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What do you want to see the most in EoD? - [Merged]

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@Zuldari.3940 said:Optimize the engine!

@"Chrysaliss.8720" said:Definitely an egnine upgrade. Imo it is the no. 1 thing, that kept GW2 from growing. Native DX12 support and multi core cpu utilization should be highest priority for EoD.Its nice to have new content, classes, races etc, but what good does it do if the game runs like kitten even on nodern systems?

So much this! Its 2021 can we get DX12 and multi core please! All the content in the world means little if you have a multi core processor and the game only chugs one core for the most part. This is the only game I have played that plays better on outdated rigs lol instead of using the potential of a multicore pc to smooth out everything.

Here's my CPU (Ryzen 7 2700x) in the Lion's Arch bank with Ultra/High stuff enabled today at 9am:Image of my CPU usage during GW2.You can see two of those logical processors really improving with d912pxy! There are times when they cap out.

It might be slightly off-putting to say that it mostly only chugs one core. I mean, it does, but there's been some attempts at spreading out stuff. Even with d912pxy, there is still a chunky boy in there ("CPU 11" in the image). I can see why they might not be going for DirectX 12. I still want DirectX 12. It's an improvement. I still got to wonder if that chunky boy will still be so chunky. They're probably obsessed with whatever is causing that.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@lare.5129 said:right now I ask about Tengu and get solid answer:yes, Tengu will be in expac. Bot not as race. There are bosses in new raid wing.

I seen you talk about info about a new raid wing were did you get this information from got a video to link?I get it from direct contact for only my. May be you can find some videos yourself.

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@lare.5129 said:

@lare.5129 said:right now I ask about Tengu and get solid answer:yes, Tengu will be in expac. Bot not as race. There are bosses in new raid wing.

I seen you talk about info about a new raid wing were did you get this information from got a video to link?I get it from direct contact for only my. May be you can find some videos yourself.

So yea wishful thinking as Fueki.4753 said then, got it.Stop spreading miss information since you dont have proof of your claims.

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Building a pokemon type game into gw2 could be pretty cool.BUT you would have to make it locked behind something hard to get to. Because if it was just something like every monster is fair game if you throw your ball while its almost dead. Then in a day or 2 after release, there will be dozens of guides on how to get that really strong monster. And everyone suddenly has that one monster , and every battle becomes boring because its all just that one monster. And then the new game mode dies off.

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@Pacificterror.7805 said:

@"Linken.6345" said:Cant you play wow or pokemon go for that experience already?

That made me chuckle -hides phone with Pokemon GO on screen-

Seeing this suggestion/'want' only makes me think one thing - "But why?"

The argument for it over the years has been that it could make Minis atleast relevant for more than just looking like an easily missable cosmetic.

On the flip side, it seems like a Huge amount of work to each give them attacks that arent simple copy pastas of their normal versions.

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I don't think people would be excited about this as an expansion feature (mini-games already get neglected pretty hard by players unless they're a daily), BUT I've sometimes suggested this kind of thing for a mobile game to give GuildWars2 a bigger footprint in the game market.

Polymock, for example, would let you use minis to do battle against the minis of NPC opponents (or other players) for some kind of negligible reward. It'd be a low-effort, simple time waster that draws its 'fighters' from whatever you've got unlocked on your account. Gem shop minis would probably have to be on par with the free ones just to avoid cries of 'pay to win', though I do think people would pay for a cheap, easy-access game like that.

See also:

  • Candy Crush with GW2 mobs as tiles
  • Canach Minesweeper
  • Literal Golem Chess
  • Solitaire: Logan Thackeray Edition
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Pros of a pet battle system:

  • this is a very popular mini or even main type of game
  • the collection aspect within has always held a special appeal to players
  • it would allow for a completely separate progression system, achievements, content, etc.
  • once implemented, minor updates could keep the system fresh or interesting

Cons of a pet battle system:

  • the high development cost this would need. Any half baked system would be worse than no system
  • direct competition with similar systems in other MMORPGs. First and foremost WoW, which has had a pet battle system for years. Why play a mediocre version of one here instead of another MMO
  • as mentioned, this would likely only attract a niche crowd

I'd personally love such a system because of how well received it was in other MMORPGs but I doubt there are enough resources for this.

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@Naxos.2503 said:

@"Linken.6345" said:Cant you play wow or pokemon go for that experience already?

That made me chuckle -hides phone with Pokemon GO on screen-

Seeing this suggestion/'want' only makes me think one thing - "But why?"

The argument for it over the years has been that it could make Minis atleast relevant for more than just looking like an easily missable cosmetic.

On the flip side, it seems like a Huge amount of work to each give them attacks that arent simple copy pastas of their normal versions.

If they did add mini pet battles I think it would be best not to give each mini pet unique abilities. For a start that would be a lot of work, there's currently 767 mini pets (according to GW2 efficacy) and that's likely to go up when EoD is released.

But also a lot of them are pretty similar to each other, many are difficult, time consuming or expensive to get and others are no longer available (like the mini Rytlocks and Balthazar which were pre-order bonuses, or the Mini Mr Sparkles which was a promotional item and hasn't been available since 2013). I don't think mini pet battles would be very popular if a lot of potentially useful options are unavailable to you just because of when you started playing or how much you spent in the gem store in one random month.

My approach would be to group them together and give all minis in the same group the same abilities. So maybe all golems are grouped and use the golem skill set. That way if you've got Mini Mr Sparkles and you want to show it off that's great, you can do that. If you don't then you can use the Mini Toxx from Wintersday gifts, the Mini Mark I Assault Golem from mini eggs and other places, or Mini Professor Mew, frequently the cheapest mini on the TP.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@"Linken.6345" said:Cant you play wow or pokemon go for that experience already?

That made me chuckle -hides phone with Pokemon GO on screen-

Seeing this suggestion/'want' only makes me think one thing - "But why?"

The argument for it over the years has been that it could make Minis atleast relevant for more than just looking like an easily missable cosmetic.

On the flip side, it seems like a Huge amount of work to each give them attacks that arent simple copy pastas of their normal versions.

My approach would be to group them together and give all minis in the same group the same abilities. So maybe all golems are grouped and use the golem skill set. That way if you've got Mini Mr Sparkles and you want to show it off that's great, you can do that. If you don't then you can use the Mini Toxx from Wintersday gifts, the Mini Mark I Assault Golem from mini eggs and other places, or Mini Professor Mew, frequently the cheapest mini on the TP.

Seems logical yus, it would still take a really big effort even if all minis are categorized. It'd be similar to make an entirely new Ranger Pet system. Perhaps that is something best implemented post Expansions, as a way to keep devs on a payroll while designers brainstorm what to do next

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this is one of those luxury features that'd seem great to request if the company was rolling in riches, the dev team was huge and expanding, they had unlimited resources, and were looking for zany things to add because they had a already done everything major they wanted to do, all bugfree, and they are standing idle

since the current situation of this game points to the polar opposite of each and every item on that list...well.....

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The resources-argument is quite heavy. But that does not mean the idea is impossible to implement. Here is a budget-version, that would cost very little resources and still add something to the game

! - every Mini has a total of four different stats: HP, ATK, DEF and LCK (= Luck)! - fixed stats, every same mini has the same stats! - combat can be turn-based, 5 rounds, if one mini is not dead at the end, the mini with the most HP left wins! - damage would be caluclated: HP -[(ATK_attacker - DEF-defender) * X]! - X is a special dice (0-3), which is influenced by luck (luck_attacker - luck_defender = luck of the strike)! - even with maximum luck, there is a chance the strike misses!! For the graphics they could use a modified prieview-window with a few custom backgrounds. Instead of expensive attack-animations, they can use speech-bubbles (e. g. "pow" for a critical hit, "miss" for a miss and "bam" for a regular hit). Regular, already existing, weapon-sounds for those effects.!! Loot should be something we already have, not yet another currency. I would use something old, abandoned which is still in the game but have not been touched in years. Something like the Golden Fortune Scrap. One scrap for losing, two for a draw and three for winning. A small vendor with four options to exchange the Scraps for: Unidentified gear (blue, green, yellow) and spirit-shards. Costs depend on the reward.!! Advantages:! - people would collect certain minis (with good stats), this could even increase the mini-sale on the gemstore! - the minis would have an alternative purpose! - we had a cheap minigame that basically eats the resources of a browser-game! - recycling old/already existing content!! Disadvantages:! - GW1 veterans would probably go berserk, better no poly-mock at all than a downgraded piece of junk! - yet another system that relies on RNG! - would definitely eat some resources!! In order to cut costs, they could use students as part of a study-project. If they would use a European 'team', there is a chance to get support-money from the governments for "offering young talents an opportunity to prove their skills in a promising industry." They could use one real developer as a mentor, to supervise the students, maybe one day per week. They create the entire system, ready for shipment. Implementation into the game would be done by ANet. The students would get a reward (money) and a certificate, they can use in their CV. As long as they keep the system simple enough, it would be difficult to exploit/cheat.

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