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Has EoD replaced a main or entered your rotation ?

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Some people have a main class, or main class per game mode (Fractals with X, WvW with Y, etc).  Others have altitis but often fall back on a few core comfort specs.

So, did one of the EoD specs capture you and enter the rotation?  Which one, what game mode?

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Mainly the supports. I like having options for fractals so Spectre and Mechanist are pretty nice additions.

Open world didn't change much since everything is viable in it.

I haven't gone into WvW in almost 5 years and have no desire to go in currently.

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I play at a casual level in Story and Open World content. I don't really do anything else.


Harbinger is exactly the specialization I had been looking for on my Necromancer and it's the first time in eight or nine years I've switched her away from Core Necro.


Virtuoso and Mechanist are alright for what they are. I may unlock Catalyst and Willbender eventually. I have little to no interest in the others.

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54 minutes ago, jaif.3518 said:

Some people have a main class, or main class per game mode (Fractals with X, WvW with Y, etc).  Others have altitis but often fall back on a few core comfort specs.

So, did one of the EoD specs capture you and enter the rotation?  Which one, what game mode?

Yes for me they did, Specter is an amazing class, i think this is the longest i've ever played a thief, Mechanist is now my main and untamed is my third fav, Virtuoso is really awesome mesmer and willbender isn't bad..

Bladesworn is a mess though. I feel bad for Warriors.

Edited by Dante.1508
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For PVE I havent yet gotten to the new specs. Been testing alacrity mecha but havent really taken it into any serious content.

But for spvp I am really enjoying the new specs. Mecha engie and Willy fun because op.  Untamed has plenty of potential, need to play more. And I am surprisingly fond of Bladesworn.  Its been a long time since I played warrior in pvp settings and my first impression was not so good. But now it looks like its very competitive and also much fun. In the end all new elites look really promising for spvp.

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My main character is a ranger and I've been using untamed most of the time since shortly after EoD came out.

I switch back to soulbeast or druid occasionally, for example the build I use for the Dragon's End meta is actually a soulbeast build, but most of the time I'm using untamed. I really like it, especially the teleport skill, and having more control over the pet skills.

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Played vindicator long enough to finish up EoD achievements for it, dabbled with it a little more, then went back to renegade.  Just find it more fun and flexible.

I am revisiting mesmer and guardian and plan to try out virtuoso and willbender. So I guess it's become part of the potential rotation?  

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After 9 years, I finally decided to make an engineer thanks to mechanist. It's pretty much my 3rd most efficient open world solo character behind my MM reaper and staff/staff mirage.

Updated my tempest to catalyst and having a much better time surviving in open world and doing damage in group events.

Updated my soulbeast to untamed and also having a much better gameplay experience in terms of survival and damage potential.

Updated my herald to vindicator and after playing it for a bit, I realized I really can't get into the revenant profession. The heal skills are so weak on the elite legends, and playing with one dodge that you have to waste for the damage buff makes survival even harder. I'm gonna give revenant one last shot by respeccing into condi renegade soon, if it doesn't work out I might have to retire this character as an chest alt park char. 😞 

My reaper, mirage, dragonhunter, daredevil and berserker remain unchanged. I try to rotate between all my characters regularly to keep GW2 from getting stale, especially since I have to do DE everyday for another 2 weeks to get my remaining antique summoning stones. I do open world metas, T1 fractals and strikes. 

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I haven’t changed any of my characters to the EoD specs, except for PvP.

I wanted to like Virtuoso, but Mirage is just more fluid and fun. I was excited by Specter, but its reported lack of cleave has made me avoid it. Holosmith is more fun than Mechanist even though Mech is strong.

In PVP, though, I’ve run Mechanist, Vindicator and Willbender because they’ve all been so strong, and I’m not very good at PvP so I’ll take whatever help I can get.

I am keeping a eye out for the big June balance patch to see if it makes me want to switch anything up.

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I've spent my first 2.5 weeks fixing my main. It burned most of the money I saved for expasnion purchases (skins/recipes) until I figured out a satisfying solution. What was a win-win-win situation is now a trade-off:
- sustain is great
- damage is slightly lower
- support is ruined
Had to change my rotation, which lead to re-mapping my entire keybinds. This was a long overdue change, I always postponed to 'later'. Getting used to the new keybinds ate another 2-3 weeks. Swapped out the support-stuff to my 3rd build-template. So I just swap my templates more frequently, depending on the situations.

Looking at the big picture, the changes were necessary. I even consider the changes an improvement. The new keybinds simplified most classes for me - especially the ones I always struggled with. 
EoD motivated me to give the new elite specializations a try and take a look at some I usually ignore. I found two so far which I really enjoy, Untamed and Vindicator. Before EoD, my alt-character was only my Reaper. Now I can decide between three alternatives when I do not want to use my main. As the Vindicator is my most recent one, I spend most of the time on that at the moment.

My greatest EoD disappointment is the Mechanist. I created a new character, saved Hero Points, geared it for a few special builds before launch. Even designed an unique armor-combination, with small variations for the different build-types. It works exactly as expected, but the gameplay is quite underwhelming. It is meta, but ... boring. I will keep the character and may give it a new try in a few weeks. 

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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No I haven't replaced either main builds.

I am using EoD classes fairly often though. AlacSpecter and HAM have entered my repertoire. I ended up not liking bladesworn as much as I thought I would, my main mesmer character is now a virtuoso though. 

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Not really tbh. Catalyst and Vindicator feel unnecessarily complicated. Untamed, Bladesworn, Willbender and Virtuoso feel ok to good in the open world, but I'm not doing all that much of that these days. Mechanist, Harbinger and Specter feel great but I haven't gotten around to playing them a lot where I want to play them, i. e. Raids/Strikes/Dungeons.
The new specs are less replacing the old ones, it's more like an alternative to existing specs and I guess that's a healthier approach than what we had with PoF specs. It's less exciting, but probably for the better.

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Virtuoso feels awesome, one of my new favourites in raids, I don't play any other condi DPS at the moment.


And I've been playing a fair bit of untamed, I like it in open world (my main was soulbeast before). It's not as strong as I'd like it to be, but I enjoy the feel of it.

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Nothing change much for me with EoD. 

The only new specs that saw play by me where Catalyst, but I dropped it quickly for Weaver again and Virtuoso. 

Virtuoso is the only new spec I actively use currently. As a dmg dealer in Wvw when I don't need to play Chrono. 

All other new specs have nothing going on that I have any interest in. 


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Virtuosso has replaced my condi renegade (DPS for instanced content)
Willbender is much more fun than Firebrand in OW.
Untamed is the only one ranger spec I really like.
Vindicator > Renegade in OW.
Mechanist is a nice break from Holosmith, but I play both.

For Harbinger, Specter and Catalyst — unplayable for me. Harb. too squishy, Spec. too slow, Cata. still requires piano skills but it's less efficient than Weaver.

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