheap exotics). Some people rather use the silver-fed salvage-o-matic, but I will probably never run out of Mystic Forge Stones, so I only bought the copper-fed.

Note: Long time ago, I made a similar but more detailed poll to find out the "Most valuable/useful utility items in Guildwars 2." As you have already noticed, our polls are not that helpful for large scale surveys. So I had to rely on a 3rd party website (EasyPolls.Net). I had the link in my signature for a few years, so I collected an interesting number of entries. The results are no where near any realistic statistics, but if you want to spend some gems on the store, you get an idea what items could be more useful than others.

> What are the most valuable/useful utility items in Guildwars 2? <(some of the options are outdated, back then we only had LW3 and no build-templates)

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Choosing one is hard lol. Love some of my mount skins, I don't buy all of them, but very happy with the ones I do. Silver fed salvage o'matic, bag and storage expansion, bank tabs, all well worth it. My favorite though has to be the unbreakable tools and the volatile tools. Absolutely despise buying those constantly from vendors, think it was the first thing I ever bought with gems and they are great for those of us who farm everywhere lol

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@Mungo Zen.9364 said:I voted mount skins as I feel most utility items are almost necessary if you are willing to spend the gems. Infinite harvesting, bank and bag expansion, shared slots are all awesome but....

Utility items don’t make me happy.

Having my mount look a specific way does.

I don't know, I was pretty happy the first time I realised I didn't have to worry about whether I had any revive orbs on this character or if I'd remembered some spare gathering tools for when these ones ran out. It's different, but I think convenience items can make you happy as well.

But having said that being able to customise all my mounts to my characters definitely does make me happy. Although in some cases it feels like a never ending process to try to find the perfect combination of mount skins and dyes. (And then in others I got that perfect combination early on and may never change it. I can't imagine my main character ever swapping out her gold bioluminescent skyscale for anything.)

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If I had everything taken away, I'd say unbreakable tools would be missed the most. It sucks to be harvesting in combat only to have a tool break on you. Then you got to check to make sure that you have extra tools before you leave town. And now the breakable tools have specific upgrades at specific parts of the world at the cost of gathering equipment durability. It's nice to not worry about any of that.

Also, I consider salvage kits a tool. Salvage kits are my #1 tool. I'd choose those above all other tools.

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For me it's the QoL items like infinite salvage kits, infinite tools, material storage/bank/bag expansions, infinite teleport to friend, and of course character slots too.

I do like a lot of the cosmetics, but they don't quite change the game for me in the same way.

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The ones I use the most are the permanent bank and trading post access as well as the Armistice Bastion pass. There are plenty of other things I really like too though. Shared inventory space, maxed out mat storage, various skins that I love, and so forth. The single purchase I dislike the most is the reusable Teleport to Friend gizmo. I have it on an alt account that I only use for dailies. The teleporter comes in handy for daily jumping puzzles so I don't have to do them twice. Since I'm not using that account for much else though, that means leaving an alt standing around doing nothing for an hour of game time. It's an ongoing minor irritation. To this day, I don't understand why Anet structured it that way. 15 minutes of game time or an hour of real time for the reset would work much better for me.

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During the November 2020 sales event, among other things, I bought the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ Digital Deluxe Upgrade for 1800 gems, a 25% discount on the full price of 2400 gems.It included an Additional Character Slot, an Identity Repair Kit, a Sunspear Outfit & an Invitation to "Lily of the Elon" - the item that provides access to the Lily of the Elon lounge in the Free City of Amnoon.

I really give a lot of thought to the things that I buy in game & I've never been disappointed in anything so far. The a/m upgrade was one of my favourites.

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I do like mount skins but it cannot be my answer exclusively. In sooth, it would be whatever allowed me to create the character I identify with the most, for any given reason, and their constituent parts. So it'll be a whole slew of things.




I pretty much bought every ice-themed item to put Mirra together and I'm extremely fond of her. I love her in the ice throne as her Janeway energies are immense. I've spent a lot on the cash shop over the years working on a number of designs which I think I've shown off before. Mirra is my favourite of the lot.

And proof that a charr can absolutely be regal and elegant.

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Anything that catches my eye enough, I will purchase. But what almost guarantees an exchange is utility/convenience items. ArenaNet will receive my coin on the 15th when the Equipment Tabs go on sale. I need one more to complete my Support, Condition, and Power equipment storage. Also, I tend to buy Black Lion keys on sale if what is in the chests is enticing enough. Even though I play one character, I am also waiting for a sale on the Shared Inventory Slots. I have a lot of items that take space in my bags (Mawdrey II, Ley-Energy Matter Converter, Noble's Folly Pass, Sentient Anomaly, etc. etc.) it would be nice to have them above that in a centralized location.

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