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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Here's my suggestion, instead of buying/unlocking teleport scrolls, we get to unlock free teleportation to a specific waypoint, that waypoint would show in a different color on the map so that we know it's a "Teleport scroll waypoint"
 - The inventory mess caused by teleport scrolls and their associated teleport scroll bags is an utter inconvenience and an ugly inventory space / shared slots cashgrab.

Even if there's more chore to turn a teleport scroll into a slotless free waypoint, let's get this teleport scroll mess solved kitten

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51 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

We need a "Portal Omnibus" in which we can place our portal books that hold our portal scrolls.

I don't expect it will happen, though. Gotta sell those shared inventory slots.

That would be the ideal solution, and not hard to implement (since that feature already exists). They would only need to make a new Portal Tome, that allows to store ALL of the portal scrolls (just like the one from e.g. Icebrood Saga, but for every scroll in the game)

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I'd prefer a 'portal omnibus' to a free waypoint for two reasons:
1) It saves having to find it on the map - I can just go to the inventory slot I know the tome is in and pick a destination.
2) It will work with all the portal scrolls. How would something like Armistice Bastion or the Mistlock Sanctuary pass work if you have to select a waypoint? You'd have to go into the map first to be able to do that. For Armistice Bastion that just adds 1 more loading screen (going in WvW) but I'm not sure it's possible for Mistlock so it would have to remain an inventory item.

But however Anet do it I agree they need to do something about the number of portal items. I've avoided getting many of them and it's still annoying trying to keep track of them and make space for the ones I want to use.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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On 3/2/2022 at 8:32 AM, Gibson.4036 said:

Until ArenaNet implements your suggestion, here’s what a lot of other players do:

Equip an invisible bag in the last bag slot. Always keep one unid yellow, blue, and green in there so that new ones automatically stack there.

Now you can safely “salvage all” without salvaging any unid gear.

Thanks, that's a decent duct-tape solution!!

 The character this is on (unfortunately my primary 😬) unfortunately needs all her bag space (ascended equipment bag usually takes the place of the unid'd gear and is needed coz I do a lot of weapon swapping per situation and I WvW so I have a tendency to just let all the bags fill and only deposit last min- which isn't *tooo* compatible with  ) but I'll definitely look into that on the characters that aren't as space sensitive/loot is a bit under control (my main girl has bags! of goofy junk like soulbound non-endless tonics and whatnot that can't be deposited >_<) and I'm less prone to weapon swapping.  It's a bit difficult for my brain to keep the bag with all my character equipment at the last instead of the first but I can give a go someday when i'm not as exhausted as I usually am and see whether it's do-able.    (last time i tried the invisible bag thing did not work out well, but I also keep it at the top because that's less brain strain, so logically that may work, and it may be th only solution for now.)  Even if it doesn't work out though, I am genuinely really grateful for you taking the time to tell me this workaround <3.


tl;dr: TY, good duct tape solution, there is a significant chance I personally may not be able to use it but I truly do appreciate you taking the time to tell me it anyway and maybe I could use it for something else in the future & coz it's on the forum it would help it not be so awful for someone else


that said anet, still a need!!! XD

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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I unlocked my turtle, went to keybind it and lo and behold there is no option to keybind the turtle. How on earth was this overlooked? Add the option to keybind turtle, move the skiff from the masteries button to the mounts button, and add a keybind for that as well. It's counted as a mount functionally (dismounted upon no mount zones, etc), why not treat it as such.

Remove the walking sections of the story. It makes it needlessly slow and irritating. Not even using the executioner's axe is enough to speed that up in some sections. EoD was absolutely ridiculous for this, and we're expected to do it 9 times for each elite spec weapon.

The cutscene after the big end fight of EoD needs to be skippable. Why it's not skippable is absolutely beyond me. I've completed story 4 times now and cannot understand why this is one of the cutscenes that HAS to be viewed many times over. To unlock all the elite spec weapons we're expected to do it 9 times. If you expect us to repeat it for achievements or items, speed up the process.

Add the "skip cutscene" button at the START of the cutscene, and not 5-10 seconds into it.

Add the QoL feature to skip all cutscenes with escape. This has improved the more recent cutscenes, but if it's at all possible to go back and add this to previous cutscenes that would be fantastic.

I want to play the game. If I wanted to watch a movie I'd go watch a movie.

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Some of the white-icons-on-light-blue-background "Positive Effect" icons (even though some are not positive) such as Jade Power Charge, Spinning Laser or Milestone include stack counters using white text with a slight drop shadow.  White text on a light blue background is somewhat difficult to read and when the white text overlaps the icons it is very difficult to read that text.  I would like to see the text changed to a color that contrasts well with white or light blue, such as black or dark green.  If possible, allowing users to choose a text color would benefit color-blind players. Another option would be to make the text larger with respect to the icon size.  Changing the interface size options to enlarge the entire interface takes up too much screen real estate.


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I'd prefer the scroll being a consumable that simply sets the cost of the basic/starting WP in the zone that it is for to 0 copper.

Got the shared space for this nonsence but never loved the system, even though having the scrolls and books is a major account upgrade over not having them.

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On 3/7/2022 at 9:02 AM, Gibson.4036 said:

We need a "Portal Omnibus" in which we can place our portal books that hold our portal scrolls.

I don't expect it will happen, though. Gotta sell those shared inventory slots.

This is a great suggestion. I promise if this gets implemented I'll give you 20s (a round trip from Cantha). 😉

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With EoD we reeled in six new fishing-related endless tonics: Hermit Crab, Cave Crab, Thundershrimp, Shark, Dolphin, and Koi. If you're wondering what else you can do with all that ambergris you've been getting, this is what. The single-use versions of these tonics are gotten as random loot while fishing, but you can also pick them up from the trading post and, with the right materials, turn them into endless versions through the Mystic Forge.

"Wow!" I thought, like a normal person, "This is great - I can finally be a crab!"

I promptly stopped everything I was doing in order to work on farming materials for the tonic instead. At long last, I got it done and did some science this morning to see how the tonic functions. In short, it's got some issues that I think need looking at, especially if the other new tonics work like this. While it works in a pinch, this tonic is not at all up to standard with other infinite tonics and could do with some changes.

I'm hoping most of these are just oversights, but here's the naughty list for any tonic-conscious devs who might be reading today:
- Does not become account-bound on use
- Cannot be added to the novelties tab (and therefore can only be used on one character at a time/takes up inventory space)
- Is not actually endless and will revert you back to your regular model after a while
- Can't jump (don't even need an animation for this, just being able to mechanically jump would make it hugely more versatile)

However, on the bright side:
- It can swim and even has paddle animations for doing so
- /dance causes the crab to become very seductive; not sure what I'll do with this power, but glad to have it

Given the effort one must put in to gather the things needed to make these tonics, I hope ArenaNet can give them another pass and add the improved functionality they deserve. Until then, I shell endure. 🦀

In the meantime, has anyone tested the other tonics? Do they also have weird limitations similar to this one that should be corrected?

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I love the idea of difficult instanced content, and would love to see more 50 player squad instanced content. I am suggesting a feature which could be helpful in organizing players for many areas of the game.


Squad Management Tab or Feature - The idea is to allow a squad commander or lieutenants to have better insight into what roles, boons, dps type, or healing power each member of the squad brings. The feature could calculate by characters build/ stats which roles they provide automatically, so say a Firebrand Guardian joins and is running heal firebrand build in the feature icons for quickness, might, protection, healing, resolution, ect.. would be lit up. Then if a pure condition dps with no concentration joins condition damage, protection, ect.. would be lit up.


I think allowing this level of visualization of you squads would be helpful and I don't feel the feature needs to be overly complex. There are sites using gw2 skill data, and API that calculate builds already, but I do see this as possible to large of technical debt for Anet to consider implementing in game. I just want to suggest it as it would help close some skill gap between experienced commanders & new commanders who are still learning what each elite spec can bring.


Mod Note: I didn't see an area on the forum to post suggestion's so if this is out of place please move.

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With EoD fishing also came to the guildhalls. Using a skiff for a better fishing experience seems like a good idea. It works in the Gilded Hollow, Lost Precipice and obviously Isle of Reflection. Windswept Haven however, has no useful water in it. Most of the fishing-circles are located in the south-western area of the guildhall, but the water there is not deep enough.

After searching and searching, I finally found one tiny little spot with is actually deep enough to swim. https://ibb.co/xCRp8VJ 
It is possible to summon a skiff there, but leaving this thimbleful in any direction leads to the skiff getting stuck to the ground.

As far as I have noticed, the water-level of the guildhalls appears to be the void-level of the map. I'm sorry asking this question, but this seems to be the imo 'easiest' solution:

Please either lift the void OR lower the entire guildhall by a few inches, so the the skiff can be used.

I'm aware that this request has almost 0 % chance of being granted, but it was worth a try. If nothing else, it may at least make some people laugh.

Thanks for reading.  

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Inside of the Isle of Reflection Guild Hall, there seems to be many areas of Land, Sea, and Air that are impossible to reach. And all within the borders of the Map Instance area. For instance, there are a few landmasses with wide open, green land..and even tree or two that are invisibly walled off. There are areas of water well within the map area, that make no sense of the boundary that is several thousand range away. There's cliffs, caves, and summits that cannot be touched by any means.. even though they are absolutely low enough, have flat footing, and in some ways would make fun little jump puzzle additions.

Can we possibly have these series of limitations found on this map changed with a few solutions? For one, this drastically inhibits players that thrive at Decorating the Guilds with their creativity! There is a huge amount of space made available of the guild maps that allow for near limitless creation potential using the full range of the borders, such as: Race tracks, Jump Puzzles, Decorative Art, Theme creation, Secret Huts/Hideouts, and more!
My suggestion is to allow much more access to the areas of the Isle of Reflection map, including some or all of: Landmass, Caves, Open Water, Inside Buildings, Sky/Base level...with a similar matching to other halls, such as Windswept Haven & Gilded Hollow.

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Any chance when a person is waiting for the meta events (or dungeons) an  extra star shaped icon-(way point) will be shown in the world map? Rather than checking the mess that is the LFG? 


Or an option where you can enable/disable an extra icon next to the Gem Store icon. 

Where you can choose to have notifications about meta events (or dungeons), just like the Event notification devices? 


And a chance for a EoD currency if you rdy check - sound the Gondor Horn to rally the troops  and reduce the waiting time by 10 min,

Or start a casual event by summoning a groups of mobs to gain random  loot(or gain mythical anti Boss spell)   while you wait for the Meta - Dungeon Boss to spawn and then teleported to the start of the instance ?

(in secretly you start the event/overworld - unknowly become the leader )

Edited by Woof.8246
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