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Siege Turtle Feedback Thread [Merged]

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 Unless theres something in the expansion tailored to/requiring the turtle (like the worms in the desolation in gw1) its gonna be a rarely used gimmick.


Its slow and i cant fire the guns, why would i use it solo?


In a party it would need to equal the average dps of two players. If one or both are support, does that dps make up for a loss of boons/heals? Fun gimmick but practical?


The most obvious solution would be to being able to fire the guns as driver and if you got a co-pilot give them a second set of guns. Might lead to balance problems tho.

Edited by GRRRR.3521
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I just want to give a personal shout out to the Dev team behind the Siege turtle design , the animators and the drift mechanics with the Siege Turtle. It really does FEEL like a big heavy mechanical war mount. Really well done. I only wish the drift mechanic was added to the raptor though only cause it feels like a horse mount. Keeping my fingers crossed for maybe a two seater mechanic for the Skyscale or some hidden mount down the line kinda like how the Roller beetle came as a surprise. 

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yea im hoping this is not how its going to be , making it mandatory to have two people to use all the skills. I think its silly. It should be, you CAN play with friends but dont have to. Also need a function to forcibly remove someone from mount like an eject button lol without having to dismount.


Edited by Hadi.6025
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One underappreciated benefit of the siege turtle is being able to tank your way through enemy mobs without getting dismounted. In areas where you are frequently dismounted, like by Awakened in the Desolation, your siege turtle is a slow-but-steady option. This is great for solo and duo open world PvE players. I will definitely be having fun riding around with my partner :)


I really like the design - it feels unique and occupies a niche like every other mount. Personally, I use all of the mounts depending on the context, with each keybound to a number of my number pad so I don't have to click to re-select. Siege turtle is a great #8 slot.


I can't wait to see creative skins for the siege turtle! Elephant (could evoke the oliphaunts from Lord of the Rings), synergetics, bristleback... Awesome possibilities. 

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So arena net, your siege turtle have three big cons:

1-Why creating a mount that has weapon if you can't use those weapons alone? Are canthan engineer that dumb to actually require two peoples using a mount to fully control it?

I don't understand at all why it is shooting at the sky too, you should make the side jade cannon pointing forward and shooting like lasers on the foes. Maybe add another attack! It is impossible to imagine, in 2022, a mount that is actually half unusable if controlled by one player. You shouldn't force players to be two. Only having body slam to use is HIGHLY disappointing.

2-Second, is why so slow under water?! Really, it is a TURTLE. I can't understand why it fall to the bottom like this, sure peoples can argue it is a tortoise , but YOU specifically named it TURTLE. And a turtle SWIM! It is not a rock that sink to the bottom and then only able to move 1/3 of its speed!

3-Why, even while using endurance regenation skill, it feels like the turtle jump reactors are coded to extinct/become useless after a few second? I use my endurance regeneration: I should be able to FLY INFINITELY at the same altitude until endurance fully depleted.

That's it you have thing to rework, expected better, disapointed, starting wondering if buying this expansion is a good choice. I wait a lotjade punk from NEW KAINERG, don't RUIN IT.

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Just one feedback from me.

The idea of the Siege Turtle walking on the bottom of the lake/sea is a nice touch and opens a new view to underwater areas. The only problem I have for this is that the movement speed for walking is too slow. The turtle does not need to be as fast as a skimmer but the current speed feels like you are not getting anywhere. The result is that it does not feel good to use at all underwater.

Edited by Auron.5709
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Leaving the party that you are in does not automatically kick the player in the riding seat. Easy enough to kick someone by dismounting but not sure if this was remembered or seen as not a big deal.


Overall I find in coop using this mount in both the driver and gunner seat to be fun. Keeping moving to keep ammo for gunner kept me occupied as well as with the stomp. Gunning was like having an uber with a gun XD. Playing underwater was a bit unwieldy, but the targeting as a gunner was good underwater experience.


As far as running solo I can see why it seems meh to a lot of people it definitely shines in coop but solo..... Doesn't feel as fun. It does do combat with stomp and has survivability though.

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I had fun with it when I was in the gunners seat one or two shotting most mobs. communication betwen playes is a must.

The Turtles bigest strength is also its biggest weakness as it relies too much on co-op to make it usefull. This is unfortunatly going to put me off using it as I am one of those people that don't group up all that often.

Edited by Flaming.4250
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1 hour ago, Cynder.2509 said:

I'd like the idea that it can be used solo as well since not everyone of us has a friend. Some of us have friendlists that ahve been inactive for about 6 years and no luck finding new ones. 
I like the mount so far but it's sad I can't use it to the fullest... 

Well a great time to get new ingame friends then.

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Positive: Siege turtle is a lot of fun. It's hard to handle properly but so were all the other mounts until I got used to them so this will be the same. Plus it doesn't have its masteries yet.


Feedback: I want a way to open the passenger slot to anyone, not just someone specifically in my party or squad. GW2's open world combat thrives because of how you can spontaneously cooperate with other players. Having no barrier to entry to load a passenger or board someone else's turtle would be good, as long as you can still restrict it to people in your party/squad.

I would even argue that allowing anyone to board should be the default because that will lead to the most fun in open world events. I'm not sure how you could prevent griefing around vendors and such though. Maybe a separate bind for board siege turtle vs. interact.

Edited by Tulki.1458
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I posted about this awhile ago and people kept "lul get friends"ing me so I stand my ground and say if it launches like this it's going to disappoint a lot of people. Making a headlining feature of the expansion require 2 people is a very bold move since most people are already lukewarm on the expansion due to the especs mostly being reused animations and very meh feeling.


Some will say I'm just a pessimist but honestly I'm not alone.

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I've only used the siege turtle as a single player so far.  I'll be trying it out with guildies later tonight to get a feel for the two-player goodness.  😄
So far I would have to say that I really like it.  I used it in Drizzlewood Coast, and it lives up to its name:  Siege Turtle.  It smashes gates, it obliterates barricades, and it's a warhorse when wading through mobs!
The only downsides I see so far are things others have also mentioned.  The movement/control seems unwieldy - as though you are constantly almost turning in a circle.  I also agree that the underwater movement is not what I expected.  I think they should be able to swim, although not with the speed of a skimmer, and they shouldn't be sooo slooow when they're walking along the bottom.
Otherwise, an awesome mount!

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I played on cannon seat, i think the shot should have a cooldown between shots, when i enter combat i just dump all five shots in 1 second and then i have to wait for one charge and shot it, wait for one charge and shot, again and again, it should have a casting time or a cooldown, and then it recharges as i shot so im shooting stuff all the time instead of just sitting and waiting for it to charge, in the time i take to shot 2 times should recharge 1,5 charges.


The 5 skill is also very cool but i would make a mastery that reduces the cooldown, its just a small speed boost and make the turtle easier to control for the pilot should be with the mastery like 10 seconds but with a reduced duration, so you use more times

The cannon seat should have its own mastery line for things like that, also one that increases the damage, i feel like sabotaging the open world meta events using this mount it deals like less than 1/3 of my dps. 


Theres just not enough masteries in EoD, i'll get everything in one month and then what? XP becomes useless again simple things like reduced cooldown on turtle skills will already get me willing to level up.

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After driving one for a while, I really would like it if there was more that the driver could do. I play mostly solo, and it will be pretty useless to me. I really want to like it. I like the quirky way it handles and walking on the bottom of the water is pretty cool, albeit a little too slow.


It really is a cool mount. Just not if you are a solo player.

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