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Professions you enjoy the most and the least ?

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For me it is ranger by far. It was my very first profession that reached max level in GW1 and stayed as main throughout every expansion. Same story in GW2, although I have to admit that ranger was more fun to play back in GW1 due to much broader skill set and distance combat being generally more effective than it is now in Guild Wars 2.

I like this profession probably because I also like bows and overall nature-theme that this profession is related with. In tabletop RPGs I also play archers and rangers very often when I don’t run games.

Coincidentally Mesmer was my least favorite profession back in GW1 and nothing has changed since then - it’s still my most disliked profession, although it’s less annoying to fight against now. Back in GW1 you could actually get killed simply by attacking mesmer, it was such a cancer =P

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@Omernon.9762 said:For me it is ranger by far. It was my very first profession that reached max level in GW1 and stayed as main throughout every expansion. Same story in GW2, although I have to admit that ranger was more fun to play back in GW1 due to much broader skill set and distance combat being generally more effective than it is now in Guild Wars 2.

I like this profession probably because I also like bows and overall nature-theme that this profession is related with. In tabletop RPGs I also play archers and rangers very often when I don’t run games.

Pretty much all of this.

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PvE perspective, I don't PvP:

Most enjoyed: GS Reaper with Shouts. I love being so tanky and still able to kill things, with the safety net of auto-shrouding when killed. I can just wade into a froth of mobs and come out on top. I can even take some time to type comments to the squad without dying when leading in DS. It's so relaxing to play, so useful to use to help friends with story and mp/hp.

Least enjoyed: Tossup Revenant and Elementalist. I had a bad time early on with Ele squish, and stopped playing it once that alt's warband guild disbanded. Tempest rejuvenated it for me, but was still squish, and so far Weaver is daunting. Rev, even with weapon swap, feels too constrained and clumsy. I have a certain play style I like with utilities, and Rev doesn't let me customize to my intuitive preferences.

I don't refuse to play any of them, though. They all have nifty bits.

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I like Warrior most. For my character, I liked that it was generic, and it helped me feel like my character's ability came more from himself instead of his profession. Just a bit of light head RP, but I actually really like Warrior because it's a good blank state to create something upon.

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My favourite is ranger. Mostly because of the theme rather than the actual mechanics - I usually play a ranger/druid/nature cleric type character in any fantasy RPG which offers it and I almost always have a pet if they're available. But I do enjoy the mechanics too - I mainly use shortbow and sword/torch with traps and I like that positioning is important for some of the skills and that both weapon sets offer you quick 'escape' skills. I like the idea of a character whose defense comes not so much from armour or shields or whatever as simply not being there when the blow lands. (Even if in practice I'm terrible at timing so I actually use equipment with toughness to offset the fact that I do get hit a lot.)

I also like elementalist and engineer, just for the sheer variety of options available to them. Both can be quite complicated - you'll push 2 or 3 buttons to do what other professions can do with 1 - but I have fun doing it.

My least favourite is probably warrior because I find it kind of boring. The worst advice I was ever given for RPGs was to always start with a generic fighter class and only play something else once you've gotten most of the way through it with them. Luckily I was told that when I started Baldur's Gate - where it doesn't really matter what you pick because you end up playing a whole party anyway. I found I was spending much more time with the other characters and much more interested in their skills and tactics. I know warriors do have a lot of variety with all the different weapons they can use, but they can only actually equip 2 at a time and none of their utility skills seem all that exciting to me. They're certainly not a bad profession, but I find the combat less fun and so I'm less motivated to do things with them.

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My favorite spec to play is my Ventari Revenant. I don't necessarily love Herald and I don't like Renegade, but the tablet mechanic is my favorite. I fell in love with it as soon as I tried it and have remained loyal since. It is such a unique playstyle and I love the big green numbers I can achieve.

Tempest is my favorite e-spec. It feels epic and primal, and I like its support style, which is the role I tend to gravitate towards. I adore the overload animations...wish we could get aura effects back. Druid is cool too, and I love how slippery they are, but I don't like how almost all of its support is locked behind CA.

However, I spend most of my time on my power Soulbeast because I am usually solo roaming. Beautiful spec. Absolutely one of my favorites. Plays so fluidly when mastered.

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With the exception of Engineer, I like them all pretty much equally. Reasons my Engineer isn’t as fun:

1) Nearly all Holosmith skills cause bright flashing lights that eventually cause stinging sensation in my eyes. I don’t enjoy any other Engineer specs.2) Can’t equip a 2nd weapon. If I want to swap weapons, I have to use up a utility slot.3) The grenade launcher doesn’t have auto attack. Spamming 1 manually since it’s not a regular attack is tedious.

Also, while I do enjoy my Elementalist, I wish Eles can also equip 2 weapons.

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I always seem to come back to Thief or Druid - I like mobile dps classes or support classes.

I dislike Necromancer because I dislike zombies or the colour green (which also means I dislike Stinkbeast). It sounds like a stupid reason when I put it on paper, but it definately affects my impressions of the class. The fact that I can faceroll over PvE content with the class further cements my hatred for it, since it doesn't matter how well I play - I'll always be carried by the Necromancer class.

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Favorite profession: Engineer(♡ for main, ♡♡♡ for scrapper/holosmith)

Second favorite: Weaver Fire/Earth ♡♡♡(Okay with core elem, not with tempest)

Okay: Warrior, Guardian, Thief, Necro

Meh: Ranger, whereas pets seems great, the class is pretty flat for me... only things based on traps, a kind of thief BIS.

Hate: Never liked mesmer, I tried. Same for revenants.

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Hard to say since I do play everything and with 35+ characters there are a lot of classes doubled or trippled (mostly guardians). I used to have three favorites out of all 3 categories but since there's a constant change in meta and balancing it isn't like that anymore... From even back in the days in 2012 I always found a liking to these three classes but now I only tend to play like only one of them and others I haven't played that much before. The three were originally Guardian, Ranger and Necromancer (but yeah Ranger is a noob stamp and I'm always afraid people think I'm a noob whenever I play a ranger. Same with necromancer even if I've always loved the setting and lore about them). Nowdays I usually roam around on either guardian, warrior,mesmer or elementalist since these are the most useful ones in both raids and WvW but do I like it? No actually I'd love to get back on ranger or necro but I'm so afraid of what people think even though I have no reason to worry since I know my stuff and play this game for quite a long time. Overall my experience has become a huge anxiety trigger and I tend to get a lot of panic attacks caused by my paranoia and shyness.

EDIT: I had to edit this post since there's one creep who always spreads harmful stuff in my name by logging into my network/social media accounts/etc. So please excuse me for the previous text. Whoever logs into my network/computer/whatever and tries to get me banned by writing harmful stuff in my name: STOP THAT!

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I enjoy elementalist the most. I love having a huge arsenal of skills to use with quick access. Also I love playing a glassy but powerful spellcaster thematically. My second favourite is engineer. Also very versatile with a huge arsenal of skills, but I don't like the technological theme that much.

My least favourite are warrior and ranger. I only tried them for a few hours each before I got bored. Which is strange since ranger was my favourite in GW1. But I guess GW2 is not a sequel and the professions have little in common.

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Most - Ele, even though its been nerfed a ton recently, still my favorite class for spamming lava font everywhere and turning myself into a tornado randomly. Also has a lot of direct damage skills, which I really like tanking with in both PVE and WvW.

Least - Mesmer - Was really expecting it to be fun to play and damage/AOE focused like GW1 mesmers were (my second favorite class in GW1 after flare ele) with useful skills like (rupts, Wastrels, chaos storm, etc.), but sadly did not get that feeling at all in GW2. Instead felt more like I was playing a secondary support/buff class than a tank. Tried and deleted my first mesmer at level 20 or 30 after getting a skillbar with very few direct damage skills on different weapon sets, but still the low armor rating of a mage class.

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@Cynder.2509 said:

EDIT: I had to edit this post since there's one creep who always spreads harmful stuff in my name by logging into my network/social media accounts/etc. So please excuse me for the previous text. Whoever logs into my network/computer/whatever and tries to get me banned by writing harmful stuff in my name: STOP THAT!

If this is happening to you, any reason you haven't changed your passwords and set things to not auto-fill them?

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i have 13 chars and only fully played a chrono, weaver, banner warrior and some Dh / firebrand... while having all professions

i have to say gw2 is unlike any other mmorpg i have played in my 20 years of gaming ... every profession and specialization gives you an different feel and it’s just awesome..

my fav is a chrono.. you don’t care about dying and just play at your own pace.. you get to empower your team and it’s just inspiring !

next are elementalist and guardian.. the elementalist is really fun when you have 4 elements to play with.. and guardians are so versatile in their DH and FB configuration that you can adapt rapidly to the game..

I am very curious with mirage and Druid so they are my upcoming builds

I don’t feel that well versed with necro, revenant, warrior and engineer as the play style is quite different from my typical style

thief must be the worst. it is just squishy without damage. A lot of mechanics and effort to be proficient.. just horrible!

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The most: Mesmer. I have 4 mesmers, each equip differently for 4 different ways to play, that I like all equally.The least: Warrior. I could never find a fun way to play with it (to my taste). I have one only, equipped with double axe main, longbow backup. That's what suits me the most. However, even though, I use her very rarely and only in explorable for easy stuff.

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