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Would you be inclined to purchase more Outfits if you were able to wear a custom helmet on top?

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We all know that many Outfits are gorgeous, but some would truly shine if we were able to display the helmet skin we have equipped in the wardrobe, alongside the rest of the Outfit. Given how the Outfit helmets can already be hidden, this doesn't seem like a huge technical leap.

This poll is meant to estimate whether or not there would be enough potential increase in Outfits sales, to be worthwhile for Anet to implement such a change.

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I might use this option if it was available, but I can't remember any times when I was put off buying an outfit I otherwise liked because I wanted to use a different hat with it. Especially since most of my characters have their hat hidden most of the time anyway.

The three main things which put me off buying more outfits are:1) They share dyes. This means either I have to try to find a dye scheme which works across all the outfits that character wears (which gets harder each time I get a new one) or I have to change the dyes each time which ruins the convenience of using outfits - one of their main advantages over armour skins.2) There's no way to bind a key to swap between your armour and selected outfit like there was with town clothes, again making them more inconvenient to use because I have to go through the menu to activate them.3) Most of them look like armour. If I wanted armour I'd use skins because then there's far more options (especially for dye and customisation). I use outfits for looks that aren't possible with the armour system, like one-piece dresses or 'civilian' clothing. My favourites are the common clothing, monk's outfit, wedding outfit, chef's outfit and the noble count outfit. So with most outfits I never even get to the point of considering things like dyes or which details I like or don't like. One glance tells me it's basically an armour set with no customisation and therefore of no interest to me.

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I'd like the option, however the more I thought about it, my answer changes to a no - it'd be kitten to implement and just not that necessary - there's so many different skins in the game that I can usually find another look that I enjoy. I'd rather they released armour sets instead of outfits, that'd fix the problem - you can pick and choose what pieces that you wear. Also for the reasons Danikat listed above.

I would like to see more outfit helms become available as armour skins tho - like they did with the Shrine Guardian Ears - but I really think you should've had it unlocked for free if you bought the outfit (like they did when they made some of the wing backpacks also into gliders).

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I wouldn't buy more outfits because of this feature personally, but I would definitely like to have that option.

I have the mad scientist outfit and absolutely love the outfit, except the helmet that makes you look like a fly. Hence why I always disable the helmet when wearing that outfit. If I could chose other helmets for it, like one of the gasmask skins, then this would definitely improve the outfit for me. But as I said, I would hardly buy more outfits.

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Yes, I usually end up hiding the mask/helmets on them but when you preview outfits in the gem store sometimes it'll show your Head Armor as well and some do look great with certain outfits.I'd love to use eye effects with outfits but honestly I don't see this happening.

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I rarely show anything on my character's heads. I prefer to see their hair styles. I'm glad for the option to hide the head portion of outfits; otherwise, I probably wouldn't have picked up the few that I do have. So, no, this would not appeal to me or make me more interested in buying outfits.

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Imho, outfits are one of those gemshop items that should not be supported by the players in order to make ANet change what they put on the gemshop. I think they are a lazy aproach to fashionwars, no mix and matching, no thought put into a cosplay just buy the whole suit. That most of the newer outfits "outshine" and "outfancy" existing skins makes me sad and makes in-game rewards look even less apealing than they already are.

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No, because that’s not a deciding factor for buying an outfit as I frequently go helmless on my chars. At most it would let me use an outfit on the few chars where the helm is important, such as my Norn necro with the facial tattoo helm from character creation.

However if it was available it would be a big improvement for outfits and I would certainly use it.

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Customizable helmet wouldn't really entice me to purchase outfits.

Maybe if they were fully modular, so you could interchange outfit pieces with other outfit pieces and dye individual parts. Maybe.

Otherwise, outfits are just trash. Such little customization, so if you don't like that exact complete set up (+/- a helmet) then you're SOL...

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No Outfit Moo Moos! Release the armor sets already!squints eyes and waits for the its to hard and not worth their time comments and the I would rather them work on this commentBut seriously I would rather see many items I could mix and match not one item that covers up. So why stop at being able to switch just the helmet?

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I mean yes but that's not the problem I have with most outfits.This is what I think would make most outfits worth buying:

  1. Ability to hide shoulder pieces
  2. (More importantly) Head piece comes as a separate skin for regular use.

There's a lot of outfits I would 100% whale out for if I could get the headpiece or the gloves as regular skins alongside the outfit.

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