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Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Discussion Thread: Skiffs and Fishing [Merged]

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i dont know exactly how it works with such things in regards to models and what not in gw2 but i do design 3D anime models through unity and blender and there we used something called wet painting which provides weight to clothing bound to bone structure, this helps more realistic movement of the clothing and makes it look like it has weight / gravity is applied etc.


- the reason i wrote that is because this is exactly what i see the skiff's missing in this video, it looks like they have no weight and that they dont sail but rather hover / fly on the water, my  suggestion is that u lower the boat by a 5-15% perhaps and then wet paint if possible so that it has a weight bringing it down towards the water without being pushed under ofcourse, it would create a flow on it whenever it moves through water.

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3 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I'm thinking it's nothing more than a four person floating mount.

My thoughts, too. A multiperson mount with a speed boost ability. Although, it might be fun if they're keeping something from us. They're keeping skiffs out of the Beta, even though it's more developed than the siege turtle. If I wanted to prevent something from being datamined, I'd keep it out of the Beta.

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I'm looking forward to this! Especially the boats. I hope there'll be a new fractal where you move by boat and fight enemies from it and also the possibility to explore large parts of the map(s) using the waterway. Even if we already have skimmer, it'll be nice to bring a companion which the addition of the skiffs will allow. It would also be nice with an event far out at sea where you can fight bosses either from the boat or from underwater OR perhaps it moves and you'll need to alternate between the two.

 Fishing seems nice as well, even though I've never really understood why it's such a big deal in a lot of mmorpgs. However, I think (and hope) that there'll be a lot of achievements tied to it and that excites me.

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To be honest, if I wanted to build long-term content to attrach both veterans and new players, I wouldn't even bother with skiffs.

Adding it as a Living World feature like the Skyscale? Yeah, probably. But not as a feature like "look this is our third expansion and we are going to Cantha, remember Cantha? We are going back and you can skiff there now"

Edited by Telgum.6071
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14 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

I dont really have an issue with the design, i assume they will be dyeable, and we know they are getting skins, so that means they can do lots of different boat styles.


Charr metal skiff? asura hover skiff? Sylvari plant skiff? Norn viking skiff? etcetc.


Now, i also hope it was a bad video, but they looked really floaty, and i hope they, like mounts before them, have weight to them like an actual boat does. That is my current only issue honestly.

the Skritt speed boat?

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This sounds like yet another topic where the OP doesn't want boats at all and does want housing and is trying to somehow turn boats into housing, even though they're two very different things.


We don't have a lot of open water in this game, even the coastal maps are mainly channels between islands or estuaries (with islands) so there's not really enough space for full sized ships. I think trying to build a house boat like the OP is describing which would still fit through the relatively small rivers and channels would just be frustrating. You'd never have enough space to build a decent house and you'd end up with a pretty poor boat.


I think player housing could be a good feature, but I'd rather get an actual housing system that try to cram it in as a side feature to a totally different mechanic and end up with something that wouldn't work well for anything and no hope of a dedicated system later on.


10 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

If I can mount cannons on it and shoot stuff I'd be happy.

I'm not sure they'd be able to make non-environmental meshes customizable in the way you propose, though I'm still not sure how they implemented it.  

Just on the off chance, please put cannons on that list of yours!  Shooting stuff is of vital importance for any boat.  Also, player skiffs can destroy Tidha Covington's gate in a timely manner rather than that crappy Pact ship floating out there.


I really want cannons for some naval bombardment action!  Who doesn't want to shoot things on their shiny new skiff?

That would do it for me.


Skiffs are basically a new type of mount. Maybe that's how they should have marketed it? Combine the siege turtles and skiffs into an announcement of multi-player mounts (something which has been asked for regularly on this forum) and then talk about how each one functions having established that both are mounts.


What we've been told so far sounds ok to me, from the perspective of skiffs = mounts. You can sail your boat around solo or with up to 4 other players and then use it as a platform for fishing or whatever else. (I know there's been concern that everyone will be stuck in place but I'm assuming it will work like the boats in Labyrinthine Cliffs and Sandswept Isles where you can walk around the boat or sit on the chairs.)


The one thing it's missing is a way to use them in combat. It's nice to have a mainly non-combat feature added, but since the majority of the game is combat focused it couldn't hurt to add the option and cannons are an obvious way of doing that.

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Discussion Thread: Skiffs and Fishing [Merged]

It looks very much like WoW fishing.  Which is dull.

If there's a sliding scale between "Press F" and the fishing mechanics of FFXV, then WoW's is just a tick or so from the "Press F" end.  Would have preferred something closer to the other end of that scale.  AND have the extra effort be worthwhile.  But making both of those happen would likely be outside the scope of this game.


The skiffs are meh, everyone's pretty much covered what my thoughts are on them.  Multi-person skimmers.  Probably incrementally speedier or whatnot, but with costs far exceeding their relative improvement over skimmers.  Not really enthused.

I don't doubt they'll introduce some mechanic where you can't finish/reach X because you haven't gotten one and the skimmer will arbitrarily balk at whatever body of water/sulphur/etc is created to cause this.  It's the game within the game.

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Just a few questions that came to mind. 

Are you limited to only fishing in Cantha?

Will skiffs be usable in other maps?

Will fishing have anything to do with possible new legendary weapons, gear or runes? Doesn't necessarily have to be legendary gear. 


More of a fishing fantasy of mine. 

I've always wanted to fish at Lake Delavan. while I'm talking to chat or clearing out loot. maybe a small break from world boss farming etc. 

while I drink my tea. sit back and relax.  lmao. 


I am eager for the rework on  Kaening center, Jade sea, Echovald forest and Shing jea. (the whole map really lmao)

a lot has changed and I'm not sure what the lore is about.  But I hope they can get the vibe of the maps right. please add faction wars some how.

Will probably break the game, but back when people voted for who the leader of Lions arch  they had the novelty button show who you represented above your character.  clicking it  represents the Luxon or Kurzick depending on the button.  then playing pvx would earn points. 

Part of me wants it to be like gw1 because of the fun I had playing  Alliance Battles. farming faction credit by Vanquishing( will be a meta map in gw2 for sure) .


If you have any other questions/thoughts about fishing post them here or about Alliance Battles.🙂 

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Here's the official word:




And if you didn't catch it, fishing is not restricted to Cantha. You could fish all over Tyria, and if you want to catch every fish in a game, you need to kind of go on a full world tour of fishing.

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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I mean the answers to the 1st 2 questions are easily found. The 3rd you would have to assume if legendary require collections there will be at least one that requires something from fishing or gift of fishing but we can only guess.

Edited by Jilora.9524
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Can we fish for mystic remora in the Mystic Forge, please?

How about fishing for secrets in Kormir's Library?


Will I sometimes reel in an old boot? Or a bicycle wheel?

Maybe we can have a Champion Polluted River Spirit (a la Miyazaki) that we fish out all the junk in order to "defeat" it and return it to a clean, friendly state.

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I hope that they would re-vitalized old map content with fishing or at lease expand some places in their unique way. FFXIV has a certain fish that had RNG within RNG where you can only fish certain types of fishes within XX:XX day or night time of the week like farming for a shiny Pokémon that spawns during X hour of the day but there' . It was fun hunting certain types of fishes but farming for various prestigious fishes to be log-in on the specific time slot of day didn't really appeal to me because player A that's been fishing for 3 months to get a certain fish whilst player B that been fishing for few days managed to obtain the fish Player A that's been wanting for so long that's soulbound. I just don't like that system to be implemented into GW2. It's like farming for the limited time item Heart of Magumma drop all over again back when HoT Beta was announced and people where doing Silverwastes farms or trying to farm for an unique infusion that you cannot share to sell/buy in the TP that has or opening 100k zephyrite boxes for chances of the super rare infusion to not getting one. My biggest concern about this factor has to do with the day/night/dawn/dusk cycle. There's 5 minutes within dusk/dawn cycle while night time has about 40 minutes and day time has about 70minute difference.


If it's inevitable I just hope that players don't have to be punished again having to wait for time-gated spawns that does not require dynamic events. I would like to see a form of bait like chum bucket scattered in the waters or like back in WoW legion there's this pond that so many players were fishing for an NPC and occasionally the pond spawns a boss and after it's killed it does boost the spawn rate for fishing for things within that pond.

I would like some form of attunement to return that upgrades our fishing gear like how we players had to go through specialized achievements where we had to go back to older core tyria to collect items from Heart Questgivers in the map and using some of the crafting system from crafting gen 1 precursors to put together the progression to craft that sense of accomplishment except that unnecessary absurd of materials and currencies to sink.


I would like to see an opportunity of different ways of catching fishes here's an example from various games that I've played that I enjoyed their form of fishing: 

- Runescape there are several tools to catch selective kinds of fishes such as traditional fishing rods, to using nets, lobster cages, pots to catch exotic urchins, harpoons to catch marine sharks.

- Monster hunter World you have don't have to stick with the traditional fishing rod and you can just use the net + camouflage suit to literally aim your crosshair with a net to catch small creatures + exotic fishes. I believe it could be executable like how there's a specific minigame in VB you have to fire a rifle targeting dummies but they're inside their own instance doing that. 

- NieR automata had a robot to be flung into the waters and we had to wait form of GUI that lit up to inform the players. It's simplified that you need to just simply press 2 buttons. One to bait and the other one at the right time to easily catch it

- FFXIV you use smaller fish that you catch and obtain to be later used to capture larger fishes + catch and release system

- FFXV had the best quality of life fishing mechanic I enjoyed the most. Their UI is so friendly that there is enough information while retaining a simple accessibility comparing to their MMO User Interface. You can see everything what you need to see all in one window frame the record, where you catch in the region, time of day/night they come out + the type of lure you can use to easily catch them.

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Or I am wrong, Anet ?


There are very few big lakes in this game, and there will be fishing spots, but out of the fishing spots there will be favorites 1 or 2 mostly.


Now u have 200 Player fishing the same spot with their SUV Sized Boats.  (Bots, are they kept in mind ?)


This will look so cluttered with all the ships clipping into each other.


Any Plans to calm this visual down ?


It is advertised as this romantic relaxing and enjoy time with ur friends 


Will Skiff have a cost attached so that ppl prefer to share a boat with 5 ? Or are skiffs upgradeable to give a fishing bonus?


I'm not a fan of fishing I feel it's a terrible selling point for an MMO. Side game, Yes, fishing and gathering welcome.


Anyhow, point is, I hope Anet thought about the visual aspect of 200 boats at a 3-5 meter radius fishing spot.


This is not a rant just a cautious brainstorm 

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