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If Anet added in game ads, what would be the least annoying places to put them?

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I've actually quit games before because of seeing ads inside. Similarly, had an addon in a different game and then they updated it so that you see ads in loading screens - immediately uninstalled it.


It doesn't just ruin immersion, but it's just insulting after you've already bought a product.

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5 minutes ago, Lottie.5370 said:

I've actually quit games before because of seeing ads inside. Similarly, had an addon in a different game and then they updated it so that you see ads in loading screens - immediately uninstalled it.


It doesn't just ruin immersion, but it's just insulting after you've already bought a product.

Quite literally milking you for all your worth in that situation. 

Oh you paid for the game? Cool story, how about giving us more money via ad revenue! By the way, we clearly don't respect you at all!

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5 minutes ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

Quite literally milking you for all your worth in that situation. 

Oh you paid for the game? Cool story, how about giving us more money via ad revenue! By the way, we clearly don't respect you at all!


Exactly! Sure-fire way to make sure I never buy any of your products again 😅

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The monkey's paw curls for OP.

Instead of being placed in-game, the ads are applied to the forum and you now have to watch three unskippable commercials about diapers, other NCSOFT franchises, and Kung Fu Tea before you can browse or post a new thread.

(I've played - and quit - games with ads in the past; believe me when I say you do not want this anywhere in any form)

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Two NPCs walk by, one mentioning that he is hungry. The other says he knows of a place where you can get a sandwich with two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. 

A charr engineer is seen in a field near a grawl settlement. He has built a charr car with a ram's figurehead on the front. The grawl are attempting to destroy the car. If you talk to the charr engineer one of the dialogue options is you offerimg to drive the grawl away. The charr responds, "nah, they'll never be able to actually hurt it. That car is Ram Tough." And you get an achievement point for participatin in the dialogue.

Not saying I like the idea in general, but if it happened I would want it to be less jarring than some pop up video.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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Luckily this is not a mobile game. So discussing this has no value or need. Could be for curiosity  reasons for sure, however this seems to fit off topic and not general discussion. But that’s not for me to decide 

nvm. Just noticed there is no off topic in this forum 👀 (insert “Homer Simpson backs into the bush” meme) 

Edited by Freya.9075
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5 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

I am not asking if you would quit playing.  I am not asking if you want in game adds.  Lets pretend that all mmos will have in game adds in five years.  What is tolerable add placement?

Example placement: 
small video windows added to menus.

in a corner of the character selection screen.
A small window added to the Trading post, so that a video plays as you browse the listings. (add is muted unless you adjust it's volume)
Adds could play before the gates open in PvP.  It may even encourage people to ready up instead of waiting out the timer.
They could also just add non-animated banners or slogans to menu screens.  "do the dew" and such.

a single wandering npc in each town that pitches advertisement slogans each time they pass a waypoint; they walk at normal speed, their route takes them past each waypoint in the city, and they only use local chat.
festival firework consumables that create a sparkly slogan in the sky when used.

Oh..."Ads". I had to read further into your post to figure out what "Adds" were. :)

No, no ads. None. If ads, only on the login screen.

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4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

There is no least annoying place to place adds in the game.

They strictly do not belong in the game.

It's not like they don't already advertise already. They advertise cosmetics all the time. And yes, i agree. I don't want to see any other types of ads. This is not an F2P game. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Two NPCs walk by, one mentioning that he is hungry. The other says he knows of a place where you can get a sandwich with two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. 

A charr engineer is seen in a field near a grawl settlement. He has built a charr car with a ram's figurehead on the front. The grawl are attempting to destroy the car. If you talk to the charr engineer one of the dialogue options is you offerimg to drive the grawl away. The charr responds, "nah, they'll never be able to actually hurt it. That car is Ram Tough." And you get an achievement point for participatin in the dialogue.

Not saying I like the idea in general, but if it happened I would want it to be less jarring than some pop up video.

This method would have the added benefit for a lot of players that the adverts would be mainly or entirely for American products and unless they go for the really big brands a lot of non-American players likely wouldn't even notice the reference.

(I know the first one is talking about a hamburger but I couldn't guess which specific chain it's from, the second I'm guessing is a car but again I don't know the make and probably wouldn't notice it's an advert.)

In case it's unclear I still think it's a bad idea. But I also think it would be amusing if companies spent their money on advertising within a game and then a significant chunk of players won't even notice the adverts and can't buy the products being advertised.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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I don't think ads would cover the cost of any 3d game or even some 2d GPT 3 Ai games like AiDungeons or Novelai TBH.


I think they did something like a ad has a 0.1 cent payment if they make a person watch a 30 second video, 1 cent if they click it, and like the last game i remember having ads was in like f2p runescape in the like 2000s-2005s, not a paid product, and that was a web app.  Even then, i think they discontinued the practice after a few years. saying that ultimately, the ad revenue never paid enough to develop the game and even the few turn offs or judging for having ads was more than it was worth. 

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Ehh, just stick virtual jade holographic jade signs all over player hubs (Lions Arch, Divinities Reach, Rata Sum). Make sure they're as obstructive as possible, and cover most of the empty space on the screen that isn't filled by UI interfaces. Now, here's the kicker. After that, you charge premium for an ad blocker that works... most of the time.


... are you, by chance, trying to look into a carrer at EA, perchance?

Edited by Westenev.5289
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38 minutes ago, Westenev.5289 said:

Ehh, just stick virtual jade holographic jade signs all over player hubs. Make sure they're as obstructive as possible. Charge premium for an ad blocker that works... most of the time.


Trying to look into a career at EA, perchance?

Modern game companies trying to compete for the worst game company of the year rewards rn like it's a competitive title. 🤣


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3 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

This method would have the added benefit for a lot of players that the adverts would be mainly or entirely for American products and unless they go for the really big brands a lot of non-American players likely wouldn't even notice the reference.

(I know the first one is talking about a hamburger but I couldn't guess which specific chain it's from, the second I'm guessing is a car but again I don't know the make and probably wouldn't notice it's an advert.)

In case it's unclear I still think it's a bad idea. But I also think it would be amusing if companies spent their money on advertising within a game and then a significant chunk of players won't even notice the adverts and can't buy the products being advertised.

I expect that they would need to region define their ads in the examples I gave to make the more subtle references impactful. It might even work to make the ads client side, downloaded as part of monthly updates or something so that the ad could be tailored even more effectively to a given player's region.


Edit: that was a jingle from old McDonalds ad, and I misused the Ford tag-line, "built ford tough," for a Dodge Ram reference.

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Ohhh, you meant ads, not adds. (At first, I thought you were talking about add-ons.)

No ads, please. Ever. There is no "least annoying place", and I don't see a point in this request since the Gem Store is already one big advertisement, as is the login window (they could simply deactivate the automatic play option that skips said window).

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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The least annoying places?  Only on your client, but filling your screen.  That draw  effect and swing of sunrise?  It's actually an advertisement for grapenut cereal.  Twilight has an advert for hot topic, moot's footfalls advertise cheep beer, etc. etc.  Every 4min 30sec you have to pause what you're doing and have 30 seconds of unskippable advertisements.  Every 11 minutes you have to have 4 minutes of advertisements, etc. etc.  Oh, but everyone else's client would be just fine and have none of this.

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If they wanted to be clever they'd find out a product that gamers might actually want to buy & do a tie-in that doesn't add non-world items to the game. For example like the promo's where you send them art to win a 'gamer chair' what if the company designs an in-game item that looks like it fits into the world and the item description could tie in somehow to the company it's promo is tied to, some competition and a few prizes as well. NOT and I mean NOT having actual coke cans in game, but a kind of clever product placement that doesn't 'stick out'. I'm NOT suggesting I want this in any way but vastly preferable to having the auction house try and shill washing powder to me. 


If they were going to sell ad space that they don't control I'd rather it be on the login screen and not anywhere in the game itself. I hate un-moderated ads though, they are always garbage products (or scams) and the ads are at best intrusive and at worst actual malware.

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Oh dear god imagine the product placements for fantasy immersion next to the Chinese steampunk complaints.


"Man, Joko Coca cola ads are like, so totally destroying my immersion man. I went to like fight the guy and then they replaced the miniboss with a zombified Pepsi man.. Like seriously PEPSIMAN?? Are they from the 90s? They could at least called it Joka Kola and been more immersion friendly but then they killed my character off in a unstoppable 30 second ad, as they sang 'PEPSI, THE THIRSTQUENCHINATOR!!!' had, and then killed my character in a cut scene. "


"You think that's bad, one of the charr starting storylines literally got changed to be a Frosted flakes mascot. All your voice lines become 'theyrrrreee GGRRRReat!!', and then the maces and Shields tmog to mountain dew and a bag of Doritos. This game sucks. " 😂

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