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Which Race do you resonate more with, Culture Wise?

The Race you resonate more with?  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick your Race.

    • Humans and the 6 Gods
    • Norn and the Spirits of the Wild
    • Asura and the Eternal Alchemy
    • Sylvari and the Ventari Tablet
    • Charr and "Rely on Steel, Not false Gods"

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Very curious about this.

Which race do you resonate more with Culture wise?

Each Race have their own cultural beliefs, and so their entire Lifestyle and Social interactions are based on their cultural belifs.

In your own personal opinion, which do you prefer?

Please explain in more details.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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I appreciate the Sylvari lore, story and where they came from, how that is told via the Nightmare Court and Mordremoth arcs.  I also appreciate that they are the youngest race and as such, have a sense of discovery and newness when showing up around Tyria.

Edited by Mungo Zen.9364
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Their innocent (and a bit naive) way of experiencing the world, exploring and learning resonates a lot with me. Also the guidance given to them by Ventari's tablet while not absolute truths, are very aligned with my own views of how someone should behave and interact with their environment.

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Charr forever, since they're just an amasing design and Ascalon is just so many memories.

Asura are cute and their lands are pretty, and I like how the story is something out of a children's cartoon at times.

Sylvari have a good aesthetic, and the best city, but they take themselves too seriously.

Humans are boring since every game has done them and they're nothing special here either.

Norn are awful even though I like their lands, since I'm not into hunting, drinking and fighting "culture".

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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Asura because they are scientists and not religious.

The worst: Charr. Imperialistic and militaristic dictatorship with military leaders at the top. Everything is structured in a way to create soldiers for the war machinery. Basically wh40k or the 3rd reich in a fantasy setting. Neither are likeable. Humans did nothing wrong wearing them as coats.

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Slyvari easily, not even a question for me.

Play Charr exclusively, and while their background lore is interesting with the whole dieselpunk militarism stuff, I prefer Slyvari lore cause it feels more natural and less "aggressive."

Charr are this hyper militaristic society where the military is above all, not militaristic as in they go out waging wars, but just how it functions on a general level y'know? It's not quite SO bad where it's from the moment your born you go off to start training ,but rather from a young age you get sent to the Fahrah to go train to become a soldier. Only in recent lore is it starting to bite them in the kitten with the Charr Civil War. (how kitten-poorly IBS was handled notwithstanding) 

The Sylvari on the other hand feel very "human," (yes I know lol) as in they lead more natural lives, sure, they're born of the Pale Tree, but they don't owe her anything, some cut themselves off from her in fact, with the Charr, most of them are gonna end up as a cog in the military, barring those you see in Lions Arch and adventuring. Slyvari are free spirited, they can do what they what and go where they want, learn what they want, Ventari encouraged (Encouraged, not forced) them to go out and explore the world and live lives of virtue, but it doesn't feel forced like it does with the Charr,  it feel's like the perfect race for a MMORPG. 

Slyvari are literally born adventuresand from a lore perspective, I think they're the best.

Edited by SamuelW.2685
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I have to admit that they all have something I feel connected to. 

The freedom of the Norn, the disciple and respect within the charr, the science of the asura. Sylvari's appreciation for nature. 


The humans have nothing to offer imo, maybe because its too regular? Maybe because humans are a bit off all of them?


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All of the societies we have in the game has parts that i strongly resonate against. And while all of them also have parts i can resonate with, i don't feel like there's a society where ratio of one to the other would make me feel comfortable in it.

If we're talking about liking a specific society, that might have been Norn - but only the GW1 version. The gw2 one however concentrated more on goofiness and making them more of a joke race (big drunkards and braggards that usually can't really live up to their bravado), while losing a lot of their original "dangerous savage brutality" vibes. If gw1 Norns were grizzly bears, the GW2 ones are more like plush teddy bears. And we also have Braham as a newest iconic norn,to make it even worse. Not really a fan of this.

The most interesting society would have been the Sylvari, but, again, that potential has been squandered by Anet. Them being completely inhuman in origin and only pretending otherwise has been completely skipped over. Them being a very new race has been shown in some attempts at presenting them as naive (but even this is often forgotten when it's inconvenient), but goes completely out of the window when their relations with other races are mentioned (in many situations they are being treated by others as a long-established race with deep background, worthy of respect, or, at worst, as a race on the same level as everyone else. They are never presented as newly appeared upstarts that others have to try to start treating seriously, as it should have been). And there's the whole Dream vs Nightmare issue, and the extremely toxic relation between Pale Tree and the rest of the race, where Mother has best intentions, and "knows best", but her actual child-rearing capabilities are absolutely abyssmal, and if you go against her wishes, you end up being cast out, forgotten and marked for execution with no chance given for coming back (the official stance towards Nightmare court). Not to mention little things like sylvan pups seemingly being born from the same Tree, which brings with it some very uncomfortable connotations. All of this can be seen only through glimpses and indirect inference, because the devs decided to massively downplay all the uncomfortable sides of those, and present the race only in positive lights, painting all the creepiness over with bright paints. So, another opportunity to show something interesting lost to devs being afraid of introducing some darker themes and presenting something someone might have seen as controversial.

This also applies to a much lesser degree towards Asuras, but then this race has been created with the intention of being a joke from the get go (the whole Zinn trial in gw1...). Although, again, like with Norns, the GW1 representation was much more serious than GW2 one. And that's even when we consider who was voicing Vekk.

(yeah, i seem to have went on a tangential rant, please excuse me)

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