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Do you want more naked skin and booba armors?

Do you want more naked skin and booba armors?  

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  1. 1. Do you want more naked skin and booba armors?

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44 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

The new loin cloth skins probably made anet a ton of money..human female meta is the money maker 

From what I've seen in the discussions about it they're at least as popular for male characters, and especially charr.

I've been saying for years I want more revealing armour skins and for me it's specifically for charr, sylvari and norn who have cool patterns on their fur/skin which too easily get hidden, and mainly for my male characters because female characters have always had more of a range of options from full coverage with layers of material to fairly revealing clothing.

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Whether there is more or less of something isn't always the problem, it's in the execution. The overall philosophy. The 'yes, but'.

I have my choice in light and medium, which hopefully won't get altered. Trying the new set out on my heavies, but may just end up back in different outfits for them (though there's not a bad racial for my one Norn).

I don't suspect that will ever land right with me again. What they do is what they do, and if it ever becomes unenjoyable, I'll have to make tough choices.

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As a Guardian main, yes! I'm not fond of heavy armor in general, most of the sets look like tin cans. The older ones are especially bulky and have ugly textures.

I'd like to see more armor skins that look like medium/light armor. More cloth/leather materials and less metallic stuff, please.

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I want more well designed armor available in game. I think medium armor could have more sexy styles , Like the funerary legs , the raven sets , stuff that actually looks and gleams like leather, shorts! The problem I have is sets dont look right on non humans many times. You cant base armor on one sex and one race and leave out the others, clipping issues , stretching, in some cases..asura.. details disappear due to shrinkage. And my biggest peeve ever in this game! for which I can never forgive anet in such a fashion oriented game...HATS AND HELMS! You design these awesome headpieces then no one uses them because they make your character suddenly bald!  That is terrible an absolute travesty, I have long hair and never once when putting on a hat did I lose that hair and be bald underneath. it looks terrible. 


As for showing T and A what this comes down too I rather they add swimwear people can mess with, I like the details on armor wearing hardly nothing is boring. Having worked in a strip club let me tell you, it gets old when thats all thats around you. But do what you want but there is a difference between classy sexy and trashy sexual. 

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I'm worried that with couple more sets, we might find out if gw2 models are anatomically correct...

It would be ok for male models to show more skin. I always wonder why does the game let me pick out the abs, chest hair, but we can never see them in a tin can of an armor.

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I want a variety of different well designed skins. The problem has always been too many skins that are too similar in design. A well designed skin is a well designed skin, it is not dependent on skin exposure. If it was based on skin exposure then pasties and a cup would be the absolute best. I am sure someone thinks that would be the absolute best just as some people think toilet humor and fart jokes is the height of comedy...

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Likewise in the yes* camp.

In my eyes, most (old) designs suffer from a bad case of an insecure "NO!" - they rebel with no reasonable cause, seemingly just to be different from what's usually liked, and spectacularly fall flat on their faces due to this; "insecure" because no single piece can get released without a stamp in neon orange, yelling "I BELONG TO THIS SET" (several new items being guilty of this as well, unfortunately, the most egregiously obvious example being weapons; really can't get the "Shrine Guardian" point across without gluing a fox head onto them? but then there's the ridiculous Medium top-skirt coupling STILL present even on the Decade's Heart; out of 98 female Medium legs armor pieces I can see a grand total of THREE alter the character's silhouette in a significant way: Antique, Corsair, and Monastery, 'cuz they're baggier, plus Trapper [4] for lady catmandress, which is properly different).
This particular thing ruins an absurd amount of items while adding exactly nothing, save for a strict prohibition on inter-set combinations, making everybody look either more or less the same, or like a Vanilla WoW player where everything was hunter gear.

People's tastes vary wildly, however.
Yes, more skin would be welcome, but so would be more tattoos, piercings, war paints, scars, bones, chains, pockets, belts, knives...
...because all of these are the spice of variety we're missing.
Sure, even flames and rotating cogs showing off the artists' skills of Damage to Frames-Per-Second Per Second. Not in the Etherbound way - either go cog and flame every twenty centimeters or go home - but where there's a logical use for it, even within a world of fantasy.
'Cuz we don't want Tyria to become TERAria. For legal reasons.

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Echoing the others saying yes.

The variety would be nice. Charr, Sylvari, Norn, and even Asura have neat patterns you almost never get to see, and it's about time people got over the assumption of skin=promiscuity thing. If we've already decided we're okay with the various female armors that already show lower back, inner thigh, entire groin, side-butt, side-boob, and swimming goggles that have stripped us down to our (tacky) underwear since 2012, then I think we can handle new offerings along the same lines.

And echoing the 'please just give me some normal pants and shoes' crowd - that too. Give us some staples: tank tops, swim shorts, casual jackets, a plain tux, or even some overalls. It ain't all about the booba, after all.

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56 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

And echoing the 'please just give me some normal pants and shoes' crowd - that too. Give us some staples: tank tops, swim shorts, casual jackets, a plain tux, or even some overalls. It ain't all about the booba, after all.

and no need to ruin a perfectly good shirt/pair of pants by cutting holes in them

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You need more categories then "yes" and "no"

For me... yes but not because I want my character to look "sexy"

Revealing armor looks good on charr, because it looks primitive and shows the fur patterns. 

And, although I have no personal interest in making a "sexy" character, I approve of the message being sent by offering the same sexy gear to male and female characters.

I've been a female gamer for a couple decades, and the "woman gets bikini, man gets full plate" nonsense needs to be done away with. 

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I would vote in favor of armor pieces that show more skin.  The reason for this is because it opens up character designs options.  Infusions that affect the skin become more useful in character customization if the skin is actually visible. So I think this allows for more design options. 

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15 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

From what I've seen in the discussions about it they're at least as popular for male characters, and especially charr.

I've been saying for years I want more revealing armour skins and for me it's specifically for charr, sylvari and norn who have cool patterns on their fur/skin which too easily get hidden, and mainly for my male characters because female characters have always had more of a range of options from full coverage with layers of material to fairly revealing clothing.


THIS!!  My Ranger Sylvari has some many wonderful leaf details on her body and its always a huge battle to be able to see ANY of it.  Medium female armor is SO much 'trenchcoat, gloves, turtleneck' etc.  Whhyyy~~~ I suffer. And I don't think I'd ever play a heavy armor character. 


Overall, would just like a nice EVEN(between sexes) variety of things we can wear...on all armor classes.  Plus I'm always in game for some nice simple base pieces that can be mixed and matched in with things for some fun!

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Like I mentioned in another topic, I bought that Savage Scale Armour because they looked OK in the preview panel. But after putting them on for a day, I switched them out because the lioncloth appears to be way more skimpy in game.

The cut is too high with more than necessary skin exposure thus making the wearer looks slutty and not sexy at all. So this game does not want you to put on a normal decent one piece swimsuit but it's perfectly cool to wear this slutty skimpy armour to fight bosses? 🙈🙊🙉

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