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When will you buy EoD?

What are you waiting for?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. What are you waiting for?

    • I never/rarely pre-order
    • I want to see more content
    • I'm waiting to win the lottery (or my next paycheck)
    • I'm too lazy
    • Take my Money!!! (I already bought it)

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I dislike pre-ordering in general, but I did pre-order EoD. I would definitely have bought it on launch anyway, and I figure this way it supports the development a bit more. I spend most of my free time playing this game and have met so many friends playing, so it feels worth my money.

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I prepurchased and I bought the Ultimate. 

i know I’m going to play the expansion and even the highest priced expansion is cheap when counted against the time I’ll be playing and that I’ll be playing for no extra costs until the next expansion. I figure I might as well buy the most expensive one and support ANet for making a game I've played waaaaaayyyy too many hours on and has given us free content between expansions. 

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On 7/28/2021 at 10:07 AM, linkym.2069 said:

ill probably buy it but i dont think they deserve a pre order

Ditto, the pre-order bonus is not a bonus in any sense of the word. Just junk that long time players have an over abundance of. I was going to buy until I saw the free level 80 booster. It was more of an insult to me.

Edited by Blude.6812
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Already bought Ultimate. I don’t spend cash on gems except when these expac promos are happening, and I want gems for the anniversary sale. 


I have spent less money per hour on this game than I have many other activities.  With almost 3000 hours played across all characters on my primary account and having spent less than 200$ it appears to cost me about 7 cents an hour to enjoy this game.   I spend another 100 bucks for this expac and anticipate playing another 1000 hours over the next 2 years. 

This is the cheapest form of entertainment I enjoy.  I think the Devs and Anet are giving the customers a great deal. 

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On 7/28/2021 at 8:10 AM, Game of Bones.8975 said:

If you haven't already bought the next expansion, what are you waiting for?

Waiting to see if its worth it, I wont bother with fishing or boats. So to me that content is worthless and not worth a price tag~ Im waiting on E-specs as thats the only content at this stage that I care about.

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I bought it early, entirely for the free shared slot 😛


I mean I am going to buy it anyway and anyone saying they won't, is obviously lying. Oh hey they bought HoT and PoF but are saying they won't buy EoD? suureeeeee 🙂

Edited by Gorem.8104
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I'm waiting for any early buy bugs have been resolved. I would like to see them sweeten the pot a bit. Plus I want to minimize the amount of time I have to stare at that Max Level Boost that is stuck in a shared slot. The sooner I pre-purchase it longer that Max Level Boost will bug me. I'm hesitant to use the new character slot in case they spring a new beginning character story set in Cantha on  us.

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I prepurchased the Ultimate of the last 2 expansions the first day it was available.   This time I'm going to wait and probably buy it the day before launch just for the prepurchase stuff.  I'll probably buy the standard version this time because I never really use the stuff from the Ultimate I got from the last two expansions aside from the gems.  And the EoD Deluxe goodies don't really appeal to me anyway.  I rarely use my raptor so that skin is not important to me and for the skiff skin, they will probably have cooler ones in the gem store shortly after EoD launch.  I don't need another character slot or an identity repair kit either.  I'm sure I'll end up buying EoD just to be able to play it at launch but no rush for me to pay for it now.

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Pre-orders do a few things for the company:


  • It's a fast infusion of cash into the company. They can pay off any bonuses/loans/debt incurred to bring you the content.
  • The company can bank that money without having to actually produce anything and draw interest on that (your) money.
  • They are able to draw an impromptu poll from current players about their level of loyalty to the brand; only people who plan to play the game for the extended future will buy something in advance of seeing the actual product.


All that being said, the value of the preorders far overshadow the actual cost of the individual items if bought separately. 


Yes, I bought my Ultimate Edition.

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On 8/2/2021 at 3:42 PM, codedbykush.2019 said:

Why are you here then? Genuine question.

What does that have to do with pointing out that the survey is incomplete?  One would think market/target info like that would have already been gathered, and for those choosing not to buy, follow up questions are appropriate.


For me, I am simply disliking the fact that none of the game mechanics and overarching policies will be updated (e.g., very poor targeting system AI, chain CC permitted in all game modes, constant nerfs [especially after bait and switch expacs], etc).  I feel that lack is part of the inherent absence of meaningful CS, and disregard for the customer base that has been repeatedly demonstrated by the company regarding its "vision" for the game for many years now.


I think a better question would be; "Why does ANET think it deserves my money for what is probably going to be more of the same?"


But yes, I am sure you will be pleased to know I wont bother to play after they stop supporting my XP64 client at the end of August.  Since I play mainly on my work computer, it simply isnt worth it to me to deal with Win7's terrible interface, file search system, etc, just to keep drudging along here (and only a fool would run Win10 on any machine connected to the internet).  If I am going to bother with that, I may as well just go with something new, as there's several games on the horizon for that (AoC, etc).  I build and sell computers as a hobby, so I have several very nice ones laying around and ready to plug in should I find something I like (thanking myself for doing that prior to the price jumps on vid cards caused by COVID).


I've been playing online games for over 25 years now, and as they collapse towards the end of their vigorous life, there is always the fanboy types who vehemently defend them no matter what, and who slyly, or not so slyly, attack anyone criticizing their game - rather than adding to an honest discussion about shortcomings and expectations for any improvements.  For their part, game companies never bother to fix anything, due in part to the disposable mindset society has proliferated amongst the populace over the past couple of generations.


Nothing I have seen leads me to believe it will be any different here.

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