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What will EoD be remembered for?

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The fluffy birb Tengu. Haven't laughed that hard at a character design in ages. 🤣


I'm all seriousness, I actually quite liked the writing and interactions with all the background characters in EoD. Running around the world and listening to the NPC dialogue was entertaining for me. I'm still finding new stuff after all this time. This kind of thing was there in the previous expansions, but to me it felt more polished in this expansion. Which is ironic given the...erm...lack of polish in other areas. 

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I repeat it for the last time and promise not to take part in further threads about it 😄

EoD: "Content desaster"

Whoever was responsible for this expansion as a whole designed it with the premise to keep us busy under all circumstances farming every possible new currency they could imagine and in the best case for them it will work and we lose patience and swipe the credit card to buy the stuff instead. All the currency strings feel like they just had to glue something together.

No, this expansion has no life and no own soul.

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Turning me from an every day player into a ‘I might log on for Halloween’ player. The story was miserably offensive, the green is unbearable and everywhere, all the weapons are just different colors of each other, Blegch. Seriously I used to buy gem cards all the time, I doubt I’ll ever give them money again. Might still do some WvW every now and again 

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55 minutes ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

PoF is already that.

I dont think so. I think that the majority of the paying playerbase will still be using PoF mounts for years to come. I doubt that will be true of much of, if any, EoD's selling features.


And I say that as someone who loves EoD's strikes.

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2 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

It has the jade bot. You can make your own waypoint. That's really unique.

The jade bot drone is cute, but overall the jade-bot is just some bufs and has a lot of unused potential.

The personal one-time waypoint is not new, it's like the "Prototype Position Rewinder".

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The one word I'd use to describe EoD is "meh."

There's a lot to like about it, for sure. Some of the new specs are quite fun, and a number of people got what they wanted (fishing... of all things).

There's just too much that was not done well, at all. New Kaineng in particular is the worst city in all of Tyria. There are a number of other things, but most have been covered in the thread already.

After completing turtle stuff, I find myself staying away from Cantha.


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13 hours ago, Yunnadel.8296 said:

The thing about jade bot rescue protocol for me is, if only we can use where it really matters, like fractals and what not (not PvP/WvW of course).

I mean, in PvP this gives ppl with Jade Bot unfair advantage over ppl who don't have EoD. The same would be a good reason to exclude it in WvW as the 2nd competitive mode.
Not sure how I feel about the Protocol in instanced content (like raids or fractals) to be honets.

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4 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I dont think so. I think that the majority of the paying playerbase will still be using PoF mounts for years to come. I doubt that will be true of much of, if any, EoD's selling features.


And I say that as someone who loves EoD's strikes.

Other than mounts not much of pof is used anymore. Jade bot is used a decent amount, as for the rest, I would say I have seen the number of turtles increase, especially in Orr.

But yes for Pof the mounts are definitely great. The maps leave much to be desired.

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EoD is the first expansion that I thoroughly enjoyed exploring and I even map completed 100% on 5 characters. Not having to play GW2 like a stealth game avoiding every mob pack and having to the force logout relogin routine every 20 secs to reset aggro or cleanse ridiculously long stacked conditions like I did in HoT, PoF, LS3 and LS4 was an amazing gameplay experience for once. EoD had properly balanced mob difficulty and fun hidden chests that required exploration and minor puzzle solving.

Probably the biggest QoL feature from EoD for me was the jade bots. That added 2k HP from tier 10 cores pushed many of my characters' HP beyond the 20k HP limit and made a huge difference in survivability and gave me more confidence to stay and fight regular mob packs instead of trying to run past or avoid them completely, especially on specs with no minions/pets/summons. The jade bot personal waypoint is also one of the best added features to the game. Even though I hardly ever used it after the first week (maybe my personal skill has improved?), it did give me the peace of mind to go all out and play on the offense in huge metas rather than just play extremely defensively and focus on surviving rather than dealing damage. 

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9 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I dont think so. I think that the majority of the paying playerbase will still be using PoF mounts for years to come. I doubt that will be true of much of, if any, EoD's selling features.


And I say that as someone who loves EoD's strikes.

I wonder what EOD needed to be more like the thing you stated. Because i know a lot, me including who will POF only remember for it's mounts. And i don't know if this is a good statement for an complete expansion.


A lot of people here on the forum hate on HOT, because of its difficutlty. But HOT has to this day the healthiest Maps, because of it's thoughtful Events, they have a good time and give decent loot. Even DS, an entire Map dedicatet to an Big event, which takes at best 45min+ is played daily. While POF has only a few events, who only get played when people dedicate event-trains to them, and even then its no comparison to HOT.


For me POF and EOD fall under the same category.

HOT is still the best Expansion for me personally, which Anet released.

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23 hours ago, deadsyeren.9583 said:

I only wish they did better in jade bot for alts. Like they should have some kind of storage in the jade bot so you can switch between what's active, and it should be shared on all of the alts, 80 or not. First thing I've seen so alt-unfriendly.

The thing is though that the flip side of that is that if you make the jade bot account shared like you propose, then you cannot equip alts differently, but rather you'd have to swap out mods every time you play a differently equipped character. So that would be alt-unfriendly to me.

For me, the mod station is the biggest grievance I have. Why you have to go there to swap out mods is beyond me. Just let it be swappable from your inventory. Mod stations are effectively superfluous and serve no purpose except to annoy players.


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For me, not really remembered at all except for the new elites. Did it for completion. Done now. Won't go back to the maps. 

Edit: I see I "confused" somebody. Was it the words with more than one syllable? Honestly curious.

Edited by misterman.1530
Laughing at the :"confused" reaction to this simple post.
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