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The economy of Tyria is destroyed

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@frareanselm.1925 said:Just have a look at the price of things in the trading post. Everything is half the price that use to be in March. Except some rare items and skins.I think the main cause is the quarantine due Covid19, more people is able to play more hours during the day, which means more gold available and more crafting materials available, excess of offer and low prices.But, if there's more people playing it would logic that more people would be willing to craft things and would buy more materials which isnt the case.-Maybe the reason is, people got so much time that farm their materials and craft their things without buying anything in the trading post?

There's no point to farm stuff to earn gold anymore.

Does somebody have some ideas? Will things go back to the normal status quo after quarantine ends and people go back to work and have a normal schedule?

Its not COVID the econ was slumping like this for the last year+. Its just the state of the game. For myself I know I collect dye, BL skin sets, etc. So I notice price changes on certain types of things on a regular long term basis. The reason prices have dropped is for a few reasons that combine into what we have.

1) Less old time whale type players willing to buy up a stack of exclusive dye and/or buy entire sets of skins for the BL tickets and completion.2) Less skin releases, less new dye releases. (Christmas didn't even have a new BL ticket set this year and most of the sets released this year aren't very popular compared to the past).3) 1 & 2 are related.4) BL chests are/have been stale for about 2 years now. What I mean is Anet seems to have stopped changing the skin sets that rotate in and out of Chests each year for the most part we have had the exact same sets release at the exact same time each year for I think 3 years now in a row. It used to have changes that would rotate older sets in and more dye rotation along with the new releases. This all played together well to give people things to trade and collect. This helped keep people trading more.

If you ask me that is why the prices on new BL sets are like 20-30g each now vs 40-60g 2 years ago.

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Who's to say what the 'right' price is anyway? Maybe Anet thought all these materials were too expensive and they wanted to reduce the price? A good price for people who farm and sell materials is a bad price for those who need to buy them to make whatever they're used for, and vice versa.

Although I'm inclined to think Anet are more likely to side with those looking to use the materials than those trying to farm gold, since they never wanted this game to be about farming the same thing over and over. But some players want to do that and will find ways to keep doing that, it just means if these materials aren't as profitable as other things the farming will shift to whatever is profitable, just like how the long-term investor types no longer rely on buying up precursors and black lion weapon skins because they're not the safe, guaranteed investment they used to be. I have no idea what that new farm will be, but I'm sure one will emerge.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:But eh, it's a charr war, claws everywhere is fine :D

Claws, fangs and blood, lots of blood :D

The value of mats spiked in March for some reason, a tier III or tier IV bag went from about 60s to over 90s. Possibly something to do with the Legendary Armory announcement? Now they're dropping back.

I'm quite glad to get these pvp reward tracks from playing the new meta, it's not too quick, especially when you run out of special missions.

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Dunno, higher prices at least mean stuff is worth farming and you get some satisfaction out of acquiring those items.If stuff is worth peanuts you just buy everything straight away and are done with it in no time. Not a good thing for long term involvement with the game imo.

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"Supply and demand, in economics, relationship between the quantity of a commodity that producers wish to sell at various prices and the quantity that consumers wish to buy. It is the main model of price determination used in economic theory. The price of a commodity is determined by the interaction of supply and demand in a market. The resulting price is referred to as the equilibrium price and represents an agreement between producers and consumers of the good. In equilibrium the quantity of a good supplied by producers equals the quantity demanded by consumers." - https://www.britannica.com/topic/supply-and-demand

It's like stocks, 'buy low, sell high.'

If you think things are "too" cheap, buy them and wait for the market to flip and sell them. But watch that you, and everyone else, doesn't flood the market and drop the value again.

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ArenaNet has said that they want everything to be cheap, so new players can actually afford things. The current system was toxic and put new players off from even buying Exotic gear for many years before the prices dropped. You had level 80 players running around in Rares doing Living World content, and even those sets cost them like 10-15g which was alot back then.

Plus supply and demand has dropped for some exclusive materials (like Black Diamonds) due to more availability to stat-selectable items to veterans. Which is also good for the game, because its even less gating on top of a trend of less gating.

The only remaining problem, I think, is how expensive leather is. And we need more sinks for Mithril, Silk, etc.

The future of the game is going to focus around Exotics as a baseline, Ascended for your casual and Legendary for your hardcores, especially once Legendary gear can be shared by all characters that can equip it in the wardrobe. The developers want everyone to actually go for pink and purple BiS gear at some point instead of just "eh, a piece or two is nice to round out my stats" like it is now.

At the moment only the most hard-line Fractal-goers, Raiders and WvWers make the effort.

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I see nothing but problems with making everything cheap if that is really their intention:

  • no sense of accomplishment when you acquire something
  • no reason to farm certain mats anymore aka less stuff to do
  • making everything easy to get means new players start doing high level content without the most basic knowledge about their class which is a source of frustration for both them and me when I hear them complain about how hard the maps are
  • people will accomplish their goals much faster > less things to do and less long term goals if you can craft the few leges you want in record time
  • there's no reason to hang around some old maps if the stuff you can get there is near worthless
  • the ones who will benefit most from lower material prices will be the veterans, not the newbies > "look the mats are cheap now, time to hoard and finish off the stuff I wanted to craft" while a new player can farm nodes and events all he wants and get peanuts for his effort instead of being able to sell those mats for a decent amount of gold - the prices for materials should skyrocket if you ask me when a new lege comes out, pay up if you want it immediately or set aside some time and work for it, it shouldn't be served on a silver plate ._.

Players may be impatient while trying to reach some goal and complain about high material prices due to it, but that impatience is precisely what keeps them playing. Too many people want to steamroll through content, and once they do they end up with no goals and go play some other game.

That's just my opinion on the matter.

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@Friday.7864 said:while i agree in general with your opinion it's worth to remember that so called farming does not bring you the experiance needed to play high lvl content. And it is quit sad that runing for 2 hours with shovel or spamming '1' against charrs brings you more profit with less effort and risk than going for high fractals, wvw etc. So while maps might get empty as you predict, some players may move to group content

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@ShinigamiPL.4086 said:

@Friday.7864 said:while i agree in general with your opinion it's worth to remember that so called farming does not bring you the experiance needed to play high lvl content. And it is quit sad that runing for 2 hours with shovel or spamming '1' against charrs brings you more profit with less effort and risk than going for high fractals, wvw etc. So while maps might get empty as you predict, some players may move to group content

Eh, that's an entirely different issue.They really shouldn't have allowed ppl to run around in circles on a single map for as long as they feel like it while some of the other content gets basically abandoned... Properly rewarding people for doing various events and metas would be much better than introducing a few spammable maps.They're handing out clovers for doing the new map, no? Why not add some token system instead for doing various things like world bosses, dungeons or central tyria metas instead? I'd love a reason to do world bosses again outside of yearly events. Or dungeons outside of needing some gift or runes...

And about someone commenting how exotics used to be expensive, they should be!You can just participate in events to get karma, go to Orr and buy a whole exotic berserker set for karma only. That should be encouraged in fact, and expanded upon so people can get some other basic stats while doing actual content and learning a thing or two along the way!This way people immediately buy a whole set for peanuts and get slaughtered in PoF and HoT maps and whine in guild how the game is hard and how bad they are. If you sent them to do a dps check it would probably be 2-3k dps because they probably don't even know what some of their skills do.

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@frareanselm.1925 said:Just have a look at the price of things in the trading post. Everything is half the price that use to be in March. Except some rare items and skins.I think the main cause is the quarantine due Covid19, more people is able to play more hours during the day, which means more gold available and more crafting materials available, excess of offer and low prices.But, if there's more people playing it would logic that more people would be willing to craft things and would buy more materials which isnt the case.-Maybe the reason is, people got so much time that farm their materials and craft their things without buying anything in the trading post?

There's no point to farm stuff to earn gold anymore.

Does somebody have some ideas? Will things go back to the normal status quo after quarantine ends and people go back to work and have a normal schedule?

Covid has nothing to do with it. There simply are not enough gold sinks and it's been like this for a while. Guilds, teleportation scrolls and gem shop stores offer circumvents to these gold sinks in exchange for money. Buy a home teleportation stone/teleportation scroll and a shared item slot, all characters can avoid that particular gold sink. Buy an unbreakable tool? You avoid the gold sink of having to ever buy more with that toon. Use with the shared item slot, and you never have to buy them again if you are willing to remove and store them when you are done. If your guild has the perk, you get a discount waypointing around tyria. Anet needs to up the goldsinks and add stipulations to these items. Primarily the latter. There is too much synergy with gem items.

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