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What is your wish regarding guild wars 2 in 2021? :)


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I liked Cantha, but I found Factions as a campaign the weakest by far of the 4 original ones. I hope EoD doesn't emulate that and instead takes the best of HoT and the best of PoF and makes something special. It's all looking a bit rainbows and sunshine, but whatever it ends up like, I hope it is substantial and recent LS releases aren't a reflection of what is to come

I hope the end of Jormag and/or Primordus isn't rushed out the door this season when so much life exists in pursuing both

I hope if the DSD is added, they don't make it a "good guy" when what little is known points in much creepier, more devastating direction

I hope the remaining parts of Champions aren't as weak as part 1

I hope Anet return to being one with their community and start communicating more regularly again

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A dedicated open world PVP server.

I know it won't happen (and some people want to murder you for even mentioning such a thing for some reason?) but this would absolutely change the whole dynamic of the game for me. WvW and PVP doesn't cut it, those are completely different things all together.

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  • Rework/Overhaul of the TP/Gemstore browser. It is constantly getting worse, performance wise. It was already outdated long before PoF was released.
  • Rework/Overhaul of the UI. Mounts and Novelties share the space of half a button, with a horrible selection screen for each. Special Action Key may soon get the ability to cook Lasagna, if they continue with this mess. Looking at the screenshots of players like our beloved forum-kitten (^-^), who has to play with an over-cluttered UI, with an actual gameplay window smaller than my school-calculator, is just ridiculous. Target audience of this game are casual players, who do not own highly optimized gaming rigs. Every web-page out there faces a compatibility design, so a wide variety of computers & browsers can view and use it with optimal performance.
  • Rework/Overhaul the Contacts-Menu.


  • Discontinued features
  • Steam status
  • EoD status


  • Roadmaps
  • At least one developer playing each one of the classes. Does not have to be main-class, play what you enjoy most - it is a game after all.
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1) Bring back a fully playable Living World Season 1. It sad that I bought GW2 at launch, but since I'm I'm a causal player, I miss out of living world 1, like so many others.

2) Redo Revenant so, they too, can use racial skills. I would have made F1 "Channel/Unchannel", F2 Legend Swap, and F3 Ancient Echo. When you're unchanneled, you would have access to racial skills and a new skill that similar, but less powerful or a long cool down of one of each legend you have access to. This would one, keep the theme of the profession, two allow them to have equal number of skills as each other profession, and give revenant player a chance to choose.

3) Make personality have a purpose in the game. They could make a roleplaying element where your party, instead of focusing on combat, focuses on negotiating. Certainly, personalities in your group may lock you out of certain conversational options or have a meter where a person too noble in your party can only tolerate so much corruption and vice versa, and trigger events. People could be rewarded in the end based on how well they negotiate and the final option they pick or have to fight to get to safety or resolve the conflict. I think this would be a great mini game in WvW.

4) Allow each Elite Specializations to have an extra weapon type. With EOD bringing a new elite, there would be 3 elite specs, with only 3 new weapon options. I think it'll be better if there were six weapon options. Therefore most players would have a weapon option of their choice, it would be great for creating more builds, and it would limit the need for more elite specializations in the future. Im not suggesting they make core have more weapons, because I like the idea of an elite having more options to weapons than core. Even if they were to create more expansions after EOD, they could either use the same elite weapons with the same weapon skills or have different weapon skills, therefore all rangers could use an axe the same way, but a Druid may use a Staff different than a new elite ranger using a Staff, but maybe a Druid could now use a Staff and a focus and the new elite ranger uses a Staff and a rifle. Allowing each elite to use two weapon types could also help Devs focus on balancing after EOD instead of moving on to focus on creating a new elite specializations and satisfying the players that crave for their Ranger Rifle or Revenant Great Sword, since most weapons would then be available to all classes.

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If I have to limit it to just one wish? Playable Tengu, with some decent lore behind them. Honestly, it's past time for them to open up the gates and start to be more open. The walls don't protect them from Primordus, and now so many people can fly or glide over the walls that their isolation has left the Tengu as the only people blocked by the wall. If they want to fly again, now's the time.

If I can have some other wishes as well?

Side stories: Small stories that take place around the world (or at least in any new places we go to) and don't affect the main storyline. Self-contained, these stories can offer the player a choice at some point that actually changes the end of the story, with the option to take a different path on a different character.

Completed mount skin sets: The next batch of adoptable skins completes all incomplete sets of mount skins before starting any new sets. From this point on, any new theme sets sold as a group (Exo, Cozy, ect.) will be sold as two sets of "Basic" and "Advanced" at the same time. Basic includes Raptor, Bunny, Skimmer, and Jackal. Advanced includes Griffon, Roller, Warclaw, and Skyscale.

A set of reoccurring NPCs that show up at events, like seeing the same players, with slowly unfolding stories for them. The story focuses a lot on the commander and Dragon's Watch, it could be interesting to see another group out there also in the thick of it but not at the focus of attention. And because they're NOT focused on as much, having one or two of them showing up at an event anywhere in the world to join the fight wouldn't cause plot issues.

Any tonics that turn you into one of a set of things now cycles through them in order, instead of randomly. If my redheaded character in red and orange armor wants to turn into an orange cat, there's no sense in making me have to spend several minutes bouncing back and forth between grey and black before FINALLY getting the correct color.

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I'll have to agree with everyone wishing for performance. Specifically I'd wish for the game to better utilize the available hardware. For now the game runs slow without really using anything. The main rendering thread needs some serious clean up and parallelization. Where possible and feasible calculations should be carried out by the GPU instad of the CPU.

My second wish is for my main profession: I want an elite-spec that allows ele to swap around attunements more freely and encourages frequent attunements swaps.

Other than that I just wish for the next expansion to have a better start than Cyberpunk2077.

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Every expansion has been phenomenal, so 2 out of three isn't bad. However considering Champions, if it is bad then it is a sure sign of decline.

Splitting up one episode release into small meaningless parts with no map, while hyping it as full releases is sleezy. It is easily worse than Sun's Refuge.

I don't have hope anymore. If Champions doesn't turn around and EoD becomes a disappointment, it might as well be an end to Guild Wars 2.

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Allow deltaconnected to resume development of Arc Templates and allow us to use it again if we so choose.

"But, but, how dey mek monies den?"

Well, people like me will never spend money on the garbage, so-called 'templates' system Anet have forced on us. The loss of Arc Templates disappointed and triggered me so much, that I doubt I will ever spend any money on this game again.

Perhaps those of us that enjoyed using Arc Templates all feel the same; certainly we all know what a good templates design looked like.

But, apparently, there weren't that many of us anyway, relatively speaking. Allegedly the new crappy system is fine for the masses.

So, if that's the case, what would be the harm in letting people use the system they prefer? In fact, it might even make them more money; I for one might be more inclined to reach for my wallet again for other things.

Not gonna happen, of course. But that's what makes wishes such powerful statements of discontent dressed in pixie dust.

Happy holidays?

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1) Make Cantha good for everyone not just the "aficionados of japanese culture".2) No playable Tengu.3) No player housing, fishing, pinball simulator or anything else that doesn't do much for the game and/or can be had elsewhere.4) Stop it with the "Do this task 50 times" kind of achievements.5) A reasonable way to get draconic lodestones6) More communication7) Less corporate speak

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Fun e-speccs that feel good to play and aren't clunky

Player Housing, fishing, pinball simulator or a similiar system, as GW2 has always been lacking lifeskill stuff / chill activities

Less instanced stuff, more "massively multiplayer" content, as in more world bosses

Focus on content the majority wants, not the "spend resources elsewhere"-people

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My wish for 2021 is that my kids continue to get more and more into the game. I see a lot of wishes for old problems to be fixed but I have to say, you barely notice that stuff when your kids are playing. For those that get the opportunity to play GW2 with any kid (my friends play GW2 with mine too) do not pass it up. I have never had more fun or laughed so hard playing any game without my kids. I hope you all get your wishes and whether you do or don't, try gaming with your kid or a friend's kids. It's a whole new layer of fun. Just be patient while they learn. That part can be stressful lol. Mine are 6 and 8 for reference. I can't speak for other ages. Also, I'm on the Cantha train. Choo choo!

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@kappa.2036 said:Mine is to have a REAL competitive build - after 8 years - for wvw zerg fights with my ranger without getting kicked from the squad or blamed for not bringing a meta class :)Of course i also have firebrand, spellbreaker, scourge and scrapper but ranger was always my favourite class and i would really love to be considered useful with it and on par with other meta classes. I really hope the next expansion will bring something truly useful in this regard :)

And you? What is your personal wish for 2021? Merry Christmas everyone :)

I had a wish, but reading yours has changed it. I am just going to say, seconded.

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A big balance patch that really shakes the meta ( i mean total reworks of weapons, animations, skills and traits )The removal of bots and cheaters ( I have no motivation to play PvP as a result of this )And lastly Cantha to bring a lot of fun content and good armour skins to collect (seriously spam this expansion with armour skins)

I probably wont be playing much of Gw2 in the mean time until one or the other happens first: Cantha or Big game change balance patch.

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