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Skyscale mount

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Hello there.

Well i have issues with the skyscale mount and the "overly insain amout of stuff needed to get it" this shoult be tuned down by alot. when it goes as far as the deves have used same event to do multiple times in order to timegate it you know it is faar faaar to much.


Now after what 2 years time, it is time to just losen it up and yes i do work on it and i am now at the last leg of it next for me is the second to last achivment. but in going after it, it have also almost burnt me out on the game. And being a new/ returning player from before any of the exp that is not good for players and Arenanet.


So Arenanet you should look into the mounts and perhaps lose up some of the requirements.


Sorry for any miss spelling here i am not english and have not used google translate 😛

Edited by Solarie.4182
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I just unlocked it the other day and it was hands down the worst collection ever made 0/10 garbage but now I can fly faster bro. The beginning of the collection is a real clown fiesta though, hats off to anyone who could design something that horrible. 

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The skyscale is pretty much a legendary mount.  It will take a lot of grind to obtain.  Your best bet would be to pick one requirement and work on that.  Then, when finished, work on the next one.  I didn't rush to get mine and was able to complete it (with Wiki help!) over several months of very casual play.  I have other commitments (family, work, etc) so I just did a little at a time.


I think that the requirements are fine and should not be adjusted.

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Honestly, I am a rather casual player (although sometimes obsessive with a laser focus on things I want) and it took me only a month to get a skyscale. Best way to go about getting one is to take the entire questline and split it into sections that you can easily focus on without getting overwhelmed by the immensity of the total questline.

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The mats for the skysacle sadle i worked them on wvw since some rteward tracks are giving 1 full stack of the materials :P since its the gameplay i spent most time that made skyscale easier for me.


Was like screw pve time gated weird materials gathering.. im gona WvW...

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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I just got mine  after giving a side eye on it ever since it got released.


And the experience was horrible indeed. I have to give it them that they tried to make it interesting. But the design of the experience just felt very amateur-ish, they have one of the biggest MMOs at their disposal and they make us collect eggs/scales/whatever repeatedly from the same map and then do all the kittenous jumping puzzles again?

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The Skyscale is the only optional mount. Every other mount is required in some situations, even Griffon for some newer events like Dragonfall chest train and the Roller Beetle for the racing minigames. To make up for this, the Skyscale also has the ability to do anything that any other mount can do, although less efficiently.


Once obtained, many players use it as their only mount in nearly all situations.


That's why its basically a Legendary-quality mount, and the grind is about the same. The time to obtain a Legendary weapon without "cheating" (i.e spending gold) is ~1mo, and the time to acquire the Skyscale casually is about the same.


Hardcore players can do it in about four days and I think that's very reasonable.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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Collecting the currencies for LW4 maps is also very easy if you have a few alts.


If you do all the hearts daily with 5 characters, it only takes about 3 days to get 250 of each, and you'll most likely find some while moving between the heart quests as well.


You can do the timegated tamagotchi stuff while waiting for daily reset to grind currencies again.


It's very repetitive and boring, but that's why it's called grinding.

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MMO grinds are always very divisive:

  1. The people who treat MMO accomplishments as a proxy for life accomplishments get upset over anyone else having an "easier" path than they did.
  2. People who just play for fun bristle at artificial time sinks.

It's almost impossible to get agreements on these discussions.

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It's honestly not as grindy as people make it out to be...atleast not anymore. They have since added Bjora Marches where you can easily farm Eternal Ice Shards. I park 3 mesmers by some big chest and open it daily for some shards which can then be traded in for those mats or consume for magic...I get around a couple of hundreds a day? There's also a merchant in Dragonfall that sells the mat daily at a cap limit. Skyscale was already nerfed once btw.

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I fail to see how the Skyscale is "legendary" compared to the Griffon...for the comparative length of the quest line, the Skyscale should allow continuous climbing without rest...feels like GW2 is still struggling to catch up to WoW in some respects...free flight when? 😉

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The best way to approach it is in bite-sized pieces, interleaved with game modes and activities you enjoy. I think I quit in the middle of the collection for a while (I remember being filled with rage and apathy at some point during it). Once you get it, it feels amazing. And even more amazing knowing I won't have to do another pathfinder achievement to use it, ever (why WoW insists on kicking me off my flying mounts every expansion is beyond me).

They already kind of nerfed it: getting the currencies for the final collections are pretty trivial with season 5 ice shards. The hardest part is probably the contracts, but even then, alt parking in tomb of the primeval kings can fix that easily over a few months.

I would caution Anet against a similarly designed collection, ever again.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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You are 2 years late. The complaints on release did not sway the developers, your complaints now will not either (especially with all the additional ways to acquire materials which were introduced and the already reduction in time gate implemented).


You have 3 choices now:

1. continue hoping that the developers will change this collection

2. accept the work and effort which goes into this and the fact that thousands of other players managed too

3. decide to not do the collection and not have the mount

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48 minutes ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

I fail to see how the Skyscale is "legendary" compared to the Griffon...for the comparative length of the quest line, the Skyscale should allow continuous climbing without rest...feels like GW2 is still struggling to catch up to WoW in some respects...free flight when? 😉

I would say that they are both legendary.

Devs have already said that there would be no free flight.  I really wish people would stop asking for it.

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I have a lot of Alt accounts and 7 of them already have the Skyscale. I consider getting the Skyscale just playing the game, it is the perfect sort of "content" for me. I utterly disagree with the OP's wish to make it easier, that would mean nothing less then cutting content for me.  


I am 100% PvE and I need a reason to revisit zones, do meta's and DE's and such.  A reward like the Skyscale is a great incentive to do it all (again). 


I must also admit that I will never tire of the well built world and atmosphere of GW2. I guess if you are the more competitive type, you might find content like this a drag. 

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Acquiring the Skyscale has been made easier since it's release.


As new LWS Chapters have been released they have added methods of converting Bjora Marches Eternal Ice to LWS4 Currencies.  Over time, the amount you could convert per day was also improved to make it easier.


If you ran Drakkar and Storms and Champs Meta once a day for a week, you would likely have enough Eternal Ice to convert for Skyscale mats.


That said, while I did grind out Skyscale in 3 days, several of my friends were able to complete it in 1-2 weeks of casual evening play.


What I think is missing here though is that unless you ask in guild/forum or actually read the Wiki, you won't have a chance to find the most efficient ways of attaining the Skyscale.  It is a lot of sub collections and quests that when taken at face value (or as were originally launched) do ask a lot of the player.  Perhaps armed with knowledge that there are efficient ways to speed up this process, OP and others can get their mounts and enjoy the Skyscale Life.



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