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An open letter to PvE players

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Was playing PvE 5 years then started to be bored. Due to doing same stuff: fractal T1, fractal T2, ls, map completion, legendary, infinite farm mats, fractal T3 and 4, ls......Have been playing WvW for some times now (rank 100) now bored. Always the same thing:1~Join a commander2~Assault (insert anything)3~Pray for not having enemy bus with scourge red circles of death.4~Capture or be killed, if killed rince and repeat 2.After 7 years, only 4 maps, the same sieges, same strategies.

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@Acheron.4731 said:Don't try using pve armor...it will not work when you are new.??What, it suddenly loses its stats or something? ^^;; It might not be optimal, but other than that it should work just fine for the beginning.I'm certainly not wasting time and gold crafting ascended armor for a game mode I likely won't even ever play very much. I'll do that when and if I ever get more invested in WvW, but certainly not for starting out and playing just for a quick daily now and then.

Aside from that, great advice, thanks for the post :)

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I play WvW periodically. After a few hours I get bored with going round and round capturing the same locations over and over again and go back to PvE for some variety.

It's not a bad game mode, certainly more interesting for me than sPvP, but it does get repetitive very quickly and then I just want to do something else. But in small chunks with breaks in between it's not bad.

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The problem with WvW these days is that is has grown tired.The karma train has lost its hype and for many servers the doors seem to take longer and longer to kill.... let's not even get into class diversity issues.One day soon even server pride will be consigned to the ether, so endgame it may be but it's grown as stale as those NPC fights you hint at.

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The only reason I do WvW is for GoB's. I got the Warclaw. I plan on making Warbringer as well, but at the moment am on a WvW hiatus (for more than half a year now). Why? Because WvW is boring and much more repetitive than PvE (if only because there are basically only 4 WvW maps: EBG, Alpine and Desert Borderlands and EotM, and you basically do the same things in all of those maps).

I usually last for a couple of weeks before I grow tired with WvW. If I didn't need GoB's I would never have set foot in WvW again. I was one of those people who cheered when they removed WvW maps from world completion (having done 4 completions before that point). Spending extended time in WvW (which is necessary when you're farming skirmish tickets) is the only challenge in WvW for someone like me who has to put in a real mental effort to stick to things that bore me. And since this isn't work so my paycheck depends on it, I abandon it just as easily. Running around in PvE maps gives me much more enjoyment for my time spent in game than WvW ever has (or ever will).

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I am a mainly PvE player, but i do also play WvW a little. It has its great moments (i remember once spending more than an hour defending alpine garrison against two servers with a 50 man squad each. The lag was epic, but so was the battle. XD), but Anet should really give it another try at adding new maps (even though Desert Borderland was welcomed with a lot of hate). I cannot fathom how could people run in circles in the same two maps (Alpine Borderland and Eternal Battleground) for SEVEN YEARS and not get bored of them.

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@"SinisterSlay.6973" said:As a PvE only player. I tried WvW during the warclaw thing. Hated every minute of it. The balance and logistics is just so terrible.

Just because your openworld build was dying to things that could actually fight back, doesn't mean the balance is terrible. WvW is the only game mode with even a remote sense of balance left in it. Its simple Rock Paper Scissors..

Paper beats Rock, Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happen to beat Rock. That is until Rock gets its Espec- at which point it becomes an unstoppable killing machine; that also beats Paper. And would beat Scissors. But it can't find Scissors, cuz Scissors be invisible.

And thats called "Balance".

PS: Revenants are Mushrooms.

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Are you bored of doing the same things iver and over again for 7 years? Then come do a different set of things over and over again!

No thanks, I think I'll stick to my current strategy of playing other games when I'm bored of this one. WvW is still part of GW2 after all, and when I'm bored with GW2 that kind of includes all of it.

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My first server was terrible, because it's not a new player friendly. Majority are veterans with full ascended or at least one legendary weapon. There was one public Commander in "Lose" guild, always overextending purposely only to feed us to the blue team (SoS). A lot was only looking for fights, not being in a guild was worse, because most organized guild ran tagless. I did stopped wvw, I will transfer to a better server and try wvw again.

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@"starlinvf.1358" said:Paper beats Rock, Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happen to beat Rock. That is until Rock gets its Espec- at which point it becomes an unstoppable killing machine; that also beats Paper. And would beat Scissors. But it can't find Scissors, cuz Scissors be invisible.

And thats called "Balance".

PS: Revenants are Mushrooms.

Kudos for making me laugh out loud.Now I have to clean the coffee off of my monitor.

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@starlinvf.1358 said:

@"SinisterSlay.6973" said:As a PvE only player. I tried WvW during the warclaw thing. Hated every minute of it.
The balance and logistics is just so terrible.

Just because your openworld build was dying to things that could actually fight back, doesn't mean the balance is terrible. WvW is the only game mode with even a remote sense of balance left in it. Its simple Rock Paper Scissors..

Paper beats Rock, Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happen to beat Rock. That is until Rock gets its Espec- at which point it becomes an unstoppable killing machine; that also beats Paper. And would beat Scissors. But it can't find Scissors, cuz Scissors be invisible.

And thats called "Balance".

PS: Revenants are Mushrooms.

Well I guess it is just easier to balance 1 or 2 classes that everyone wants these days in WvW.. other than that it's just a screen full of overlapping circles and mass skill lag, on the one possibly 2 nights its genuinely kinda fun.. but then again that's in the lap of the matchup gods of course.

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